A Father’s Struggle 17 – Installation (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

The magical day has finally arrived after my fun filled weekend.

And by fun filled I mean I hardly left my room as both Lola **and** Maxine took a stab at draining my balls.

But the weekend finally ended and both had to leave as Lola had work as she took Maxine with her last night.

All my girl’s left this morning as I got up at 5am excited for all the work that was going to take place…and make sure everyone kept their word by leaving.

I checked each room to make sure there weren’t any stragglers.

Savanna’s room was completely empty as Mackenzie’s was as well.

I watched Abby and Haley leave just as I was coming out of my room so they could get to school.

Nicole was almost out the door before she told me there was pressed coffee waiting for me.

And the last to leave was Heather shortly before 7am.

I stood at my window waiting while I sipped my coffee like I had an important package from UPS that I didn’t want to miss.

I looked at the time to see if Dave or George was true to their word about being on time.

I noted that the clock read 0724 before I resumed to look out the window and just then I watched as trucks and vans began heading into my long ass driveway to slowly fill my drive way.

I smiled thinking *at least they don’t have bells on*.

I headed to the front door and outside to greet both team’s before they each did their work.

I walked out and saw George step out of his company’s truck. He walked up to me with his hand outstretched, “Boy you weren’t kidding about dual booking.”

I laughed as I shook his hand, “Yeah well I needed an excuse….”

Dave walked up as I nodded towards Dave continuing, “and he’s providing it.”

I released George’s hand and moved to shake Dave’s hand, “Dave glad you made it. Dave this is George he’ll also be doing some upgrade’s.”

I turned to George, “George. Dave.”

George reached out to shake Dave’s hand as Dave accepted it, “Pleasure Dave.”

Dave nodded after accepting George’s hand shake as Dave spoke to me, “What’s the plan Mr Frons?”

I looked between George and Dave, “Divide and conquer I guess.”

Dave nodded as he spoke, “Me and my team will be switching out the unit.”

He looked at me, “I imagine it’s still in the basement?”

I nodded.

Dave looked at George, “Guess I’ll take the basement.”

George nodded, “And I’ll take the rest.”

George was about to issue order’s when Dave stopped him, “Actually sir if you wouldn’t mind moving a few of your trucks so he can get access to the basement I really appreciate it.” He smiled, “The unit I have is really heavy.”

George smiled, “Sure sure.”

He pointed to three guy’s, “You three move the vehicles so Dave and his people can get their equipment into the house easier. The rest grab what you can and meet me in the house on the main floor.”

The three nodded and rushed to move vehicles while the rest grabbed stuff while I and George went into the house.

Once we were in the house George got a look around my house as he whistled and smiled at me, “Bigger than the plans you gave me.”

I lightly chuckled as a handful of guy’s started coming in their arms filled with tools and reels of what I imagined was the hair like camera system.

George looked at me, “Where should we start first?”

I shrugged, “I guess my room.”

He nodded and looked at four guys, “You four go with Mr Frons here to his room where most of the work will be.”

He pointed to three more, “You three with me.”

He looked at me, “I’ll get them started down here.”

I nodded and showed the four upstairs to my room as I spoke, “I would like as much coverage in this hall.”

Two spoke, “We’ll do that sir.”

I walked into my room with the remaining two, “This is it.”

The two looked around as one spoke, “And how much coverage would you like here sir?”

I looked around and thought about it before smiling at them as an idea hit me, “As much as possible.”

They both nodded as one started to set their equipment down while the other walked around and saw my bathroom and closet, “And these two?”

I looked at him, “Same.”

He nodded as the other who was already unpacking stuff spoke, “Well take care of everything sir. If you want you can go downstairs and help Mr Burkowski with the rest of the house.”

I nodded and went back downstairs to catch the last part of George’s speech, “Remember I want everything cleaned up like we weren’t here by 5pm. Am I understood?”

I interrupted him, “6pm.”

George stopped to look at me before he returned to his men, “6pm. Am I understood?”

I watched the rest of his team nod as he spoke, “Alright we have a lot to do and not much time to do it. Get on it.”

The rest of the men spoke in unison like they were in the military, “Yes sir!”

And they started running like their hair was on fire.

George turned to me and smiled, “You get my four set up?”

I nodded with a smile, “Sure did.”

He smiled, “Good.”

He walked into the kitchen seeing the coffee and eyed me. I smiled, “Help yourself.”

He nodded as he walked over to the coffee mess and grabbed a mug. Then he grabbed the press and poured the rest of the coffee into his mug before taking a sip.

He took his sip and stopped to eye me, “This is good. Strong but good.”

I smiled, “I hope so for how much I pay for it.”

He lightly chuckled before resuming drinking his coffee while we remained quiet for a moment.

Eventually I spoke, “So do you need me to do anything?”

He tipped the remaining coffee into his mouth before sighing out. He looked at me and shook his head, “Na my men should have everything handled. Which reminds me,” he moved, “I better make sure they’re behaving and the other know when to wrap up by.”

He looked at me, “If you want to disappear somewhere while my men do their thing I suggest you do it.”

I eyed him for a moment before I sighed, “Fine if you need me I’ll be hiding in my man cave back there.”

He laughed but watched him go back to Abby and Haley’s before I retired to my man cave.

I sat in my man cave actually watching tv in my memory foam bag trying to ignore the sounds of drills and ruckus going on as I heard multiple cursing.

It was really hard to watch TV with all the ruckus but after I got the sound bar to that perfect spot I couldn’t hear shit….well almost.

A couple of hours into the banging and cursing that most construction crews go through to do their job George came into my man cave forcing me to pause my show.

I looked at George, “Yes?”

George looked around my man cave admiring my weird ass decorations before he looked at me, “Hey would you happen to have any of the paint leftover that was used in any of the room’s?”

I thought about before answering, “I don’t think so.”

He nodded, “Yeah I didn’t think so.”

He was about to walk away before I asked, “Why?”

George stopped to look at me, “So we can use the same color paint to hide the lines but it’s fine. I got a guy going to the hardware store with some shavings to match the different colors in each room.”

I looked at him, “Should I be concerned?”

He waved his hand at me, “Na.”

I nodded, “Ok. How’s it going by the way?”

George looked at me, “Good. We figured out how to run the lines. So each guy is running the lines down into the basement before we officially start laying out the lines in each room.”

I looked at him, “That’s good.”

I unpaused the TV and George left before the racket resumed closely followed by the cursing.

By afternoon, right around 5pm Dave came in telling me that they were able to switch the system’s in the basement but most of the controls won’t be finished until tomorrow so he had to set a general temperature for the house at 72 asking me if that was fine.

I nodded and said that was fine.

About an hour later George came him telling me his team had wrapped up making it look like they were never there.

I did a quick walkthrough with George showing me what he was able to do which I guess most of the work was running the lines into each room but nothing was run in the rooms….yet.

The only rooms that had the lines ran was the halls, my room, my bath, my closet, and he said portions of the living room and kitchen were run.

I looked around and couldn’t see where the lines were run.

I was relieved to see what was ran I could see them nor see how they were ran. It was almost seamless and invisible….which is what I wanted.

Then he left before my girl’s started coming home.

The girl’s came home and pretty much lounged around before retiring.

Then in the morning they were gone followed shortly by both teams as they showed up to do their remaining work.

Rinse and repeat but this time I had to more or less move to the living room a little before noon so they could do my man cave.

That and this morning they were installing the major unit for the entire system that was installed in the basement.

By the end of the second day Dave had finished the switch over and would be back tomorrow to start installing the mini units. And George told me his team finished running everything but didn’t have time to do the initial setup so he’ll be back tomorrow to do the setup and show me how everything worked.

Once again I did a walk through so he could show me what all his team did.

Everywhere he pointed where the lines were ran in each room I tried to see where the lines were but couldn’t see shit.

Then he left.

Once again the girls came home at night. Did their thing and went to sleep.

The third day just Dave’s team showed up to start installing the individual units in each room.

About an hour after Dave had started, George showed up with only one guy.

I looked at George, “I thought we agreed two days?”

He smiled, “And we did. All the installation is complete. Only thing left of setup.”

He pointed to the guy with him who looked more techie than grunt, “This guy here will do the initial setup of the unit which should take about,”

He looked over at the tech as the tech realized he needed to speak and quickly answered, “About three hours for setup and initialization. Then from there it’s letting the system start mapping out the house as the camera’s slowly rotate until the system figures out best angles and what not.”

I raised my eyebrow, “You make it sound like the system is intelligent?”

The tech shrugged, “Sort of but not really. The system will more or less sense how many cameras is attached to the system. Then it’ll slowly rotate the camera’s as it starts mapping its surroundings before each camera becomes fixed.”

He held up his laptop, “I’m just here to start the initialization process. Get you hooked up to the system and give you all the information. After the initialization is done then we are done.”

I looked from the tech to George before sighing and speaking, “Alright let’s go.”

I walked George and his tech down to the basement where George and his team installed the main unit.

I blinked when I got down to the basement thinking I would *easily* find a unit that was for better lack of words…..sophisticated.

I looked around trying to find my new security thinking it was this big honking box or something.

I heard George lightly chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and spoke, “Ok where is it?”

George chuckled for a moment before he pointed to a little box about the size of one of those consoles I used to have……before I met Stacey….before I started a family.

There it sat…right next to my main junction box where all my electricity fed into the house.

I looked back at George, “Really?”

He smiled, “Yes really.”

I pointed at the console like box, “Really this controls everything?”

He nodded with a smile.

I rolled my eyes but stood there as the ‘tech’ plugged his laptop to the small contraption while I fathomed how in the fuck can ‘*hairs*’ go into this damn thing.

I looked up and noticed a different junction box as one central big, what looked like, a braided cable went into the housing.

Then I looked down to one cable going down to the console.

I pointed at the braided cables and spoke, “Camera’s?”

George looked at what I was pointing at before he nodded with a smile.

I tried to follow the braided cable but it snaked into its own pvc pipe that looked like it was added to the existing larger pvc pipe where all my electricity fed into my house.

If I didn’t know it was there I would have sworn it was part of my electricity.

I sighed as I tried to not over think it as I looked down at the ‘tech’ and spoke, “You said the ‘initialization’ process will take three hours?”

The tech looked up at me, “Yes sir.”

I spoke, “After that is done then what happens?”

The tech cleared his throat before speaking as he went through the spill.

I tried to listen to him but he went too technical but what I gathered is that the system will need to do a ‘mapping process’ as it maps my house before the ‘system’ starts breaking down each room to quadrant’s and isolates cameras to fixed position’s.

He said usually this process takes about 72 hrs to complete.

Here I thought the ‘camera’s’ had to be positioned as the ‘hairs’ had to be fixed as the camera’s were at the ends. I had no fucking idea the hair was the camera and actually fucking moved.

I just thought that times and technology sure had changed.

At least it explains why the system was so fucking expensive.

I spoke, “Ok while we wait why don’t you tell me what all that this system can do.”

Again the tech, and George, went into sales pitch mode telling me ALL this system ‘could’ do.

Most of which pretty much went over my head where I needed a bilingual person who spoke techie speech and my level of knowledge…which at this moment was neanderthal.

That is until the tech told me I could ‘program’ the system to start looking for ‘anomaly’s’ so it could notify me when said programmed anomaly’s occurs.

I smiled as a thought entered into my head and thought right then how I was going to catch my *spy’s*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/so4f92/a_fathers_struggle_17_installation_fiction_family