Step Sister Corruption Part 215 – Day 119 Ginger shows Gabe her studio (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

We walked into my spacious *office* otherwise known as my studio.

I had decided to bring Gabe to my studio so I can show him what my studio could do if we were to help him.  As well as calling Jesse to meet me at the studio, she can hear from Gabe what will be happening and see if she would be on board with the possible expansion of her responsibilities.

Gabe whistled as he looked around my *studio*.

He pointed to my *kitchen*, “Does that actually work?”

The kitchen Gabe was pointing out was a section of the area that had two ovens, a large fridge and freezer, a dual stove, a working sink, and pseudo drawers.  To the side was metal shelving where all the cooking supplies ranged from items, pots, pans, cooking gear, and spices and dry supplies.  Most of the *cold* stuff we bring in for the meal that *I* planned on cooking.

Of course the area was open allowing Jesse, my director, to record at just about any angle she needs to for my *nude* cooking episodes.

I looked over at the kitchen and nodded with a smug smile, “Yes it does.”

He laughed, “I figured it didn’t.”

I smiled, “Trust me it does work.”  And decided to jab at him, “How else would I feed you kids?”

He blinked, “What?”

I smiled, “Yeah I recorded some *shows* cooking certain items, nude of course, and when the meal was ready I simply brought it home for dinner.”

He looked at me wide eyed, “You mean to tell me all those times you brought home dinner when you said *Just picked something up* or *Someone brought it and didn’t eat it* that was you cooking for your channel?”

I smiled as I shrugged, “Kills two birds with one stone.”

Gabe’s jaw remained open as he obviously was thinking about *all* the meals I cooked on my channel to bring home to my family.  So what if I *may* or *may not* have stirred the batter using my breasts.  Or *may* or *may not* have licked the spoon while I was nude on my channel.  The meal was still cooked and no one was the wiser…..well my kids were none the wiser.  Jason obviously knew where the meals were coming from and it didn’t bother him one little bit.

And why not cook here and bring the food home.  No sense in cooking it twice.  Even if the ingredients *may* or *may not* have touched my body before cooking.

Gabe shook his head after letting whatever played out in his head as I noticed an obvious tent form in his lower region.

He moved off to the backdrop where I have done countless photo shoots, “And this is where you do your photos?”

I smiled and nodded letting him take in the area as he was probably geeking out on.

Before we moved onto the next section a tall female walked into the *studio* as she huffed, “Alright I’m here.  Why did you bring me here?  I thought we had another few weeks off?”

I turned to Jesse and smiled, “Ah Jesse thanks for coming in on short notice.”

Jesse waved at me, “It’s not a big deal.  I had to leave the girl’s with Rory as it was their nap time.”

Jesse stopped mid stride when Gabe walked out from the pseudo *bedroom* and quickly looked at me.  

I spoke, “I brought Gabe here to maybe use this studio for *his* new enterprise.”

Jesse raised her eyebrow at me, “Oh?”

I nodded and looked at Gabe, “Tell her Gabe.”

Gabe nodded and gave Jesse a brief overview of what was going on.  How he went with Kelly to Vuse studios as Vuse *tried* to offer Kelly an opportunity at porn which I saw a quick emotion play over her face but quickly disappeared, still she didn’t interrupt and didn’t say anything.  Then Gabe went over how he *accidentally* gained the attention of eight girls as he *tried* to work a deal for all of them with Vuse though Vuse wanted to use the girl’s for their material to fatten their pockets only giving the girl’s a fraction of what they could make.  Then he talked to *us* about possibly creating a website for the girl’s and using *our* studio to bring them out of the amateur status.

When Gabe was done talking I said, “So I thought I would bring Gabe over to the studio to see if it’ll match his needs and maybe get with you to see if you’d be willing to help in this endeavor.  Still waiting on Jason to agree to all this but would still love to bring you in on the loop and see if you’re willing?”

Gabe spoke, “Please Jesse I’m at my wits end and would love any help.”

Jesse looked at me with a skeptical look before she looked at Gabe.  Then I saw for a fraction of a second her mischievous smile grace her face before it disappeared.  

She looked at Gabe, “First, *IF* I do this,” she looked at me, “Jason is going to need to up my pay.”

I nodded, “We can talk about that when he agrees.”

She nodded and looked at Gabe, “I’ll need to meet the girl’s to see what we can do.”  She looked at me, “Might need to expand our makeup supply and clothing.”

I nodded thinking the same thing.  Makeup was key for any of my photo shoots because without it I would look pasty white in the camera’s lense of view.  That’s before the clothing.

You’d be surprised how much foundation I, I mean we, need to put on not only my face but my actual body so I don’t appear pasty white in the camera.  Then there was the bronzing lotion and the slew of things we had to do so I don’t look so white.

So I’m pretty sure we would have to do the same thing if any of the girl’s had my skin’s natural *glow*.  I wasn’t too worried about Kelly as she spends more time than I’d be willing to go to a sun bed so she was WAY darker than me.

And from the photos Gabe showed me of the girl’s there were at least five that needed the same treatment as me.

I looked at Jesse, “But it is do-able?  Right?”

Jesse thought about it for a moment, “We might need extra room as I don’t think we can handle **everyone** at once.  Maybe three or four at a time at best.  But like I said we’ll need more equipment.  More supplies.”  

She looked at Gabe, “And more help.”

I nodded knowing where Jesse was going….I think.

I could be wrong but Jesse was insinuating that she would need Gabe’s help to do everything…..or she wanted a *shot* at Gabe to see what made him attract so many girls.

Should I be jealous that yet another girl wanted my son?

I mean he wasn’t dating me…..per say.  He was Summer’s.

Or should I be proud?  Proud of what though?  Proud that he could pull so many girls?

When did he become so attractive?

Was it before his change?

Or after?

I spoke, “Like I said I’m just showing Gabe around here and maybe get your input.  Still waiting on Jason to see if we will be doing this or not.”

Jesse nodded.

Gabe spoke, “So should I bring the girl’s here?”

Jesse quickly answered, “I don’t think so.  Don’t want the girl’s to have their hopes up that we will be helping when we can’t.  As much as I want to have the girl’s here so we can get to work on supplies, I’ll wait to hear from Sarah about Jason’s decision.”  She looked at me, “Also tell him if I do this I want a raise and new equipment.”

I nodded, “I know.”

She nodded, “Alright now that I’ve given my input I need to rush home and give my husband help.”  She looked at Gabe one last time while he was checking out the room and not paying attention before she looked at me and mouthed *I want a chance with him* and winked before she dashed out of the studio.

I looked at her and laughed to myself.

I looked at Gabe, “Want to try out the bed?”

Gabe looked at me, “Huh?”

As I strode up to him and led him to the area where we built a pseudo bed room which consisted of three fake walls, one of them had a window with lights on the window to mimic the outside.

My son stuttered, “But…”

I tossed my son onto the bed though I knew he was much stronger, a shit ton taller, and could easily overpower me yet he still allowed my small frame to guide him and throw him onto the bed.

I smiled and lightly licked my lips as I looked down on my *meal* as it had been too long since I’ve bruised, stretched, and filled by the dick hiding behind the clothing.

My pussy instantly started juicing something fierce as I looked down at my son’s noticeable bulge.

My son stuttered again, “M-m-mom we shouldn’t do this!”

I licked my lips, “Nonsense.  We’ve done it before.”

He held up his hands, “That’s before I changed mom!”

I looked at him and quickly strode on top of him as my hands quickly found the elastic band on his sweats, “Oh I know I can’t wait to feel it.”

He spoke nearly yelling, “I may be more potent.”


Meaning what?

Still I couldn’t focus on the actual meaning of his usage as the only thing I thought was *Good more for my pussy to intake.  I can’t wait!*

I voiced my thought, “Good more to fill me with.”

I pulled down the band and watched his impossibly big dick flop to the side as it was released and watched before my eyes in mere moments it stood at attention and the veins bulged out making it look a metric fuck ton larger compared to before.

God this thing is **LARGE**!!!

And before he was able to bruise my insides and do things I didn’t think was natural.  Now with this monstrosity I could only imagine the pleasure it was sure to bring my body to do.

I couldn’t wait as I leaned down my lips nearly ready to touch the monster as I heard my son nearly yell at me, “I’m afraid I’ll get you pregnant!!!”




  1. I also can’t wait! Come on Lightning I know it’s already written! Just this once can we have it early?

  2. u/bob_hot and u/Da_Grim_Reaper Wow you two must really like the Ginger segments.

    Ok how about this….instead of releasing early. IF you’re willing to wait until the next release date, which will be in three days, I will release this Ginger segment back to back over a week instead of making you wait for an entire month to see how this segment for Ginger concludes. I’ll even be nice and the following week release three chapters instead of two that involves Ginger as she starts a new arch that is still in the making.

    If you agree tomorrow I’ll update the release schedule so you can see that change and on Sunday you can see the next chapter.

    Mind you I’m speeding up everything doing this but because you have been loyal follower’s I will speed this up for you instead of being <insert your own curse word at me> for teasing you for this long.


  3. Im loving both writings atm so im perfectly happy with either as long as they keep coming out!!

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