I [M] went from a virgin one week, to a dom being bitten, scratched, and begged for sex the next week [F] Part 7, Very Long

[Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/slmt65/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 2]( https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smedcz/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smi0xi/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/?)

[Part 4](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smxo7r/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/?)

[Part 5](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/snaton/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/soubb7/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Bonus Flash Forward Funny Story](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/so2lgw/my_fiance_found_the_one_girl_i_was_not_ok_with/)



This escalates very quickly into domination, degradation, and power/ control play and could be upsetting. Everything that happens was probably unwise because we were rushing into things in a very reckless way but we were young and horny and stupid and we talked about it all exhaustively after the fact multiple times and then stayed together for 4 years.

Just be warned.



To my understanding there’s two types of eating pussy.


There’s the general, “I’m really good at eating pussy” type of pussy eating.


And then there’s the specialist, “I’m OK at eating pussy but I’m PERFECT at eating one SPECIFIC pussy” type of pussy eating.


I’d like to think I’m alright at pussy eating. But that’s a high intensity competition, and I’m not interested in trying my luck against a tournament bracket that stacked with high ELO ratings.


However, I did the math. My *lowest possible*, *highly conservative*, *rounded down* estimate for the number of times I ate Cat’s pussy (hehehehehehe) was 250 times. Each session averaged at least 30 minutes (conservative estimate), often much longer, very rarely less.


So, in conclusion, during the lifespan of our relationship, I’d spent a minimum total of 125 hours of time eating Cat’s pussy. I wish math had been this fun in school. I’d have paid more attention.


If you think I’m exaggerating, let me share this snippet with you. We used to watch the shit out of Orange Is The New Black. Watching Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon go down on each other (among other things) got Cat so worked up, she’d get up off the couch, say, “Babe. Can I talk to you for a minute?” In a deadly serious tone (This when we didn’t live alone together and I had another roommate), then grab me by the wrist and pull me into the bedroom to eat her out. When we were done, we’d go back to watch a couple more episodes of the show, and there’s so much lesbian sex on that show per capita that sometimes within 30 minutes she’d drag me back to the bedroom again.


No one knows that pussy better than me. I don’t care who you are, not even if you’re Ruby Rose.


… Ok actually I take that back. Cat was legit, no sarcasm, obsessed with Ruby Rose. If she’d ever saw her in person all Rose would have to do is say, “cum for me slut” and Cat would fall to pieces without a finger being laid on her.




This first time however, I pretty much only had enthusiasm and what I’d read on Google going for me. Still, Cat didn’t seem to mind at all. I can’t imagine any of her ex’s had been great at it, she definitely is the kind of person that she’d have mentioned it if that had been the case.
At this stage in her life Cat had not experimented with girls yet, so the bar was looooooow.


I’ve mentioned this before, I **LOVED** the sounds Cat made. Part of me wishes I had audio recordings of her moaning my name as she can barely breathe in between whimpers and gasps. You know, just to pass the time.


She’d do a lot of very low, very husky and breathy, “h” noises over and over again. Mixed with some really cute, really sexy high pitched cries.


It went something like:


I traced my tongue just barely around the inside of her inner lips.


“Hhhaaa, ohh.”


I’d probe inside a little more invasively, starting at the bottom, and drag it slowly up.


“Oh, AhhhhAAAHHHH.”


One of her legs was quivering uncontrollably (I didn’t know that was a thing that happened, but fuck me, I loved it) so I clamped down on her moving thigh with one hand, grunted, “hold fucking still.” And gently (but not *too* gently) bit her, and started roughly kissing my new favorite spot that I’d just discovered for the first time: her hip bone that was slightly visible on her trim lower waist, and the little area that makes a kind of crease where the upper thigh bone meets the pelvis. If you know, you know.


I started torturing these two spots, alternating between them with kisses, sucking, and nibbling.


“FuuUUUUCK.” Cat squealed dug her claws into my neck hard, not for the first time, not for the last.


I lifted up a little to say, “clawing makes me think ‘keep going.’ If you want me to stop say something.”


“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Just not there… haahhh… not there… it’s too much… it’s too much…”


Fair enough. But I’d never forget that spot and noted it for future use. Then I went back to making new best friends with her pussy. I had a feeling we’d be spending a lot of time together. It’s good to get acquainted.


Soon there was a point I noticed that Cat had lifted her shirt and started playing with her nipples. I thought “that looks fun.” And took both my hands and moved hers aside and began slowly tweaking, circling, and pinching both her nipples simultaneously while I licked her slit with long, slow, luxurious licks up and down. I hadn’t quite figured out *exactly* what I needed to do yet. I wouldn’t be able to make her clit dance and sing for me until I’d gone down on her a few more times, but hey, I couldn’t be perfect at *everything* on my first try.


I actually hadn’t really touched her breasts before that, not that I hadn’t *really* wanted to. I just, like waiting for the right, organic moment to do a thing rather just be like “I wanna grab dem titties.”


Lol, if you can’t tell I’m having fun now.


So was Cat. She held my hands to her breasts as I experimentally pinched and twisted harder and harder as I licked and licked, speeding up my pace as something just gave me the feeling it was the right move. I think I was just, idk, feeling it out and trying to pay attention to Cat’s reactions and such, trying to read her and follow the signs I was doing a good job.




I’m not exactly *proud* of what happened next. It’s the part I’ve been kinda dreading writing because it’s indicative of the pretty dysfunctional dynamic Cat and I would share going forward. Neither of us *meant* to do anything wrong, that’s never the intention. But it was arguably very unhealthy. However, what happened, happened, it is what it is, and we had the relationship that we had. And it ended up being super hot.


Cat started really, really twisting in my grip, and I had to take my hands away from giving attention to her nipples to pry her thighs apart and hold her down.


“Behave sweet girl. You can’t get away from me.”


“Oomygod oomygod oomygod… fuck me… fuck me… fuck meeeeee!!!”


Well that was unexpected.


I raised myself up and I looked at her. It’s hard to explain how I felt exactly. Kind of annoyed that she’d interrupted my conversation with my new best friend. Kinda thrilled she was responding so well and that this was going as well as it was going. Smug pride because hey, I was definitively the man now. Prove me wrong. But most strangely I was angry, because part of me was like, “how dare she.”


It’s a little crazy I know, and I explained before I wasn’t super proud of my reaction and the events that followed. But i legitimately was almost hurt… like… in my mind in that exact moment… What right did she have to ask me for something so personal and intimate when she wouldn’t even tell me out loud she liked me? She wouldn’t even have a conversation about what our dynamic was, even though i tried to tell her how important it was to me, tried to show her i was afraid. And she did what she would do many times during the course of our relationship. Many, many times (I won’t be hyperbolic, it wasn’t every single time) I wanted to talk about something emotionally weighty that concerned our relationship and how I felt about it, Cat would either A) use humor to deflect and avoid the conversation, B) would use sex to distract me and pressure me not to bring it up, or C) both.


After this first time together, it’d be a pattern. And then there was my side of things.


So many thoughts ran through my head. Chief among them, would this thing we were doing become a relationship, even if she needed to avoid an official emotional commitment to have the mental space to process her breakup?


I was angry.


“You fucking whore.” I growled. I mean, I wasn’t yelling, I was still using a version of my sex voice, and she looked at me like “oh wow,” not, “oh no,” but still, I’m still feel a little ashamed of what I did next.


“So you think you can get me to fuck you without any consequences?”


I’d gotten up and pinned her arms above her head and was glaring into her eyes.


“Don’t you fucking dare look away from me. Look me in the eyes.”


She did. Cat was transfixed, a little intimidated at the least but, like this was super hot still, she was still grinding her hips up into me trying to get friction on her (I imagine) burning pussy.


“Are you going to be my girlfriend?” I demanded, denying her pussy the touch she so desperately wanted.


She cried, and she wailed. “I..


“Why the fuck not?!” I bit her nipple for the first time and tugged on it gently, but not *too* gently. Then I sucked long and hard on her nipple as she squirmed beneath me, unable to get her hands free from my grip.


She couldn’t even really answer. She was either cumming again already or was desperately close.


“Answer me. Why. The. Fuck. Won’t you. Be with me. I punctuated the words with kisses and bites all over her nipples, breasts and neck. I took one hand and forced her to look at me again.


“Why do you deserve to get fucked if you’re just going to fucking abandon me?”


This is toxic. I know. It was really hot. But seriously, it was the beginning of an unhealthy pattern. Sometimes the only way I could get Cat to open up about something painful or uncomfortable that she’d rather sweep under the rug was to, essentially, hold her orgasms hostage.


It was *really* hot though, I’m not going to lie about that either.


“Pleeeeeaseeee.” Cat cried out long and pitiful, she looked like she was in actual pain, swinging her head side to side and thrashing her hips up at me.


I took one hand and pressed firmly down on her lower abdomen.


“Hold fucking still. Stop moving. Get control of yourself. Look at me.”


In Cat’s defense, I’m sure she tried her best. But she literally couldn’t keep still.


“God damnit Cat! How is this fair to me!” I wasn’t shouting. I was terrified of my roommates hearing. We had good walls actually but shouting was a whole other thing.


“I’m supposed to share myself with you but you don’t have to give anything in return?! You don’t have to put anything at risk? You just get what you want and I what, have to be alone after?”


I was pressing and massaging her where I was holding her down by the abdomen. She kept trying to shift herself upwards to get her pussy near my hand.


“Pleeeeaaaase… pleeeaaasseee…” her eyes were like a dear in headlights. Like, she might have been actually almost paralyzed or comatose or something. I didn’t really know how to deal with this.


“I neeeeed it…. I neeeeed it….. I neeeeed youuuu…. so! fucking! baaaad!” she trust her hips upward hard on each of the last three words. She was almost grunting, like now she was getting pissed off too. Can’t say I blamed her exactly.


“You really are just a selfish, fucking slut, aren’t you?” I said, almost defeated.


She nodded hard, over and over.


“Pleaaaase fuck mee, pleaaaase.”


I let go of her wrists and lower abs, and thrust her legs apart. She gave a high pitched gasp of pleasure and I lowered myself on top of her. Her naked pussy grinded into me, me still wearing my jeans, and she threw her arms around me and tried to pull me in close.


“Baby, baby, baby, please… I’ll be a good girl, I’ll be a good girl for you, I’ll be a good girl. I’ll make you feel soooooo… goooood…” she started really trying to rub herself hard on me at her final words. Something had to give.


“Cat. Look at me. Now.”


With effort, she stilled enough to look up at me directly eye to eye. Her glacial, sapphire eyes were wide with shock and awe. She couldn’t stop panting, her delicate mouth hanging open and her breath coming in hisses and gasps.


“Baby, baby, just… feel how wet I am for you… just… take out your cock… rub it against me… feel the wetness… ohhhhh… it’d be sooo goooood… pleaaaase…”


I couldn’t keep this up. I didn’t know what I expected or wanted or how far I could push her before it stopped being a hot (if questionable) control game and just became straight up abusive and cruel. Cat was almost a gibbering mess at this point, her ability to articulate was in shambles. And plus, I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on in my entire life than in that moment.


“You’re going to ride me Cat. Like we were doing earlier, you’re going to ride me. You want this? You’re going to be the one on top, it’s going to be *you* making this happen. We’ll always know you wanted it so bad you crawled on top of me and rode me like a fucking whore. You understand me? YOU. WANTED. ME.” At each final word I thrust hard against her one after the other. She gasped and cried each time, but then Cat looked up and was nodding slowly, lazily, almost like she was hypnotized.


“SAY IT.” I snapped.


“I waaant youuuu.” She moaned. “Sooooo baaaaad babyyy… PLEASE!” she actually whined and sobbed the last word. So I grabbed her hard by her hips, and rolled to my side, pulling her up on top of me.


Then I put my hands behind my head, relaxed against the pillow, and looked at her expectantly. Cat stared for a second, but then like, well, a cat, she dove on me and started frantically undoing my zipper.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/spe88d/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being

1 comment

  1. Oof humans can be complicated.

    I don’t deal with anger very well outside of the bedroom, but I got turned on as soon as I read the word “angry”. I could foresee a power dynamic that is inexplicably appealing to so many of us.

    Great story! I’m sorry that this part of your dynamic was not confined to the sexual aspect of your relationship.

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