[MF] I (m22) moved in with my friend’s girlfriend (f21); we started sleeping together. (Part 2/2)

*First off, thank you all for the delightful response to Part 1! As a long-time lurker of this sub, it’s very tickling to see my story get more reception than I ever expected.*

*Also, if there are any details you’d like me to expand upon, just let me know.*

*You’re the best, and I hope you enjoy.*

[Link to Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/stffhs/mf_i_m22_moved_in_with_my_friends_girlfriend_f21/)

The next day, Allie pretended like nothing ever happened. She came out of her room with a smile on her face, said she felt a little hungover, but that she had a great night. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I knew I’d let her take the lead, and if she wanted to pretend nothing happened then that was fine with me. Better than her telling John and then dealing with that whole mess.

Things stayed very much the same for the next few days, until Allie had some friends over one night – and John was with his family. It was about 8pm and I was working on a project in my room while they sat around in the living room drinking some wine and talking. At one point I came out to get some water and stayed with them for a glass of wine before going back to my room. They ran out of wine after I left and chatted until about midnight before the friends left and I heard Allie walking around, cleaning up, then closing the door to her room. I felt a little disappointed we wouldn’t get to hang out like we usually do, but the girl has a life of her own. I was thinking about calling it a night too, when my phone buzzes from Allie messaging me:

“Are you gonna come say goodnight to me?”

I was a little stunned. I’ve never gone into her room to say goodnight to her before, so this was a big power play on her part. (I found out later that this was an idea her friends had given her when they were apparently discussing our situation earlier in the night).

I convinced myself to just play it cool and act nonchalant about it, so I went to her door, knocked, and went into her room. It was very dark, but I made my way over to her bed where she was tucked in and as I said goodnight, I leaned in to kiss her on the forehead – trying to outplay her, you know? – but she was one step ahead and threw her arms around me in mock surprise, playfully locking me by her bed. It was an awkward position to be in, so I did a rather pathetic slow tumble onto the bed, managing to orient myself so we were lying next to each other. She was giggling and I was laughing too, and said “I was just trying to say ‘goodnight’!” She laughed and said,

“Do it properly then!”

I thought for a moment, then kissed her on the cheek and said goodnight, but I waited for her stamp of approval before I could leave. She shook her head.

“Nope, not good enough,” she said. “Try again.”

Did she want me to kiss her on the lips? *I* certainly wanted to kiss her, but that is a big move to make, and I might really be assuming a lot here. I decided to try kissing her on both cheeks, just to be extra cautious.

“Hmm, still not there yet” she said. Giggling away.

Alright, now I was feeling like toying with her a bit. Instead of kissing her on the lips, I decided to try kissing her everywhere else. I kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her chin, her nose, her jawline; there wasn’t a single spot on her face that I missed – except her lips. I figured, if she wants me to kiss her so bad, she can ask or do it herself. She was tickle-laughing the whole time, and couldn’t really keep still, so I had a gentle hand trying to guide her head to keep the train of kisses going. Her skin was so soft and nice to kiss, I really could have stayed there for hours. And her laughing was infectious. Slowly, the playful kisses turned more intimate. I moved myself around to kiss her left ear, I trailed down her neck, and the laughing turned into those beautiful soft moans she does when I rub my hands on her arm; she was enjoying this. We both were. Perhaps a little too much. I decided to tease her a bit more, and put my left hand – the one she was sucking on less than a week before – up towards her, letting my fingers gently touch her lips. She was starting to grind her hips a little bit now, her chest was heaving with some heavy breaths, and as I bit down lightly on her neck, she gasped – opening her mouth, sliding out the tip of her tongue to meet my fingers. But it was only enough time for a light touch, when I suddenly propped myself up on the bed, said “Goodnight!” and walked back out, leaving her in shock.

It didn’t take long for her to message me:

“That was hard, my dude! I wanted to suck on that finger like an icy pole.”

Up until that message I really thought I had the *chutzpa* to act totally calm and in control, but she broke all my inhibitions in an instant. I went back to her room, lay down next to her, and we had our first kiss. We were so into each other; we didn’t care about anything else. For that night, her room was the entire universe.

I spent that night in Allie’s bed. We made out for what felt like an hour, and I would have been happy to just kiss her soft, perfect lips all night, but we both wanted more. Our hands got adventurous, I felt her neck, her hips, her thighs. I was being cautious, but her shirt rode up and my hands found the warmth of her flat stomach and I had to ask – “Is this ok?” – as my hands started moving up towards her chest. She smiled and nodded. I didn’t waste any time then. I felt her perfect breasts through her bra, cupping with one hand as my other hand guided hers down to the bulge in my jeans. She mouthed “wow!” when she felt me, and we were both in so much delight from being able to touch the person we’ve been crushing on for what feels like so long.

I didn’t know how far Allie wanted to take this, so I took things slow. We took our shirts off, and I kissed across her chest. I moved down the valley between her breasts and kissed as much as her bra exposed to me. She has this fucking incredibly sexy underboob from the night-bra thing she was wearing, and it just drove me wild. I cannot explain how attractive this girl is. She ticks all my boxes and gosh, I just felt so amazed to be able to do this with her. She seemed pretty elated herself if I may say so. She took her turn running her lips along my chest, covering my torso with kisses and nibbles. Now that my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I could see how much lust was in her expression. She nibbled and kissed her way down my chest – her long blonde hair dragging after her. We were both still wearing pants, but that didn’t stop her from kissing down to my crotch, where she stopped and took a *deeeep* breath in through her nose, like she was breathing up my scent. I had no idea that a girl like this could be real. She was doing everything to turn me on as much as possible. I loved seeing her dirty side.

We were both feeling pretty exhausted, as it was nearing 2am now, but we weren’t stopping. We kept making out, and with me wanting to always smother her with kisses, we ended up in a spooning position with me kissing her neck. She told me to pull her hair a bit, so I did. She liked it a lot. I pulled her hair and groped her tits and bit her neck. She liked that even more. I asked her what else she liked, and she said she loved teasing me, making me want her, driving me crazy for her. I said she was doing a great job, but she should try harder. She turned around, moved my chin off to the side to expose my neck, and dragged her tongue from my collarbone up to my earlobe, where she stopped to give a deep, sensual moan. I was stunned; it felt like my cock was about to explode. She giggled in a bizarrely innocent way for someone who was acting like such a sex-goddess, then turned back around to our spooning position. Seeing that I was still in a daze, she said “You know, you can grind against me if you want…”

That got me moving again. Grinding through our pants, I could feel my boner pressing between her cheeks. I was lightly pulling her hair a bit more and moved a hand under her bra to feel her nipples – she let out a load moan for that. We stayed like that for a while, me pushing against her, her pushing into me, moaning together, feeling each other up. It started to become too much for me.

“I want you to touch me,” I said as I started undoing my jeans. Allie bit her lip and let out a relieved growl as if to say ‘I’ve been waiting for you to say that, let me at ‘em’. She didn’t waste time in wrapping her hand around my cock. It felt so amazing to have her hand there, after a month of falling for her, and hours of teasing, I’m surprised I didn’t explode right then. Thankfully, I held it in, and I was harder than ever before. She started stroking me gently. She likes to do things slow at first. I think it’s part of her teasing fetish. She was staring at me with hungry eyes. I moved a hand to the button of her pants, but she playfully pushed it away and shook her head, biting her lip again. She just wanted to focus on me. She started picking up the pace a little bit, reading my expression, getting into the groove of what I think feels good. She was incredible – I always shrugged at the idea of handjobs, thinking they were boring. Allie proved me wrong. This was the most intense sexual experience I’d ever had, and she just needed her hand to give it to me. She looked like a goddess, lying there next to me, smiling, her perfect tits shifting back and forth as she pumped her hand along my cock. I was getting very close now. I told her I was going to cum soon, and she let out another one of those hungry growls. With her free hand, she pulled down the soft part of her bra, exposing her tits and nipples. Then she rubbed her hand across her chest, squeezed one of her boobs, and then moved her hand down to her pussy, rubbing it over her pants and squeezing her tits together with her arms as she did it. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, and she turned it all into the sexiest memory I have by smiling and saying,

“*Do it all over me.*”

So I did. Ropes and ropes of cum shot out all over her, landing on her stomach, her bra, her chest, her hand, and her arm. She squealed with joy as I sprayed her with cum. I was in heaven. This was the biggest orgasm I’d ever had, and she drew it out of me so easily. As I collapsed next to her, she cheerily rubbed some of my cum into her skin, telling me that apparently it helps keep skin healthy. We laughed together. Everything felt so perfect. We kissed a little bit more, then she got up to take a shower. I went with her and watched her get completely undressed. She was so beautiful. Life was beautiful. We went to sleep together after that.

*That’s all for now. There are plenty more stories to be told about me and Allie (I didn’t even have room to get to our first PiV experience), so if you like how it’s going, I’ll try to find some time to type up some more. Thanks for reading.*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/stj3y0/mf_i_m22_moved_in_with_my_friends_girlfriend_f21


  1. Saw the posts and read both of the parts in one sitting. Very hot story and your writing style is great! Enjoyed it a lot, keep the stories coming 😄

  2. Really appreciate in part 1 and 2 how you showed your respect for her and had clear boundaries around consent, and yet are still able to keep it sexy! Great story and great writing style. The erotica world needs more stories like these.

  3. “We were so into each other; we didn’t care about anything else. For that night, her room was the entire universe.”

    Damn dude, that beautifully sums up that feeling so well. This might be the best thing I’ve read on here. Do us all a favor and keep this story going…. not even just for the sexy parts. Haha. Genuinely interested in how this all plays out.

  4. > when I suddenly propped myself up on the bed, said “Goodnight!” and walked back out, leaving her in shock.

    What a coldblooded powerplay xD

  5. This story is so beautiful, cute, sexy and hot, all of it at the same time ! And even funny
    The two of you are so good together, that the thought that she has a boyfriend seems irrelevant and it seems all worth it. Like the other comments, I’m really curious to read more, as it is one hell of a cute story. And you seem to be awesome, as well as your writing style !

  6. I was caught by the title read the whole f*****g thing and finally at the end something happened 😩but not a lot. Give me back my 15 mins

  7. I don’t know how you’re able to make me feel like I’m back at the beginning of a relationship I never actually had but holy hell your writing is good. !updateme

  8. God please write more! This is amazing.
    She sounds like my ex in description. Except my ex is a lot shorter lol.
    But still, beautiful blonde hair, hourglass frame…

  9. Hey, can I just take a second to say thank you from the women who have been similar situations – being unsatisfying relationship hoping that things will change can be detrimental to self-worth.

    Sure the situation wasn’t ideal but I bet your *crush* made a impact on her too, and that’s pretty cool to me ☺️

  10. !updateme this was so damn sexy! Please continue! You’ve got me so invested like many of the other comments! I’d love to know how your relationship continues 🔥

  11. I can’t believe you remember details like this. I couldn’t tell you details about the last sexual experience I had (last night with my Gf)

  12. Great writing! It’s so hot and so heart-breaking at the same time. I keep thinking about how I would hope I might approach something like this to make it work and maintain as much integrity as possible, because it honestly sounds like you were falling in love, even before the finger sucking drive home.


    I appreciate your edit about gold at the bottom, too, btw.

  13. As a woman, the consent is SO sexy.
    The fact that she set the pace is so refreshing, and was probably my biggest attraction to this story.
    Your gentle, teasing nature that naturally built into a hunger for each other was out of this world.
    You’re a fantastic author.
    I need more😅

  14. This is such a beautiful story! Can’t wait to read all the subsequent parts. Did things get messy between her and John?

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