Moving into the Dorm (MF)

The sun peeked over the horizon as we approached the college where I would spend the next four years. My father, dutiful as he was, insisted we leave at barely 4 am so that he might make it back for afternoon preseason football. He hadn’t missed a weekend with the boys in four years and he wasn’t about to start now. I guess at least he was helping me haul stuff into the dorm room. My mother sat next to him, fanning herself with a paper fan as the morning warmed up.

We arrived near 8 am and in two hours had unloaded the truck and placed the boxes in the room. I shook my father’s hand and hugged mom goodbye and they were gone before 930. We had always been an efficient family. I unloaded everything and claimed one of the bunks. We were in a four person suite with two rooms and a small social area. My new roommates file in and I help them bring their stuff up.

Otherwise I did the other basic first day things. I walked the campus, ate at the dining hall, found my buildings, etc. By the mid afternoon the dead quiet of the morning when I moved in had given way to the raucous din of a Saturday afternoon in the dorms. I dropped off some of the supplies I had bought and then decided to walk up and down the hall.

Most of the doors were propped open as rooms had been randomly assigned so as to avoid cliques or something. It had been in the welcome packet. Walking from door to door I met a number of people who would end up playing major roles in my college career, some as friends, some as rivals, others as background players. I even met a few who would remain friends well past college as we embarked on our careers. There was one person though that I met that night who sticks out in memory. We had a number of jaunts throughout that first year, but let me tell you about the first.

I entered the common room and found a girl with a somewhat harried look on her face. She had a clipboard in her hand and was scribbling something down on it. She had shoulder length brown, nearly black, curly hair that was tied back. She had a cute face with a button nose and full red lips. She was tan from the summer which I would later see fade to pale during the winter. I would later learn she played softball for the school and was here on scholarship. She had a muscular body, normally thicker than I had pursued but she carried it well. Her breasts were full and she had wide hips in front of a tremendous ass. She also had thick thighs. She wearing a shirt with our school colors and jean shorts that showed off her legs.

I walked up, “Hi, I’m Alex. Looking a little stressed there.”

She looked me up and down, “Alex Jones?” I nodded and she marked something down. “Oh, you signed in this morning. I’m Aubrey, one of the RA’s. Move in all right”

She looked a lot calmer, “Nice to meet you. Yeah all good, been helping others get their stuff up but otherwise just hanging out now.”

She smiled, “Lucky, I’m just getting started tonight. They have me on night shift since this is my first year and they’ve been busy all day with the Freshies”

“Ugh, that sucks,” I empathized. But I guess it is likely bettr than dealing with the fresh young things,” I said sticking my tongue out.

She let out a bit of a shriek, “You know what I meant!”

“Anyways it’s nice to meet you Aubrey. I hope you have a good first night.”

“Thanks, I just hope I can figure out this coffee machine later.”

I smiled and waved farewell. The coffee machine was a fancy espresso maker. Easy to use if you know what you’re doing. A summer working at a coffee shop had made me an expert and I was excited to give it a go. I returned to the dorm and found my roommates getting ready for bed. We chatted and I prepared to sleep.

It was around 1:45 am when the first one hit and my eyes opened with a mix of horror and rage. My roommate was a snorer. Not just a snorer, it was like a fucking machine shop was stuck in his throat. I tried to sleep but it wasn’t happening. I got up and rolled him over but it somehow made it worse. Eventually I decided to see if anyone was up. I didn’t bother to leave quietly but the snoring continued unabated.

Walking down there were a few doors still open but no one had ear plugs they were willing to part with. It wasn’t terrible, the plugs were only a few dollars for a box but I’d have to wait for them. Eventually I made my way to the common room where I found Aubrey staring down the coffee machine.

“Hey Aubrey,” I said. She yelped and jumped a foot into the air.

“Why would you sneak up like that?” She yelled as she recollected herself and I laughed.

“Having trouble there?”

She sighed, “Yeah, I tried looking it up on the internet but I’m still confused.”

“I’ll make you a cup.” I said and started working the expresso maker.

“Thanks, also why are you up?” It’s late though I guess you all don’t have anything pressing.”

“My roommate snores like a chainsaw and I was looking to see if anyone had earplugs.” She gave me a sympathetic look and said she’ll be right back. “Also…, can you make a latte?” I nodded and watched her run off, perhaps a bit more intently than I meant to.

I finished her latte and made a little heart in her mug. I’d always been good at those. I cleaned out the machine and gave it a look over before preparing a descaling solution. I don’t think anyone had ever run one on it.

Aubrey returned after I set it to run. “I walked by your dorm.. Yeah that’s a bit aggressive. But you can always hang out with me!”

“I couldn’t imagine a better evening,” I said and handed her the latte.

“Oh, look you made a heart!” That’s so sweet. She looked up at me and gave me another up, down and up again. I was tired and it didn’t register then. I know I looked pretty good. I’d grown up on a farm and had filled out some this last year. I’m also 6’2” and my face isn’t grotesque. I do all right with the ladies.

We sat on the couch and Aubrey put on a movie. She cuddled in and told me not to tell anyone. I fell asleep a little into the movie. I remember the intro and putting my head in her lap after she complimented the coffee. After she finished she put it on the table and started stroking my hair. Her lap was nice and she smelled good.

She woke me up around five in the morning. She had gotten up and was talking with another girl. I was well within earshot but I immediately forgot what they said and simply followed Aubrey when she pulled me along. We walked past my door even though I tried to stop. She simply said she knew when I told her it was mine.

RA’s were granted single rooms which was the only real perk of the job, well that and the money. “You can’t make fun of me.” She said and I promised.

Her room was covered in posters of boy bands and the dominant color was a mix of black and pink. “Why don’t you lay down while I get ready for bed.” Like I said, I was exhausted and simply flopped into the bed after removing my shoes. A minute later Aubrey came back.

She was wearing a giant T-shirt and little black shorts. She crawled over me and spread out blankets. “Get all the way on the bed.”

I turned and gave her a sleepy smile before complying. There was a part of my brain that was yelling that she likes you but the sleepy part was winning.

“I liked your Latte heart,” she said. I opened my eyes and looked over. She had propped herself up. “Does that heart mean you like me?”

“I do like you Aubrey.” I said and closed my eyes again.

She leaned in and whispered. “I’ve been home all summer with my parents, sharing a room with my brother. I’m so fucking horny.”

My eyes shot open and I rolled over. She was groping her breast and looked like she was squeezing her nipple. Her other hand was between her legs and she was looking at me lustfully.

“Help a girl out?” she asked and I nodded. I’d later learn that she was a bit of a dominant partner. I was just shocked that she pulled off her shorts and panties then sat on my face and ground her wet fold on me. I grabbed her magnificent ass and stabilized her hips so I could dive in. THis was actually my first time eating a girl out. I wasn’t a virgin but most of my encounters were cornfields and in vehicles. They had all been pretty vanilla.

I licked up and down her slit while she moaned and would grind a little. Her smooth thighs were pressed against my cheeks. They were muscular with a thin layer of softness. Her ass was big and full, obviously done via exercise. Hands were practically glued to her glutes and I was pulling her ass open so I could breathe. Her clit eventually engorged and I started working it again. She moaned and ground against me. I licked harder in small circles and she came in a glorious rush of juices.

She squeezed my head with her thighs while she came and I let her catch her breath before starting again. She pushed down the pajama pants I had been wearing and I heard her breath catch. “Well shit Alex, we will def have some fun.” I smiled. I was a cool 8 inches on a cold day. Her hands wrapped around my cock and she started lightly stroking and occasionally kissing the tip. Blood rushed to fill it and I was soon hard as iron while she stroked up and down.

Aubrey finally rolled off of me and moved between my legs. I propped myself up a little though we were still in a dorm bed and space was limited. I swear she started sucking my soul through my rigid member. To date I’ve never met another girl who could suck so hard. “Oh Fuck, Aubrey that feels good.” She flicked her eyes up and then drove my cock into her throat and gagged a little.

She pulled off of my cock and started stroking it, lubricated as it was with spit and precum. “I’m glad you like it.” She started sucking at the base and moved down to my balls which she took into her mouth, one then the other. I was getting close but she didn’t stop until I almost couldn’t control it. She was sucking on the head then removed all stimulation as I rode the edge of orgams.

“Not yet,” she said and crawled onto me, then kissed me for the first time. Her face was a mess from the blowjob but my lust-addled mind didn’t care and our lips met. She gave me time to calm down as we made out before repositioning and then grinding her pussy on my dick. She would slide forward and back so that the tip would almost get to enter and then grind her clit on my hard cock all the way to the base. We continued to make out until she finally placed the tip right and I slipped in.

She slid all the way down and let out the most ridiculous moan into my mouth as we kissed. She broke off our makeout and whispered, “Oh fuck. No one’s ever been this deep in me.”

I was incredibly turned on and started grinding my hips to stimulate her. “You’re amazing.” I said wittily. She laughed and started moving again. She moaned as her hips did most of the talking. She had sat up and her magnificent tits were bouncing underneath the t-shirt she still wore. I grabbed one of them then pinched her nipple, sending her into an orgasm. She bent over with her hands on either side of my head while still moving her hips in short jerky thrusts.

I took the opportunity to slip her shirt off and started kissing her again with my arms around her. She started moving her hips again and it seemed this time she meant business. They were long hard strokes punctuated by the slap of our flesh together. He vagina was wet as hell and it was tight while she rode up and down and I thrusted in time.

Soon I was on the edge and grabbed her to kiss her. Our mouths met and I came deep into her. It was transcendent, like all the day’s stress left from the tip of my dick. She orgasmed as well as she felt my hot spunk coat her inner walls while her interior muscles wrung out every drop from me. She was limp in my arms and we transitioned to slower, softer kissing.

Eventually we stopped and wiped ourselves off then layed down to go to sleep. “This was a one time thing,” Aubrey said. That would turn out to be a lie.

For the rest of the year Tuesday and Thursday morning I would sneak over to her room and we’d have ourselves a time. After college we drifted apart until we reconnected in our early forties. But that’s a story for another time.



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