Lost in the Badlands [MF]

Lost in the Badlands

Tired and completely out of water for more than a day, Eza crested a dune and gaped in surprise at the unexpected sight of a tent mounted in a depression at the bottom of the pile of wind-blown sand, its burgundy fabric a stark contrast to the jaundiced wastes spreading away in all directions.

Her mouth literally watered at the thought of finally getting something to drink and some shade so without hesitation to the possible danger scampered down the slope and poked her ponytailed-head inside.

“Hello, little one.” greeted the tall, bronzed man within.

Eza shivered in fear but he gestured kindly for her to enter, “Come in, come in, you are welcome to stay, it’s very hot out there.”

The little brunette swallowed, then pushed back the curtain door and entered, bowed to the man as the door fell back, casting the square chamber into delicious shadow.

“Water?” he offered up a canteen.

She nodded greedily and he tossed it across the fire pit he’d been assembling from rocks he’d scavenged earlier in the day. Eza gulped down the mostly clean liquid as he watched the bulge in her throat go up and down in unison with the rise and fall of her high young breasts wrapped trimly beneath a tight blue camisole, cut just above her lean stomach.

He noted with approval the hip bones protruding just above the top of her low-waisted capri pants. A pair of matching brown sandals completed her outfit, making him wonder how she’d managed to survive long enough to find him.

“How came a young lass such as yourself to travel these desert wastes alone?” he inquired as she finished her desperately needed drink and slumped down to sit upon the carpet across the now finished pit from him.

“I–I have many travelling companions–there was an ambush–bandits, I think? Too m-many of them, we all got separated,” the girl managed not to croak, her throat was still very dry despite the heavenly liquid, “I…I hope they’re all okay…”

“I’m sure they are, my dear.” he puffed on a long pipe as the light began to darken in the tent, “They are surely looking for one as lovely as you, though now that the sun has begun to set they have surely taken cover and will resume the search in the morning.”

Eza looked toward the exit, “I–I should go look for them-”

“And get lost in the coming darkness and freeze to death?”

She looked back, he was correct, “I don’t wish to impose.”

“Nonsense. You shall pass the night here and in the morning I will help you find your friends.”


“Think nothing of it. We must all work together to survive in this desolate place.”

The sun went down and the moon came up, casting the interior in cool darkness and he lit the fire. Eva basked in the cozy warmth and curled up beside it. She’d almost nodded off when she felt his presence behind her. He had removed his robe and spread it over them like a blanket.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“Soon we will have just the embers, I found little fuel today and, hah, had wondered how I would survive the cold night myself.”

In fact he had plenty of wood just outside the tent, but she didn’t know that.

Eva watched the flames begin to recede, “Oh. I guess then, if we have to.”

His larger body spooned her petite one and he slid strong arms around her dainty waist, she started to pull away, considered fighting him, then he explained, “I can already tell the night will be an extremely cold one, my dear. We must share our warmth to survive, little one.” he breathed haughtily in her ear.

Eza gave up, slumped against him. It’s not like she had a choice. He held her close and indeed as the fire faded to glowing red embers they stayed warm, their body heat combining to cast them into a life-saving cocoon of magnified body heat.

Eza dozed off and hours passed, then awoke to find him moving against her, his groin pressing against her narrow bottom, he was grinding himself gently but firmly making her buttocks part as the hard lump of his maleness pushed between their thinly-clothed twin orbs, she felt his girthy shaft sliding up and down between her posterior’s tight channel, up-and-down, and her loins moistened despite herself. Indeed, despite the fact they were both fully clothed, he in breaches and her in loose capris, it was obscene what he was doing, Eza was both horrified and aroused.

“Wh–what are y-you–uhh–what are you d-doing?”

“Apologies, sweet one,” his hands grasped her narrow hips for leverage as he continued thrusting against her, “I fell asleep and my instincts took over. I am but a man, after all, and you are so beautiful. A perfect young woman. It is only natural.”

For a time they both said nothing, she just lay on her side in his firm grasp as he worked himself against her rigid body, grunting low from the back of his throat, she didn’t know what to do, she was trapped by her fear of leaving the protective tent behind for the deadly freeze without and a longing to give in to her own rising desire.

What am I doing, her brown eyes flashed back and forth as he increased his speed and she felt her pants slip down an inch.

I–I cannot allow this–ohh–allow this to c-continue…

His hands were sliding across her body up her sides and down her legs, he was breathing heavily behind her head. Eva felt herself respond, oh how she wanted this, needed this. She so wanted to be taken, he was so handsome, so strong, she wanted him to touch her–everywhere. Everywhere!

But she mustn’t. She couldn’t! This was wrong. Forbidden!

But it felt so good. She wanted this–needed this. To be touched, caressed in that way. To be groped. Stroked.


So despite all reservations to the contrary she made no moves to object. Eza let him do it. She let this strange man have her. She began to move her little ass in tandem with his dry humping, she clutched his sides behind her, pulling at the sides of his breeches, began tugging them down ever so slowly.

“Are you untouched?” he asked as his strong hands roamed across her pliant young flesh.

“I–I have known a m-man. Known men.” she admitted, arching her back against him and fighting not to moan.

“You are unmarried though? I do not wish to be slain by a jealous husband.” he chuckled into the rich thatch of her silken dark hair.

“My f-father says that while I am indeed of age, h-he has yet to find a m-man worthy of me.” it came out almost as a whimper as one hand stroked the swell of her hip while the other plucked at the bottom of her camisole.

“Yet you have given up your maidenhood.” his tongue caressed her left ear, causing her to finally acknowledge her lust with an unleashed moan.

“It–it was taken from m-me. I drank too much wine on last festival n-night. A pair of boys in the town I was inning at, they–they took advantage. Father does not know. C-Can never know, uhh…” she fought not to black out, so exquisite were the feelings robbing her of her instinct to flee.

“Ahh…I see…” his hand slipped under the camisole and onto the bare left breast barely concealed within. He gasped.

“What?” she replied lazily, fighting to focus.

“So firm.” he squeezed the perfectly round small dome, “So soft.” he pulled and cupped it, Eza writhed and gasped herself, “So…ripe…” he caressed the little nipple in the center and it pebbled as the girl’s eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Her hands finally achieved her secret desire and slid his breeches down past his hips, his manhood swung free and he did the same to her lower clothing, down it went, exposing her bare behind, she bent low, bring knees up, pushing herself into the ready position, his member pushed between her legs, she groaned low and wantonly as it easily slid inside her, going deep, he gasped in pleasure, she was indeed no virgin, her cunny was experienced yet still so very tight, exquisitely so, he caught hold of her hips again, marvelling at the bare feel of them, and began to rut within her.

“Ohhhhh…” Eva swayed and writhed against his bare chest, “…by the forgotten gods, yesss…”

He sawed in and out of her clutching wet slit, “Y-You are m-magnificent, girl! So good, uhhh…”

“Your rod, it’s so big and so h-hard!” she thrust back against him as his fucking quickened, “I grow so…so very close! I–I am, ohhh, it’s going to h-happen soon!”

His left hand was under her shirt again, gripping her firm breast, pulling at it desperately as he pounded into her, grunting and groaning. Eza was wild now, a rutting beast, she squealed and bucked, he pumped faster and faster, her head flung back, eyes clenched tightly shut, mouth a glistening wide o, the opposite of her tight wet snatch that was threatening to strangle his sizzling member as it went in-and-out, in-and fucking-OUT!

Her eyes flew wide, “W-wait! You–must not! It is m-my time? I do n-not wish to have a ch-child! Ohhh, please, sir, pull out of m-me, guhhh…”

That was not going to happen, it was far, far too late.

“You–you shall h-have to take your ch-chances, girl!” he grunted as his rutting surged up to insane levels, his hips were a blur, he pounded madly into Eza, both hands to a bare breast, his mouth on her neck, he roared and pushed insanely deep and CAME! She felt his hot load explode into her and that did it, she orgasmed like MAD, screamed like a wanton slut and jerked on his spearing cock, the pleasure ripped mercilessly through their conjoined bodies and savaged their souls, Eza howled in delight as he roared into her hair, then it was over, they slumped against each other, huffing and panting at the tremendous exertion, she groaned and fell into black unconsciousness, a satisfied smile upon her face, all worries about the implication of what he had just done to her vaporized by the wonderful feeling of it all…

She awoke long hours later, the noon-day sun beating down upon her half-naked body and she sat up to find herself in the retreating shadow of a rising spur of stone.

No sign of the tent or it’s owner could she see, a breeze cutting across the golden sands had erased all traces of their existence. It was almost as if it had all been just a wonderful dream, except she felt different within, somehow more complete. Was she…? There was no way to know, not yet, and it would all not matter at all if she didn’t locate her missing companions, for she had no water, no tent, just the clothes on her back.

With a wistful grin Eza climbed to her feet and set off across the desert, eager to see what new adventures lay on the other side of the next dune…

**The End…**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/snq46u/lost_in_the_badlands_mf