That night I almost got caught after a ONS…at the office [fm]

A story from a few years ago…

It was a Friday night and I had plans to meet with friends for drinks downtown. It’s funny that I don’t recall all the series of events of that night until I came across her. I’m pretty sure my friends and I started off at a different bar, making our way through the lower part of the city until we ended up at a very familiar bar where I used to DJ.

This was obviously pre-covid when on any given weekend, you’d find crowds of people hanging outside of bars, whether to get in, en route to another bar or out smoking. I remember being out with my friends who were all enjoying a smoke. I wasn’t buying cigarettes anymore but I wanted to bum one off a friend. We were all standing at the edge of the sidewalk smoking and shooting the shit when a small group of girls walk out and approach us. They needed a light and that’s when we met eyes.

Even after they’ve walked past us to form their own smoke circle, I glanced over and saw that the girl was also glancing back. Mind you, I was already pretty intoxicated at this point, and feeling bold, I left my circle to join hers. There was lots of giggling and chatting going on, and shortly after, I could sense my friends have all gone back inside the bar.

Feeling optimistic, I remained outside with my new group of friends. It was a mixed crowd of girls from different ethnicities but the one that caught my eye (and me her eye) was an Asian girl. Off the jump, she was pretty flirtatious. She told me she had a thing for Asian guys with facial hair. At this point, I already took the cue where this may lead.

After some more small talk and getting to know each other, my new group of friends decided to go inside where they had one of the booths in the bar. We all sat in the semi-circle setup and more drinking and chatting ensued. At one point, I could feel her hand going up my inner thigh (or was it the other way around? Like I said, I’ve had a few already by then). She, let’s call her Mary, and what seemed like her best friend excused themselves to go to the girls’ room. Upon returning, her best friend and company tell us they’re about to head out.

As we got up to say our goodbyes, her best friend whispers in my ear, “you better give Mary a good fuck tonight.” Ok… game on.

Once they left, we decided to leave as well, for another quieter bar. We stumbled across a few where we were both sloppily making out with each other. At one point, we were literally just standing in a dark street of Chinatown, making out, my hands working up her shirt. At this point, we decide we need to go somewhere more private.

Both she and I did not live in the city nor were either of us willing to host so I slyly looking up a hotel that I could rent by the hour. I find a place and we take an Uber there only to find out the place is out of business. WTF. Ok, time to re-think this idea. Let’s go to the nearest bar and have another drink first.

We walk into this empty bar where we’re trying to figure out our next move and I couldn’t help but to wish the bar was a little more crowded so we could sneak into a bathroom to fuck. But again, empty bar and even just sneaking into a bathroom together would have raised eyebrows. I knew this even in my drunk state. Good job self. Since I’m at the start of a streak of good decisions, I make a bold decision to offer my office as our destination.

We hail another Uber and drive up midtown to my small office where I work as a mid-level employee. We walk into the lobby and the building staff are people I’ve never seen before. There’s a security check-in sheet so in my sly (drunken) state, I check in with the wrong name to get rid of my traces.

We go up to office now and get comfortable. I offer her drinks/snacks as a new icebreaker before we get right back to making out. At first, we’re right by my desk. I sit her down on my desk and I’m trying to go at it but being that my company is a bit cheap and we had these flimsy Ikea tables with 4 narrow legs, I could feel the table swaying back and forth, knocking into other tables and could sense that anymore thrusting and this desk may end up in shambles (and how the hell would I explain that to someone?). So after a second, we relocate to the middle of the office where we have two oddly-placed LA-Z-Boys. But after a minute there, we both realize that wasn’t the best of ideas either.

This is when I make the executive decision to head into one of my executive’s offices to use their couch. This idea works out as you’d expect if you’ve ever had sex on a couch before. No problems whatsoever. I think we mainly fucked missionary and doggy, and I blame the excitement and suspense but I don’t think I lasted long at all (full disclaimer, I don’t care lol).

Once we finished, we just kind of sat around kind of retracing our crazy night when we hear the door to the office opening up. Mary jumps up and I direct her to the bathroom when a building employee walks in and we make eye contact. He stopped in his tracks, takes a quick scan of the room and yells, “fuck! you scared the shit out of me.” I apologize with a smirk on my face which I’m trying to hide, as I come to the realization all the outer layer of clothes just laying on the floor.

The worker tells me he can come back later and walks out, so I went to grab Mary out of the bathroom. I tell her what had happened and we quickly grab our things. Going down the elevator, I could just picture the same worker telling all his coworkers what he just encountered and very much expected to be greeted by him on my way out, clearly blowing my cover. But when we got to the lobby, it was just the security guard streaming something off his phone. We walk out with no interaction and we’re in the clear.

Shortly after, as the sun was coming up, I help hail a cab for her then one for myself to go home. I slept like a baby that night/morning but when I woke up the next morning is when I started freaking out. What the fuck did I do, bringing a girl to smash in the office. I was so nervous that the building worker may have reported me, or that we were clearly caught on the CCTV going into the office. For the next week or two, whenever I’d see my CEO walking into our Office Manager’s office, I held my breath just waiting for them to call me in. Luckily though, that’s never happened and I still work at the company.

This is my first story I wanted to share. I think I have a few others I could share but also have no idea if people will even consider reading this. I realize it was a bit of a long lead-up but I enjoyed reliving that night. Maybe I’ll write about another time I almost got caught in the office. Or when I was caught by the police at the park. I tend to have a lot of outdoor stories but I’m not sure if I have more than most since people don’t really talk about these openly all the time. Anyways, till next time…


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