[Part 20] Lisa Galaxia – Blunders and Bastards (nudity, voyeur, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – For a plot summary and links to previous chapters!

Last time Lisa, Anity, and Rachel were forced to work alongside a Black Claw pirate crew in order to defeat a giant plant creature as part of an ancient coming of age ceremony. While nearly being swallowed by the plant Lisa managed to drop two bombs down it’s throat disabling it. Later while recovering back in the temple the pirate crew turned their weapons on the unarmed women and threatened to take them captive.


Lisa stared down the barrels of the three pistols pointed at her. Their own weapons were nowhere within reach, so her mind started racing through other options.

“Let’s go, you’re coming with us.” Tom demanded again. With his captain gone, he seemed to be anointing himself the de-facto leader now.

“No, I don’t think so.” Lisa replied bluntly.

Rachel’s mouth dropped open in surprise at Lisa’s boldness, and even Tom seemed at a loss for a moment. “Ex…excuse me?” he finally stuttered. Do you want to repeat that?”

“You heard me.” Lisa replied calmly. “We’re not going with you. I’ve already been down the gullet of a man-eating plant today. I barely avoided being bitten by those creepy flying creatures. I had to endure several hours of sex with that drugged up friend of yours.” Lisa gestured to the large pirate who was still asleep on a nearby bench. “I’m not taking any more shit today. All I want is a shower and a nap.”

“That’s ridiculous, I’ll shoot you! I swear I will,” Tom shouted back, finger moving to his trigger now.”

“I really don’t think you’re that crazy.” Lisa replied sternly, looking Tom straight in the eyes.

“Think again!” He snapped back.

There was a bright flash and Lisa felt a searing pain in her arm. Rachel screamed, and Anity swore as Lisa collapsed to the floor in pain.

“Freeze! I’ll do it again.” Tom yelled as he put another blaster shot into the ceiling as a warning.

Anity and Rachel both froze in place while Lisa rolled on her side. There was a fierce hot pain just below her shoulder and the rest of her arm was numb. She could barely feel it at all. She just curled up and grimaced, tears running down her cheek.

“Dumb girl! Maybe you learned something today?” Tom said in a mocking tone as he stepped forward and stood over Lisa menacingly, pointing his pistol down at her again.

Suddenly a claxon began to blare. The harsh buzzing and honking made the inhabitants of the small room instinctively cover their ears.

“The hell is that?” Tom yelled as he spun around looking for an answer no one else in the room appeared to have.

There was a clang by the door and then a hissing noise as smoke filled the room. “What the…?” Tom shouted, but his surprise was cut short by a cough. The others standing nearby fell into a coughing fit as well.

Lisa could hear blaster bolts pierce the darkness. Flashes of plasma lit up the smoke-darkened room. There was a panicked scream from Rachel. Tom called out in pain and there was a crashing thump. A couple more shots and more crashing. Lisa just held her injured arm and prayed.

It didn’t take more than a few more seconds for the smoke to clear. When it did Rachel and Anity were the only ones still standing. Two robots were in either doorway and all three pirates who were threatening them moments earlier lay unconscious on the floor.

There was a squaking and clicking noise coming from one of the droids and then it followed with a translation of sorts.

“Not allowed behavior, threat elimination. Please, graduates exit now.”

One of the robots then stepped aside of the door, and seemed to be beckoning the women through it.

“I guess we have to leave now.” Anity spoke to a surprised Rachel who was just staring at the robot blankly.

Rachel shook her head a little, breaking free of her trance. She hurried over to Lisa. “Oh my god, Lisa! How’s your arm!?”

“It hurts.” Lisa said with a grimace.

“Please, my friend was shot. She needs help.” Anity began trying to explain to one of the robots.

The robot didn’t seem to reply at all. It just repeated its gesture towards the door.

“Help me get her up,” Rachel called to Anity, “it probably doesn’t understand. We should leave quickly before it gets upset at us too.”

Rachel and Anity helped Lisa to her feet. Lisa continued clutching at her arm as they helped her past the robot and out the doorway. Outside the room there were a couple of tables lined up. On them was an array of armor and weapons displayed. The girls made right for the nearby bench however.

“Let me see your arm,” Anity said as they sat Lisa on one of the benches.

Lisa nodded and removed her hand. There was a burn mark on her arm about the size of a large egg. Anity looked over it with concern.

“It hurts a little less now,” Lisa said, trying to move her arm a bit. Anity got up and walked over to the table with the armor laid out and started examining it.

“It looks painful!” Rachel remarked, “I was shocked you didn’t just surrender. That was crazy brave of you!”

“Ugh, I was betting he wasn’t dumb enough to shoot while we were still in the temple. Thought maybe after they’d all been captured earlier, he’d be more cautious.” Lisa explained in a strained voice. “Guess I was wrong.”

“Well if you were betting on temple guardians showing up you were at least right about that part.” Rachel said, trying to sound upbeat.

“Hey Rachel,” Anity called from the table. “Do you think there’s anything here on the table we could use to help her?”

Rachel stood up and headed over to look. “I’m not sure. We don’t really know much about what individual soldiers wore.” She explained as she looked over the goods.

It was very beautiful armor, white with what looked like golden embroidered accents. There were 7 different sets laid out, one for each of the survivors Rachel reasoned. There was a helmet, with a golden visor. A blaster rifle of sorts, and a small dagger. The rest of the armor wasn’t much. Like the ceremonial armor they were still wearing, it left little to the imagination. However the bracers look much more heavy duty, and there were shin guards as well. The bottoms were little more than panties, yet again, but there was a pure white chest piece with a glowing golden sphere in the middle of it. A box with ingots of an unknown metal, and another which contained various unknown implements rounded out their hard earned awards.

“Try it on,” Lisa encouraged the others from the bench where she sat.

“But your arm…” Rachel protested.

“I’ll live.” Lisa said rather sarcastically. “It’s hurting less really.”

Rachel nodded as they got into their armor. Each piece they tried on seemed to adjust its size to the user as it was strapped in place.

“Weird, there’s stuff displayed on the inside of the visor.” She said as she slipped the helmet on.

“What’s it say?” Lisa asked curiously, hiding her pain as well as she could for the moment.

“Something about that metal in that box I think.” She started, “There’s instructions for the armor as well, comm channels, ugh this is going to take a while to translate…”

“Well let’s head back to the ship then.” Lisa suggested. Then you can figure it out, and I can use the first aid kit there.


Clark had been pacing restlessly by the two ships since late morning. There wasn’t a word from the women, nothing stirring from the pirate ship either. Just the coming and going of the temple guardians, which paid him little mind thankfully. There had been a flurry of distant blaster fire that sounded like it came from the temple grounds, that’s when he began pacing earnestly, his worry getting the better of him. It was after sunset now when he saw three armored figures come into view from the treeline in the direction of the temple. He froze for a moment, not sure whether they were friend or foe. Anity quickly broke the silence however, “Hey stranger.”

“A… Anity?” He spoke up in surprise. “What’s that you all are wearing? Where were you? I was worried sick! It sounded like there was a firefight inside the temple a couple hours ago, but I couldn’t contact anyone on the comm!”

“We’ll explain it all inside. Lisa was shot in her left arm. Can you grab a medkit from the small cargo room?” Anity called.

“Oh no, yes right away!” Clark called as he scurried up the Rose Rocket’s loading ramp.

Anity and Rachel proceeded to explain the whole situation to an astonished Clark as they patched up Lisa’s arm. While the blaster would leave a good scar there didn’t seem to be any major damage. Lisa was beginning to regain feeling in her arm, and the pain was continuing to subside. Rachel guessed the ceremonial blaster Tom shot her with was likely made for killing plants, not people, thankfully. As discussion began to wind down Lisa felt it was time to excuse herself

“Alright, I’m so done being covered with plant juice. I’ll be in the shower in my cabin.” Lisa announced as she gingerly rose to her feet.

“Hey, why don’t you leave the bathroom door open.” Anity suggested.

Lisa laughed awkwardly for a moment. “What… wait why?”

“That camera hidden in your mirror can see right in. Bet a recording of you taking a shower would be long enough for me to trace the camera’s transmission all the way back to its source. We may finally learn who put it there.”

“Ohhh,” Lisa nodded, now understanding what Anity meant. She thought about it for a minute “Phew alright, I can do that. Just take a shower like normal, yeah?”

“Yup pretty much,” Anity replied. “Saves us from trying to find a creative way for you to linger in front of that mirror naked.”

“Oh, well if you need some creati…”

“No Clark!” Anity interrupted him.

“Well, alright. Just thought I’d offer.” Clark said with a poorly hidden hint of disappointment.

Rachel giggled from across the room where she was sitting with her Novian helmet on, reading some of her old notes from college. After it was clear Lisa was fine Rachel had gotten right to work deciphering the various instructions and text that came with their rewards. It was proving to be daunting, there were a lot of symbols she wasn’t familiar with, and she lacked context for a lot of what she assumed was military terminology.

Lisa wearily walked into her room and did her best to ignore her large mirror with the camera hidden behind it. It’s surprisingly hard to act naturally when you’re aware you’re being watched, she thought. She did her best to concentrate on her normal routine: putting away her wrist comm, playing some music, starting a movie on her tablet, etc. Taking one of her emergency pills felt awkward. However after sharing a long afternoon wrapped in vines with that aphrodisiac-addled pirate, preventing an STI or unwanted pregnancy was more important than whatever someone watching her thought. As she walked to the shower, Lisa smiled and added a little bit of a seductive sway to her walk. “Might as well have a little fun with whoever it is,” She joked to herself.

Lisa took off her breastplate and shimmied out of the bikini bottom that came with the Novian armor. She wondered for a moment what whoever was watching on the camera would think of it. It wasn’t exactly typical clothing after all.

“Ugh, I’ve been needing this.” Lisa said as she hopped into the shower and let the warm water flow down her back. She completely put the camera out of her mind as she relaxed. Sticky plant residue proved to be a chore to remove. It stubbornly clung to every inch of her. Hair was the worst, three applications of a heavy duty scrubbing shampoo and it still didn’t feel right. The blaster burn on her arm stung when her soap touched it, but was surprisingly bearable for an injury. When Lisa finally stumbled out 30 minutes later she felt revitalized but completely exhausted. She flopped down on her bed naked to relax for a moment, but her eyelids were too heavy and she fell asleep with her hair still drying in her towel.


A knock on her door woke Lisa up the next morning. “Hey, can we come in?” It was Anity’s voice calling from the doorway.

“Shoot, just a second.” Lisa groaned as she sat up. After a bit of fumbling she slipped on her pantsuit and opened the door to a giggling Rachel and the other to flanking her with smiles on their faces.

“What? What’s so funny?” Lisa asked.

“We were kind of expecting you to come back out last night. You have a good rest?” Rachel asked.

“Yeah, I guess I was pretty tired.” Lisa admitted. “I wanted to just lay down for a second, but I guess I slept all night.”

“Well hurry on out, Clark cooked breakfast for us and we have some good news for you.” Rachel replied.

The others were already seated when Lisa made her way into the dining area. “So what’s the good news?”

“Good news is Anity is a genius.” Rachel smiled. “We tracked down that camera’s transmission.”

“That’s awesome,” Lisa replied as she took a bite, “what’d we learn.”

“A lot,” Anity said from behind a tablet. “Remember Michel Farlong?”

“The governor?” Lisa gasped in surprise. “You’re kidding? He planted the camera?”

“I don’t know, but a computer at his residence was one of the locations receiving data from the camera.” Anity said.

“One of them? There were more?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah, remember how I said the signal split at a relay before?”


“The other location is in frontier space.” Anity added. “Not sure if it’s a spacecraft or a station of some kind, but it’s in orbit over a planet out there.” Anity handed Lisa her tablet to Lisa to look over.”

“That’s so weird.” Lisa said while looking over Anity’s tablet. “I’ve never been anywhere near there.”

“Most people haven’t.” Anity added, “no idea what’s out there. It’s just a couple of map dots really, and that planet is nearly uninhabited.”

“So weird.” Lisa said out loud. “This is really good by the way Clark!” she added gesturing to her plate.

“Thanks m’lady. I live to serve!” Clark replied with a smile as he continued doing dishes.

“Okay my turn!” Rachel broke in excitedly.

Lisa laughed. “Okay what did you find out? You were staring pretty intently into that visor when I went to shower last night.”

“So I’m still translating, but I learned the location of a place where we can take those weird metallic ingots.” Rachel said excitedly, “Or at least, where the place was about 5,000 years ago when the instructions were last updated. It’s in the industrial district.”

“Like where we saw that black smoke earlier?” Lisa asked. “What did they do with them there?”

“Yup,” Rachel replied, “and I’m not sure other than we can place an order there. There’s more written, but I’d probably have to get some help to translate the text fully. There’s a lot of terms I’ve never seen before.”

“I was meaning to ask you, was there anything in there about tattoos?” Anity chimed in. “You said the robots were looking for those as proof we’d passed that test at the temple. No one tried to tattoo us on our way out though.”

“No, there was nothing.” Rachel replied. “I was kind of expecting that at some point too. Sorry, I don’t really know where or how that used to happen.”

“Do you know anyone who could help you decipher all this?” Lisa asked.

“My old professor maybe, but he’s back on Timort. It’ll be quite a trip to visit him.” Rachel thought out loud. “I learned a lot about the armor though, I’ll have to show you when we have time.”

“There was a lot going on while I was sleeping!” Lisa smiled and joked as she took another bite.

“We’ll what are we doing today then Captain?” Clark asked as he put the last dish away. “Seems we have no shortage of options.”

“Umm… we’ll have seconds if that’s ok?” Lisa replied, “I’m kinda still hungry.”

Clark laughed, “I put the extra away, but don’t worry I’ll get you another plate. How about after that though?”


Option A: The camera sending data to a remote system is a really curious development. Perhaps we should investigate what’s out there?

Option B: We should get to the bottom of who’s spying on us on Niliputus. Is it the governor himself, or someone else?

Option C: Let’s head over to the industrial area. See if we can figure out what was done with those ingots.

Option D: Let’s pay a visit to Rachel’s old professor. Maybe he can decipher more of the writing Rachel has found in the armor’s instructions.


Hi again everyone! 👋

There were a lot of developments in this chapter, so let’s choose a plotline to follow. Let me know where you think our crew should go next! 😊

As for last chapter’s rejected plotlines: Options A and B would have both led to the women becoming prisoners of the pirates, but Option B would have led to a big dilemma within the fragmented pirate crew. Option D would have led to a firefight with the pirates, with the guardians turning on both groups.

Anyway, hope you all have a fun and sexy day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ssc3ch/part_20_lisa_galaxia_blunders_and_bastards_nudity


  1. I will go with C again. Shame she can‘t translate it all, but they‘re already there and must try to make the most out of the situation. The spies can wait a bit longer!

  2. For me, It’ll also be C. I’m curious about the ancient society and maybe we get another surprise with that plant thing

  3. Yeah I too, want to follow this Quest-Chain out to it’s conclusion, AND Yeah why NO Tattoos???I also VOTE Option C. PLUS Turn in the Ingots for better Loot!!!

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