Off to the Lake House with Sofie | Part 2 | [MF] [INC]

[Part 1](


So, there we sat, two idiots in a car on the side of the road. In front of us, an iconic road sign exclaiming “Paradise Shore!” in bright colors. The campgrounds are nice, but they make it sounds like the Bahamas. The vibe is more like a wooded nature reserve, with cottages and cabins dotted around. Lots of evergreens, pine needle covered soil, beaver dams, lakes and islands, small docks protruding from tiny beaches tucked between rock outcrops and wetlands. You have deer, all kinds of tiny rodents and mammals, the occasional black bear, lots and lots of bugs (especially at night), and plenty of fish to catch for the DIY-inclined.

For years our family had used the same lake house perched among the wooded hills: a homely three-room cabin with a small kitchen, a decent sized seating area, and not much else. It stood between two copies of itself in a row along a beach, with a single dock and a boat ramp. A comfy, humble vacation spot for the summer. It was this refuge we were seeking. Sofia stared at a paper map my dad had given to us, while I looked at Google Maps. Beyond the sign, the road split, one path shooting the left, the other off to the right. Over the years lots of renovation of the area had been done, and we were used to a different road into the grounds. We didn’t know which way to go.

“Aren’t you like, good with maps? What’s that strategy game you always play? You literally just stare at a map for hours, solving this should be trivial for you.”

Sofie was half joking, and I was half embarrassed. I sputtered out some response about the Mercator projection, though it wasn’t clear how that was related to our problem.

“I’m gonna try calling Mom again. She’s probably almost here by now. Why exactly do they rent a vacation home in the one place in North America without cell reception? What if we get murdered or something?”

I gazed at Sofie for a moment before replying. She was flustered, her lips pursed, and brow furled, and she stomped her feet once or twice. It was all very cute. As she fiddled with the map, now her phone, her upper arms pressed and pushed her breasts around. From the driver’s seat, I had a good view of her chest, bound in a sports bra trying its best. I remembered what it felt like when she hugged me, pressing them against me. So warm and firm. Wider than her torso but still heavy for their size … juicy.

I snapped out of it, slightly shaking my head and blinking. I gathered myself. I probably just need to masturbate; this has nothing to do with Sofie. I felt bad that she was the only woman here and so had to be the victim of my horniness, which clearly would be directed at any woman in proximity.

“Let’s just go one direction while you call her, that way we can stop if you get service. Worst case scenario we go a mile or two the wrong way and turn back.”

Sofie agreed, and we descended further into the woods.

We drove for about ten minutes. The road was narrow and winding, with barely room for other cars to pass in the other direction, though none came. It was quite fun to ride up and down the hills, looking through the thick trees on either flank, spotting a lake or a grassy field. The hills were steep enough I didn’t have to press the gas much at all on the decline. Up and down … up and down … up and –

“I have service! Stop!”

We parked on the hill while Sofie called her mom, Hannah.

“Hi mom! We got to the grounds and – ”

She suddenly paused as the voice on the other side picked up with an uncharacteristic intensity.

“Oh my god, is he okay?”

My eyes darted up.

“What happened Sofie?”

“She says he’s okay, but your dad … Look you take the phone.”


“Hi sweetie. Everything’s fine now, but your father had some chest pain and went to the hospital in London. The doctors say he had a minor, very minor heart attack.”

“What! What … is he going to …”

“Don’t worry he is totally okay. I’m sorry I know this is scary sweetie! But the doctors gave him some medicine to clear everything up and they say he’s all fine now. He’ll be released within a few days and will have a check-up a few weeks from now.”

“Oh Jesus, okay.”

“Look honey, I’ve been trying to reach the two of you for hours now, I’m at the Fargo airport, I’m going to stay with your dad in London for a while. I already talked to him, and he wants you and Sofie to not worry about him, that he’ll be fine, and to just enjoy your vacation. I just don’t want him to be alone.”

“I’m gonna call him now, thanks Hannah.”

Me and my dad spoke for some time, I was very worried at first, but he calmed me down and explained everything. Basically, a minor clot formed, it broke loose and caused some cardiac disruption and discomfort, but everything is cleared up now. Now he just needs to eat a little healthier and work out a little more, preventative stuff. He assured me and Sofie that it’d destroy him to see our vacation ruined because he had to sit in a hospital for a day, and we reluctantly agreed to not join him in London. Hannah was going just so he wouldn’t be alone, and she’d join us later.

We continued our drive and discovered the path we took led to the small town nearby the campgrounds. When I say small town, I really mean just a gas station, grocery store, café, and fishing store for the local residents. We stayed at the café with Wi-Fi and video called my dad for an hour or two, before wishing him and Hannah well and setting off to the lake house. It was getting late now, almost a fully dark sky. I drove slowly while Sofie and I spoke about my dad, health, life, mortality.

“You know Sofie, I’m so glad I have you here with me. You always understand me and … just, thank you.”

She placed her hand on my thigh.

“It’s the least I can do. Ahh, what a freaky day! I know this must have really frazzled you.”

“That’s the thing, I actually feel really comfortable. I was scared, but we talked everything through with our parents and with each other. I don’t know … I feel slightly more mature. Like facing that fear, working through it. Now I know everything’s safe again, and I can better appreciate that safety having faced that fear.”

Not being able to hug me while seated next to me, she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“It’s too bad my mom won’t be here for at least a week. We’ll have to do all the laundry and cooking ourselves!”

We laughed for the first time since arriving. At the same time, I internally cursed, remembering the lack of laundry machines. We’d have to hand wash our clothes. I internally mourned the lost luxury of civilization.

“Yep, just you and me.”

“Without cell connection, you’ll have to keep me safe bro.”

I snorted, “What would hurt you? Remember black bears just eat fruit. You could fight them off, you can probably squat more than them. Have you ever seen a bear squat? There’s videos of it on YouTube.”

Sofie rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure. But what if someone breaks in to carry me away into the woods and have their way with me! You’ll have to defend me.”, she said with an ironic, sing-song tone.

“Sorry kid, I drove you all the way out here just to abandon you in the woods.”

Sofie screwed her head up and towards me, while squeezing her arms together, pressing her breasts up, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes.

“Pleeease don’t leave me mister”, she beseeched.

I laughed both out of courtesy and to cut short the moment which threatened to disturb the increasingly visible and plump bulge in my sweatpants.

“Anyways I drove us most of the way idiot!”

We laughed together. I kept my eyes glued on the road, out of safety, to avoid looking at her body which was using up an increasingly large proportion of my mental bandwidth, and out of fear that she had seen what was beginning to happen in my pants. But mostly out of safety.


Check-in at the cabin went well. The owner gave us keys and led us to the three lake houses on the beach.

“As always, take the middle house. Let’s see. Hm … ah, no loud partying after eleven. No leaving trash in the campgrounds, try to leave it as it was when you arrived. We’ve been having some termite problems in the house on the left, so call the front desk if you see anything. Last occupant in yours didn’t so you should be good.”

Slightly off-put by that last remark, we bid farewell and went to our comfy cabin. Strangely, the door was already cracked open when I arrived. I decided not to mention it to Sofie. I spent a few minutes moving luggage in. Plopping it on the floor, I saw Sofie bent over the couch fiddling with her laptop. Facing away from the door, she glanced back at me, before turning to her laptop, while reaching back and pulling up her biker shorts, pulling taut the thin fabric cradling her ass, while hopping up on her heels a bit to really yank them up. I turned awkwardly to the side enough to appear to be busy with something else but not enough for her to be out of view.

“I forgot there’s no Wi-Fi here.”, she complained.

“Yep, gotta go into town for that. I figured we’d head in like once a day or something. Short drive.”

“Well … what do you want to do tomorrow?”, she asked.

“Oh, I don’t know, probably just walk around a bit, maybe swim, definitely get groceries. By the way which room do you want?”

“Oh, you don’t want to sleep with me?”

I was becoming increasingly intrigued and nervous about the sexual jokes Sofie kept making.

“Pfft, on the first night? Are you calling me a slut?”, I chuckled.

“The proper term is himbo. For your information. And I will take the room with the double, you can take the master bedroom.”

“What? No, Sofie, you take the big bed. You know me I can sleep on the floor; a double is more than enough for me.”

We both made a scene of insisting the other take the nicer, bigger bed. Eventually I won. We hugged and Sofie went in the master. I put our leftover snacks in the fridge and headed to my room with a glass of water.

It was nice enough: bed, wardrobe, small table. I tossed everything on the ground and jumped in bed, before playing some offline chess on my phone. After getting bored, I grabbed a towel and shouted to Sofie I was showering, and she said she would after me.

While drying off in the bathroom, I noticed something on the wall: a tiny hole. In fact, there were a few of them. My stomach lurched, because I remembered what the owner said about termites, but also because this hole bore straight to the other side, which was my room. I hurriedly left the bathroom and checked it from my side. My heart started racing: you could see straight through into the bathroom. Salacious thoughts began to broil in my mind. I sat down on my bed; my hands were literally shaking. I ran trembling fingers through my drying hair, feeling a burning anxiety in my churning stomach. I tried to steady my breathing and stood up; my limbs felt weak.

Suddenly the bathroom door shut. My heart skipped a beat. The pounding of my heart spread through my chest into my gut and throat. I silently tip-toed over and knelt down to shoulder level where the hole was. Sofie was directly on the other side, facing the hole, taking off her tank top. My cock surged with pressure and heat, it felt like I could already come: it was twitching like it had been edged for hours already. She was so close though; I had to stand back and wait; if she just glanced in, she’d easily be able to see me. I slumped on the floor, back pressed the wall which promised fulfillment of my deepest sexual desires.

I could hear her shuffling around, a toilet seat being put down, clothes shuffling. Images of her swirled in my mind. Her squeezing her breasts together in the car; the firmness of them pressing against my chest; her ass wobbling in biker shorts. I involuntarily rubbed my cock through my underwear as my heart rate settled down. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Is this okay to do? She’d never know, its harmless fun. Afterall she was basically flirting with me on the drive, how do I know she wouldn’t do the same to me? And what’s even so bad about sneaking a peak anyways? If she never finds out, there’s no one to be offended, no one to suffer any kind of discomfort. She’ll go on living just as if I didn’t look. In fact, I’d be the only one to suffer, after all I’d be the one to feel guilt or regret. Why even feel guilty? Why should I care society has a taboo on what I want to do? A taboo is an invented and indefinite thing, especially if you consider that social norms are contingent and malleable, and a hundred years from now might be changed or even inverted, as they were a hundred years ago! It’s victimless, and I will enjoy it very much, so what’s so bad about it? I’ve never seen a naked woman before, let alone had sex, and seeing her might help me become more sexually confident and mature! I’m sure Sofie would want that for me. We always help each other.

And as so often happens with people of weak character, I indulged in these kinds of reflections that nullify all prior standards or expectations, with only carnal desires left to guide my actions. From the other side of the wall a shower turned on, and my genitals which had gone soft during my introspection sprang back to life. I gingerly stood back up and peered through the hole.

A shower sprayed steaming water. A semi-transparent curtain with dotted with opaque fish stood drawn out. Behind it, Sofie stood nude, like a cream-white marble statue of a Greek goddess, her luscious curves and supple body partially occluded by neon cartoon fish staring back at me with wide smiles. Combined, the roiling steam and the semi-transparent, blue plastic curtain obscured and blurred most of her figure, but that wouldn’t stop me. She was standing perpendicular to and slightly away from me, rubbing something in her hair which clung to her fit back and bare shoulders. Through the curtain I could make out the width and fullness of her hips and ass, the cock in my hands raged with intensity, and after just a few strokes an orgasm began creeping in on the horizon.

As she shuffled slightly to-and-fro, from behind I could make out just the side of her breast spilling out. It was so full and bulbous, such that I could see its round surface that extended past the profile of her torso wobble around. When she shifted left, her breast lagged behind for a moment, before jiggling its way over, but they were so firm they moved much less than you’d expect for that much mass. They hung like ripe fruit on her chest, resisting gravity, their swollen undersides suspended out from her ribcage by their own youthful, buoyant density. I imagined what it would like from the front, and the mere thought almost put me over the edge.

As I looked over her visible midriff, I could make out a dimple on her lower back, and a slight notch of her hipbone. For a brief moment, the full width and breadth of her right hip, ass, and upper thigh was visible, and its soft, milky expanse shot electricity through my genitals. My eyes felt to roll back in my head, and a wave of intense but pacifying energy flowed through my body and out through the long, throbbing, tightness of my penis. My hips surged forward as I ejaculated, smashing my pelvis and genitals straight into the wall. I made a strange noise in the back of my throat as I overcorrected and stumbled back. My stomach lurched, what if she heard me? I pulled up my underwear while silently hopping on the balls of my feet over to the light, turned it off, and hid in my bed. I laid silently, listening through the pounding of my heart in my ear drums, feeling my cock throb itself down to flaccidity, the last of my ejaculate leaking out. After a minute or two, the shower turned off, but I didn’t dare going back to look. The bathroom door opened, and a few heartbeats later her door closed. I laid for a few more minutes, trying to ignore the pulsing in my groin: half calling for more pleasure, half pain from the impact with the wall. I listened for a moment longer, before quietly wiping my semen off the wall, and returning to bed for a few hours of restless contemplation before succumbing to sleep.


I’ve noticed there are a few distinct ways of ‘resetting’ a frame of mind. Maybe you’re in a bad mood, feel sort of depressed, or feel weird about something that happened. One way is to have an orgasm. People speak about ‘post-nut clarity’. It’s not a bad way of getting out of your head, finding some lucidity. The other way is to do drugs, although this depends a lot on your state of mind and type of drug. This can also make things worse. But downing some shots, popping a Xanax or Adderall, or precisely dosing some nootropics is definitely going to shift you from one mental state to another, and hopefully a better one. And no one can stay stuck in a mental rut after dropping one hundred and fifty micrograms of LSD, even if that means blowing up the rut, and yourself in the process. The last way is sleep. After a good night’s rest, your whole brain can feel reset. Mistakes of the past feel distant, unimportant. You know you’re in a really bad place if you wake up crying, but even for life-changing tragedies that rarely lasts longer than a few days.

Today I woke up to the sun warming me through the open window. Memories of yesterday flooded in, but it felt distant and resolved. I was energized and optimistic, we had a whole vacation ahead of us. I was here with my best friend in the world, and frankly didn’t feel any unyielding pains of regret or sadness. Strange things can happen to people, but life goes on. Psychologists say, after all, that people overestimate how much of an effect major events have on one’s life, either for good or for bad. Losing your eyesight, God forbid, might be your worst nightmare, but blind people have long and fulfilling lives. There are probably many blind people happier than you, and there are for sure lots of millionaires more depressed than you. Things happen, life goes on. You’ll be alright in the end. Just love your family, spend time with friends, do things you enjoy. Even if you waste all your time, that’s part of the fun. You’re not gonna have a perfect life, no one does, not even Bill Gates or Alexander the Great or Hugh Hefner. So just go with the flow, have fun with it. These are the kinds of thoughts rushing through my head as I got dressed.

I removed the underwear I slept in and put it in a separate, sealed plastic bag. After enough of these trips with Sofie, she had eventually persuaded me to keep dirty undergarments in a separate bag as she did. This was for many reasons. First, your socks and underwear usually smell more than your pants or shirts, so you can keep them isolated. It also makes it easier to keep them together (socks tend to get lost) and pour them all at once into a washing machine – no embarrassing sorting through undies at the dorm laundry room. Eventually I got used to it, and it would annoy me to see dirty underwear mixed with my other used laundry. Having satisfied my inner OCD, I walked out to the breakfast nook with a smile in my mind, pleased by the freshness of the summer morning.

Sofie was standing at the counter with a glass of water, messing with her phone. As if to celebrate this warm, beautiful day, she wore a yellow sundress adorned with a red floral pattern. I couldn’t tell if she was braless or not, as the sundress was thick enough to hide nipples, and Sofie was perky enough for her breasts to sit up just as high with or without a bra; in fact, with a bra they were slightly flatter, as the elastic would press down the topside of her breasts that naturally curved slightly up like a ski-slope. Not that I would know, just a thing you can’t help but notice after years of living with someone. The skirt stopped just before her knees, and her legs looked strong and youthful. Her cute feet were tinged rosy. My eyes were drawn to her rich nutty-brown hair, it had red going on golden highlights, depending on the lighting. It was bound in a bun, with a cool Japanese-looking hair needle holding it in place, which I’d never seen her wear before.

I said good morning and asked her how she was, but my voice came out meek and cracked.

“Oh, I’m great, just being out here I already feel rejuvenated. Like anything could happen here. How’d you sleep?”

“Can’t complain, I feel really nice too. I think I’ll make some coffee for us if you haven’t had any?”

She shook her head. I began making a pot.

“By the way I really like that hair pin you have. Is that new?”

Sofie’s eyes and cheeks lit up with glee and she made a faint squealing sound.

“Aww you’re so sweet! I’m glad you like it, I just got it.”

As we spoke, she lifted her arms up to fiddle with the pin behind her head and in the process raised her whole bust a few inches, involuntarily puffing out her upper torso and breasts out as if to show off her feminine organs. Her dress also lifted slightly higher, revealing more of her bare thighs. My mind couldn’t help but imagine the soft interior of the dress, the long legs leading up to …

“Well anyways, once we eat, I think we should head out for a walk, maybe get some groceries.”

As she finished speaking, she swung her arms down in front of her, clasping them together below her tummy, and squeezing them while pushing out her upper back, squishing together her breasts which poured out of the top of the dress, I was amazed how much milky-white flesh could be exposed without even getting close to showing a nipple. I was now confident she was braless, her firm bosom pressed and moved freely. She smiled, looking thoughtfully up and off to the side of my head. Like me, she always gets lost in thought.

“That’s a great idea, I just need to put my shoes on.”

“Okay, l’m gonna use the bathroom then we can go.”

She strutted past, brushing up against me, straight into the bathroom. Mind moderately frazzled, but still focused on having a great day, I poured a cup of coffee and waited for Sofie. Looking around the kitchen, I was startled by a centipede in the corner. “Oh shit”, I thought. Can’t let him live, Sofie would go ballistic. I was grabbing a paper towel when she called me.

“Dude, what is this?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Come look!”

Sofie opened the door and I walked in, she gestured to one of the holes in the wall. I had almost forgotten about the holes and had registered them in my mind not so much as a bug problem but as a sexy girl problem. Realizing now this might be an actual issue, it wasn’t too hard to feign surprise.

“What is that?”

“I don’t know, I think it might be like, termites or something. Oh my god look there’s another over here!”

Once I started really looking, not distracted by fantasies of shower-spying, I noticed how many there were.

“I think we should tell the owner; you know I can’t stay in a place infested with bugs. Oh my god.”

Sofie shuddered. She was serious about this, I wouldn’t exactly call it a phobia, because it’s not all-consuming or totally irrational, but Sofie has a major problem with bugs. If there’s a small bug in her fresh vegetables – they all get tossed. Bug on the ceiling – call someone to kill it and sleep on the couch that night. She just can’t deal with them, and fair enough, they gross me out too.

We agreed to meet with the owner and explain what we found. It was a short walk to his house, just up the road. I was praying this wouldn’t ruin our increasingly hectic vacation.


I had to split part 2 into two halves because of Reddit’s post length limit, so the second half will be posted soon, possibly within a few hours. Part 3, now part 4, is in the works.

Feedback encouraged! Too slow? I promise it picks up next half, although I do like a good tease. Possibly went overboard with the length, however. Word doc says 13,000 words. I should get paid for this nonsense. Anyways, really do consider giving feedback in the comments, what do *you* want to see? Thanks.



  1. It’s good. You have a good writing style. Nothing wrong with the build up either.

  2. !Updateme

    Very well written. I like the pace so far, but you’re right, it’s time to speed it up a bit.

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