My Greatest Desire part 2 – [MF] [boyfriend/girlfriend] [oral cumshot]

[part 1](

I knew I owed her big time but I was going to play the same game she played! After she gave me the experience of my lifetime, we go to bed. The next morning I tell her “so I owe you BIG TIME. Please refrain from any activities this week and I have a surprise for you next weekend”! This was especially mean of me as she has yet to have any relief herself after the extravaganza the night before. I decide to be a little nice and give her a bit of relief that night to make it fair, nothing big, just jilled her off (her disappointment was very noticeable). Next day we say our goodbyes and I make my way home. The week drags on just like the one before. Finally Friday arrives and it’s her turn to come to my place. She comes in and almost as eagerly as me the week before asks “what’s my surprise?”. I tell her “I’m not gonna be as mean as you were to me with the stipulations but we’re going to strip naked, I’m going to sit with my back against the wall, have you bend over and back that ass and pussy against my face and I’m just gonna lick and suck everything!”. I can see her get visibly excited! I continue “if you can take me licking and sucking you for 15 minutes without cumming, I’m your sex toy for the weekend, I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want and you don’t have to repay me at all!”. “But if you cum before the 15 minutes are up, you have to do whatever I ask you to do without declining, no matter what it is I ask for!”. She’s extremely confident, she knows I can make her feel good but she feels like she’s in control and can last the entire time. It’s a win/win for me, I love every inch of her body so even if she can hold out, I’m still going to have an AWESOME weekend pleasuring her! But if for some unforseen reason she doesn’t make it, I have something in mind that will rival, maybe even surpass the prior weekend. After contemplating for a bit, she agrees.

We both strip down and I sit down against the wall, cock hard as fuck from seeing her naked body! I set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes. She gets a chair to lean against, bends over and backs her ass straight into my face! Her juices are flowing big time! I’m sucking and licking her pussy and she’s moaning quite loudly! I start to worry someone might call the landlord! Every once in a while I’ll flick my tongue up to her asshole and she trembles with pleasure! We’ve gone 5 minutes and she’s steady, feeling great but doesn’t seem to be close just yet. I step up my game a bit, sticking my tongue deep inside her pussy which makes her squeal! Still doesn’t make her cum but she’s definitely riding the edge! We’re at 10 minutes and I step up my tongue game on her asshole as it seems to make her very excited! She’s trembling much more now but it seems like she’s going to make it. All of a sudden at 13 minutes she quivers and lets out a loud moan and says “I’m cumming!!!”! I can’t believe it, I lick everywhere and give her probably the best orgasm she’s ever had!! After she’s done and slumped over, I’m still at a loss, she was in complete control and cruising to a victory but she must have temporarily lost focus. After she calms down, she looks up at me almost defeated. She then says “well, I lost. I’m guessing you want an encore from last weekend?”! While extremely tempting, I had something else in mind! I tell her “last weekend was magical for me, I’ll never forget that night until the day I die! What I’m going to ask for can possibly top it and make THIS the greatest night of my life!”. She’s intrigued, wondering what idea is in my perverted mind! I then spit it out “I want you to suck my cock, not like last weekend, not the mouth tease, cum in your open mouth style. I want you to suck it until every ounce of cum has been ejaculated from my cock into your mouth! Once I’m done cumming, you’ll remove my cock from your mouth, look up at me and open your mouth so I can see all my cum, then swallow it all!”! Her eyes got big as she questioned if she could actually do this. I reminded her she agreed to the stipulations and couldn’t refuse what I asked! She shook her head yes, she knew and then she got a little excited at the prospect which got my cock throbbing!!

She told me to stand up while she took a seat in the chair she was using to brace herself. She grabbed my cock and started stroking it, looked up at me, slyly smiled and said “naughty boy!”! I could barely contain myself with the look on her face and the words coming out of her mouth! She then took my cock into her mouth and started giving me the blowjob I’ve dreamed of! She was bobbing her head back and forth, jerking and twisting her hand all on my cock! I could feel her tongue swirling around the head of my cock in her mouth!! I knew I wasn’t long for this world! She then used both hands on my cock, twisting, jerking, sucking, tongue swirling all in some sort of exotic rhythm!! We’re 3 minutes in and I could feel it building, the point of no return was quickly arriving! I decide to tell her since I don’t want to unexpectedly flood her mouth and ruin what could possibly be the greatest experience ever! She’s looking up at me, eyes determined! My cock is throbbing like volts of electricity are flowing through it! I look at her as she’s looking at me and say “oh god I’m fucking CCCCUUUUUUMMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!!”! As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I release a huge, powerful burst of cum into her mouth!! I continue shooting burst after burst into her mouth, her tongue swirling all over the head of my cock somehow making each spurt feel better than the last! I can tell I’ve completely flooded her mouth with my cum as her cheeks start to puff out! I’m finally completely drained, came as much or more than the prior weekend!! She then carefully removes my cock from her mouth and slowly tilted her head up at me, opened her mouth, lips quivering and her tongue trembling all through the literal pool of my sperm in her mouth! Her eyes then glanced nervously at me, I could sense her apprehension so I told her “this is the absolute most sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!” which seemed to give her some confidence! She closed her mouth then closed her eyes and with a big gulp, swallowed every bit of semen that was in her mouth! Talk about a mind fuck! My dick started twitching again! She then opened her eyes and mouth to show me it was all gone!! I then remember how she was in control when I was doing her, but then all of a sudden she lost it. It then dawned on me, did she lose on purpose just to see what I was going to ask for? I asked her point blank “did you lose on purpose?”. She gave me a sexy smile and said “maybe, maybe not, you’ll never know!” I then told her “oh my fucking god I love you more than anything!”! I knew at that moment I had to marry this girl!


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