A Father’s Struggle 24 – L&M Date Night Pt 5 (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I woke up after everything had happened looking up as I could see a concerned Lola looking down on me.

She looked at me still looking concerned but finally smirked, “You ok Max?”

I lightly groaned as my body still lightly tingled, “Ugh.”

I was about to sit up but Lola caught my movement and lightly put her hand on my shoulder making me stop from moving, “Stay still a moment longer you kind of tumbled off me.”

I blinked for a moment but nodded and closed my eyes for a moment, “Thanks and ok.”

I laid there for a moment while I waited for my body to stop tingling and the residual blur of spots that went across my vision to clear up so I could finally see.

I vaguely remember essentially passing out as the orgasm high was so much I didn’t know what to do because I had never experienced it before so I simply passed out. I had no idea how long I had blacked out but my guess it wasn’t very long as looking at Lola, though she was still semi blurry due to the spots I was still seeing, was still nude so my guess I wasn’t out for very long.

If I had to guess I was probably out of it for maybe a few minutes….ten max. But that was just my guess.

I decided to move as I slowly sat up and still semi groaned while I got up.

I kept my eyes closed though I heard Lola softly speak, “Take it easy Max.”

I spoke, “I’m fine.”

I opened my eyes and immediately felt dizzy as I quickly changed my assessment out loud, “Or not.”

I held my hand up while I kept my eyes closed, “Mind helping me off this uncomfortable floor?”

I heard Lola speak, “Of course,” I felt Lola grab under my right arm, “Maxie grab the other side so we can get Max on the sofa.”

Maxie didn’t say anything but I felt another set of hands grab my left arm as both helped hoist me up onto the sofa as I was plopped down on the sofa which was much much more comfortable than the thin carpeted floor.

Keeping my eyes closed I smiled, “Thanks girls.”

Maxie spoke, “Can I get you anything?”

Lola spoke, “Flip the switch and see if they can’t get us a hot towel.”

Maxie spoke, “Right.”

I spoke, “Thanks Lola.”

I heard Lola’s voice soften, “Of course Max.”

I opened my eyes and almost wanted to throw up so I quickly closed my eyes as Lola spoke, “Just rest your head back Max.”

I lightly chuckled, “Sure.”

I spoke, “So how long was I out for?”

Lola spoke, “Maybe a couple of minutes.”

I nodded, “Right.”

I turned my head in the direction where her voice was coming from and smiled, “Sorry I ruined your plans.”

I felt her hand travel across my face as she spoke calmly, “It’s alright we can continue after you feel better….if you want that is.”

I laughed, “Are you kidding me…” I chuckled for a moment, “I would love to continue this night.”

I turned my head to her, feeling my face get serious, “After you tell me what you *laced* yourself with.”

I heard some quiet for a moment before I heard Maxine speak, “Here’s the warm towel mom.”

I heard Lola speak as the hot towel was placed over my eyes and forehead, “Thanks honey.”

God that towel felt good though I would have gone with a cold towel to place over my head but I’m not complaining.

But I spoke, “Could I also trouble you for ice water Maxine?”

I heard Maxine speak, “Of course.”

I heard Lola sigh before she spoke, “I thought it would be fun for us to basically fuck you all night after you going multiple times on myself and Maxie here. So we decided to help you and give you stuff to where you could go multiple times and still have energy.”

I nodded with the hot towel still on my head, “Sure makes sense.”

Lola continued, “So Maxie and I put a special P ball in us and added some edible gel on our pussy’s and edible powder on our nipples. Between the stuff on us and the pills **I** gave you we both figured you be able to go all night long giving us multiple sessions.”

I felt myself frown as I looked at her, “Wait! There’s different kinds of *balls*?”

That made Lola laugh….hard.

Maxine came up, “Here Max.”

I faced where Maxine’s voice came from, “thanks.” As I held out my hand and moved it around until Maxine set the cold glass in my hand.

Maxine spoke, “What’s so funny?”

I pulled the glass in and took a nice long slow pull of water slowly drinking the blessed liquid.

Lola laughed for a few seconds more before she spoke, “Max asked if there was different kinds of P Balls.”

That made Maxine lightly laugh with her mother.

I spoke after drinking my water, “What?”

Maxine answered me, “Of course there’s more than ONE kind of ball.”

I nearly yelled obviously defending myself, “How the fuck am I supposed to know.”

That made them laugh even harder.


I don’t know.

How the fuck am I supposed to know? I just found out about the blasted things and now I’m learning there’s more than ONE ball.

I sighed while I let the girl’s laugh at my ignorance.

Eventually their laughter died down as I was beginning to feel better but still kept my eyes closed, “Ok WHICH *one* did you use?”

Lola spoke, “A special blend. I ordered your normal P Ball and added some Everwood, Premmie, Niagara, River, Sense, and some flavoring.”

I turned my head to her, “Huh? You make it sound like you went and had it made.”

Lola lightly chuckled, “That’s because I did. I just went over to one of the fertility clinics where they have a P Ball Maker. Added what I wanted and strength in my P Balls, how many I wanted, and simply paid.”

I shook my head at the revelation, “Wait they can be made?”

Maxine spoke, “Yeah. How else are you supposed to do special orders?”

I turned my head to Maxine, “I don’t know. Special order online and wait for them to come in.”

I heard Lola chuckle, “Sure you can still do that. But the maker’s at a Fertility Clinic are just as good as a premade ball and just as secure as ordering online. If not faster.”

I leaned my head back, “Ok and how long did these take to make?”

Lola spoke, “Couple of hours. After I was notified they were complete I came back and picked them up.”

I sighed, “And I take it you ordered more than one for each of you?”

Maxine chuckled, “How astute of you.”

I sighed, “Of course you did.”

I looked over at Lola, “Ok what does all that do?”

Lola spoke and I could tell she sounded proud as she spoke, “Everwood will keep your dick hard and help bounce back fast. The Premmie is meant for Premature Ejaculation so it helps delay your ability of cum by numbing your dick. Niagara is for us to help our vagina’s remain wet and regular at all times. River just increases Niagara and helps increase Sense which makes US females very sensitive downstairs.”

I blinked and don’t remember feeling my dick going numb but it explained why it took a little bit longer than normal.

It also explained why I felt like my dick was getting harder and harder to the point where it felt like it was turning into pure stone.

And explained why my orgasm high was so strong.

I sighed and spoke, “And I imagine each time I put my dick in you these additions will absorb into my dick?”

Maxine spoke, “Yup.”

I nodded, “For how long?”

Lola spoke, “Well the effect should only last as long as your dick is in us until you cum.”

I frowned, “No I mean how long will this *laced* ball be in your system?” I continued, “Though that is good information to know.”

Lola spoke, “OOHH!! The balls usually last in our systems for twelve hours.”


So for twelve hours each time I put my dick in them I get to fuck them stupid until my own stamina over powers their little mixture and cum.

I sighed again, “And I imagine the pills do something along the same thing as your balls?”

Lola laughed, “That and help your nuts from drying up.”

Maxine added, “And make it taste good.”

I let out a long breath, “Of course.”

I pulled the towel off my face now that most the ‘dots’ that was making my vision so blurry had pretty much disappeared. I opened my eyes and looked at Lola, “And I take it you want me to fuck you all night?”

As I looked at Lola her jaw dropped and became quiet.

I looked at her weird, “What?”

She pointed to me as I looked at Maxine and Maxine’s jaw dropped.

I spoke, “What?”

Maxine whispered, “Max your eyes.”

I blinked and thought *Huh?*

*What about my eyes?*

Lola whispered, “They’re *purple*.”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/srkiba/a_fathers_struggle_24_lm_date_night_pt_5_fiction