Horny at the movies…and high 💨 (FTMasc) PT1?

One of the perks of being trans? Having the libido of a teenage boy just finding himself in my late twenties while having the biology that allows me to cum into the double digits… If done right.

Not sure if this kind of post is allowed, but what the hell.

Today I sat through the best-worst movie I’ve ever seen, and I paid 20$ to see it. It was a stupid funny blast. And you were there next to me, but I think that will be another story for my sweet babygirl. If you’re good, that is.

You should know that my cock is hard as I type this. I’m still turned on from the inappropriateness of the day. Normally, I would put you in a compromising position. But this afternoon? It was my cock making me play the exhibitionist.

Do you remember the name of that movie, baby? Because it will be one I will remember for years to come.

I mean. I only came on upwards of ten.
And, I had one of the most intense climaxes of my life.
All timed with the loud suspense scenes, and fuck. There were a LOT of them.

When I first grasped myself and began to stroke, I had wanted to go slow. Savor it.
But damn baby. Something about weed and T.
I can’t FUNCTION with how insanely aroused I am even days after shot day.
I couldn’t stop cumming.
Right next to you. In a large theater. My saving grace was its dark, I can be very quiet when I need to, and this is a matinee on a movie that’s been out for a minute. There was only one couple close to us, and I knew they couldn’t see my lap well, hidden under my black leather jacket in my reclined theater chair. It also helped that they were separated by you, as you look down at me, eyes wide, blush on your cheeks, and a smirk forming at your lips.

I chuckle and turn my head back to the movie. If you want it, you’ll join in.

I stroke. And from my first person perspective, the dulled shine from my inky black jacket moves just slightly.

Should I continue?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/so6ct5/horny_at_the_moviesand_high_ftmasc_pt1