Affliction (Pt. 2)

Panic begins to weigh on my chest. I scream, “Damon, please come back!” Nothing but mumbles and drool actually comes through. I stare into the black hole that is the doorway. Wondering if you will be okay. Then the sound of a struggle can be heard in the distance. This lasts only a moment. Then silence. My heart feels like it’s in my throat.

Loud footsteps approaching the door. Then the hooded man enters the room, he has a slight limp. He stands over me once more, those empty eyes staring at me. “You think you’re slick, huh bitch? That’s alright, I took care of our little problem and you both won’t be leaving here alive.” He says as he grabs me by the hair.

The man pulls me towards him, trying to wiggle my way out. He tugs at my hair harder, causing me to let out a grunt. “Yeah, you like that little slut?” He then back hands me across my face. My head bounces off the wall, making me see double for a few seconds.

I continue to attempt to struggle, but nothing is helping. Just making the hooded man more fustrated. He grabs me by my hair again and pulls a syringe from his pocket. My eyes grow wide, pulling harder against his grip. He bites the cap off and shoves the needle into my arm. There is a slight burning as the needle pierces my skin.

He let’s go of my hair and I fall to the floor. I can’t move. Feeling myself start to fade. Fighting to keep my eyes open, looking up at the hooded man as he laughs. “I’ll break you and will have you begging before dawn” he says as I mumble “Damon” before I lose consciousness.

As the drugs pull me under, I begin to try to remember what happened before waking up in this prison. So many questions fill my head. How long has it been? Why am I here? Why is Damon being tortured? Is he alive?

Finally my memory comes back to me, replaying the night.

I was preparing for a meet up with Damon at a local restaurant. Just to get to know each a little bit more. Remembering being neverous as all hell. I begin to make my way to the restaurant’s waiting area.

I tried to look nice, but still be casual. A low cut sleeveless forest green top, burgundy cardigan, dark jean leggings with black boots. I’m deep in thought while playing with my necklace. Suddenly, I’m pulled back to reality as I hear my name from behind.

“Regina?” Your voice sends a chill down my spine. I let it wash over me as I turn around. Seeing those beautiful bright blue eyes I’ve grown to love. I then notice I can see your dark brown hair, freshly washed and styled. Nearly takes my breath away seeing you with your glasses on. I give you a smile and shyly walk to you.Hi!” I say excitedly, as I see you wearing a mix of layers of a t-shirt, flannel and dark canvas jacket. Along with dark denim jeans. As soon as I take in the sights, we both go for hug. Its strong, comforting and feels like I’ve known you forever. I suck in the sweet sent of your shampoo and body wash. It’s intoxicating.

We pull apart and you give me a look over. “You look amazing, Regina.” you say to me and I immediately blush. We walk to our table, take our seats and enjoy the night. Like old friends that haven’t seen one other in years. We have a few drinks and eat our meals. By the end, I’m feeling fuzzy. I take it the drinks were strong tonight. You are a complete gentleman and offer to take me home.

As we walk to your car, I stumble and you catch me. A look of worry is on your face and you say, “Regina, are you going to be okay?” As I lay my head on your shoulder, I answer with, “I’m not sure, I’ve never felt like this before.” Loud foot steps can be heard behind us. You begin to hold me tighter, as you say, “Can I help you with something?” Thinking you’re talking to me I say, “Yeah…..make the parking lot stop spinning.”

You lean me against the car, shifting your body in front of me in a protective stance. I hear you say again, “Can I help you?” But I don’t hear anyone answer. I try to adjust my eyes and all I can see is you, an empty parking lot and a dark figure in front of us.

Suddenly, I hear you groan in pain and you drop to the ground. Leaning over you, fear and concern overcomes me. “Damon! Are you okay?” You whisper something I can’t make out, panic starts kicking. The dark figure gets closer and stand over us. “I just wanted you, but I guess I can have a two for one special. I wasn’t counting on this one to be decent guy.”

My brain doesn’t fully understand what he is implying. I attempt to yell for someone to help. It’s hard for me to move, everything feels sluggish. The dark figure gets closer. I use the last of whatever energy I have to try to shield you. Lifting your head up, seeing that you are unconscious.

“Someone please help!” I manage to scream. The dark figure grabs me and pins me to the ground. All I can see is his eyes, they look as though they are undressing me. It makes me want to throw up.

“No one can hear you, so don’t waste your breath. I was really hoping those drugs would have worked faster, but all well, this is fine” he says as he begins to tie my hands together. In my mind I’m fighting, but in the real world I can’t move. My body is limp and my head slumps over and sees your face.

Fear and worry for you consumes me. I don’t have a care in the world for myself. I call out your name, just as a piece of duct tape covers my mouth. The hooded man moves to you, tying your hands behind your back. He also tapes your mouth and ties your ankles together. He lifts you over his shoulders and carries you away.

I slowly fade as I watch in horror.

Darkness finally consumes me.
