A Father’s Struggle 18 – Setup (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

Well all the work got done and my new video surveillance system and new heat/cooling systems were installed.

Best part is the girl’s were none the wiser about the video surveillance system as they were too overjoyed that they could now control their own temperatures in their own rooms.

Though I’ll admit I still don’t fully understand the system as George’s tech tried to explain that the system will start to record onto its exabyte drive which I still say is a made up word.

I mean I know I’m not really techie but I understand what a byte is….though barely. And am familiar with the increments as the bytes go to kilo then mega then giga and finally tera.

Just as I understand there’s probably higher increments of the byte system but exa?

It sounds made up.

Then the fact that the system can perform ‘teraflops’ of information seemed like another made up word.

Like I said I’ve been out of the techie world for too long.

I just know how to work my computers if only barely and I know how to work a gaming system but once again barely as evidence shows my daughters can kick my ass in just about every video game and they’re not gamer’s.

Well most of them aren’t. Savanna and Abby probably game more than the rest but I’m not sure.

Actually scratch that with Abby’s intimate knowledge of certain genres and all around area’s making her my little geek so it was fair to say she might be a gamer.

So after George’s tech did the initial set up he also gave me some instructions along with a paper on *how* to setup the system with the company as it also provides a free year of service’s. I followed the instructions by going to the company’s website clicked on ‘New Account’ and started to create my account.

I made sure the password I created was something **I** could remember and not be stupid by **saving** the credentials into my laptop as I was setting up my account.

But I did stupidly save the website so I knew where to go.

As I did download the app to my phone after creating my account and left the credentials in my phone. Seeing how my phone was pretty much attached to my hip it is unlikely my girl’s will be able to do what they did….again.

Then I followed *how* to add my new system to my new account. The add worked and just like George’s tech said I got a shit ton of services for free. Including the one I wanted….the security package.

That took some time to download and authorize the new system that the system was good to start doing its thing.

After the downloads were complete, it started mapping out the house and gave me an approximate time how long it would take to map out the house.

I blinked when it nearly matched George’s tech assessment as it popped up with 72 hours to scan the house.

So I had to wait before I could do anything else….like start setting up the ‘security’ in my new system.

By that time I had called all the girl’s telling them that all the upgrades had been completed and they were allowed to come home and resume their ‘normal’ schedule.

When that text went out it was like a call as Nicole rushed home just so she could relax in her bed again.

I got a text from Savanna that she would be home tomorrow seeing how she had already booked herself until Thursday.

Heather thanked me and said she wouldn’t be home anyways until after 9pm.

Mackenzie text saying she wouldn’t be home until the following Monday as her ‘tour’ had been noticed by some high rollers she had dealt with before rushed out to see her.  Plus she admitted she wasn’t done ‘raking it in’.

And my college girl’s said cool and that was it before they came home at their regular time.

Naturally when Nicole, Heather, Abby and Haley got home try pretty much dashed to their rooms to check out their new unit.  I had already kind went through the process of creating account’s for everyone…with Dave’s help that is.  I had downloaded the app for the new unit and setting my ‘Master’ account.  Then I went through each room and labeled each individual unit so it no longer read ‘Unit #’ and instead labeled each unit for what room it was associated with.

Then I had to create each account for my girls, making them simple users and granting them access to their room only.

I passed the information to those four by having them download the app and have them login to their accounts for the first time so they could change the password to whatever **they** wanted.  And voila they had control of their room only while I had control of everything else.

After their first logins the girl’s didn’t take long playing with their room to test how cold or hot they could get their room.

I smiled and let them play while I waited for my new system to say it was ready for the next step.

Each time I checked it felt like only seconds had passed but behind the eta to map the house I saw an outline beginning to form of my house.  So I guess it was working.

It was a painstaking long process but eventually the house was mapped by the system.

Then came setting up the ‘security’ of the system as it started up that particular system.  Luckily I didn’t have to wait for that to be done before I could do anything but I did have to wait for it to start doing facial recognition as it quickly started seeing **who** was in the house.

I smiled when it recognized me first and notified me of the first people.

I quickly labelled myself as the owner/master of the system.

Then it recognized my girl’s and asked me if they were ‘users’ or intruders?  I labeled each girl it recognized as ‘users’.

Then I put red boxes around my room, starting at the hall about five feet away, as well a red box around my man cave.  Then I started to put stipulations with the red boxes, like I was in those boxes by myself the moment any other ‘user’ crossed the imaginary red box it would notify me via text message that someone crossed the boundary I had created.

I blinked at all the ‘security’ measures I could input into the security as a lot of it seemed foreign to me because of the wording.

But if I understood it, it would monitor each ‘user’ and start recording their habits. 

I checked marked myself and my girl’s saying we were allowed in the house. Then when it offered to start building profile’s I decided what was the harm and said Yes.

As the system was building each users profiles if they did anything outside of their habits it would also notify me.  OR I could preprogram a list of instructions to test for.

I didn’t think the system was THAT sophisticated but it was worth a shot to see what it could pick up.

So I programmed the system to notify me each time they went to the bathroom as a test.

It didn’t take long before I received a text telling me one of the user’s had went to the bathroom and even told me which ‘user’ and what room.

Ok that’s cool.

I slowly dialed in the testing trying to see what the system could do and what it couldn’t do….but on myself.

I tested to see how much it would recognize so I tested if it could tell if I had a shirt on or not.  So I programmed it to notify me when I wasn’t wearing a shirt or not.

So I walked around the house with a shirt for a few minutes.

Then I removed my shirt and within a second I got a notification telling me that I had removed my shirt and even told me which room.

I put on my shirt and moved to my man cave and removed my shirt.  Same thing.  I got a text telling me that I had removed my shirt in the man cave.

Ok this is kind of cool.

I removed that particular test and started to dial in other things as a test.

Could it recognize if my dick was out?  So I stood in my bathroom, with my door locked of course, and simply unzipped and pulled out my dick.  I turned this way and that…..no notifications.

Looks like it doesn’t recognize that…..or I’m too small for it to register.

So I pulled my pants and underwear down…..that got the notification.


Test semi completed.

So I programmed into the system that if I was nude or my dick was out while in the red boxes to not notify me.  However if users come into the boundary while I was nude or my dick was out to notify me.

Then I tested that.

So I stood in my bathroom nude and texted Abby to see if she could grab a towel out of the cabinet for me as I was out.

Within moments the system quickly sent me a text saying that ‘User’ had crossed my red box and provided a link.

Naturally I watched in the system as Abby looked at her phone for a moment.  Then left her room.  Went to the hall closet where all the spare towels were and grabbed one.  Then walked into my room and yelled at me that she set the towel on my bed.  Then she left and returned to her room.

I smiled as that was a success.

Then I quickly started programming.

I put all the ‘users’ into the same program of notification that I had just tested.

After about a couple of hours I had created roughly 4 simple rules.

Here are the rules I created, and this is me just thinking off the top of my head.

1.  Notify when ‘users’ leave the house and come home.
2.  Notify when ‘users’ go into red boxed zones regardless if Master is there or not.
3.  Notify when ‘users’ are nude when outside of their rooms.
4.  Notify when ‘users’ cross red boundaries when ‘Master’ is nude

The first rule would tell me when my girl’s leave so if I were to do anything….say like having some alone time I could blast the volume and not care, the system would notify me.

The second rule closely ties into the first rule but a little bit deeper.  If the first rule doesn’t notify me that they hadn’t left and I were to do some alone time then the moment they came within feet of my room or man cave it would tell me before they could surprise me.  Rule four kind of did the same thing but more or less my activity was guaranteed and maybe if they don’t disturb me I’l either know they were ‘spying’ on me or not.

The third rule was more or less my protection.  I really didn’t want to know when they were parading around the house but if they did something like, I don’t know, maybe fondle themselves while watching me. The system would notify me of that as well.

Simple ideas but got the main rules across.

With the system up and running, now it was only a matter of time before I could start catching my ‘*spies*’.

Before thinking I was done I did one last thing with the system before letting it go on autopilot and start collecting data.

There was one last item that intrigued me and that was the option to scan for other video systems in the house.

Knowing about my original system I chuckled to myself thinking it was the only one but still I clicked the option to ‘scan’ the house for anomalies. 

Then I went back to my life while the system did it’s thing and hoped that with enough time this new system would catch my spies.

Only question was how long would it take?


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/solxpa/a_fathers_struggle_18_setup_fiction_family_bond


  1. ho can’t wait to see about potential “anomalies”, have the spies upped their game with tech already ?

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