Off to the Lake House with Sofie | Part 3 | [MF] [INC]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3]( (You’re here.)

“Yep, that’s termites alright.”

The owner stood with his hands on his hips, looking at the picture of the wall on Sofie’s phone.

“Damn. Normally this wouldn’t be a huge deal but given the structural weakness we found in the other infested cabin next to yours, I don’t feel safe leaving you two in there.”

We agreed. Moreso from the ick-factor than engineering concerns. The owner looked at his computer screen.

“I’ll see what else we have. We’re pretty booked right now, but I’ve known your dad for what, over ten years now?” He laughed. “I’ll find a place for you two, don’t worry.”

We nervously waited in silence. Sofie looked up at me with her big eyes, her petite hands were in her lap; she looked adorable.

“There is the mansion on Pinehill.” He scoffed. “But that’s generally left open for … well, let’s just say it’s an 8-bedroom. 6000 square feet.”

I laughed. Sofie joked that she’d get scared in such a big and empty house at night.

“You know what, I have a single bedroom not far from where you normally stay, someone’s in there but they’re checking out by noon. I can go in and clean it while you two pack your stuff.”

I glanced at Sofie, she already started to speak up.

“That’s perfect!”

He looked up at her from his computer. I nodded my head.

“Well, I’ve got a few sleeping bags somewhere if you’d like one. I’m sorry this is all we had available.”

I started to agree but was cut off by Sofie.

“No that’s fine, I’m not gonna make him sleep on the floor!”

The owner smiled and handed us the keys.

We returned to our lake house and quickly packed up; it wasn’t much work since I had just tossed all my clothes in a pile on the ground. Sofie and I locked the door, dropped the keys off, and picked up some groceries before visiting our new cabin. While close by, this house was in a much less visited part of the camping grounds, and we didn’t see any nearby cars, except for the owner who met us there and let us in.

“Wow, it’s so … rustic.”

The building was less a cabin and more an enclosed room in the woods. There was a single bed, a TV with some videotapes, a small, connected kitchen, and a door to the bathroom. That’s it.

“Bro, stop. This is perfect! It’s so comfy, it’s like something from a movie!”

It wasn’t clear what kind of movie Sofie was referring to. The Revenant?

“You two let me know if you need anything. I will be out of town the next few days, but you can reach me from the café, they have my number.”

“No termites in this one, right?”, Sofie asked.

“No chance, this has been booked non-stop the last month or so, and the only houses with bug problems were the ones around your place. This is a great lodge, an old one too, very sturdy, safe, you’ve got nothing to worry about. And I’ll let your parents know I moved you here.”

We thanked him and he went on his way.

I plopped the luggage on the floor while Sofie looked in some drawers and poured some water.

“Wow, such an eventful morning. So, what do you want to do all day?”, Sofie asked.

“I wouldn’t mind walking around the area. Otherwise just relaxing.”

“Hmm. Sounds boring. What do you think of this?”

Sofie pulled a pipe out of her bag. I laughed.

“Weed? What are we in highschool again?”

“Oh, come on!”, she pleaded.

“Ah you got me, I’ll take some.”

Sofie grinned and mouthed “Yes!” while pumping her fist.

We settled down on the bed, sharing the pipe, and put some terrible B-movie on the TV.

“What the fuck is ‘Urban Sasquatch’?”, Sofia asked through sudden cackling.

“Some shitty movie they had on DVD.”

Shifting into progressively stranger mindsets as we puffed away, our jovial chatter molted into long periods of total silence and intense concentration on the nonsense playing on the screen, punctuated by unprecedented fits of laughter bordering on hyperventilation.

“He’s wearing shoes.”, Sofie muttered, pink-stained eyes fixed on the 90’s television.


“The Sasquatch, the actor forgot to take his shoes off. He’s wearing shoes over the costume.”

A microsecond of breathless silence passed as my eyes moved down the screen, before we burst into laughter, flailing against each other on the shared bed. As the commotion died down, I found myself lying on my back, while Sofie was slightly in front of me, lying on her stomach: both facing the TV. Her hands were folded under her head, and her legs gently kicked aimlessly. The sundress she wore now barely covered her ass, which was accentuated by her prone position. If her thighs weren’t so plump, I’d be able to look right down at her underwear.

Sofie started to raise herself bum first, moving into a doggystyle pose, stretching for a moment, and looking back at me, straight in the eyes. From my peripheral vision, I could tell her butt was almost entirely visible, but I didn’t dare look.

“What’s up?”, I shakily asked.

“Let’s do something else.”, she said in a sultry voice.

“Sure, like what?”

I could feel my heartbeat. The weed made both my increasing arousal and the beating in my chest more pronounced, more delectable, but more dangerous.

“Like a game!”, Sofie crawled around to face me.

“I didn’t see any board games here; we could do like a mental game. Did you know you can test your verbal IQ by listing as many words you can think of that start with, say, an ‘S’ in three minutes? Or any letter would work probably.”

When men are afraid, they often make desperate attempts to change the subject as fast as possible, as if to say, “Nothing is wrong, look how I can make normal conversation even right now.”

“How about truth or dare?”

My eyes glazed over as I agreed, nervously licking my lips. Sofie giggled.

“I know what you’re thinking but just a chill game, we can learn about what freaky things we did last semester!”

“For sure, let’s do that!”, I said with a little too much bravado, trying to hype myself up.

Sofie convinced me it would be fun to drink beer between our turns, so I got two bottles from our yet to be put away pile of groceries.

“Ladies first.”

“First to ask the question or first to be asked?”

My scrambled mind attempted to piece together this seemingly impossible query. After a few moments, I told Sofie to ask me for a truth.

“Hmm … did you get any B’s last semester?”

“Well, yeah? What did you get all A’s again?”

“For your information I did, also that counts as your turn, so I get another question.”

This girl was running circles around me. Was I the only one smoking? I opted for ‘Truth’ again.

“Is there … umm … a special girl at school?”

Sofie blushed at her own question. I cleared my throat.

“I – uh … no.”

We rapidly moved on. Sofie said ‘Truth’, daintily swigging some beer. I noticed how the bottle didn’t seem to fit her, like she should be holding some expensive china in her little hands.

“Do you, uh. Hmm … same for you.”

“What?”, she looked like she wanted to help me.

“Same question.” I murmured, “do you, uh, have a boyfriend?”

“No!”, she exclaimed, “I don’t even really like boys. And that doesn’t mean I have a girlfriend either!”

Sofie had told me before about her short-lived relationships with guys in highschool. Dates gone bad, awkward proms, trouble finding someone real. She thought she just wasn’t meant for romantic love, that it was for other people, but not her: not in a resentful way, but in wistful, maybe even noble, resignation. Young people easily forget how young they are, how many more lives they’ll live. I toyed with the now soppy paper label on my beer and chose ‘Truth’.

“Do you think I’m weird and ugly?”

I involuntarily furled my brow, startled and not knowing what to say.


With a little more energy and determination, she repeated it: “Do you think I’m gross!”

“Of course not Sofie, why would you think that?”

“I don’t know! I’m just asking! My turn, dare.”, she had the expressionless tension of someone well-versed at holding back tears. With the weed lubricating our conversation, and knowing each other well enough to know where this came from, we were instantly teleported to a dark place.

“Well hold on, I’m not gonna let you do that. Sofie … look.” For a second, my mind was totally blank. Kindness isn’t just a trait you have. People aren’t just kind or unkind. Kindness takes genius. To see someone, to know their pain, and to try to help is almost impossible, often the best you can do is just listen to them. Afterall, what do you know? What could you know about their inner mind, even of those closest to you?

“I’m sorry dude its just the weed, I got too high”, she let out a fake laugh.

“Did you know when I was younger, I was really chubby? I played video games all the time and thought everyone saw me as a fat looser basically.”, I said calmly. Sofie’s eyes softened for a moment as she looked at me.

“You’re so, like, fit now. I never would have guessed.”

“I was terrified and disgusted by my body and my habits, even after I finished puberty and slimmed down. I could never open up to people. Early in college I got obsessed with exercise, and only after gaining like 30 pounds of muscle had any confidence about my physical presence in a room, not involuntarily hiding my skin. I still hate wearing tank-tops, or being shirtless. People think I’m attractive now, I know that objectively, but I’ll always be self-conscious. Girls would flirt with me, but I could never act. I’m still basically a virgin, I get so nervous with a girl my dick doesn’t work. Sorry, I’m just ranting now. My point was, I know what you’re thinking. We’ve both been there. You have to realize that you are who you are, you’ll never be anyone else. Some girls get more boys, some girls have a thinner waist, but if you were them you wouldn’t exist, you’d be dead. That doesn’t mean you can’t change, I decided to change, but at the end of that change you’ll just realize you were perfect before you started, like you need to acquire the thing before you realize you don’t need it. Society has fucked up standards, the fact that boys with fucked up heads are toxic to you isn’t a reflection on your own worth. You have yourself, your internal beauty and stuff, your friends at school, you’re barely 20, you have so much time, don’t let it get you down.”

I trailed off, almost out of breath, feeling unsure at the end of an emotional dump, having said things I’d never spoken out loud. I felt stupid. I looked up at Sofie, kneeling, one hand on the ground, the other a fist pressed against her strained, tear-soaked face. Without looking up, she leaped forward and threw her arms around me, her face sniffing, pressed into my neck.

“You okay Sofie?”

“You are literally the most perfect person. Thank you so much.”

My heart felt a strange warmth. We chatted for a bit, expounding on our feelings. We laughed at how high we accidentally got and laughed even more when we remembered ‘Urban Sasquatch’ was paused on the screen next to us.

“I think it was my turn to ask a question,” Sofie giggled, “have you masturbated since we got here?”

A question that would normally spike my adrenaline instead was a welcome dose of lighthearted humor amidst the heavy topics.

“What? Its our first day here? Do you seriously think I have already?”

“I don’t know, that’s why I asked.”, she winked.

“Fine, yea I did.”

Sofie squealed mid-swig from her beer, before slamming it down and chuckling.

“Wow, impressive. And you tell me you have problems getting it hard? Pfft.”

“Hey, that’s private!”, I accused, before cracking a smile. Sofia brushed some hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“Okay, my turn” I said nervously, with alluring thoughts of what to ask her next, “Truth or dare?”

Sofie said dare. I chugged the rest of my beer.

“I dare you to show me your boobs.”

“What! Oh my god.”, Sofie doubled over laughing.

“I’m just kidding, obviously, I dare you to finish your beer.”


“What? So, I win.”

“No, you don’t get two dares. The first one was your real dare.”

My heart was racing, unimpeded by the mixture of depressants swirling in my synapses.

“Sofie I was joking.”

“Were you?”, she grinned salaciously at me.

“I-“, I dug myself into this hole, and didn’t know how to get out.

Sofie made a sarcastic pouting face.

“I won’t do your dare, but! But I will go halfway.”

“What do you mean?”, I stammered out. I was a bubbling cauldron of anxiety, arousal, and hesitancy.

“This is embarrassing. Well, I brought a lingerie bra with me. I’ll put that on for you.”

Trying to speak less directly about what we were doing, I shifted the topic.

“Why’d you bring that?”, I laughed, genuinely curious.

“Well, I like to wear it sometimes under my tops, because its really comfortable and light. I also wear it to bed, like I did last night, actually. I don’t know I just feel confident in it. Don’t make fun of me!”

“Sofie I totally get it, no mockery here.” Heat and pressure mounted my groin as imagery of Sofie putting on a lacy bra after her shower filled my mind.

“Well-“, she said conclusively, before hopping up, swirling around and strutting towards the luggage. The quick movement fluttered and lifted her little dress, showing her milky thighs as they carried her to the corner of the room. I began an attempt to make some small talk, before being cut off by Sofie screaming.

“What is it!”

“Bugs!”, she cried, before leaping away onto the bed.

I bolted over to see Sofie’s open luggage, infested with crawling creatures.

“Oh Jesus Christ!”, I shouted, and slammed shut the luggage.

“Bring it outside!”, she squealed.

I quickly pulled the bag to its quarantine out the front door, before running back in and scanning the proximate area for any runaways. Luckily it appeared clear.

“What the hell was that?”, I asked breathlessly.

“They were termites…”, Sofie cried, half sobbing into her balled up hands, “they must have gotten in last night and I didn’t notice.”

My stomach lurched as I bolted over to my luggage, carried it outside and unzipped it. I felt a split second of relief as I saw nothing, before picking up a shirt and seeing winged termites fall from it. I batted them away and jumped back, disgusted.

“What a fucking disaster!”, I whined.

“You know I can’t wear any of that!”, Sofie shouted, before going wide-eyed and sprinting to the bathroom. I meekly followed her, coming to terms with what had happened. She left the bathroom in a towel, the sundress she was wearing in an outstretched hand, shoving it at me.

“Throw this outside too!”

“Sofie, I don’t see anything on it. And its so pretty, it might get soiled outside.”

“I do not care. I got that dress for thirty dollars at fucking Zara. It was packed with those clothes for hours, just like what you’re wearing was. Throw it outside. Please. Sorry! I just can’t.”

I quickly ridded her of the dress, before undressing to my underwear and tossing my clothes outside. Sofie, staring at the ground, went and got me a towel too.

“This is … absurd. I have never seen so many bugs.”, Sofie sighed.

“We can take them to a neighbor tomorrow morning maybe, get them washed.”

“Dude. I am never wearing any of that again, and I won’t let you either. Do you think I brought anything expensive to our little wilderness expedition? All of that was expendable stuff meant to get dirty.”

I sighed, knowing she was right. In all honesty, I barely brought more than a few shirts anyways, I planned to just re-wear stuff.

Resigned to our fates, Sofie and I looked through the rest of our small bags and accessories brought along. We found our dirty laundry from yesterday, a pair of underwear for me, and Sofie’s biker shorts.

“Well at least we know the bugs didn’t get in these.”, I said.


“Well, the bugs got in our luggage in the last cabin, probably overnight. That means whatever clothes we were wore to sleep, or any clothes sealed separately weren’t infested.

“So, you have two pairs of boxers, and I have some biker shorts. Oh, and my jewelry!”, she added sardonically.

“I’m really sorry Sofie.”

“It’s okay, you got just as screwed.”

We shuffled silently for a moment, looking over our situation, feeling phantom critters crawl over our bodies. Sofie paced over in her towel and picked up an unopened beer.

“Screw this.”, she said, popping the cap and downing almost half the bottle.

I picked up a bottle too.

“Cheers, to us salvaging this nuclear disaster of a trip!”, I said bravely.


We shared tired laughs and clinked glasses, smothering ourselves in what little alcohol we had bought.

“Well,” Sofie sighed, “I feel gross. I’m gonna shower.”

“Same. I will after you.”

After hours of gradual arousal, everything came to a screeching halt. Now, I only felt bad for Sofie, wanted her to get cleaned up, and get some rest after a long day. As she closed the bathroom door, I felt only the most distant tickle of lust. I sat, sipping and smoking, before a damp Sofie emerged. I nodded and showered myself. I came out to her sipping and smoking. We muttered to each other for a bit, mourning our vacation, and watched some of the movie without really watching it.

“I never finished my dare.”, Sofie said plainly.

I looked at her suspiciously, but there she sat, staring at me with a faint grin.

“I mean, we were just joking around, and we got pretty high, so-”

“I get to dare you now too.”, she said, her grin growing every second. I felt energy surge back into me. I realized she had total control over me, at the drop of a hat she could have me on my knees for her.

“Well. Hmm, it’s only fair.”, I muttered.

“I dare you to take off your underwear and drop your towel.”

I involuntarily coughed on my own spit, as a bomb went off in my head.

“I-”, I trailed off, pleading with my eyes to Sofie who stared at me like a jaguar watching its prey. She stared me in the eyes, her face glowing with excitement and weightless fun. She leaped off the bed, standing tall with her hands on her shoulders.

“Oh … so you get to ask to see my little boobies but are too afraid to take out your cock for me?”, she teased, beseeching me with an ironic frown and big, fluttering eyes.

Noticing my nervous hesitancy, her face shifted.

“Oh, it’s not such a big deal! Anyways your already half naked in that towel, its just your bottom half that’s covered. Look we have twenty days here, are you really going to just wear that silly towel everywhere? We are in nature! Let’s live naturally! It doesn’t have to be anything weird.”, she pleaded thoughtfully.

“I guess …”, I murmured.

“Come on, you’ll feel so liberated! We can do it together, at the same time, drop our towels! I can count down.”

“What if … someone comes here? Or sees us through the window?”, I exclaimed, terrified.

“Oh, you know there’s no one within a mile of us. And so what if they see two naked hot people, lucky day for them!”, she smiled, eyes scanning my chest and covered groin.

My genitals, chest, stomach, and throat churned with nervous heat, bewildering excitement and depths of arousal I had never experienced before. Just her speaking this way made my spine crawl, the tender tissue in my genitals pulsed with unprecedented power and energy, like they would explode at any second. The world turned into a frozen expanse of fear and erotic power, every few instants shattered again and again by the consciousness-tearing intensity of my heartbeat, which felt like it emanated from hundred-pound headphones straight into my face and brain. I felt dizzy, and on the verge of orgasm.

“Ready?” Sofie asked, her soft voice shaky. I nodded.

“On go.” She began counting down.





Reality warped into slow motion. I pulled loose the top lip of the towel, unsheathing all my flesh that lay comfortably clothed and pressed against reassuring cotton fibers. It sloughed off like a thick skin, freeing the sensations of pressure and warmth hiding within, but I hesitated, one hand darted down and caught the fabric before it cleared my groin. My eyes were fixed on Sofie. At the same time, she had loosened a little the twisted lip of the towel suspending it over her breasts, but it did not move. Instead, she raised her arms above and behind her head. Her eyes pierced mine. One winked. She began gently bouncing up and down on her heels, the knotted lip shifting and loosening each bounce. I let go of the fabric. It skidded down, but something at my groin prevented it from falling. The tightness of my genitals was now suspending the towel. All at once, it slipped, as Sofie’s slipped. My cock fired upwards, drooling precum onto my feet. Sofie’s stood before me nude like a goddess arriving on earth to pleasure mortal men. A moment of confusion washed over me. I gazed at her now jiggling breasts, shook by her bouncing and recoiling from releasing the weight of the fabric. They wobbled defiantly, set in motion by Sofie’s subtle but intentional movement, but they were covered in something, in lace? She was wearing her lingerie bra, netted cloth and frills sheathed her bust. Strapless, it circled around her chest, hinting and teasing and the bountiful, creamy bosom beneath. My penis, standing at full attention for Sofie, involuntarily and rapidly twitched, spurting precum, doing a remarkable impression of an orgasm. My gaze dropped past her ribs, soft and toned tummy, to her beautiful wide hips, hiding behind them a wide and juicy ass, and further more to her thick, squishy-looking thighs, nestled between them a tiny, blossoming pink ridge hiding under her pelvis; and further still down to my own body, where I saw my penis shaking and leaking with desire, its girth and length surprising even me, as it extended supported only by its own red-hot tightness far beyond my groin.

“Well, you sure look excited.”, Sofie remarked, her shaky voice tinging my insides. She was blushing, now holding her face with one hand, looking up through a downturned face at my exposed body, likely feeling just as afraid and alive as I, and moving the other to cover her vagina.

“I … you cheated!”, I quipped. I felt ridiculous making a joke while standing full erect in front of Sofie. But we had agreed to get naked for each other.

She giggled innocently, and I couldn’t help but go along with whatever plan she had.

“Its just … “, she began with a meek, girly inflection, “Well first of all, the dare was to show you my lingerie, so here it is!” She took once hand flat under her breast, shifted it up, then plopped it down, it wobbling like some kind of beautiful fruit. “Plus, this was your idea in the first place, so I had to make sure you weren’t lying.”

I made a point of spreading out my arms, palms out. I tried to ignore the meteoric pressure surging from my prostate through my testicals, focused out through the tip of my penis.

Her eyes fluttered and she looked like she was about to stumble as she assessed my manhood.

“And also”, she continued, her blushing cheeks and neck turning strawberry pink, “since we probably won’t be letting everything hang out at all times, and might want to cover ourselves, with my boobs already covered I can do this, like you can.”

She put both hands over her groin to cover an already sneaky and reclusive little pussy. In doing so, her two lace-covered breasts squeezed against each other and her arms. My dick bounced involuntarily, and my balls had managed to fully retract back into my groin, begging to spurt out their sperm for the lady before me.

“But without the bra, I’d have to do this.” She demonstrated by lifting one arm up and pressed it against her tits, squeezing them against herself probably more than necessary. “But then if I had to turn around like this – ”, she twirled around, stopping herself with one foot, sending a wave through her now exposed ass. It stared back at me like a marble statue set in motion. Her wide hips and plump ass promised warm, tender love to my genitals, which were now strained to their limit, I had to look away, fearing I would ejaculate on the ground in front of her; my own seed shot on the lifeless ground like a sacrificial tribute to her youthful feminine power, just paces away, teasing my untouched genitals with a body models would pray for, a body men would have gone to war over in other ages, died for, sent their sons to die for. And she hadn’t the slightest clue. “Then I wouldn’t have any hands left!” She swirled back to face me. Knowing she was looking me over again made me shudder, I could feel my prostate tighten and pulse like a squeezed bicep. “But now I realize you might need more hands to cover yourself too.” She trailed off, I literally could not look at her, I stared into the floor. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I’m just getting used to this. I promise this will go away.”, I gestured to what I was obviously talking about, the giant cock involuntarily bouncing up and down like a puppy asking for treats. I made an effect to cover it up by slightly shifting my body and positioning my hands between it and her, though without touching it, fearing imminent orgasm.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s natural. We were forced by the circumstances to be naked, which to your lizard brain means fuck and cum time.”

I giggled at her phrasing, as did she.

“Fuck and cum time…” I repeated, allowing a knowing smile.

“Ha, yeah! Fuck and cum time!”, as she sarcastically squealed the words out as if through an orgasm, she overdramatically squeezed her tits, rolled back her eyes, and opened her mouth, bouncing up and down as if on a dick.

I had to shoot my eyes down and think of war and famine so I wouldn’t shoot semen all over myself.

She bit her lip. “Oh sorry. Anyways I just mean I know … well, I don’t think your reaction is weird. Its no big deal, ya know? You get a hard-on, big whoop. You get one every morning probably.”

We had a more lighthearted laugh.

“Maybe we could smoke some more, turn that terrible movie back on?”, I desperately asked, trying to get myself out of this.

“Oh! Great idea!” She pirouetted around and strutted to the bed, and plopped herself down, setting the soft, feminine curves around her body in motion. She was a walking, talking threat of a no-hands orgasm at any second.

She took the pipe tapped the ash into a trashcan, before reloading it. She grabbed a lighter and took a puff, before offering it to me. When she was standing before me, separated by some distance borne from our hesitation and uncertainty, she could be appreciated as some distant object of perfection. Now, sitting with her, her mostly naked beauty took on a different, intimate character. She’d make a small movement, and I’d glance over expecting normal, clothed Sofie, maybe in a blouse or dress, instead my eyes feasted on cream-white breasts, hips, and ass cheeks, a toned and soft stomach, a bare collar and elegant neck, dainty shoulders as if from a painting, soft, rosy feet, and a beautiful face that I was used to, but now looked at me with challenging, seeking eyes. A face of a woman. A strong, soft, beautiful, goofy woman. A woman with breasts to feed a child. A woman with a vagina, tucked away and still mysterious to me. What kind of ungodly, soothing, soft embrace waits there? My mind strained against itself, against my body. I reached out, accepted the pipe, and smoked.

A few puffs, a few exchanges of the pipe later, we sat on the bed together, but as far apart as possible. We both sat awkwardly cross-legged. Every few moments we’d glance at each other. I felt ridiculous; my prostate pressed against the firm bed, and from my crotch between my crossed legs my cock rose unnecessarily far with stupid might, almost to my chest in my slumped posture. Precum was streaming from the apple-red tip like a small brook.

“If you … if you need to use the bathroom, I wouldn’t hold it against you.” Sofie added, thoughtfully.

Not trying to acknowledge the situation, I nodded, but sat for a few minutes longer, then stood up as if from my own accord, walked stiffly into the bathroom, closed the door, stepped into the shower, put one hand down to grip my penis, and immediately began ejaculating across the still wet shower wall. One pulse, and some cum spurted out; another pulse above my anus, more shot out, to the left and right; another pulse, a dribble and then more fountained out as my hand shifted up. This continued for some time, actually becoming uncomfortable in how little control I had, and how unfamiliar I was with this variety of orgasm. My mind was crushed, squeezed, warped, and spat out as my messy climax painted the shower walls with ejaculate. I felt like a human-hose, gathering my anxiety and arousal, and transmuting it into some milky-white substance, then shunting it out of my body like an oil pump, over and over, more semen, more little sperm, off to impregnate nothing, splattered against the wall, where it would either be washed down the drain or sit inconspicuously until Sofie would come use the shower next, cleaning her soapy and glistening body inches from millions of dead sperm ejected with the purpose of penetrating her.

I reared my head back, stumbling, spurting more cum across the side wall and my stomach as I reached for support. The orgasm was like my head exploding over and over without stop, lightning short circuiting my limbs, billions of nerves and muscle cells straining with euphoria and release. I steadied my breathing. I hadn’t made too much noise. I wiped up the cum I could find and flushed the toilet. Now my cock was spent, soft and flaccid, but still plump and filled with blood. Normally, I’m proud of my penis in this state: despite being soft it retains most of its erect length and girth for a short time, making it look like I have an eight-inch penis soft, and I always savor that moment. But now, it was somehow more embarrassing than being erect, poised to ejaculate on my stepsister. I had surrendered to my own desires, ran off to blow a load in the bathroom while a perfect, virtuous angel sat quietly on the bed. Now I had to walk past her, my spent genitals dangling shamefully before her.

I was about to open the slightly ajar door when I heard Sofie on the other side. I peered through and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, with her hand in her crotch. Her entire back was shuddering and vibrating as if she was a purring cat, and she was moving her head up and down. Suddenly, her back extended and she shot down onto the bed, her breasts wobbling, now balanced on her up-turned chest. Her hand was snuggled between her two squishy thighs, and I could make out the slightest movement in the tendons of her forearm. She was moaning faintly, then suddenly made a deep moan, a deeper sound than I’d ever hear her make, then a high-pitched squeal she stopped by slamming her free hand into her mouth, smothering herself. She rolled and twitched like a possessed person, her eyes shut tightly, then pried open, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, her true sight was lost in a galaxy of pleasure and crushing, sharp bliss. The erotic energy that washed faster and faster, back and forth, up and down her body reached some event horizon, where it could not accelerate further, and lacking escape, exploded into a new dimension wherein Sofie lost all contact with the world for some time. Only gently returning to the traditional world of height and width and time and space some few minutes later. Watching this silently, amazed, confused, I returned deeper to the bathroom after she became lucid, hiding myself, and assessing my once again fully erect genitals. Having nothing else to do, I made some noise to alert her to my presence, before opening the door and joining her. In the intermittent time, she had gotten under the covers of the bed, and smiled plainly at me.

I peeled open my side of the covers, giving her lots of space, and climbed in while trying to not make a big deal about the return of my erection. We lay on our backs, in parallel, silently watching the TV. Sofie gestured that she was sleepy, and I agreed. We made some irrelevant small talk about our plans for tomorrow, before turning the lights off, and attempted to navigate our scrambled minds to sleep.



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