A Father’s Struggle 20 – L&M Date Night Pt 1 (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I sat down on a remarkably comfy sofa though it wasn’t overly too comfy.

Oh yeah and I had two female’s looking at my hungrily.

What’s the lust version of hangry?

Whatever the word was that was the way these two were looking at me.

Like my tubesteak was the only thing to satisfy their ‘sex stomach’s’…..and their ‘*sex stomach’s*’ were hhhuuuunnnnnggggggrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy.

Now normally I would jump at this chance BUT for some reason Lola’s unique personality kind of scares me.

Can you blame me?

At every turn Lola has defied all logic and her wild changes scare me. 

First one minute she’s all needy and practically throwing herself at me almost to the point where I seriously think she’s a stalker. 

Then when I *try* to let her down she *jokingly* threatens to shove things up my rectum and almost goes to the dark side, which I would expect. 

Then as I explained my conundrum of being single and offering a friendship as we get to know each other, after A LOT of flattery mind you, I was able to convince her to be friends. 

Then I found out about her secret about being sharer’s instead of being pissed at me for banging her daughter, which I was seriously expecting to have her do damage to me, she goes all ‘*that’s fine*’.

Personally I preferred her teenage mind where it was all lovey dovey full of passion and maybe a little bit of mischief.

Now with everything her ‘*acceptance*’ of everything was really weird to me.

I know if **I** were in her shoes I would have never *shared* my daughter with some rich slob and I sure as fuck wouldn’t have sat there and watched.

Maybe it’s because I have money that I would never accepted any amount from any of my friends or clients to have a night with any of my daughter’s.  Though some of my *friend’s* have lightly joked about how lucky I am to have so many girl’s living under one roof with me….more than once.

So when she told me her story I really *tried* to see it from her perspective but kept coming to my own morals arguing that I would never do what she did.

But because she did it has become **my** benefit.

Just another thing I found odd…and weird.

Though not weird enough to where my pants weren’t suddenly tight at having two gorgeous girls looking at me like I was some piece of meat.

*OOOkkkkkk* I **may** find this situation very hot **BUT** I still find it weird.

I watched as Lola AND Maxine looked down at me almost to the point of drooling at what was hidden behind my clothes when Lola finally broke eye contact to look at her daughter, “I need food if we’re going to do what we’re going to do.”

Maxine didn’t break eye contact, “I’m too horny to think about food.”

Lola lightly chuckled, “Yeah but we need food.”

I looked at the two, “I could eat.”

Lola looked at me with a smile, “Would you prefer *real* food.”

Maxine butted in as she raised her pointless dress and pulled her panties aside, “Or would you like to eat **my** pink taco?”

This sounds like a stupid choice as any man in my position would go for the taco over real food.

I wanted to argue that I could use *real* food but instead I leaned forward and pulled Maxine into me and simply kissed her exposed mound just above her slit causing her to moan as she started to run her fingers through my short hair.

I faintly heard Lola lightly chuckle before she spoke, “I guess I’ll get us a small spread for us to consume.”

At least that’s what I think I heard but Maxine’s moans as she ran her hands through my hair it was a little hard to hear clearly.

I let my hands reach up and grab two handfuls of Maxine’s ass to pull her in as she climbed up on the sofa to lightly squat down just as my tongue slipped to her lips and continued to travel down as it parted her lips and plunged into her *taco*.

That just made her moans grow in intensity as her hands running through my hair suddenly palmed the back of my head helping cradle my head so my neck doesn’t begin to hurt without forcing too much into her.

The moment my tongue parted her lips to lightly lick across her labia an explosion of flavor erupted on my taste buds as I tasted a combination of peach, mint, and what could best be described as an earthy mild honey.  The taste was amazing like I was eating a unique fruit bowl….just without the fruit.

My lapping increased as I started sucking just so I could get more of the taste making Maxine moan and squeal as I obviously hit a spot on her making her legs begin to shake.

I don’t think I was sucking and licking for very long before Maxine forced me to lay down on the sofa as her legs began to shake uncontrollably as my tongue found her sensitive spot.

And it wasn’t very long after that before Maxine changed her grip on my head from cradling my head to now forcing it into her more as her body started to convulse and shake.

Eventually Maxine shot forward panting and her body quivering while Lola was sitting there watching us with her legs crossed and a large smile on her face.

I looked over at her as I’m sure now I had that glazed donut face look on me before I looked up at Maxine who was holding herself while her body was still quivering while she panted heavily.

I looked back at Lola and spoke, “I think I broke her.”

That made Lola laugh….hard.

I looked at her, “What?”

She smiled as she spoke, “More like sensitive than broken.”

She looked at Maxine for a moment as she thought about her own statement before addressing me, “Maybe a little broken.”

I raised my eyebrow at her but didn’t voice my thinking of exactly how *broken* both Lola AND Maxine really were as I was benefiting from their *brokenness*.

My ‘look’ at Lola simply made her smile and blush but then a knock came at the door.

Lola looked at the door, “Ah!  Here comes our food.”


When did she order?  What did she order?

Was I eating for THAT long?

A petite girl opened the door and walked in with a tray as she started to set down various drinks ranging from two different wines, a small glass of what appeared to be scotch, some sodas and a pitcher of iced water.

The ‘girl’ didn’t speak but she appeared to be blushing as she set down the drinks not making any eye contact before walking out and only to return with a different tray of food.

Once again the ‘girl’ quietly set down the assortment of food that looked to be pasta, bread, steamed veggies, and a couple of meat dishes before looking at Lola and speaking, “Is there anything else?”

Lola looked from me to the girl, “No I think that will do it for now.  Thank you.”

The girl bowed and quickly left the ‘room’ as she closed the door.

I looked over at Lola, “When did you order?”

Lola smiled, “When Maxine was hovering over you while you were sitting.”

I blinked not realizing I had taken that long.

It felt like only a minute or two passed but I guess more time than my thinking had elapsed for Lola to look at the menu and order food.

I got up and walked up to the table to look at the ‘spread’ and noticed that one of the meat dishes was a steak and the other was chicken.  Plus it looked like there was a side helping of shrimp.

I looked over at Lola, “So what did you get *me*?”

Lola smiled, “Well I was thinking you’d want the steak and maybe some steamed veggies as the carbs might make you sluggish.”

I mused on the food choices and tilted my head, “Sounds like you thought this out.”

Lola lightly laughed, “More like I’ve found when my ‘client’s’ have a heavy carb dinner before our session they usually don’t tend to last long before they crash and I’m forced to do ALL the work.”

I nodded as I chuckled with her, “You’re probably right.”

I pointed to the whiskey, “That probably won’t help either.”

Lola raised her eyebrow at me, “Oh?”

I spoke, “If you think carbs will make me crash, the whiskey will definitely have an adverse reaction,” as I pointed to my tent, “on him that is.”

Lola laughed, “Not with the pills you took.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Oh really?”

Lola nodded, “The pills you will be taking all night will keep you from going limp.”  She pointed at the whiskey, “That will just make him feel less and possibly last longer.”

She stood and leaned across the table as she spoke huskily, “Like I said Mr. Frons….Tonight is OUR,” she pointed to herself and to her daughter, “night to enjoy,” she pointed to me, “YOU.”

She sat down and spoke, “Now take your next dose with your whiskey before you eat.”

As she grabbed the pasta and mused out loud, “This looks yummy.”

She looked at me and corrected herself, “Well one of the *yummy* things in the room.”  As she winked at me.

I stood there thinking *I might have bitten off more than I can chew*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/spqr2m/a_fathers_struggle_20_lm_date_night_pt_1_fiction


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