A lady goes for a ride… [MF]

It seemed like a simple enough request. The text I got from you that afternoon said “Would you mind picking up my race packet when you’re at the shop?” Nothing more than the kind of routine favor that friends and neighbors do for each other all the time, so I agreed and went on about my business. In this case, that business involved going to the shop, grabbing race packets, and then returning home for the usual kid-free-night routine: a long slow run, a shower, and a cold beer. Just as I fit the bottle opener to the top of my first victim, I remembered: I’d promised to deliver the packet so you’d have it before the race. A quick glance at my watch showed that it was only a little after 7. That’s not too late, I rationalized. I grabbed my phone to text you, but it was dead, neglected after my run music drained the last of its ancient battery. I plugged it in with a shrug, grabbed the packet, shoved the cat away from the door with one foot, and headed out to drop it off.

When I got to your house, all seemed quiet. My knock at the door went unanswered, which was a little unusual—most of the time, kids, dogs, or both rush to greet any sound at the door. I knocked again, louder, and then mentally shrugged. I paused, about to turn back, and decided to try the doorknob. It turned easily, and the door swung open. “Hello?” I called out. Then I heard it: a faint hum, like an electric motor working… like a treadmill. Of course, I reasoned. She’s just getting in a cooldown run before the race tomorrow. So decided, I walked down the hall towards your bedroom, where I found the door ajar and the humming louder. I pushed the door open a bit more and stepped across the threshold, only to see an odd sight: an empty treadmill. Yet the humming was even more obvious now. One more step forward and I saw something that froze me in my tracks… while at the same time sending a pulse of what felt like lightning straight to my groin: a lovely pair of bare shoulders, dark hair spilling over them, crouched over something on the floor near the closet door. I couldn’t see what it was because the bed was in the way, but the gentle rocking of your shoulders told me that whatever it was, you had straddled it.

I’d like to say my first instinct was to politely leave, but I wasn’t thinking. Instead, I was gawking, feeling my pulse hammer both in my ears and in my suddenly throbbing cock. Just then, you gasped, with a quick draw of breath and then a long, quiet, drawn-out “ohhhhhhh.” I took first one step, then another, into the room, my feet making no noise on the plush carpet. As I drew a little closer, you let out another long groan, this one with a rising tone towards the end. I set the race packet down and stepped towards the corner of the bed, where I finally saw what had you so intent. With your back to me, I could see the long graceful curve of your spine, the rippling muscles of your back and butt moving in rhythm as you rocked your hips back and forth. Holy shit, I thought. That’s an actual Sybian!
You tossed your head, shaking your hair across one shoulder, and started to move your hips a little faster. Each forward thrust was punctuated with a little puff of air.. “oh oh oh OH oh oh” as you moved your hips. One more step, and I noticed your long stocking-clad legs straddling either side so that you were resting on your knees, toes digging into the carpet. One more, and you lowered your shoulders and began to work your hips in earnest, your breath coming faster, interspersed with some of the sexiest moaning I’d ever heard. From the tone, it sounded like you were getting close to coming. What’s the worst that could happen? I thought. Almost on their own, my hands slid under the waistband of my shorts, pushing them down to the floor. I stepped out of them, took one more step forward, and sank down to my knees right behind you, putting my hands on your stockinged thighs and sliding them up over your ribcage until I felt the small, hard points of your nipples against my hands. Your body tensed, and I expected you to push me away, but you were busy, the force of your orgasm building so quickly that you couldn’t do anything

except frantically thrust your hips against the machine that was about to make you come. I seized a nipple between my thumb and forefinger, lightly rolling it as I leaned forward and began to whisper in your ear.
“I want you to come for me,” I whispered. “Doesn’t that feel good?” You groaned and leaned back against me, and I could feel the insistent vibrations from the Sybian through your body where it pressed against mine. I knew you could feel the rock-hard length of my cock against you too. “Do you feel how hard I am?” I asked. “Imagine every inch slowly sliding inside you, starting with just the tip. Maybe I’ll tease you with it a bit first.” I don’t think you were really listening at this point, because your whole body had started to shake as you lifted your hips up and slammed them down on the dildo as it buzzed and whirred against you. Keeping one hand teasing your nipple, I slipped an arm around your waist and grabbed your hip to keep you from getting too far away.

“Oh, God, I’m going to come,” you breathed. “I’m going to COME,” this in a louder voice.

Your whole body shook as you started to come, a long, voiceless moan turning gradually into a wail as you smacked your hips down on the saddle again and again. On each backstroke, you ground against my cock, teasing me with the supple warmth of your skin. The motion of your hips slowly eased and you let out a long, shuddering “phewwwwwwww”, relaxing back into me. I slid my other hand up, circling your still-hard nipple with my palm, and licked your earlobe. Then I said “I bet you’d like to come again, wouldn’t you?”

“Mmmm hmmmm,” you sighed. I continued to tease your nipples, enjoying the way they felt first against my palms and then against my fingertips. Your breathing had quickened a bit as you settled into a new slow rhythm. I noticed the bottle of lube on the floor near your knee and that gave me an idea. I put a tiny drop of lube on my fingertips and began rubbing your now slippery nipples a little more firmly. That got the reaction I was hoping for: a firm grind back against me and a loud moan. I could tell that another orgasm was approaching, so I grasped your nipples firmly, squeezing them in time with the thrusts of your hips. Time for more whispering, I thought.
“Tell me how it feels,” I breathed. “Tell me now because later my cock’s going to be in your mouth and you won’t be able to talk then.” You shivered with pleasure as your climax got closer. “It’s soooooo good,” you sighed. “My clit… and oh god, inside…” Your voice trailed off and I could feel your hips moving more quickly as you concentrated on the waves of sensation rolling through your body. I leaned in said said “Feel that? Feel the way your clit is pulsing. Your pussy is so full, isn’t it? Go on, baby, come for me.” You obliged; rolling your shoulders forward, your ass pushed hard against me as you leaned forward and let the machine’s power overtake you. You cried out, a long wordless hymn, as you shook and came again. I had a great view; as you leaned a bit away from me, I was struck with another idea.

I grabbed the lube again and got a little on the thumb and fingertips of my right hand. You started to relax and lean back against me, but my firm hand on your shoulder kept you where you were. I slipped my hand down between us and lightly brushed my lubricated thumb against your bum, almost strumming it. Not really any pressure, but just enough contact to tease the sensitive nerves there. You made a sound low in your throat and tried again to sit up, but my hand on your shoulder kept you pinned against the machine. “Turn it up a notch,” I commanded. I heard a “click” as you changed the setting on the remote, and the motor reached a new pitch. I wiggled my thumb a bit faster, circling with just enough pressure to make firm contact. I could feel the little muscles quivering against the pressure, and I knew that meant you were getting close to coming again. I pressed my thumb a bit harder, stretching you open just the tiniest bit to admit the very tip of my thumb, and at the same time moving my hand from your shoulder into your luxuriant hair. I grabbed a big handful, pulling gently, and leaned forward a bit, my right hand still busy thumbing your bum. “I want to see your face,” I said. You might not have heard me, because about that time you arched your back and began to tremble. I watched your lips part, saw your half-closed eyelids flutter a bit, and watched closely as your face betrayed what your body was feeling—first concentration as you neared the peak, then a sudden spasm of pleasure that rocked you first with one wave and then another. I could feel you clench around my thumb and knew that your pussy was squeezing the thrusting dildo in time with it, so I pressed in time with the contractions until I felt them slow and then stop.
You slumped back against me, clicking the machine down a couple of notches as you pressed the full length of your torso back aganst mine, trapping my swollen cock between us. I slid one hand over your hip to lightly trace the seam between your hip and thigh, slowly working my way down towards your clit.

I brushed it first with my fingertip, feeling it hot and slick to my touch. I pressed my finger down a bit, stroking it a little more firmly. “Lean back,” I murmured, and you did, shifting your weight back and sliding your feet forward until they were in front of you. As you settled in, I continued stroking your clit with slow, firm strokes, from top to bottom and back again. Looking over your shoulder, I stroked my other hand all over your hips, thighs, and belly, then up to your breasts. Another quick dab of lube on my thumb and finger, and I began to stroke your now-slippery nipples, first one and then the other. “We need more hands here,” I whispered. “Keep that in mind for later.”

“That’s right,” I murmured. “Think about it. A pair of hands holding your hips. Gripping you firmly, almost roughly. Then another hand teasing your little clit, like this.” I rubbed a bit faster. You groaned, and I saw the muscles in your thighs flex as you pushed yourself down onto the dildo a little more forcefully. “And then,” I continued, “hands on your breasts.” I pinched your nipple firmly. “All those hands,” with a little more pressure on your clit. “Touching and stroking you. And you, feeling them bring you closer.” Feet flat on the floor, you were rocking your hips up and town in time with my fingers moving ceaselessly on your clit. “But that’s not all,” I said. “Let’s talk about your hands too. Imagine your left hand wrapped around a big, hard cock—the kind that fills your hand. It’s leaking a little bit but you’ll put some lube on it too, won’t you?” “Uh huh,” you moaned.

“Imagine the heat and the heft of it, filling your hand. Are you going to just hold it, or rub your palm up and down the shaft?” With your eyes closed, I could tell you were considering it, imagining it. I rubbed your clit faster. “What about your right hand?” I said. “Maybe you’d like something for it too. How about another thick cock? Maybe a little shorter, but thicker, than the other one. You can feel every inch sliding back and forth against your palm, can’t you?” A quick gasp from you as you pushed against my fingers. “Give them a little squeeze,” I instructed. “Feel how they pulse against your palms.” You sighed with pleasure as my fingers continued circling your clit. “Move those hands back and forth,” I said. “Feel how slippery your hands are, and how warm those cocks are as they slide between your fingers. And those hands still haven’t stopped moving, have they?” You began to buck your hips against my hands as your orgasm approached. “But what’s this?” I said. I moved the hand that had been teasing your nipple up to your face, tracing your lower lip with my thumb and then sliding it between your lips. “Looks like you have an empty hand now.” You closed your lips around my thumb, sucking it deep into your mouth. “That’s right,” I said. “You need a cock in your mouth right now.” I could feel and hear you moaning around my thumb as you continued to lick it. As you bounced on the saddle, I rubbed your clit faster, enjoying the heat of your body as you shuddered against me. “Suck it, ” I whispered. “I want to feel your mouth while you come.” You tried valiantly to hold out, but the sensation flooding your body was too much; your mouth parted slightly as you began to come. “Ohhhhhh, ohhhhh,” you cried softly, muffled against my thumb.
Rising to my feet, I said, “I was right… you do need a cock in your mouth.” Stepping around in front of you, I took the base of my cock in my hand and rubbed the hot, slick head slowly across your red, soft lips, then your cheeks, then your lips again, teasing you with it. You quickly extended your tongue to lick the underside, making me shiver as you moved it slowly back and forth. All the while, you looked up at me and smiled, your full red lips curving upwards with a promise that soon they’d be covering me.

But not quite yet.

First you kissed the head lightly, occasionally pursing your lips to apply just enough suction to make me groan, but then teasingly pulling back with a quick stroke of your soft tongue… and that smile again.
The softness and warmth of your tongue were incredible, but nothing compared to the sensation as you suddenly opened your mouth and plunged it down onto me, closing your lips to give me sweet friction as you pushed your head down. I could feel you moan softly around my cock. Your soft hand played up and down the shaft, now barely touching, now squeezing firmly, stroking me while you concentrated your attention on the head. As your head moved up, so did your hand, then back down together, engulfing me in warmth and pleasure. I enjoyed the erotic sight of your lips closing around me, your head moving first slowly and then faster and then slowly again. Your steady motions were making my knees tremble each time your tongue stroked across the sensitive spot on the side of my head, and I loved the sensation of your lips and tongue and throat all moving together as you hummed and moaned under the Sybian’s constant ministrations. I thought maybe I should help things along a little bit, so I nudged the remote with my toe to click it up a notch, or so I thought.. but it must have been two notches judging by your reaction.

With one red-nailed hand, you gripped the base of my shaft, cupping my butt with the other as you plunged me into your mouth. I let out a long groan as the sensation of your tongue slipping around the head, back and forth, swept through me. You held me deep inside, sucking first gently and then harder, and then gently again. As you moved your mouth up and down, I could feel the heat building deep inside my cock, but you must have felt it too because you slowly pulled your mouth off me and slid your hand down to cup my balls. My shaft throbbed in time with my pulse; you lightly rested the head against your lips and trailed your fingertips up and down the shaft. It almost, but not quite, tickled… just a faint but titillating sensation that tingled through me until, suddenly and without warning, you pursed your lips firmly and then stuffed me back inside your mouth, pressing your lips open. Unbidden, my hands went to your head, twining in your hair. I felt what might have been a chuckle from your mouth, then you pressed me deeper. Your tongue stroked the underside of my cock, teasing the sensitive head with steady, slow licks. Meanwhile, you were rocking your hips back and forth on the relentless machine. I loved the feel of your mouth around me when you occasionally moaned or sighed at the pleasure washing through your body—the combination of the sight, sound, and touch was driving me crazy. The combination was obviously getting to you, too, since your hips were moving faster and faster.

“Don’t you dare stop when you come,” I warned. Your response was to slowly pull my cock out of your mouth, thrust your hips faster, and slide your grasping hand smoothly up and down the length of my shaft, twisting it a bit to add extra friction. I gasped, pressing my hips forward against your hand. I heard you whisper something—I couldn’t make out what but it sounded like it had “come” it, but I was too far gone to pay close attention anyway. I could feel my balls start to tighten in anticipation of the coming explosion, and I knew I was almost done for. You hadn’t stopped moving your hips or your hand. All I could do was lock my knees and try not to fall down as you continued to stroke me with your soft hand. You let out a long, low moan and I knew you were starting to come, so I stared intently, trying to commit every detail to memory. My concentration was immediately spoiled when, without warning, you closed your lips over the head of my cock and started to suck gently. At the same time, you looked up at me, moaning more loudly as your orgasm began. That did the trick—I uttered a short, hoarse shout as I started to come. Wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through me as I felt my cock spasm again and again. My knees buckled, and I struggled to stay upright as I shook with pleasure, nearly overwhelmed by the combination of sensations. With a final gasp, you popped me out from between your pursed lips and smiled up at me, licking your still-red lips. I couldn’t speak; I was concentrating on just remaining upright. My pulse thundered. Suddenly the room got quieter as you clicked the machine off. I stood there catching my breath for a second, finally flopping down onto the conveniently located bed.

Waving vaguely in the direction of the door, I finally managed to croak out a few words: “Hey, I brought your shirt…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/styff8/a_lady_goes_for_a_ride_mf

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