My Brother’s Wife (Part 5)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](
Dani and I knew we couldn’t stay hidden in the sand for long, it was only a matter of time before a drunk wedding guest stumbled out to the surf to relieve themselves via vomit or urine.

Still, we held each other until we shivered under the chilly sea winds.

“I think we should head back, Alex,” Dani said, standing up and adjusting her dress. I wanted to rip that red fabric from her body and take her again, but I swallowed back the urge.

Stupidly, I held out my hand to her as if we would walk back to party together, our fingers interlaced like husband and wife. She sighed, shaking her head and heading up the berm with her heels in hand.

“Wait a few minutes before you come back,” she called out before disappearing above the sand.

Of course. She was heading back to my brother—back to reality—but I was stuck in this fantasy world we had built for ourselves. Here, beneath the stars, anything was possible for Dani and me. I could see our bodies etched in the constellations above, naked and forever entangled in a passionate dance. Little stars were born from the beauty; children, our beautiful children that looked and acted and laughed the way she did. We would grow old together, forever floating in our endless lustful love.

But an icy embrace at my feet shocked me back to the real world. The tide had snuck up on me, soaking my toes, reminding me that things weren’t so warm and perfect after all.

*Wake up, Idiot. It’s time to pretend again.*

I walked along the berm until I was on the other side of the tent, throwing my shoes on and heading back towards the lights and laughter.

The party was at that point where people’s memories of the event would become obscure and conflicting. Waiters had pushed chairs together to create makeshift beds for sleepy children, grandparents danced drunkenly like they were seventeen again, and my brother had commenced making a damn fool of himself.

Mike was at the bar and his voice was the loudest in the tent, threatening to drown out even the music.

“Fuck you!” he shouted, slamming a fist down on the bar. “It’s an open bar, asshole. Serve me!”

Dani was at his arm, trying to get him under control, but he barely noticed her. I stomped across the dance floor toward them, barely hearing my mother beg me to get Mike under control.

When I put my hand on my brother’s shoulder, he nearly turned around and threw a punch at me. Apart of me wishes he would have.

“Alex!” he screamed, his face slipping from scorn to drunken joy. “Dude, this prick won’t serve me! Get me another shot, will ya?”

The bartender told me with his eyes that my brother had been cut off for the night, and it was the right call. Mike was barely on his feet, swaying like a dingy in a storm.

“I think you’ve had enough, man,” I said, smiling at him and guiding him away from the bar. “Come on, let’s get you back to the hotel.”

Dani took him by the other arm in a practiced carry—this wasn’t the first time the two of us had escorted my blacked-out brother out of a bar.

My mother was on us, quite intoxicated herself. “Oh, Mikey. I told you to slow down!” Mike mumbled something like an apology, already losing consciousness, and my mother yelled after us as we exited the tent. “I’ll see you three tomorrow at our house!”

I glanced back just in time to see my dad escorting my mom back out onto the dance floor. They looked so happy, like stars shining bright together in the night’s sky.

The short walk back to the hotel was filled with Mike’s wasted rambling and the occasional pre-vomit spit. Dani had taken her heels back off to better accommodate the sporadic cadence that we had to set to keep Mike on his feet, and I found myself constantly distracted by her smooth feet and legs, my eyes drawn to the rosary tattoo on her foot.

We stumbled through the hotel lobby and got ourselves into an elevator, smacking the button for the fourteenth floor and propping Mike up against the wall.

“Don’t throw up in here,” I ordered, and he managed to throw me a sloppy salute in response. His eyes were closed and his mouth was agape as he took desperate breaths to keep his nausea at bay.

Dani and I exchanged glances, laughing together from either side of the elevator. The bell chimed as we passed each floor, and I let my eyes rake over Dani’s body. If it weren’t for my brother, I would have fucked her right there in the elevator.

When we arrived at our floor, Mike shot himself through the opening doors, nearly knocking an elderly couple aside as he stumbled in the wrong direction.

“So sorry!” Dani pleaded as we passed the old folks, chasing after her idiot of a husband. “Mike! The room is this way!”

But Mike had found the hallway’s ice machine and proceeded to throw up into the tray that caught stray cubes.

“Jesus Christ,” Dani groaned, running over to him.

When we got him back to their room, we managed to throw him on the bed. He seemed to have gotten it all out of his system in the ice machine, but we brought him the bathroom trash can just in case.

“The trash is right here, Mike,” I said, but he was unresponsive at this point, snoring like a bear that had one too many pots of honey.

Suddenly, I was hyper-aware of my soaked socks, and I took my shoes off to get the wet fabric off my feet.

Dani smiled at me and raised an eyebrow.

“The tide got me,” I said, heading to the bathroom to dry my feet with a towel.

A few moments later, Dani came in with a fresh pair of black business socks. “Here’s a pair of Mike’s you can borrow.”

I eyed them suspiciously, lowering my voice. “Those aren’t the same socks that…”

“No, um…” Dani stifled a furious giggle, shutting the bathroom door to muffle herself. “Actually, he’s wearing that pair.”

Laughter escaped me before I could get it under control, and Dani slapped me on the arm before putting a finger to her lips. “Shh!”

It took a while for us to stop giggling like kids, and when we had both caught our breaths, I took the socks from her and reached for the door.

“I should go,” I said.

But she caught my hand with hers, guiding me towards her wide hips.

“I was gonna take a shower,” she hummed, drawing her body close to mine. “But I don’t have anyone to wash my back…”

“I’d happily volunteer, but do you think that’s a good—”

Her lips forced me to stop talking, and I pressed her hard against the bathroom door. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her legs, yanking her dress up until I had access to her sweet pussy. Dropping to my knees, I buried my face between her legs, determined to show her how a real lover could please her.

Her body crashed against me like the waves on the shore in a lunar rhythm, and I lapped up the white water like so many grains of parched sand. She trembled and filled my mouth with her sweet release, her fingers tugging at my hair, begging me to rise so she could taste herself on my tongue.

“Oh my God,” she huffed, still writhing as the electric pleasure coursed through her. “How are you so fucking good at that?”

I gently pulled at the straps of her dress until they slid down her arms, revealing her excited breasts, dropping the red fabric down her tummy until it fell past her hips and piled itself upon the floor.

“That’s because I listen to your body, Dani,” I said, helping her step out of the dress. “And I’ll never stop until I’ve perfected my technique. Give me a year and I’ll make you cum in seconds.”

“A year… is that all I get?”

I led her to the shower, turning on the hot water and pulling her body close to mine, keeping the steam from separating us.

“A lifetime,” I whispered, kissing her neck as she unbuttoned my shirt.

If my brother had risen, we wouldn’t have noticed. His beastly snores were lost beyond the fog of our passionate moans. The hot water poured over us like our lust, soaking our bodies and making her touch all the more fulfilling.

Dani grabbed the bar of soap, lathering up her hands and reaching down to work my cock. The sensation was unreal, like the first time a young boy discovers masturbation. I could have cum right there, but Dani released me and turned around.

“Not yet,” she said, licking the water from her lips. “You’re not allowed to cum until I tell you to.”

With her plump, wet ass in front of me, I didn’t think I could last a minute inside of her. But she backed up into me, throwing her hands on the fogged glass of the shower door as my cock slid effortlessly into her. Every inch of my shaft was being clenched by her tight, warm sex, and I leaned over her back, taking handfuls of her overflowing tits and kissing the back of her neck.

“Tell me you love me,” Dani cooed, moaning each time I pressed gently into her.

“I love you.”

“Don’t ever stop telling me…”

Her ass absorbed the impact of my thrusts as I picked up the pace, warping and folding around my cock like it was trying to consume me from tip to base.

I grabbed her hair with both hands, working into it a ponytail and snagging it back until her chin lifted and her mouth hung open.

My fingers dug into her back and clawed down until I reached her hips, squeezing and tugging like I was trying to tear pieces of her flesh from her body.

Everything was perfect.

Everything was—

The door to the bathroom opened, causing the storm of steam to whirl and escape into the new air. Dani stepped back from the shower door, her back to my chest, my cock still deep inside of her as we held our breath.

“Baaaabe,” Mike groaned, and we watched his drunken silhouette stumble towards the toilet. Soon, the sound of his retching filled the bathroom before he went quiet again.

Dani opened the door slightly, and we caught sight of my brother’s pathetic body slumped over the toilet as if he were watching something in the depths of the bowl’s water.

“You alright, Mike?” Dani asked, but suddenly her hips were moving again, backing slightly into me and grinding right and left so that my cock hit her walls.

My brother mumbled and groaned incoherently, and Dani closed the shower door. She dropped back against me again, her head fell against my chest, and she reached back to run her hands through my hair. I ran my hands up and down her body, letting my fingers toy with her clit as I fell back into a steady rhythm of fucking her from behind.

“I love you, Alex,” she huffed, her voice barely audible over the sound of the shower.

I was lost in her body, holding on for dear life as her pussy clenched my cock.

“Cum,” she commanded, leaning forward again and pressing against the glass door. “Cum… cum… cum…”

Her words set me free. My cock was spraying like a hose that had been finally unkinked and was releasing hours of built-up pressure. Dani gasped and writhed against me as I filled her up, careful not to let a single drop of my seed escape her perfect pussy.

We let the hot water continue to mask us as Dani opened the door and crept out of the shower, when she was sure Mike was out cold, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out, gathering up my clothes and retreating from the bathroom.

I saw my brother there hugging that toilet and I thought about how I would very much like for him to be dead. Something inside of me hoped that he had drank himself into a coma, poisoned his body to the point of no return.

I should feel guilty for that… but I don’t.

Dani and I didn’t say another word as I got dressed. There was nothing left to be said.

She would nurse my brother—her husband—through his drunken stupor, and I would go back to my room with only the memory of her touch to keep me company.

***Part 6 cumming soon…***



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