Life as a Slave [F4A] [Milf] [M/s] [D/s]

I kinda just did this on a whim and decided to post it here. I’m a complete amateur at this so sorry if my inexperience shows.

Synopsis: You are being sold off at an underground auction because of your crippling debt. You’re worried about being sold, but upon meeting your new owner, you realize it might not be so bad after all.

You wake up with the sound of a talking crowd and bright lights. You realize your traped in a cage with no clothes on and your on top of a stage. The room is filled with lots of wealthy looking people in masks. You finally fully awake and remember what’s happening. You get sold off at an underground auction due to you having a large debt in your name (not saying it’s actually your debt, it’s just in your name). Once you’re sold a group of people in dark clothes come and carry you off, only to put your cage in the back of a truck. You can’t tell how long you were being driven but it felt like a few hours, which causes you to fall asleep again. You wake up again with the sound of a loud bang on the side of the truck. You feel the truck has stopped moving, and you see the doors open. You hear a seductive, almost intimidating voice, “Oh my, what do we have here?” Once your eyes adjust, you notice a woman looking no older than late 20s standing outside of the truck. She is tall with long blond hair in a fancy red dress that reveals her figure. “Now there’s no need for all of these restraints” she says before pressing a button that releases your bindings and opens the cage. “Don’t be shy, come on out.” She says with a sweetly gentle but demanding tone. You walk out of the truck using your hands to cover yourself, but once you step out you spare a moment to take in your surroundings. What meets your eyes is a large green grassy yard in perfect condition being illuminated by the clear beautiful blue sky. You happen to be under a big tree, and a few yards to your right is a large window, belonging to an even larger mansion. While you’re distracted observing your current setting, you hear a click noise along with the feel of something around your neck. You look back at the woman bending over while holding something on your neck. “I’m sorry if that startled you, I like to be thorough when training new pets.” She says in a calm almost terrifyingly casual way. Before you can take a second to fully digest what she just said, she speaks again. “Now be a good boy/girl and move your hands for me, darling.” You start to feel even more nervous due to being reminded that you’re standing out in an open space completely naked. You let a defensive expression leave your face for a spit second. “Hhhhh, I really do hate using this.” She says before pressing another button on her remote. Before you can process what she said, you feel a slight shock to your neck. Not enough to hurt you, but the unexpected sting causes you to fall to your knees even more disoriented than before. Before you’re able to pull yourself back together, she kneels down to you and gently lifts up your chin. “Everyone is beautiful. From now on, never hide yourself from me.” She tells you in a calming voice before helping back up to your feet. “Let’s go inside.” She says before attaching a leash to your collar. She walks you through the front doors into the main hall of the mansion. You were wishing that no one else was there to see you in your current state, but your hopes were swiftly dashed the second every maid laid eyes on you as you were walk in. They each only looked for a second before continuing to their work. As you walked past a few of them, you noticed them smiling. Almost as if they’d been in the exact same position that you are currently in some time ago, and they know exactly how everything will play out. You feel even more humiliated but don’t hide yourself for fear of being shocked again. You finally make it to a door after what had seemed to be an eternity. The Woman opens the door and guides you into a room with a bed, two windows, a desk, and an empty closet. “This is where you’ll be staying. As of right now, you are no longer a human with rights. You are my property. I will control what you eat, when you sleep, and when you are active. You’ll wear what clothes I put out for you, and nothing else. You’re only allowed to relieve yourself with my permission, and you must do anything and everything I tell you to do, and when I tell you to do it. You unfortunately know what’s happens already when you don’t.” You feel your heart sink ever so slightly. Before you can descent into despair you are interrupted by her voice. “In return, you will never need to worry about surviving again. I like to spoil my pets.” She grabs your chin to guide your face to meet with her eyes. “I promise to always take care of you, and never let anything happen to you.” She says while looking deep into your eyes almost as if she was speaking directly to your heart. “From now on, I’m your master.”

“I have business to attend to. I’ll send someone for you in an hour.” You remember her words as you’re sitting in your room without clothes. As you feel a small hint of anxiety well up in your stomach, you hear the door open. Your eyes are greeted by one of the house maids. She looks a few years older than you, with long black hair. “Please follow me to the bath.” She says before escorting you to the hallways. You ask why you’re being taken to the bath. “It’s a tradition in this mansion. Whenever the Master gets her hands on brand new pets, she is the first to bathe them.” Your heart slowly gets faster as you’re filled with anxiety hiding a hint of twisted excitement. “A little secret. If the Master insists on regularly bathing you, it means she’s taken a liking to you.” The maid says with a slight chuckle. You enter the steam filled bathing area and a sense of calm washes over your body. “Please wait here.” the maid says while giggling to herself before leaving. You stand and take in your surroundings once again. The room is covered in goldish yellow tiles, almost giving a sense of warmth. The bath itself being submerged in the center of the room and almost being as wide as a small pool surrounded by a knee length wall. From the wall of the bathing area to the wall of the bath itself were showers along all four walls, with drains on the outside of the bath wall. “Do you feel comfortable?” You hear a sweet seductive voice as you’re observing the bathing area. You turn around, and you see your master walking towards you with her hair tied up, and nothing but a towel loosely covering her chest, hanging down to also cover her crotch. As she’s walking towards you, you’re absolutely stunned by her beauty, and are unable to even move. As she stands in front of you. Her hands start to move towards your body almost in a hypnotic fashion. Your eyes glued to her hands, as if you desperately want them to magnetize towards your body. You’re so enamored that you almost don’t notice her release the collar from around your neck. “This will only ever come off when you bathe. Got it?” She says while going from taking off your collar to lifing your chin up for your eyes to meet with hers in one swift motion. She guides you to the shower to start washing you. You stand under the shower head as she feels your body, gently caressing every last inch of your flesh. “So beautiful. Every last inch belongs to me.” She whispers into your ear while methodically grazing her fingers against your body while being sadistically careful to just miss the spots you want her to touch most. The way she touches you feels so intoxicating and blissful that you lose track of how long you’ve been standing there. You feel sounds leave your mouth, sounds you’ve never made before. “You seem to be enjoying yourself” she says with a slight chuckle. You quickly regain your sense to realize that she had already finished washing you. You feel a wave of embarrassment as you wonder if any of those sounds truly escaped your body or if it was in your head. She looks at you with an almost dominating grin. “Did my little pet enjoy being played with that much?” She asks in a seductive tone while watching your entire face turn red. You duck your head in embarrassment as she lets out a slight laugh before moving you into the bath. She sits in the corner of the bath wrapping her arms around the wall and extending her legs in a crossed position. You can tell by the way she sits that she wants you to sit under her arm. You timidly sit next to her in a defensive position, putting your legs up and wrapping your arms around them. As you sit next to her, you’re able to fully take in all of her beauty from even closer than before. She was absolutely stunning in every way possible. Her long golden hair, her tall goddesses like figure, even her hands looked flawless. “I see curious eyes wandering about.” You snap out of your hypnotic state to look up and see her mischievously staring at you. She uses the arm placed behind you to grab your waist to move you while spreading her legs to give you a place to sit. Before you can think, her right hand slowly creeps up to your neck before slightly tightening. “Now didn’t I tell you to not hide yourself from me?” She uses her legs to force yours open and slowly slides her left hand down your body. “Such a disobedient pet. Don’t worry, I’ll work that right out of you.” She says before starting to tease your body. She slowly yet mercilessly violates you with her hand. Sadistically bringing you closer and closer, only to stop everytime and start all over again. In such a dazed bliss, your head falls back on to her chest unable to put up anything close to a fight. “Shhhh, that’s it, don’t resist. If you’re good, you get rewarded like this.” She whispers into your ear while your paralyzed and unable to see what she’s doing to you. You start to whimper and squirm as you feel yourself coming closer. You desperately try to form sentences but to no avail. “I can’t understand you unless you use your words darling” she sadistically whispers into your ear. “If you want this to stop, then beg like the good little pet you are.” After several desperate attempts to form sentences, you finally manage to muster up the strength to let out a pleading beg to her. You hear her chuckle to herself as you are finally about to climax. “No” she says before suddenly stoping. She stands up and starts to walk out of the bath. You sit up with a pained expression on your face. “Did you forget? That was your punishment for trying to cover yourself, darling.” You feel a tornado of embarrassment and sadness sweep you away as you sit in the bath feeling defeated. “However, since you were good, we’ll finish what we started in my room” she says with a shining merciful smile on her face. You’re expression immediately lights up causing you to quickly follow her out of the bath.

That’s all I did. I don’t know if I’ll add on to it, but yeah, I just randomly got the idea for this. Thanks for reading :)
