The adventures of Frank and Karen. [MF] [MM] [BDSM] [Re-post explanation and comments]


It was cold.
It was dark out and this is Chicago the night before Thanksgiving.
The wind was gusting, tipping the scales towards 60 mph.
And I am standing on the platform waiting for the Metra train to arrive.

I was on my way to visit my friends downstate for the Holiday.
As an employee of the railroad I was “Dead heading”, this was a perk the railroad allowed us.
We could travel for free anytime we wanted.

I knew today the train was going to be crowded with everyone trying to get to home to see friends and family.
As I boarded the train I discovered just how right I was.
The train was filling up fast and people were scrambling for a seat.

Picking a seat at the rear of the last car I waited to see who I would be my seat mate for the next three and a half hours or so as we made our way to Springfield.
Oh please not the three hundred pound guy headed down the aisle.

OK, I dodged that bullet he picked a seat ahead, I guess there was no way for him to share a seat since he took up all the room on his chosen row.
Holy crap will you look at this girl!
She was at best five foot tall and maybe a hundred pounds at best.
Best guess, twenty years old.
Long brown hair with bangs and a pixie like face.
She was wearing a skirt that fell to her knees along with white knee high socks

I bet she’s a student at the university.
Please sit here, please sit here went my mantra.
YES she spotted me and the open seat.

Tossing her backpack up on the rack above she plopped herself into the window seat and tossed off her jacket.
“Hi, I’m Frank how far are you going on this wonderful Chicago evening?” I asked.

“Hi back at you.
I’m Karen and I’m headed to Springfield to be with my brother for the Holiday.
I haven’t seen him since summer and it will be our only chance to get together until next summer.”

“Well Karen it’s nice to meet you.
I guess we like most everyone on this train are headed to see our loved ones.
I’m going to see my best friend in Springfield, they invited me to partake of the feast my friends put out for the holiday.” I said.

Sitting in the station waiting for the train to pull out we chatted about her school and her studies.
She told me that she was studying psychology at the University of Chicago and working towards her A.M. degree.

Shifting in her seat to make it easier to chat her skirt opened just far enough to see her panties.
She had to have known she was showing yet she did nothing to shut off my view.

We began to talk about the courses she was taking towards her degree.
Most of what she was studying went over my head.
I had no idea of about ninety percent of what she was talking about as far as her courses were concerned.

What interested me was the fact that she made no effort to cover herself.
If anything her display was becoming more blatant by the minute.
Every time she shifted in her seat her panties became more exposed.
And I was having a harder and harder time to keep looking at her face rather then between her legs.

“Frank am I distracting you?
You seem to be having a hard time concentrating on our conversation.
would you like me to change seats?” She asked.

“No not at all, I’m sorry I was distracted.
Look the truth is the way you are sitting is the distraction.
I can’t help but look up your skirt.
The view of your panties is incredibly distracting.
I’m sorry if what I said is too forward but that is the gods honest truth.
It’s not every day that a beautiful girl sits with me and shows me her “charms”. “

“Frank I’m sorry I have been distracting you.
So if you’ll excuse me I need to get up please.” She said.
Well I blew that one big time I thought.
Karen made her way out of our row and went forward in the train car.
Where I lost sight of her.

Some minutes later I spotted her walking down the aisle.
Approaching me she returned to her seat.
Sorry for that I just had to go to the ladies room for a moment.
Twisting in her seat she turned to face me as we resumed our conversation.

Looking downward she re-seated herself as she was prior to heading to the bathroom.
Right away I noticed she had made a change in her attire.
I looked as she spread her legs a bit wider and to my delight she had removed her panties.
My view now was that of a perfectly shaved and smooth pussy.
I saw before me a slit that was perfect.
Just a line that defined what a pussy should be.
Inviting, and I would imagine tasted like a gift from the gods.

Standing up from my seat I reached up and rummaged through my bags.
“Karen I think you are getting a chill, let me get you a blanket.” I said.
For a moment there was a look of confusion on her face.
However when I produced a blanket I arranged it to cover both our laps.

“Why don’t you recline your seat and get a little more comfortable.”
Pulling the handle on her seat she laid back a bit.
With the blanket covering us I reached over to her seat and traced my fingertips around her thighs.
With her head tilted back she let out a small sigh.
Spending a long time just teasing her legs her reaction was predictable, more little sighs and a few giggles when I hit a spot that was ticklish.

I think she was tired of me fooling around.
I learned this when she grabbed my wrist and planted my hand right against her pubic mound.
Continuing my teasing I let my fingers do the walking.
As before I lightly teased the area around her pussy yet never lingering long in one spot.

Every few minutes I would give her clit the smallest of touches.
For each touch on her clit she gave a sharp intake of breath.
Feeling her hand slide under the blanket and reach my side of the seats she placed her hand on the outside of my pants above my cock.
Just that light touch alone was enough to harden my cock beyond it’s already hard state.

Very slowly I ran a single finger the length of her slit.
Up and down with that one finger I went.
In just a few moments I began to feel her pussy become slippery with her juices.
Now that she had her natural juices flowing I began to worm my finger a bit deeper.

While this was taking place Karen began to fumble with my belt and zipper.
I could have helped her but I thought it far more sporting to allow her the chance to figure it out.
Finally she managed to get the belt and zipper undone.

Reaching into my boxers her small fingers wrapped around my cock.
It didn’t take long for her to feel the drops of pre-cum on the tip of my cock.
Using two fingers she rubbed the pre-cum around the head of my cock and then downward, coating my cock with my juices.

Removing her fingers from under the blanket she place those two fingers against her lips and flicked her tongue out to taste me.
Returning the favor I followed suite.
Placing my finger under my nose I had her watch as I first inhaled her marvelous scent.
Followed by the taste test.
I told her it passed all my tests and she was fit to eat.
This elicited another fit of giggles from her.

Returning my hand under the blanket I began taking her to the next level.
No more teasing around the edges, sliding my middle and ring finger into her and setting my index finger atop her clit I went to work.
With only small movements of my two fingers inside her I began tapping my index finger against her clit.
Slowly at first and then with increasing speed I thumped her clit.

Karen for some reason was having trouble keeping still.
She was squirming in her seat and kept trying to cross her leg in an effort to relieve the pressure that was building within her pussy.
When she did manage to cross her legs my hand was trapped, not that that was a bad thing it just sealed her fate.

Now the only way my hand would become free is after she climaxed.
So I set myself the task of giving Karen her orgasm.
I increased the speed and pressure of my tapping upon her clit.
In just moments it was upon her.

Taking the edge of the blanket she stuffed it in her mouth and used it to suppress the moans and groans she was emitting.
Suddenly her body began shaking, her breath becoming ragged and without warning her body stiffened and her grip on my cock tightened to an almost unbearable degree.

Slumping down in her seat her hand left my cock and both of her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she let out a quiet scream.
As she recovered from her orgasm she pulled me by the collar and drew me into a deep sensuous kiss.
Or should I say kisses.
By the time she had finished my face was soaked from her ardor.

Following a few minutes of rest Karen looked around and seeing that the majority of people were either asleep or lost in their phones.
No one was paying attention to the last seat in the last car.
Climbing over my legs Karen sat on my lap while grabbing my cock and working her way downward
impaling herself upon my cock.

Doing our best to keep quiet she rode herself to a second orgasm.
This time I held my hand over her mouth.
Taking my hand from her mouth she placed it around her neck and squeezed my hand around her throat.
It took only a second to see what she wanted.
This girl got off on being choked while in the throws of her climax.
Afraid to do this to hard I kept just a light enough hold to keep her face a light shade of red while still maintaining her ability to breath.

I told her I was just a moment away from coming.
Did she want me to pull out?
I was answered by her slamming her hips down harder and harder when she felt my climax rush up to meet the two of us.
“I feel it, I feel you pulsing and your cum rushing into my pussy.
Oh my god I feel it!!” she said.

Falling back into her seat she took a moment to collect herself before she stood and made her way to the ladies room to clean up.
I on the other hand took some napkins and wetting them from my water bottle I managed to clean myself to a respectable degree.

Returning to her seat we cuddled under the blanket for a bit until the two of us fell asleep.
In what seemed like seconds we were awoken by the train coming into the station at the end of our ride.
“Frank if you are staying for a day or two I very much want to see you again.
We swapped phone numbers and while my friend was waiting in the lot to pick me up she and I shared a (Maybe) last kiss.



1 comment

  1. I am reposting this story, with the aim of finally coming up with the finish to the story.

    I have been suffering huge writer’s block for some time now, and just returning to writing.

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