New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 191-193) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 191: Twenty Minutes

As Beatrice came to in a heap of cum-drenched, naked female bodies, she vaguely recalled system notifications flashing before her eyes one after another. Level ups, Arousal Points, Skill Points, typical notifications in semi-translucent blue boxes that she got used to seeing. In her crazed state, the succubus disregarded those completely. Everything was kind of a blur by the end of her sexcapade.

Beatrice would not have even been surprised if it turned out that she had dreamt of giving Tabitha and Olivia dicks to fuck Ember with and joining them after impregnating a fox girl. But the fox girl was sleeping naked on the bed, just like Beatrice left her. And Tabitha, Olivia, and Ember were lying naked next to her, passed out from cumming so many times.

*No wonder!* Beatrice thought, recalling just how much cum Olivia and Tabitha ended up unleashing during their time with their temporary dicks. *A Skill Point well spent! The enhancement of her [Dick Growing] skill was most certainly worth it,* Beatrice thought with a smile as she recalled Olivia and Tabitha fucking each other, Ember, cumming from getting fucked…

Beatrice looked at Olivia, at Tabitha. They slept so peacefully. Their breathing was calm, nothing like they were just a little while ago. Their cocks were also finally gone—

*Ah! Finally!?* Beatrice had just remembered something. She double-checked the description of her [Dick Growing (+1)] Skill, barely believing what she read.

**Skill Enhancement: Dick Growing (+1)**

Rank: *C*

Type: Eros Craft / Active

Cost: 60 Stamina

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Description: Grows a single dick on a single target. The dick is fully functioning but lasts only up to *20* minutes. ~~or until the first climax. Cannot cast on self.~~

Requires direct skin contact between the Succubus and the target.

**Minimum Requirements:**

Character level: 8

Skill Points in Eros Craft: 14

The dick-growing effect was supposed to last only 20 minutes!

*That was 20 minutes!?* Beatrice’s jaw nearly fell to the floor in shock. She vaguely recalled when she cast her first [Dick Growing (+1)] spell on Olivia, before refreshing its cooldown to use it on Tabitha too. *That was before Rafaelia!* Beatrice felt like she had spent *days* fucking non-stop, emptying her non-existent ballsack into everything that moved in the room, including herself by the end of it.

Still, it wasn’t like Beatrice was complaining. She glanced at the window, confirming that—though the evening was setting in as the sun slowly set, threatening to disappear behind the city walls at any moment—it was nowhere near dark yet. Which meant Beatrice had plenty of time to get to the fights that she planned to participate in. *Forge of Champions, was it?* Beatrice recalled that the fights are supposed to take place after sunset.

And I did level up, didn’t I? Beatrice thought and brought up her information tab.


**Name** Beatrice

**Age** 18

**Class** Succubus

**Level** 17 (1%)

**Health Points** 430/430 (+0.84/sec)

**Arousal Points** 0.5 /266 (+0.01/sec)

**Stamina Points** 140/180 (+0.45/sec)

**Physical Attack** 16

**Physical Defense** 12

**Magic Attack** 18

**Magic Defense** 18

**Speed** 12

A quick check of her Arousal Points confirmed that they did not go into the negatives. Otherwise, after cumming so many times, Beatrice figured she’d be in triple-digit-negative by now. Still, with 266 Points regenerating at 0.01 per second, Beatrice had over seven hours before she reached the cap and got *really* desperate for sex. Which was not even comparable to the half of an hour she started out with. Then again, not reaching the Arousal Point cap did not seem to stop Beatrice from fucking silly anyway.

*So many levels just through sex… Not a bad way to level up.* Despite participating in several fights, Beatrice reliably leveled from fighting only one time, when she ended up dealing with four scumbags. Even during her last fight with Steve, she leveled up *after* the fight, after several “healing” sessions.

Beatrice counted back, trying to recall all the times she leveled since her fight with Steve. She remembered getting Level 13 after her last, quick threesome in the woods, then a level in the alley, another level here, and… By the looks of it, two more levels now.

*Even with five more levels, it doesn’t feel nearly enough to make a big difference.*

Beatrice looked at how the leveling had impacted her combat stats and while Health, Arousal Points, and Stamina Points all continued to rise consistently (with a big help from [Arousal Pool (+2)] Enhancements), her combat stats looked not only unimpressive but also wrong, from how Beatrice remembered them. Beatrice was convinced they were higher before. *And my health also grew by 20 Points per level, so why is it—Oh, right, the items!* Beatrice remembered that she was completely naked apart from her Choker of a Phyx. *Maybe if I get some proper armor to boost my fighting performance, until I get strong enough to not require it…*

Even though Beatrice was able to incapacitate Steve with her [Daze] Skill, she could not finish him off in time. And if Steve somehow got a way to counter her low-level Mischief Skill… Beatrice felt completely outclassed in terms of pure raw power when she, Ember, and Olivia took on one of Belmot’s henchmen. *I need more power!*

*But first, I need to clean up,* Beatrice thought, feeling how sticky she was, and started praying that this dark, medieval fantasy world had a shower with hot water.

## 192: Forge of Champions

Perhaps, Beatrice should not have been surprised when she found a door in their room that led to a bathroom with a shower in it. After all, what kind of wish-fulfillment world would not have ways for a sex-seeking succubus to clean herself up after an indulgent foursome?

A tiny room, with little more than a toilet and a small space with uninspired curtains that separated the tiled shower space from the rest of the bathroom. However, Beatrice was surprised even more pleasantly when she turned the red metal shower knob and felt the heat from the hot water pouring from the shower head that made the room quickly fill with steam.

Beatrice wondered what made this instant supply of hot water a reality. Was it some powered heating that used wood, gas, or coal, or was it instead several water and fire elemental magicians that were slaving away in some dungeon to provide some basic necessities for the city? How many magicians would it take to provide for a city of this size? Maybe not as much as Beatrice would imagine. Maybe it was only some select few districts or buildings that had the privilege of hot water and pipes for it to flow through?

However, in hindsight, it made sense that this city would have ways for the inhabitants to properly shower and clean themselves. Otherwise, the carefree sex would quickly become disgusting if every person in the city reeked of semen, shit, and piss. Recalling her encounter in an alley, Beatrice should have noticed how strange it was strange for her to not notice any foul smells from the girls or the alley itself. Or from the citizens they passed as they walked through the depraved, free-for-all streets of Klapsus.

Beatrice washed her naked body under a pleasant stream of warm water, enjoying a different kind of heat as she spread the liquid soap across her skin. The soap foamed easily under the stream of water, and Beatrice realized that, for some reason, the soap smelled of peaches. Beatrice couldn’t help but feel odd that the city had had a supply of alcohol, soap, and hot water would still have to resort to unwitting cannibalism for survival.

“Hey!” Beatrice heard Ember’s voice behind her. The succubus turned around and saw her naked bodyguard move the yellowish curtains and step into the shower space to also wash her body.

“I must say, you might end up impressing me,” Ember said as she took the soap and applied it to her own enticing body that she submitted to cock and tail mere minutes ago. “Your powers are growing with a speed I have not witnessed yet.”

“How do you view my chances in those Forge of Champions you’ve mentioned?” Beatrice asked.

“If you’re hoping to get by on just your sexual prowess… It might be enough for you to get through the fodder, but I do hope you develop your combat potential just as quickly as you do your sexual one,” Ember said.

“Tell me more about this ‘Forge of Champions’,” Beatrice said to Ember while calmly finishing washing the soap off her body. After so much sex, the succubus was able to remain calm even in the presence of such a hot young woman, that just a week ago she would only dream of simply viewing naked, let alone fucking. At least for now, the succubus was able to concentrate on her next goal. And as eager as Beatrice was to test and grow her combat abilities, as confident as she was in her chances in dealing with nearly any challenge that was thrown at her in this world, Beatrice still wanted to know what exactly she was getting into.

“What is even there to say?” Ember said, pausing for a moment. With an expression and tone of voice as nonchalant as one would have when describing the rules of a poker game, the redhead said, “It is simply another way for the city to get rid of over-eager, over-confident idiots that are desperate for cheap fame and glory. Countless faceless S.E.C.R.E.T. guild failures, those that wish to prove something and rise in status above a no-name, forgettable, dismissible peasant that no one would even notice disappearing or outright suicidal fools, they all enter the competition, where only a single champion is crowned.”

“Fights to the death, then?” Beatrice asked.

“They often end up as such, even though it is not a requirement,” Ember said. “But there has never been a single Champion that had not drenched his or her hands in blood. Weakness is easily abused there.”

“I’m guessing, but I assume that—just like with many other things in this city—the royalty turn a blind eye to this?” Beatrice asked.

“Of course!” Ember confirmed, happy that Beatrice caught on so easily. “True, that these types of fights are not technically legal, and most certainly they would be unheard of in better times. But now? Some genuinely believe that a true Champion can be born in that arena. At least that is what most pretend to believe.”

“And where are those ‘Champions’ now?” Beatrice asked.

“Dead or vanished without a trace,” Ember answered.

## 193: Planning for the Fights

“We’ll need to get you some proper armor,” Ember said while she and Beatrice got dressed after their shower.

“Ah!? Shopping!? With Beatrice!?” Tabitha sprung back to life, elbowing Olivia in the face by accident.

“Ow! The hell!?” Olivia cursed from the rude awakening, trying to figure out just what exactly happened.

“Shopping?” Beatrice raised an eyebrow. The succubus could no imagine walking into a shop to buy some armor like she would to go buy a loaf of bread. And considering that even buying a loaf of bread seemed to pose a challenge in this city, she couldn’t help but ask, “Does such a thing as ‘shopping’ even exist here?”

“For those that know where to look, and have something of value to offer,” Ember said. “And no-these two are not coming.”

“Aw! Why not!?” Tabitha pouted.

“Because if you had two brain cells to put together, you’d be able to figure out that under these conditions nobody is allowed to just sell or buy armor and weapons that are actually good,” Ember said. “Which you should have known anyway if you were capable of thinking of anything other than cocks.”

“Like you thought of mine earlier?” Tabitha asked.

“… I’m not endangering my contacts by bringing more people than necessary,” Ember insisted. “Nor am I waiting for you two to get into a presentable state.”

“Oh, I can go like this, no problem!” Tabitha said cheerfully.

“And that’s the problem,” Ember said. “Olivia, it looks like you know where the games will be held, right?”

“Yes,” Olivia confirmed without much joy, rubbing her bruised cheek.

“We’ll be there at sunset,” Ember said. “Whether you come or not is up to you. But unless you plan to go there as free entertainment, I suggest you get cleaned first.”

“I don’t need reminders to cleanse my body after sex with you,” Olivia said.

“Cute,” Ember said flatly and went toward the door.

Beatrice appreciated Ember’s haste but did not immediately follow the redhead out of the room. Instead, Beatrice looked to the bed where Rafaelia was still sleeping. Beatrice did not want to wake up the fox girl after such an intense intercourse and asked, “Does anyone have anything to write with?”

“I can burn a note if you want to,” Ember said and lit a small fire on her finger.

“I can carve one,” Olivia said as she looked around to locate her belongings.

“N-no, that’s fine,” Beatrice said, having no intention of leaving such a barbaric message behind. “I’ll ask downstairs… Will you two be coming to this Forge of Champions?”

“Of course!” Tabitha said. “But can’t I come with you now?”

“Ember is right on this one—the quicker we are the better,” Beatrice said. “Meet us there, and don’t get into trouble!”

“Alright,” Tabitha said with a sullen voice and posture.

Olivia was obviously hesitant in giving her reply. Seeing this, Beatrice added, “You don’t have to come. I have no illusions that this is a dangerous endeavor for many reasons.”

“Yes, she’s better off staying here and babysitting the kitty,” Ember said with a smile.

“I’ll be there,” Olivia said, rising to the challenge.

“Good! See you soon, then,” Beatrice said and walked out of the room together with Ember.

“Ember, would Belmot’s men be there?” Beatrice asked Ember as they walked down the hall toward the stairs. “As the supposed upholders of the law and order, they shouldn’t even show their faces at such illegal games, correct?”

“Correct,” Ember confirmed. “With that said, it would be foolish to even assume that they are not well informed about what happens there, especially concerning potential strong fighters.”

“The better I perform, the bigger the target on my back,” Beatrice concluded. “That much is to be expected.”

“True, but also do not think of yourself too highly just yet,” Ember said. “It’s not like you’re the first one to get into a fight with the grunts of the Purple Capes. Your little fox friend murdered three of them shortly before you and Olivia sprung into action, and that’s also not even close to an exception. They have a lot to deal with, so their first priority will not be to talk with every spy and informant on their payroll in the entire city to be on the lookout for three non-descript young women that beat up six armed men.”

“They won’t mention that part,” Beatrice assumed.

“Which keeps them from increasing the priority on this, for now,” Ember pointed out. “And as for the Forge of Champions, it will take several dominant victories before anyone even cares to remember your name for longer than a minute. And to that end, it’s the reason why we need to change up your appearance for when you start piling up victories.”

Beatrice smiled, glad to have such a capable bodyguard at her side, and said, “You really put a lot of thought into my earlier little desire for some combat experience.”

“Not really,” Ember shrugged. “Basic logic and deductive reasoning can only be impressive when compared to those two sluts who are barely capable of more complex thoughts than animals.”

Beatrice shook her head, getting used to the idea that it will take a lot more than half an hour of wild sex to impress Ember.

You can read more chapters [here]( or [here](
