The shed of sin [pls give me pointers and critic bad or good]

The man walks to the she following the woman, he looks down at her bottom to which seems like its hugging her skirt. He was cleary turned on, he was able to make out a shape and size and within moments he realized he was not listening to a word she had said. She turns and looks at him, it takes him a few seconds to act like he was looking at the floor and he raises his head up and smiles, the woman suspecting he was checking her out opens the door of the she and invites him in. “My husband usually keeps the tools here” she says slowly. The man smiles and thanks her as he starts looking around for a wrench within moments the woman was quickly backing into him. The man confused grabs her waist and looks around to see what had freightened her. Clearly embarrassed the woman says “sorry i thought that was a mouse” she says pointing at the used brillo pad on the ground. The man lets out a low chuckle and lets go of her waist, still on the man the woman feels her neighbors hard cock pressed against her bottom, and her body goes cold and quickly warm again as she moves away from him and apologizes again, he smiles and nods as if he were dismissing the matter.
At this point he doesnt care about the tools anymore he only cares about feeling her lips on his body, the humid shed caused sweat to form and bead off his forehead, the woman stares at his perfectly chisled forearm and she starts to day dream, she imagined the man thrusting against her women parts in a slow but firm manner, she starts to blush as the world around her starts to slow down she begins to wonder why his penis was even hard in the first place

The man looks around and finds the wrench buried under a few tools, he lifts up the slightly heavy wrench having his muscles flare up a little, the woman now examining his body realized his shirt was slightly dampened from sweat and his chisled chest hugged onto his tight blue shirt.
The man turns to the woman and smiles, his face glowed in the dim shed she saw his facial features and she was astounished, she did not expect him to be so beautiful, his face had no room for error as if he were a statue chisled to pefection, “thank you madam” he says in a calming strong voice the woman still staring at him in awe eases back into reality and forces herself to smile.

The tention in the room made her sweat, the hot atmosphere mixed with the sexual energy radiating off the man caused her mind to go into a frenzy, she was not in controll of her body as she reached down to firmly grip onto his already hard penis, the man was in shock, he has never had a woman act so boldly with him; he stands there and let the woman take full control of the situation. In her hand she felt his hard cock pressing against his jeans as if it would rip his trousers, as she was eager to feel, the woman unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants to see a penis almost the size of her face perk up, she was appaled. She stared the man in his eyes:his eyes of sin and shivered, she was terrified, she was a married woman and she had no clue what came over her. She wasnt a woman of this sort of nature but she did not care she wanted him; all of him. She slowly puts his warm penis to her lips and wrapped her mouth over the tip, her breathing bacame slower her mouth became wetter, she tasted his warm salty man parts in her mouth as she lathered his cock with her saliva….


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  1. Comments are welcomed, if this was the worst thing youve ever read let me know, if it was the best also let me know.

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