Clean, Part 1 [MF][Roommates][College][Shower][Long]

Hey all, this is a story I’ve been writing and rewriting for a long time, but finally decided to post. First time posting anything like this, love to hear if it’s any good. Bit of a series with some others, I’d love to know if people like this one. Enjoy!

a Roommate Agreement story

Part 1

In my sophomore year of college, I lived in a townhouse apartment with three considerate, sweet, and gorgeous roommates. Since moving in together the same summer, we’d grown quite comfortable with each other.

At first, though, we were a relatively normal group of cohabitating friends. We’d all had different living situations and experiences the year before, but living with friends we knew well was new for most of us. I think at first we were all a bit nervous, afraid of the new paradigm. Like any good guide would advise, we set up rules, a roommate agreement for ourselves, from splitting the bills to quiet hours, even regulating overnight guests. Among them too were the bathroom rules.
See, for some reason, our apartment isn’t laid out like any I’ve seen. Like many similar apartments, we have four bedrooms, a decent living room… but only one bathroom between us, albeit a giant one.
It’s also really weird. You know what a nice apartment bath look like, yeah? We have the essentials, doubled at the least. The tiled floor is expansive, with a counter long enough for at least three people to share (were they to want to), two sinks, and two large mirrors. The outward wall is mostly just windows, which is great for the light, and not terribly inconvenient since it’s on the second floor.
But the shower is weirdest of all. I guess I’ve seen a spectrum of type and quality of showers in on-campus living, from tiny apartment stalls to sizeable real house baths. Ours is perhaps closer to those found in mid-grade sports locker rooms.
It’s the size of maybe four regular stalls. It has no door or curtain, like showers on the beach. It’s basically just half of the room, with the same tile as the floor, just a step lower and with a drain in the floor. A free-standing, tiled block wall keeps it from being completely open to the rest of the room. It seems that bit was added after the rest of the room, which brings even further into question what the designer of the thing was thinking. Maybe he liked an audience.
Finally, instead of a normal shower head, it has one of those rain panels mounted on the ceiling. On a big, suburban house, that would be a total asset; in a somewhat packed apartment, it’s definitely an oddity.

All that to say our apartment has one, huge, asymmetrically fancy bathroom, with an almost-as-huge shower. It’s rather unconventional. We asked the landlord about it early on, understandably a bit put out by it, but of course they didn’t budge. I don’t even understand how it was allowed, but in the end, I’m glad it did; eventually, it all worked out, but with a bit of a rough start.
We moved in during summer, and in the early weeks, we tried a series of things to keep our privacy. We were all friends, but weren’t really used to living together, so as is the strange norm, we all assumed that each of the others were totally privacy-obsessed prudes, even between the girls. I don’t understand why it’s so shunned to see the people you live with undressed. Of course, it eventually turned out that none of us were so conservative.
But we did what we could to draw borders. We made schedules, capped time in the shower, pushed toothbrushing and makeup to bedrooms, anything. It really doesn’t sound so bad, though even in summer we all had pretty chaotic schedules, somehow almost busier in summer than during the year. To compound the struggles, despite our efforts, we all shared a mutual and unspoken love for long showers.
The efforts worked for a bit, but it mostly ended up frustrating. We weren’t even a month in before the systems started to break down– which wasn’t so bad at all.

The first “incident” was in early June. As I remember– though I woefully wasn’t there to witness it– Morgan had been putting lotion on herself after a shower, her music blasting. She liked to do it in the bathroom for some reason, something about absorbing the steam, though I figure it had as much to do in truth with the mirrors (and perhaps, the window). So, when Madison walked in, she found her all but naked. She was initially mortified, which is kinda just how Maddie was. Morgan, as it turned out, didn’t mind at all and, without thinking, hugged her red-faced intruder in attempt to help.
Not long after that, there was this nice little night. We’d all walked home from a party in the rain. When we got home, Kayla and Morgan, perhaps the closest before we all got to know each other better, very candidly jumped in the shower together, like volleyball players in a comic book. With other friends, that would have been awkward, but for us, it was another border broken.
By busy schedules and budding comfort, practicality and excitement, the divisions continued to thin– and hot. Madison is shaving her legs, but Kayla needs to wash out her hair dye? Hop in together! Kayla needs the good lighting for her makeup, but Morgan needs a quick shower before class? Hop “in” apart.
The period of uncertainty dragged on longer between me and the others, than between each other– yeah, I’m the only guy. Such laws of co-ed shyness had long plagued me. After a while, it wasn’t so weird for Kayla to pop in to grab a brush or Morgan to pee while I was in the shower, but we rarely shared the space for more than a moment, and certainly not as freely and undressedly as the girls, to my quiet frustration.
Eventually, though, the time came when that final barrier broke. And when the first brick fell, revealing the hidden skin behind, the whole wall soon followed.
When it rains, it pours.



  1. Wtf am I reading, an erotic story or some some story about a lowsey interior design fuck up. Part 2 outta be better

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