A Father’s Struggle 19 – Back to Life (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

With my new system I kind of let it go into ‘learning’ mode as it started learning all of our habits while it recorded everything.

Granted there were a massive ton of notifications it sent to my phone.

The thing kept sending notifications it was beginning to get ***ANNOYING***.

I lightly texted George about this system thinking it was more of a headache than my previous system but he told me to relax as the more information it learns the better it does. Just feed it the information it needs and it’ll do the rest.

I sighed and kept answering questions as it sent it to my phone.

I tried to ignore the notifications but it was hard to ignore as all the notifications nearly turned my phone into the ultimate vibrator. It was vibrating that much.

Still as my daughter’s brought over their friends my phone would go crazy and I had to basically go in and build a profile for each friend until it was satisfied.

Didn’t want any of my daughter’s friends to be viewed as a threat or a criminal…..just lightly watched.

Eventually the notifications started to slow down as the system was learning about everyone until the only thing left was the backlog of stuff I hadn’t looked into nor could the phone’s app show me.

And we were back into a normalcy that we quickly fell back into.

During this whole upgrade process I had told Lola and Maxine that I would be busy with said upgrades for the better part of a week or so though that didn’t stop Lola texting me asking when she and Maxine could come over. She even offered for me to come over to her.

I kept declining, telling her I was busy with the upgrades and programming but promised her once I was done I would make it up to her and we could go out to dinner or something.

She upped the offer by asking if her AND Maxine could take ME to dinner then possibly a movie.

I smiled and agreed but told her as long as it wasn’t Game Night with my girl’s.

After about two weeks of feeding the system enough data to where the notifications were becoming less and less I decided to take Lola up on her offer asking when she would like to do it.

She quickly text back asking if tomorrow night, which would be Thursday night, was ok. I smiled and said sure we could go out tomorrow night as long as she and Maxine come to Game Night the following night.

She laughed and said she would love to.


Thursday night showed up and I dressed to a T not knowing where we were going.

I showed up to Lola’s place and thought the address she gave me sounded weird….almost vaguely familiar. The entire ride I was racking my brain trying to remember why the address sounded familiar but it didn’t dawn on me until I pulled up to her house for the first time and blinked when I saw it was my first house.

What the hell?

I could have sworn when I sold the house it was to a nice couple looking to start a family though I didn’t know it was fucking Lola.

Wait…..didn’t Lola tell me she never got married?

Then how?

This was too much of a coincidence.

I got out of the car and lightly jogged up the walkway to the door and knocked on the door.

Before I rang the door I lightly pulled out my phone and turned on the light to confirm. I angled the light at the door frame about door knob height and there stood a faint indentation that had been painted over more than once but was still there.

In the frame was my frat’s insignia, my initials, and two digits barely an inch long.

Yep that confirms it…..it was indeed my old house.

I had done that when I first got the house as kind of an homage to what ‘our’ charter did as each brother came and went they would etch their initials and finishing year as they left into the door frame.

Some doors at my frat looked like there wasn’t any frame left as some would make their etching large while others made theirs small. Some doors the brother’s had created this design in the frame to look like the insignia of the frat with their initials and year forming the symbols. There were so many it looked like it was on a tablet.

I think I heard about fifteen years ago my charter on the west coast eventually had to pull every frame off as it began to get tacky and instead incorporated all the frames into one of the halls and said they called it the graduation hall as it represents each brother’s transition from college life to professional life where each brother continues to etch their initials and graduation year for prosperity.

They had to do it because I guess the house eventually was overcome with termites or something nasty like that and before the house was condemned they saved the door frames….and anything else they could grab.

When the house was rebuilt that’s what they did with the door frames.

Kind of cool that they did that.

So when I moved out here and got my first house I kind of kept that tradition alive by inputting our insignia, my initials, and year. So if a fellow Deke brother comes to this house and buys it and finds the etching they will know a Deke lived here.

As soon as I found my marking though it was faint I took a step back to admire the house as it has been about 24 years since the last time I had seen the tiny home.

I smiled at it though it had a different color scheme and the roof awning had a different color. It was still home.

Finally I knocked on the door.

It wasn’t long before the door opened and there stood Lola in a tight dress that had a zipper in the front. The dress looked like it was made out of thin lace material that traveled down to mid thigh. The zipper was zipped up to just below her breasts as I could see a simple string going over the top of her breasts that resembled a bra as the dress let her entire cleavage be out on full display along with her tattoos.

She had on heels giving her short stature a few inches.

She instantly smiled at me, “Come on in we’re almost ready…” she yelled back, “at least I’m ready!”

Maxine yelled back, “I’m almost there!”

Lola yelled back, “You said that an HOUR ago.”

Maxine yelled, “You try painting what I did and see if it takes YOU any shorter!”

Lola yelled, “I did paint myself like what you’re doing. You’re just taking too damn long.”

Lola rolled her eyes and smiled at me, “Sorry about that.”

I smiled, “It’s alright,” and stepped in though I was confused to what ‘painting’ meant but ultimately let it go. I looked around the house to essentially see how much of the inside changed since I was here.

Lola noticed me looking around, “Everything ok?”

I mused out loud, “No nothing. Just checking out the ole girl.”

Lola spoke, “Ole girl?” Looking at me confused.

I pointed to the house, “The house. It used to be mine.”

Lola smiled, “Oh yeah I vaguely remember you saying your old house but I couldn’t remember the address you told me.”

I nodded and walked past her to look around essentially.

Hmmm the kitchen looks about the same….maybe a little more modern. Living room is designed differently compared to when I did it.

I walked over to where my office was and found that Lola had converted it into a small yoga studio and had a massage table folded against the wall. Guess that will work.

I looked at Lola, “Hope you don’t mind me looking around?”

Lola lightly chuckled, “Sure.”

She looked at the time and sighed, “Excuse me while I rush my daughter or we’re going to be late for dinner.”

Lola walked off to the hall and yelled, “COME ON MAXIE!!!”

I smiled at Lola’s form watching her ass sway in the tight dress before resuming checking out the house.

I looked around trying to not pry too much into Lola’s room or Maxine’s room but instead kept myself to the main part of the house.

Eventually both Lola and Maxine stepped out from the back of the house as Lola spoke, “You ready Max?”

I looked over to them and felt my jaw wanting to drop.

Lola looked radiant as she walked into the main living room. But Maxine looked like she was ready to go clubbing.

The two ‘*dresses*’ were completely different from one another.

Lola’s dress looked modern and less…..slutty compared to Maxine’s dress that looked like it was made out of see through material that sparkled at every light that shined on it. Each step that Maxine took her big perky tits swayed in the material that barely covered up her mounds let alone her cleavage as it traveled down to her belly button. Then the rest of the material semi hugged her hips before becoming loose as it went down to mid thigh.

Maxine walked out with a smile, “TA DA!!!”

She twirled for me, “How do I look?”

I blinked at Lola and Maxine and couldn’t tell which looked sluttier. Lola with her frilly dress or Maxine’s loose see through dress?

Ultimately I choose Maxine’s dress as less pointless than Lola’s as it did nothing to cover her up. The only redeeming quality of Maxine’s dress was that it reflected enough light to hide the see through material….that was on the front at least.

When Maxine twirled it showed there was no back to the ‘*dress*’ showing to the world that she wasn’t wearing a bra. And the slits on the sides it was supposed to close off the bottoms allowed the material to freely move so once again it was pointless.

Someone could easily tear off Maxine’s dress with great ease. Hell I’m sure a good enough gust of wind could make Maxine’s dress disappear.

At least with Lola you’ll need to do some tugging to remove said dress…..or simply unzip the front.

I smiled at both and spoke, “You both look gorgeous.”

That compliment instantly made both Lola and Maxine smile.

Lola then stepped forward and handed me a 7 day pill organizer as she spoke, “You’re going to need this.”

I looked down at the organizer that was filled with pills before looking at her quizzically, “OOkkkk….”

She smiled, “Trust me you’ll need them tonight. Instead of days its been separated by every two hours.”


She laughed as she walked past me, “Come on you two or we’ll be late for dinner and I’m STARVED!!!”

Before Lola left the house she grabbed a huge duffle bag that was sitting next to the door and walked out of the house.

I was too dumbfounded at the pills but Maxine pushed me, making me go forward until we left the house and into my car.

I turned on the car, after opening and putting in each girl properly and putting the duffle bag in my trunk, “Where to?”

Lola looked at me, “PR’s Dining.”

I raised my eyebrow at the mention of PR’s. It wasn’t really an over the top dining place when it came to FOOD.

No, PR’s biggest selling point was the private dining one could enjoy.

I had read that they have decent cooking enough to where the chef had won a few awards. But a lot of reviews always said one thing about PR’s: the exclusiveness makes up for the bland food even from an awarded chef.

PR’s wasn’t exactly expensive but because of the exclusive feature it was always booked.

I had heard quite a few back alley deals were done at PR’s but could never confirm that.

So I drove to PR’s and held up the pill organizer for Lola, “So when should I start taking these?”

Lola smiled, “Ten minutes ago.”

I raised my eyebrow but calmly set the organizer in my lap and opened one of the bays to retrieve the pills and found that it had roughly five pills. Without any liquid I was forced to dry swallow each pill individually.

Then I stuffed the organizer in my coat pocket as I spoke, “Done.”

Lola smiled and mused as she decided to be ‘*distracting* as she unzipped her ‘*dress*’ and pulled out one of her tits, “Good boy.”

Yeah at that moment I wished I didn’t go for the autopilot option on my car as I fucking swerved when Lola’s tit came out.

Ok her reaching over and petting my dick didn’t help.

But I got my car under control and we made it to PR’s with minimal damage….there might have been an accident in my pants when I swerved.

And the commentary sure as fuck wasn’t helpful in the least as Maxine said *Maybe next time we should rent a limo*. AS I thought *No Shit Bitch That **WOULD** Be Helpful Now*.

Then I lightly kicked myself in the butt for not thinking of the fact that I have **SIX** driver’s had home that could chauffeur me for times like these….well would have chauffeured me but the moment Lola popped out her tit and petted my dick I doubt they would have chauffeured me for very long.

Still we arrived at PR’s and like normal there was a line of people trying to get in like the restaurant was a club.

I checked my car into the valet as we walked up to the host and Lola spoke, “I have an appointment for Lola Burke.”

I looked over at the line while Lola checked us in to see that the *line* was either checking out Lola and Maxine or judging Lola and Maxine.

I smiled and went back as the host confirmed Lola’s appointment and led us into the building that looked like it was made out of an old storage rental place….just done up.

The walls were made out of concrete like what could be seen in a storage rental facility just now the walls were painted black with paintings and decorations.

The metal doors were modified or removed to where there was either a cloth wall separating the hall from the room with either a red light or green light next to each *room*. We were led down one hall as I counted 13 rooms on either side. Then down one more hall before we rounded down another and we were the fourth room on the right with an actual door.

Yep it was a converted storage facility.

We were led into the room to see the room was actually decorated with a table in the middle chairs on either side of the room to seat up to eight people. In the back was a long open sofa and at the main wall above the door was a TV.

The host spoke, “This will be your room Ms. Burke. When you’re ready for refreshments or food simply flip the switch next to the wall up. Down to let your server know you are finished. Bathrooms are down the hall at the back just follow the signs.”

With that the host left while we stood and I looked around….well I *tried* to look around as Lola pulled me to the back of the room and nearly threw me on the sofa.

After I adjusted myself to look up at Lola but realized that Maxine and Lola were looking down on me with their own smiles.

I spoke, “Ummm….so what’s the plan ladies?”

Lola and Maxine looked at one another as they smiled and nodded towards one another.

Lola looked at me, “Tonight is OUR night Mr. Frons after you got each of us for one night.”

And Maxine finished the statement, “And made us WAIT for so long before we had another night.”

I gulped and thought….*uh oh*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/soxena/a_fathers_struggle_19_back_to_life_fiction_family


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