Step Sister Corruption Part 216 – Day 119 Ginger Contemplates the Risk (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I spoke as my hand was wrapped around a certain piece of meat, “What did you just say?”

I was all ready to dig in and succumb to my pent up lust as I hadn’t had this particular *NEW* meat as the *OLD* one had made me feel more of a woman more than what was residing in between the legs of my husband.

*And it looked so good too!!!*

But the news of a *possible* **pregnancy** snapped me out of my lust to address the owner of what was in my hand.

Gabe gulped as he resaid the thing that made me stop, “You might get pregnant mom!”

I waved at him, “Please I always use a pussy ball in me and I haven’t been knocked up once.”

Gabe spoke, “But you don’t have an IUD or O Plug do you?”

I looked at him, “What does that matter?  With the pussy ball my chances are low.”

Gabe fired back, “And my potency is high.  Meaning it might negate the ball mom.”

I looked down at my now *forbidden* fruit as I felt my irritation and rage rose to combat my need and lust.

I looked at him still wanting the thing in my hand, “What makes you so damn sure?”  My irritation already coming out.

Gabe quickly spoke, “Because they told me before we were released.  And there are other factors that make me think so.”

I spoke, “Like?”

Gabe spoke, “Kel and Summer’s aversion to my *fluids* and my *fluids* only.”

I looked down at the slab in my hand as it had started dripping his *precum* onto my hand.

I wasn’t some professed cum connoisseur or anything but just looking at the clear *fluid* on my hand as it called to me.  Begged to have it licked up.  Demanded I taste it.  Lured me into a false hope that it would cure all my desires.

I looked up at Gabe, “So you *really* think your dick can make anyone pregnant who isn’t properly protected?”

Gabe nodded in affirmation, “Yes.”

I smirked knowing I had just got him.

While having unprotected sex anyone runs the high risk of becoming pregnant but with the pussy balls it brought that act to nearly 0.0000003% chance of becoming pregnant or catching an STD.

But if he was right then even with a pussy ball that low chance might sky rocket.

And it wasn’t his virile cum that I had to worry about.  

It was the precum currently leaking out onto my hand that beckoned me.

I spoke, “Have you gotten tested to confirm?”

Gabe shrugged and shook his head, “No not really.  Haven’t had the time.”

I growled in my head *DAMN IT!!!*.

I tried to think of *solutions*.

I mean I could run the *risk* of having unprotected sex with Gabe but *if* he is right then there *might* be a high chance that my little womb *might* drop an egg if I do have unprotected sex with Gabe meaning his cum still stay in my womb will be the perfect amount to fertilize said egg.

Then *if* that happened and I mysteriously became pregnant with my son’s child it’ll be hard to convince Jason that this fertilized egg growing in me is his.  The math wouldn’t add up and no matter how I spin it I’ll never dupe Jason when it comes to math.

I mean he’ll more than likely believe me but there was one **BIG** problem to that scenario…..Jason was fixed.

Meaning if I do become unlucky enough to have an egg drop **with** Gabe’s supposedly super virile cum in me then there’s a *high* chance that I’ll become pregnant and that means all my secrets and fears will come to life.

I can’t do that.  Not to Jason.

*Damn it*!!!

Why didn’t I go get fixed the same time Jason did?

Oh yeah I was nursing Jasmine when he went and got snipped.

And I hadn’t made the time to go get my tubes tied, snipped, and soldered.


I mean I could have Gabe use a jimmy on his johnson but I can’t remember the last time I had *anyone* use a stupid condom.  I mean why should I?  My husband was fixed.  And I was *supposedly* a one man woman.  So there should be *no* reason why I would come up pregnant.

This was getting out of hand.

I mean yes I, desperately, *want* Gabe’s cock in me to make me feel like a woman again and feel all those delicious orgasms that only he seems to make me experience.

But do I want to feel a *condom* in me again?

God no!  I enjoyed the bare feeling *WAY* too much.

It was my *only* option.

Or was it?

I looked at him, “How long do you think it’ll take for them to test it?”

Gabe blinked at me and shrugged, “I have no idea.”

Then another thought hit me……but was ludicrous and I would be going in deeper than I have ever done before.

*Damn it!*

*I wanted his cock!*

I almost felt like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum after being told I couldn’t have something that I’ve had before.

I grabbed Gabe by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him down to me and growled, “You better not be lying to me!”

As I stood up and wanted to cry as Gabe’s cock now looked like a *forbidden fruit* to me but pulled him off the bed and said, “Come on we’re going!”

We got up and left my *studio* as we headed to the closest Fertility Clinic which was only roughly a seven minute drive from my studio.

We, of course, waited for what felt like ***FOREVER*** as the place made me quickly link the wait time to a hospital.

Just when I thought about getting up and saying *FUCK IT!* we finally got called back.

I was still pissed that I couldn’t have Gabe’s cock in me as it might poison me with *life* making me *pregnant* for the first time in nearly 9 years since Jasmine. And seeing how Jason was fixed that infection of life would be a ***BAD*** thing.

I only saw the possible *pregnancy* as poisonous as it would ruin everything though I thought growing life was incredibly amazing and viewed newborn babies with delight.

I mean would it be bad *if* I were to carry my son’s child?

Yes, yes it would be.

I had built so much with Jason that I couldn’t give it all up because I couldn’t control myself around my own son.

Yet here I was trying a way to enjoy my son’s cock without my *husband* finding out.

If only there was a way to transfer my son’s unique hold he has on my pussy and put it back on my husband. That way I can have the best of both worlds. My husband, who I love so very much, and him having my son’s ability with a big cock and stamina to cause me a multitude of orgasms.

If my son was like my husband being a two pump chump I wouldn’t be so drawn to him and wouldn’t yearn for another hit of my son’s cock.

But that’s not the case, as my son’s dick is just that fantastic.

*Damn it*.

Gabe and I were called back with the help of a nurse as we waited in the room to be seen by a physician.

Then we waited….and waited…..and waited.

Finally after what felt like *FOREVER* again a person in a lab coat came in.

Physician, “So what can I do for you Mrs. Michaels?”

I spoke to him already knowing what I wanted, “I want to know if I’m still fertile.”

The physician looked at me incredulously, “Excuse me?”

I spoke again, nearly demanding, “I Want To Know If I’m Still Fertile!”

The physician looked at me and then at my son before he addressed me, “And will I be doing it on just you or both you and your….”

I spoke as to not raise concern, “No just me.”

Gabe spoke, “I wouldn’t mind finding out *if* I’m potent or not.”

The physician raised his eyebrow at my son then turned his attention to me making me blush hard but I kept cool as I spoke, “My son was involved with an experiment with a Dr…”

I looked at Gabe for help on the name and Gabe looked at the physician, “Braxter.”

The physician looked at him incredulously but spoke, “What’s your name son?”

Gabe looked at him defiantly but spoke, “Gabe Newman.”

The physician looked at him then moved over to the computer that was in the room and typed in Gabe’s name. He pulled up my son’s records and glanced over them before he looked at my son then back at the computer. He turned to my son and spoke, “You took part in the experiment?”

My son nodded.

The physician spoke, “And you want to see how potent you are?”

My son nodded.

The physician looked at me, “And why do you want to know if you’re still fertile?”


I spoke, “My husband and I are trying again. I just want to make sure I can still have babies.”

It was an obvious lie as all he had to do was check my husband’s records and find that my husband got fixed nearly nine years ago. But he didn’t.

Instead the physician, “Well I’ll have to separate you if you really want that done. It’ll take some time for Mr. Newman as we’ll have to send it off to the main facility.”

I nodded, “What about me?”

The physician spoke, “You really want your son here to see this?”

Before I could answer Gabe spoke, “It’s alright mom. I’ll go wait in the waiting room while,” he gestured at me, “You do you.”

With that Gabe left the room.

The physician watched the entire thing play out before he spoke, “Alright put your legs in the stirrups and we’ll get you checked out.”

I sighed as I was forced to remove my lower clothing just so the physician could stick a cold ass metal device into my vagina and then run a video cable into me as he watched closely on the monitor.

After a few moments he got to where he was looking, “Looks like a little over half of your ovary fibers have been depleted but there’s still a little under half of them that are still healthy.”

I looked at him, “What does that mean?”

The physician smiled at me, “Means you’re still fertile.”

*Crap that’s not what I wanted to hear.*

He smiled as he started pulling on the cable to retrieve the camera out of my pussy.

I spoke, “Can you tell when the next egg will drop?”

The physician looked at me, “Honestly?”

I nodded as the physician sighed as he re-inserted the cable and went back to where he had it looking around before moving the cable and looking again. The physician looked, “Best I can tell is you have roughly nine days before one of the fibers bursts releasing an egg.”

So if I do have Gabe fuck me and he does cum inside me….I tried to do the math not remembering how long cum survives in a pussy.

I went with *yes if I do fuck Gabe there’s a high chance that I’ll become pregnant*.

I cursed again.

I needed options damn it.

And I already said I wanted to try for another baby to **this** physician.


Looks like the condom life was for me when it comes to Gabe.

I looked at the physician, “Is there any way to control when my egg’s drop?”

I was shooting in the dark hoping I could prolong my own development just so I can have my cake and eat it too. Really *really* don’t want Gabe to use a condom just so I can feel his cum invades me as that usually makes me orgasm the hardest.

The physician shrugged, “Sure we can give you medicine to help you drop faster but it’ll come at a cost meaning more eggs and fibers wasted.”

I looked at him, “How about prolonging it?”

The physician looked at me confused, “I thought you were *trying* to get pregnant?”

I spoke quickly, “I am but my husband is on travel at the moment. And I don’t want to lose the egg before he gets back. So is there a way to prolong it?”

The physician shrugged again, “Sure but due to your current ones developing it probably won’t take effect fast enough before those ones are developed.”

*Double Crap*

No matter what choice I go with, it feels like I wasn’t getting the right answer I wanted.

Maybe I can go to another facility and simply have them snip me. I mean I was done having babies and this would be the perfect reason. That way I can fuck my son, he can cum in me and I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.

Looks like that is what I’ll have to do.

I looked at the physician and said *Fuck it*, “Out of curiosity how long would it take to tie my tubes?”

The physician looked at me completely confused, “Wait, you want to do what now?”

I sighed, looks like I’ll be going with another lie. Better make this one believable, “Honestly my husband is the one who wants another kid. I don’t. I was hoping that you would tell me my ovaries are pretty much barren and I could go home happy that I don’t have to worry about it.”

The physician heard my long tale before he looked at me, “There are other options ma’am. If you don’t want kids and there’s plenty of people who do, we could install a Plug so you don’t have to worry about it and we’ll collect the eggs from you when your ovaries are full and simply extract them. Plus we’ll pay you for the eggs. No sense in wasting it and killing it off if you can get paid.”

I looked at him thinking that was do-able then remembered Kelly and Summer’s experience with them getting the plug.

That wasn’t in the cards for me.

But I had to ask the question, “Ok if I were to do that. How long before I can be active again?”

The physician shrugged, “At your age, a couple of hours before you’re ready for activity.”

I almost wanted to smack him for mentioning my age but I had to stick with my *ruse*.

I spoke, “How long does it take to install?”

He shrugged, “I can do it now. Only takes about 20 minutes to install.”

I spoke, “What about the bloating?”

He smiled, “Have someone do it?”

I nodded with a smirk, “Yeah my daughter.”

The physician nodded, “And I imagine she’s still a teenager?”

I nodded.

The physician nodded with a smile, “Yeah typically when a teenager gets the plug they’re usually bloated for a few days before they’re ready for activity again as most of their ovary fibers are completely alive and hardly diminished at all. Plus with the gel we use it helps keep their fibers alive *longer* helping them produce more before the fibers die naturally. But for women of your age,” I had to refrain from punching him in the face as he mentioned my age again, “and the fact your ovaries aren’t producing eggs at such a high rate as a teenager your bounce back should be relatively short. Plus with the gel it’ll help keep your libido higher and longer before menopause can set in.”

I looked at the physician with daggers as he first mentions my age and now he talks about fucking menopause, otherwise known as a death sentence to females all over though I’ve heard you can still enjoy sex but still I wasn’t looking forward to fucking ‘menopause’. I didn’t want to hear either fucking word as I was still young damn it. Ok not as young as Gabe or Kelly. But still young enough to enjoy sex damn it.

I looked at him refraining from doing so much bodily harm to this fucker and made a choice that will seal my fate that I hope will never come back to bite me in the ass where I will regret it as I spoke, “Do it!”




  1. I was so torn for ginger!!! I was on edge wondering if she was going to risk it (secretly hoping) but omg you know how to keep us on edge!!!

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