I [m]ay have fingered a [f]risky older woman the first time with met. In a booth at Panera bread.

We met online. She was an early-forties professional and I was an early-thirties wannabe. Our banter turned quickly into a coffee date, but I had some work things come up and couldn’t meet until later on the evening we had planned.

By the time 10pm rolled around she was still interested in meeting and I was tired but intrigued…

“Coffee still?”

“Sure why not”

“I think the only place still open is Panera..”

“That works”

I showed up first and found a table by the window so I could watch her walk in. She pulled up, hopped out, and was prettier than I had imagined. She was wearing tight jeans, a short flowy shirt that hinted at a cute bellybutton, and white converse chucks. Not at all what I was expecting, in the best way. She practically skipped into Panera with a big smile on her face, and I immediately found myself getting hard. And wet.

I got up, gave her a big hug, and we grabbed a small coffee to share. After chatting for 30 minutes or so we both had big smiles on our faces, were super into each other, and turned on.

“What now?” She asked.

I didn’t want to leave, so I said, “well, we have the place to ourselves and I don’t really want to stop. That booth over there looks more comfortable than this chair though.”

She didn’t say a word but got up, practically skipped over to the booth, and slid in one side. As did I, and we immediately started to kiss. Passionately.

I looked over and could count at least three cameras. Surely we were on all of them. Neither of us cared. My hands explored, her hands explored, and the thrill of needing to be silent made the entire experience absolutely thrilling. I slid my hand into her shirt and could feel her tense. But the passion in each kiss made me comfortable with going further. One of her hands was on face, the other was groping the front of my jeans. One of my hands was now under her bra, the other was unbuttoning her tight pants. I remember her panties were bright red but I quickly slid under them and started fingering her. She was absolutely soaked, and let out a tiny little gasp as my fingers slipped inside. I was completely hard and felt entirely animalistic. But we both loved it. We stopped kissing after a while but the fingering continued. After a long while that I wish was much longer we stood up, went our separate ways for the evening, and continued to play for weeks afterwards. I’ll always remember how we actually met though.

Tl;dr – met a woman a decade older than me at Panera and fingered her the first time we saw each other in person.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sutwgu/i_may_have_fingered_a_frisky_older_woman_the