You + Me & Some Rope [POEM]

You already know of the ways I would worship your body,

But what if I turned things a little darker for a bit,

I’ll tell you of a little scenario that would please my little darkened heart,

It involves just you and I and some rope and a blindfold,

Plus some un quenched lust for the darkness of our desires.

How far would you go for your Sir?

For He is a demanding Gentleman.

This is why I want you, of all women in the world.

Also because I know you like to please just as I like to play with you.

First and foremost,

You shall be My Kitty and you can address me as Sir.

Then I want you to extend your arms on this bed, stretch your legs while you are there.

Then allow me to tie you down limb and waist.

Oh how it would please me to see your naked and creamy body, vulnerable and ready!

Your hair loosened and spread throughout,

This is a sweet depiction of feminine submission, ready to fulfill my desires.

As you lay, I will contemplate all the ways I can use you.

You may already know what I would want to do first.

To soak in this moment would be a start.

I’d just stare at you, touch you gently with my fingers,

Already this would delight me immensely.

Then I’d place my head close to the bed, still observing you.

I’d observe you in these angles where nobody else has seen you before.

All the while, you’d keep still, with only the movement of your breathing.

Perhaps this would be a good instance to plant several kisses all over your body?

Every part of you, your shoulders, nipples, navel, down to your thighs, legs and toes.

Let’s not forget those gentle kisses on your neck and ears!

I’ll plant them softly, slowly, wrapping my lips onto your skin

Feel my breath as I do this.

Would you guess as to where I will worship next?

Even better, do you know how badly I yearn to worship your feet?

These perfect, slender and long toes shall be mine for the taking.

It will be likely that it will be the best adoration you’ve ever had.

Listen as I move underneath you

I take my caressing touches down to your soles

Let me feel this offering you will give to me

So I can give you my best in return

More soft devouring kisses onto the tips of your toes

Before I move to your arches and your heels

My breath becomes more intense

As well as my hunger for this moment

The moisture from the wet kisses becomes apparent

Onto the surface of your skin

So I desire nothing else right now

But to apply my tongue where I had planted these kisses

Feel the moisture again

And listen to the trickles from these licks

Of my tongue flowing across your skin

I don’t think humanity has created the words

To say how delighted I am right now

In the presence of my sweet and beautiful Kitty

Her feet together, and her toes ready

So that I may suckle on them in desperation

I think of every moment in my life

Which has accumulated to this one

Can there be any other man as fortunate?

Or is there a better way to be as satisfied

As I am right now?

Feel me as my lips wrap around your toes

Ironic how these words will be of no use

Since I won’t mutter a single one

My lips will be busy

And so will my mind

My focus is drawn to these toes

I suckle and lick with my mouth closed

From your big toe to your tiny one

Let me move to each one

Express my want for each toe

I suckle and slurp

Don’t mind the saliva dripping down

But do enjoy it as it falls

While I do my thing

Keep in mind that I will do so with my eyes closed

And when I open them

I will observe the detail of your toe prints

Your uniqueness which is mine for this hour

Even the tiny things I shall enjoy

But will you take this in?

Will you have satisfaction of your own

As I move from one foot to another

And continue my adoration?

Before I carry onto my next delight

I rub my cheek along the tenderness of your arches

Take I the stubble while I caress you slowly

I leave my mark here, before I move on

Then without any rest, I’d move back up and kiss your delicious pussy.

No quick approach, yet I’m sure you know how your Master would do this as well.

Slow touches, firm ass squeezes, soft kisses, attentive motions, and plenty of tasting.

I may not be satisfied until I taste the fruit of your nectar along my lips,

And soaked in my tongue.

The night is far from over though.

This is when I loosen up the ropes from the sofa,

So I may bind the ropes with your arms behind your back.

Loosen your legs from the bed while we are at it, so I shall bind your ankles together.

Have I mentioned how I would enjoy your frame?

Just so I may easily carry you on the edge of that bed.

You still can’t see me with your blindfold on,

That’s fine, trust in your Sir

Depend on me and not in your eyes.

My Precious Kitty has become my toy,

Naked and vulnerable still

Now laying tummy first with your round bum lifted up.

This is when I spank you to my liking.

Rub and clutch first, then a nice firm slap!

“How do you like this, Kitty?”

“I love this very much, Sir!”

Feel how enthusiastic I become by how I feel you.

And by how hard I grip you.

Let this be a way to show how much I want you!

After a few rubs and kisses, we carry on into our session.

This shall be when I introduce you to a new position on this bed.

You will not be sitting on it but kneeling on it and facing me.

“Open wide, my Kitty!”

“Yes Sir.”

Take a wild guess as to what we are about to do!

Open your lips as I thrust my hard and throbbing cock inside.

Oh how sweet it feels to have the moisture of your mouth wrap around me.

Kiss me as you suckle like your life depends on it.

So in that same way I shall thrust.

Not for to satisfy my arousal, but for this pleasure of having you

Because I want you more than anything on Earth.

Suckle on me some more, kiss me again, and wrap that sexy and wet tongue, stimulate me.

This shall go on until before my climax is met,

I’d like to release at the right time.

So I retract and re-position you again.

Facing away with your pussy and legs hanging out.

I don’t think any other position would express how much you belong to me.

More delight for your Sir!

So this I ask

“How far would you go for your Master?”

“As far as what will please you my Sir.”

Even the sexiest Kitty has her toys, So we shall bring our own for you to play with.

Since you are still bound and blinded, So I shall engage them with you.

This plastic dick inserted inside you, slowly and with intention.

The freedom to observe you and have a feel for your pleasure can bring me to my own.

You won’t know it, but the smile on my face will definitely be there.

Before long, then I perform my next desire.

To replace that artificial cock with my own.

Stand I will, then thrust I shall.

Always beginning slowly, then progressing into rhythmic movement.

Faster, then harder.

If we weren’t sweating, then then we definitely shall be now.

Your moan will entertain me as much as the feeling of your soft underside against my crotch.

Can you feel how tight I grip your hips while I do this?

“Fuck me! Fuck me harder, harder!”

With every ounce of energy I have, then you shall want more, so I shall provide as much as you will please.

In the surreal sensation of providing pleasure as you receive it,

Then we shall enter our climax together.

We both cry out with the intensity of our pleasure.

Even more intense as the red marks along your body.

In this we retreat from our position and loosen up.

Nothing else will please me more than what will come next.

Let me unbind you, let me carry you,

Let me hold you close so you can lay with me.

Place your hands on my chest and your head on the back of your palms.

In the moisture of our activity, so we shall rest.

We would be too tired to carry on.

Before we drift off again, I would delight in letting you know,

“You are always very pleasing to me, my Kitty!”

“As you to me, my Sir.”
