Trying to make my gf cum while she is on the phone[MF]

My gf and I have an open relationship and with Covid we have had to adapt while trying to stay safe. Although this escalated in Covid lockdown this practice actually started as a silly thing we do when we have sex sometimes.

One silly thing that we like to do is when we are having sex try and carry on a conversation and sound normal. I don’t know if it’s a kink or just something we both enjoy. But I will absolutely be giving her everything I have while just talking about mundane things.

This lead to us fucking while she made normal every day calls. It’s too the point where if I know she has to take a call I start to get excited. So far if anyone has been wise to what we were doing they haven’t said.

She has let a few moans slip out, our only rule is no making loud noises on purpose and no vibrators. Does anyone else do anything similar?
