Affliction (Part One)

This is a abduction and torture story. There is detailed descriptions of said acts. If this is not something you are into, please do not read. For those that are, enjoy!

I wake up in a basement and can barely move. I’m in a dirty straight jacket, no pants or underwear. The strap from the jacket is digging into my crotch. A head harness panel gag is around my head with something inserted into my mouth, so no screaming for me. Shackles locked tightly at my ankles, with a chain attached to the ground. As I try to look around, the collar around my neck makes it difficult.

Slowly trying to stand and after a few minutes, I finally make it to my feet. A small window with the sunlight coming through it can be seen. Taking a few steps forward, but the chain attached to my collar stops me in my tracks. I attempt to scream for help, but nothing but muffled cries are heard.

As I make my strained effort to look around, there is nothing I can get to. I pull against the chain but it causes the collar to dig into my neck. I keep trying and but again nothing. Just causing myself pain. After exhausting all attempts of escape, I bavk against the wall. Allowing myself to slide down and sit. I think to myself, “How the hell am I going to get out of this?”

Out of nowhere, I begin to hear foot steps with a jiggle of keys and then a door opens. I didn’t even see the door, its camouflaged to where it looks like another piece of the wall. A man in a hood walks in and towers over me. Seeing only his eyes. They have an evil look to them. He stares at me and a feeling of disgust washes over me.

He speaks, “You want out? You’ll have to earn your way out. Get on your knees” he orders me.

I refuse…..

He speaks again, angry and fustrated.

When I don’t move he grabs the chain and pulls me up to him, making me go to my knees. He holds the chain taut, causing me to gasp for air.

“You will learn your place, if not you will know nothing but pain.” he says.

I manage to mumble “fuck you” and I think he understands and promptly slaps me across my face. Laughing, he says, “Feisty, I like that. Let’s teach the mouth of yours a leason.” He unzips his pants and pulls his penis out. He takes a step towards me and quickly I head butt him. Causing him to drop to his knees. I then ram my shoulder into his chest. He falls to the ground and lays on his back holding his crotch.

“You fucking bitch! You’re going to be begging me later to suck my dick. You will suffer for this!” He crawls his way out of the room and locks the door. I pull against the chains again out of frustration. I fall to the wall again and sit. Tears begin to form in my eyes but I try to hold them back.

A few hours later, I hear foot steps again and a voice, “You ready bitch? Ready to fucking beg for my…..” he didn’t finish. A loud thud can be heard and then more foot steps. The door opens, I close me eyes because I don’t want to look at him. Then, I hear your voice call my name.

My eyes shoot open. I see you standing there, breathing heavily, shirtless, with what looks like marks from a whip scattered across your chest. Your beautiful blue eyes staring at me in horror and concern. Mumbling your name as I try to stand. But fail, and fall over. You catch me right before I hit the ground. Holding me tight. I lean into your embrace.

You look me over, trying to see how you can free me. Everything is pad locked. From the chain, the straight jacket, even my gag is pad locked. You hold my face and see the a pink mark on my cheek from the slap I received earlier. I see the anger boiling inside of you.

“Don’t worry, I will get you out! I just have to find the keys” you say. I shake my head and lean more into you. I don’t want to be left alone. I mumble through the gag, begging you not to leave me. Tears again form, you hold my head against your chest, even though it causes you pain.

You wipe the tears away, kiss my forehead and say “I will be right back.” I plead again, but you have to go. Before the Hooded Man comes. As you walk out, you turn back and say to me “I promise, I’ll be right back.”

Then you disappear into the darkness
