A Father’s Struggle 25 – L&M Date Night Wrap Up (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I sat in my kitchen area lightly sipping coffee idly waiting for someone I called over to show up.

After last night’s little episode where **MY** eyes turned *purple* kind of freaked me out.

When Lola told me my eyes were purple I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the forward facing camera to check and sure enough my eyes were *purple* though at that moment they were beginning to fade and my natural eye color was coming back.

Lola also mention during our session, before I passed out, that near the end while we were looking into each other’s eyes she thought she saw my eyes flickering from my natural brown state to purple but she wasn’t too sure….until near the end when I came and that’s when my eyes turned from brown to a deep purple. Though it was momentary she was confused as she saw my eyes roll and I pretty much slumped onto the ground.

After I came to I ‘*guess*’, I’m just guessing at this moment, that because the miracle drug that flowed through my system giving me my power of never aging also has the same side condition that my daughter’s have but had remained dormant….until my lust had risen so high and Lola’s added mixture coursing through my system caused the color change to activate.

I saw the blur of circles in my vision and my eyes changed color. When I looked at Lola after I passed out those blurry circles was the color and when my vision finally came back that *purple* was gone.

That’s just a guess mind you. I could be completely wrong as the rest of the night my eyes never got blurry and my eyes never changed again. And the girl’s helped me check as we left PR’s and moved onto this theater where we got to lay in beds while we watched some sappy love movie. I pretty much slow fucked both Maxine and Lola giving them each a shot before the movie was done.

Then we came to my house after the movies as we fucked with the lights on where both girl’s watched my eyes to make sure they didn’t change color.

Granted, because of their ‘*planning*’ I was able to break my **natural** record of going five times in one sitting to multiples. Before I went to bed my **new** record was eleven shots and god knows how many minutes of continuous sex before we finally retired for sleep.

It was now my personal best….I think. I may have a record with Stacey when we first conceived Heather but I don’t remember as that was complete passion that blurred together after not having sex for nearly eight weeks.

This morning when I woke up I decided I should talk to someone to see if I should go get checked and hoped they would make a house call though the person I called seemed to be pretty grumpy for waking them up on a Friday. But after I offered coffee they begrudgingly agreed not knowing WHY I called them over.

I heard a female voice speak behind me while I stupidly watched the window for the outside, “Hey there *old man*.”

I turned around to see a smiling Nicole as she added, “Or should I call you ‘*player*’ now.”

She waltzed into the kitchen and saw that **I** had made pressed coffee as she looked at me, “Bless you.”

I grunted, “You kill the Joe, make some More *Nicole*.”

She raised her eyebrow at me, “Oh?”

I nodded and spoke, “Having a guest come over and offered some pressed coffee as penitence for waking them up.”

She smiled at me, “Trying to get another female on your ‘*pole*’.” She shook her head playfully as she ticked her tongue at me, “My my I never knew my own father was such a player.”

I raised my eyebrow, “And what makes you think I’m a ‘*player*’?”

She looked at me after pouring her coffee, “Really dad? Do I need to remind you of your mother daughter combo laying on your bed naked,” I heard her mutter as she took a sip to hide her words, ” where your cum is still leaking out of them.”

I raised my eyebrow at her *Now HOW would you know MY cum was STILL leaking out of them?* but instead I spoke, “What was that? I didn’t hear you?”

I watched as Nicole blushed though I didn’t ask her HOW she knew Lola and Maxine was upstairs nor how she knew what she muttered that she THOUGHT I didn’t hear.

She scoffed at me, “Oh come on THEY weren’t exactly quiet last night dad.”

I smiled and laughed, “Ok fair enough.” Though I did think *sure you weren’t spying on us….again?* I pointed my finger at her, “But I’m NO player.”

I made a mental note to check my new video system…..just after my morning meeting. After Nicole’s little admission. Plus I’m sure my phone had been bombarded by *Notifications* that I still hadn’t checked on.

She smiled at me, “Huh coming from the man who has two girls upstairs that are MOTHER AND DAUGHTER.”

I shrugged, “Hey it’s not my fault.”

I smiled at her, “I didn’t turn them to sharer’s.” I sipped at my coffee letting that sink in before I continued with a wide smile, “I’m just benefitting from it.”

I pointed to the press SHE killed, “Coffee now.”

She leaned her head back and groaned out loud, “FINE!!!” But she smiled at me before emptying the pot and rinsing it before throwing the remaining fresh grounds in the pot and pouring more hot water on top letting the grounds seep in the water.

I looked at her, “So what are your plans?”

She sighed, “Well I have a photo shoot next Thursday and have to be on a plane next Monday. So I have roughly a week to hit the gym hard.”

That’s good to know. Meaning she will more than likely spend just about every waking hour at the gym(s).

She continued, “So I’m gonna start prepping for the week but I think Heather and I need to hit the grocery store first.”

She held up her mug, “After I’m done with this. I’m gonna go kick Heather out of bed and head over to the grocery store.”

She tilted her head back and pounded the remaining coffee before gasping out loud, “Yeah that hits the spot.”

She looked at me, “Need anything,” she smiled wolfishly at me, “*player*?”

I held up my mug, “Yeah see if you can’t hit up Linoleum and get some more of their special dark roast. Whole beans preferably.”

She rolled her eyes, “You only go to that place because the girl’s there wear nothing but skimpy bikinis that don’t hide shit.”

I smiled my own wolfish smile, “True but their dark roast is also good.”

She rolled her eyes at me with her own smile. She turned as she spoke, “Also true.”

Then she walked out of the kitchen and within a few moments I heard a thud from the second floor where Heather’s room was closely followed by a loud ‘*YOU BITCH!*’.

I smiled and lightly chuckled, finding the house seemed back to normal after recent events.

I turned my head and saw the person I had been waiting on as she pulled up in her white Mercedes.

I watched as she got out of the car in a tight red dress hugging all her delicious curves with her long blonde all done up. She flicked her hair over one shoulder before putting on her purse.

Then she strode up the remaining driveway and up the stairs to ring my doorbell.

I had gotten up and walked from the kitchen and walked over to the door waiting for my *guest* to ring the doorbell.

The moment the bell rang I slowly opened the door and with a long drawl I spoke, “Yeeessss.”

The female blinked as she saw me, though I kind of forgot what I had dressed in, as she began to look me up and down before she adjusted herself, “Yes I’m looking for Mr. Frons.”

She looked at me for a moment then looked beyond me bending to see beyond me, “Is your father home? I think he’s expecting me.”

I smiled a big smile at my *guest*, “Come on in ‘*neighbor*’.”

The blonde headed *neighbor* looked at me as if trying to understand my meaning. I turned and walked towards the kitchen as I spoke, “Come on in Ms. Braxter I’ll get you some pressed coffee like I offered as penance for waking you.”

I turned to check and saw her jaw was on the ground.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ssxjt3/a_fathers_struggle_25_lm_date_night_wrap_up


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