[F]How I 28(at the time) became an online slut

I was a good Christian girl growing up, a virgin until I was 20 and my husband is only my second full sex partner. That isn’t to say though, that I did not have a strong sexual appetite. I would say healthy rather than strong but it has got me in too much trouble because I am such a horny woman.

After my first child was born I became a stay at home mom. I was always tired, felt fat and unattractive and craved adult company. I started going to online chat rooms where other moms were and discovered they were also full of creepy guys hitting on anyone with a username that sounded in the least bit feminine.

At first I was disgusted, then annoyed and then I met an older guy who was not like the others. He just seemed to like female company but claimed to be in a dead bedroom situation. We became friends and I confided some things to him. There was always an understanding that if I changed my mind he was more than willing to play.

One night, my husband and I had a big fight. We went to bed angry, woke up angry and when he left for work he slammed the door so hard a picture fell off the wall. When I went online my friend was there and, in my anger, I told him I was ready to have my first ever sex chat with a stranger. It was an incredible experience but the shame I felt afterwards was almost unbearable. It took all the self-control I had not to blurt out what I had done to my husband.

Since then I have lost count of the number of men and women I have sexted with and the kinks I have discovered. One of them is shame and another is secrecy. It took a few sessions with a therapist to figure out the childhood roots of those two but it doesn’t stop my compulsion to continue acting like a slut online. Of course, there are a whole bunch of sex kinks I have played with too, many of which I never even knew existed let alone could imagine thinking about doing.

***Note: This is a confession not an invitation. Please don’t message me or send chat requests. You will be ignored and blocked.***

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sr0y21/fhow_i_28at_the_time_became_an_online_slut