The Farm, pt 1

Hucow/Breeding Farm Erotica, pt. 1

Avery arched as Lindsay suckled at her nipples. The delicate buds peaked in her soft lips, her tongue swirling around them before her teeth gently grazed down. Avery trembled in ecstasy, a moan escaping her as the sensation bolted from her breasts through her stomach and down to her core.

“Don’t stop,” Avery murmured, reaching for her girlfriend’s head as she bent lower to focus on the wetness that gathered between her thighs, “Don’t…”

“You don’t want me down…” Lindsay slowly trailed the tips of her fingers, deliciously, up Avery’s thigh, as she paused for dramatic effect, “here?”

Avery jerked awake as a forceful jab intruded inside her, knocking the breath from her lungs. She felt her swollen breasts sway in the stocks, and she winced at the weight pulling at her back and shoulders.

“Oh, awake so soon?” a low voice drawled playfully from behind her.

Avery couldn’t see who the voice belonged to. She could never see who the voices belonged to. Since she’d been brought here, strapped onto tables, beds, and finally into the stocks, she’d never once been permitted to see her captors.

At first, the hood had blocked her vision, followed by the blindfold. Then the drugs had made her too sleepy, her vision too fuzzy, to fully comprehend where she was or who she was talking to. But now, it was the angle of her neck that kept her from investigating her surroundings. The stocks kept her head down, and while she was able to see a bit from side to side, she was limited to (at most) 180 degrees of vision- and even that only about two feet off the ground.

So she’d gotten familiar with the flooring and the bottom walls of the barn in which they were keeping her hostage. She assumed it was a barn because of the concrete floor, the metal dividers and pails she could see stacked against each other, and the large doors at the end of a long, long walk through which she could see daylight when the shifts changed. She grew familiar with the boots of the workers. The rubber galoshes that meant it was feeding time. The leather work boots that preceded various pokes and prods to all manner of body parts. The high heels that meant… well, she’d only seen the high heels once before now.

They clicked, clicked around her naked body, and long nails trailed over her buttocks and up her back before lifting at her shoulders where the stocks split her head from the rest of her. The slender ankles and black patent leather stopped their journey directly in front of her. The same nails sunk into the greasy tendrils of Avery’s hair, and she winced at the cold fingertips. There was a time when this kind of touch would have sent shivers up her spine- good shivers.

But whoever balanced on these heels was anything but good.

“This one will do nicely,” the voice clipped above her, and the nails scratched behind Avery’s ear before tugging on a lock of hair and pulling away. “See that she’s bathed first, and given the proper doses in preparation.”


A pair of leather boots approached from the left and Avery saw a black piece of fabric appear in front of her eyes. She bucked in her restraints, but as she did so, she felt the foreign object that had been lodged into her core, rigidly holding her in place from behind as mercilessly as the stocks bound her wrists and neck. She writhed fruitlessly, the restraints cutting into her skin, as Leather Boots wrapped the fabric around her eyes and the world went dark.

It was then that she felt someone grab her ankles from behind. “Hey-“ she attempted to shout, when a bundle of fabric was stuffed into her mouth. Dammit, she thought, cursing herself for letting them take advantage of her open mouth. She tried to kick her legs, but with the strange object still anchoring her in place somehow, and her legs suspended by the arms holding them up, there was very little struggling she could do without putting far too much strain on her neck and wrists. After one particularly defiant wiggle pinched the skin of Avery’s neck into the metal collar of the stocks, she moaned in pain and resigned to stop her struggle.

The hands bound her ankles to what felt like a metal rod. She realized the rod actually ran all the way up her legs, pinched between her thighs, and felt as though it were attached to the thing inside her.

Whoever had bound her set the rod back down onto the ground, and the proximal end pushed into the back of her pussy, painfully jutting just behind her cervix. She tensed her stomach, squeezing her ankles together to relieve some of the force.

Avery breathed loudly through her nose, and the hands moved up to her upper body restraints. She couldn’t fight without the rod pushing into her further. At last, Avery felt the top half of the stocks open as a whoosh of air cooled the back of her neck, and she felt herself being rolled onto a gurney of sorts, her arms secured to her sides with a leather belt buckled around her waist. Her breasts fell to her sides and brushed against her upper arms. I don’t remember my boobs being this big, she thought to herself, before another two belts secured her lower half to the gurney.

Avery was relieved to be able to relax her stomach and leg muscles, the threat of being impaled on a mystery rod no longer imminent, but she could still feel the subtle jolts and bumps of the object inside her as she was wheeled away from the stocks.

Resigned, Avery closed her eyes behind the blindfold, and remembered her dream. Lindsay.

Avery missed her girlfriend desperately. The dream, and its effects on her, still lingered cruelly in Avery’s nervous system. The rod rubbing and shaking against her inner folds with each trembling pull of the gurney as it traveled to God knows where only rendered the dream more clearly in her mind. The subconscious memory of Lindsay’s fingertips running down her stomach and her thighs mingled with the very real memory of Patent Pumps’ sharp nails trailing across her back mere seconds prior. Avery’s breasts ached as they were jostled haphazardly with the rest of her, but as her mind replayed the image of Lindsay’s soft lips nipping at their peaks, Avery also felt a tingling spread across her chest.

She’d endured so much misery in the past… days? Weeks? How long had she been held captive?

Was it wrong to try to take comfort in those sweet memories while something else moved inside her?

Just as Avery had noticed the ground beneath her shift to a smoother surface, the gurney stopped suddenly, and she heard footsteps and shuffling around her. The air was cooler here, a temperature that Avery thought would have been comfortable if she were clothed. The noises reverberated slightly, as if they were now in an inside space- whereas before, the hot air and the smell of dirt had made her assume she’d been moved outside.

She wondered if this really were a farm; if the place she’d been held captive was actually a barn, and if now she were inside a house where some perverted farmer and his wife lived. After a few more minutes of shuffling, the footsteps trailed away from her, and she heard a door open and close. And then, silence.

For a moment, she wasn’t sure what to think. Did they just… abandon her here?

Avery opened her eyes. Somehow, she’d missed her blindfold coming loose. She blinked as bright, white light assaulted her eyes around the fabric hanging limply over her nose, and it took her a moment to focus on the fluorescent lights above her. For the first time in she didn’t know how long, she moved her neck from side to side, free of painful constraints. The blindfold fell to her mouth, her chin, her neck. Her mouth was still gagged, her body was still belted to the gurney, but her head was free, and her arms were only restrained at the elbows. She wiggled her fingers.


A voice cut into the room. Avery’s pulse quickened as she whipped her head around, looking for the source.

“There are speakers in the ceiling.”

Avery squinted. The voice was the same low, sultry one that had awoken her this morning. Was it morning? Avery had lost all sense of time. The room had no windows, and her only indication that it was daytime had been the heat of the sun on her skin when they’d moved her earlier.

“You’ve been left with enough freedom of movement to be able to loosen your restraints. We’ve left you soap and a towel. You may wash yourself, and when you are done, we will take you to your room.

My… room?

Avery blinked at the disembodied voice.

“Enjoy your shower.”

Avery heard a click as the speaker turned off, and she was left alone to figure out how to get free from her restraints.



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