I had sex with my ex on Valentine’s Day [MF] part 2

Her eyes open and for half a moment, I feel her tense, but she meets my gaze and exasperatedly nods. Keeping my hands on her head, I lean in and place my lips on hers. My heart wanted to break from my chest. I break away after a few seconds, but I’m followed. Ruby kisses me again. And again. Our lips collided with the fury of a starving lion, both pulling each other in closer as if one of us were about to fly away. The bed disappeared around me. It was just us, as we should be. As we always had been. 

Of course, it couldn’t last forever. We both knew we shouldn’t be doing this, and slowly, the fireworks I felt inside returned to a small flame. I rested my forehead against hers and took a few deep breaths before severing our connection, and sitting on the end of the bed, still unable to take my eyes from her. A buzz from her phone tore her away from me and her eyes widened as she saw the screen. 

“Shit it’s 1am already?” She burst out. And I got ready to say goodbye to her once more. She thanked me for the evening as I walked her to her car, and when I’d opened the door for her, she threw her arms around me and squeezed. 

After she had gone, the only evidence she had been was the smell of massage oil in the bedroom, the butterflies in my stomach, and an erection I’m almost certain I failed at hiding. I didn’t go to sleep for another couple of hours. 

Valentine’s Day came and I immediately jumped to my phone. No message. Shit. I hoped I hadn’t put her off coming. Well, no regrets. I started typing. “hey Ruby. I really enjoyed myself yesterday. You still up for coming over today?”

I couldn’t put my phone down for a minute or two, for fear of not seeing her response, but I managed to force myself to get up and ready for the day. Minutes dragged. I was constantly checking my phone for a response from her. Maybe she’d decided she doesn’t even want to be friends anymore, let alone anything more. Maybe she thinks I’m using her. Over an hour went by before my racing mind was interrupted by a buzz from my pocket. I checked the message, 

“Morning, Jack” she’d said, “that massage was so good! Today it’s your turn for one” 

My fears were instantly put to rest. I replied a few times before wishing her the luck at work and going about my business. 

If I had thought time felt slow before, the hours leading up to her arrival weren’t passing at all. Every second felt like a century. I had too much time to think about the evening. I’d already applied probably too much aftershave, had a card and a stuffed monkey I had managed to buy last minute ready to give to her, made some sushi, which I remembered was her favourite. I couldn’t be more prepared, yet didn’t feel ready at all. I’m not typically a nervous person,  but as I smoked a cigarette I could only notice my hand trembling. I love this girl so much. 

After an age, I heard her knock at the door and sprung to my feet. I saw myself in the mirror as I walked to answer it. I suppose now is a good time to describe myself. I’m a fairly tall 5’11” with a fairly average build. Dirty blonde/brown hair and eyes the colour of a Carribbean sea. I wear glasses and I’ve been told I have a face that suits them just as well as doesn’t. I was wearing a white t-shirt which teased a view at my collar bones, connected to the broad shoulders I know Ruby thinks are hot. The sleeves accentuated my biceps, already seeing improvements from joining a gym recently. I fixed my hair in the mirror and pulled my grey jeans up by the belt a little higher, before cooly opening the door for my guest. 

Déjà vu. Wow. 

I’ve heard that being in love will make someone more attractive in your eyes every time you see them, but anyone would have been in awe. The light from the moon and the streetlamps danced around her silhouette, somehow making her seem more curvy. Her long, champagne blonde hair framed her cute face perfectly. As she stepped inside I noticed her makeup, light, but still drawing me to her hypnotic eyes. She had drawn little hearts by the corner of her eyes. It was beautiful. She was wearing tight jeans, somehow giving even more shape to her ass and hips, and a black bodysuit which revealed enough of her bust to make it a challenge to not look. There are no words for how good she looked, but stunning might start to come close. 

I poured her a drink and we got comfortable. Exchanged our Valentine’s gifts and spoke about our day whilst she laughed at my attempts to pick up sushi with chopsticks. My eyes feasted on her every feature. Even the way she held her glass was classy. I really wanted to kiss her, and perhaps she was thinking the same, or maybe my eyes gave too much away, because she leaned in close. I did too, closing the gap between us. Nothing has ever felt so right. My lips are at home on hers. We pulled back and a shaky breath escaped Ruby’s mouth before she chimed “it’s valentine’s day. I know we shouldn’t, but for tonight let’s pretend we never broke up”. A sentiment I could certainly get behind. We finished our sushi and she joined me on the sofa to watch some lovey dovey film we both like. Neither one of us said anything. We didn’t have to. She laid her head on me and I put my arm around her and we were just enjoying the moment. 

Before long the end credits rolled. I stood and invited her to do the same, before embracing her and moving slowly with the music. I’m not a big dancer, and my living room wasn’t the perfect stage, but there, with her I didn’t care. We held each other until the song stopped, and looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. It was her who broke the silence yet again, reminding me of her offer of a massage to repay me for the day prior. And she escorted me to the bedroom, placed her hands on my hips and lifted the shirt to my chest. I took the hint and removed it, before laying on my front, as she’d done the day before.
Now there’s no such thing as a bad massage. Even performed by someone with no skill whatsoever, there’s something about the intimacy of being touched, skin to skin, that is so addictive. And Ruby’s touch I craved more than anything. However, I’ve always been more of a giver than a receiver. Not long had passed before I piped up “you know in order to see any lasting effects, you have to be massaged regularly”

“Oh really?” She playfully replied.

I joked back “So why don’t you get your head down here and let me show you how it’s done”

The all too familiar butterflies returned once more as I repeated the steps from yesterday. And after a long while of exploring her body with my hands, relishing every little gasp she made from the sides of my fingers occasionally brushing her breast, I was holding her head again.
This time I couldn’t resist for as long as before. Her lips were like a drug and I needed a fix. I kissed her and she kissed back. They got more and more lustful, her tongue shyly starting to explore, and her hands rising up my back, running through my hair. I traced my fingers down her side and rested my hand on her hip, eventually sliding to her ass. Without our lips ever breaking contact, I took my hand and covered her breast. They were big, but fit so nicely in my hand. Ruby’s eyes opened with shock. Had I crossed a line?
I stopped kissing her and sat on the edge of the bed once more, my heart pounding. Before I could apologise, Ruby exclaimed “time for bed I reckon. Don’t you?”
I nodded. And went around the flat turning off the lights whilst she got comfy in bed.
My cock was absolutely throbbing, begging to be released from my jeans and I went back into the bedroom to explain that I’d be sleeping on the sofa, and that I was sorry if I’d crossed any lines.

It was dark, but I could feel her adorable stare meet mine. I went over to her on the bed, but couldn’t bring myself to say anything.
“You alright?” She asked.
“Yeah… You?”
“I’m good”
“Good… Look… I know we shouldn’t…” I said, placing a finger on her chest and lightly drawing circles. “but do you want to?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/subx5q/i_had_sex_with_my_ex_on_valentines_day_mf_part_2


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