A Father’s Struggle 16 – Sharing Pt 2 (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I awoke the next morning to a form standing over me in the dark. The little light that was around showed me the form was female.

I groaned as I reached over to turn on my light and got to see the form was Lola.

My eyes suddenly got wide as I *really* looked to make sure she didn’t have any blunt objects in her hand to either beat me or shove up my ass. Or any sharp objects in her hands to do any harm to me….mainly not cut off my dick.

She looked down at me with an interesting smile that told me she wasn’t pissed nor really excited to see me. Her hands were free. The only thing on her, besides her clothes, was her purse hanging on her shoulder.

Her smile wasn’t menacing….just interesting.

I looked over to see that her daughter, Maxine, was right where I left her…..sprawled out face down sleeping.

I wouldn’t be surprised if my baby juice was still leaking out of her after how much I used her last night.


You try being my age and having a chance at a 19 year old with her body and NOT try to see if you can break her or not.

Yeah I thought so.

Still last night after we did our ‘foreplay’ my first attempt to see if I can break her was bend her in half but she saw my ploy and upped the ante by turning herself into a pretzel by putting her ankles behind her head AND locked them.

How she turned herself into a pretzel was beyond me especially with her big ass tits.

Still it urged me on as that made me pound her harder….and made her moan louder to the point of almost screaming in ecstasy as she begged me to keep going.

I was too focused on watching her body quiver and tits bounce so much to really care about anything else so I’m not sure if I had an audience outside my door or not. Though I’m sure EVERYONE in the house could hear her clearly.

She even helped ‘guide’ me to what turned her on during this first session like ‘*Smack my tits*’ closely followed by ‘*No! Harder!*’. She would moan when I got the right strength as I was almost hitting her tits like they were a speed bag with an almost closed fist. But I found the right momentum as I open palmed her tits as I smacked them by simply raising my hand in the air and with minimal strength swung across wide arcing across my body swinging letting gravity do all the work for me as my hand smacked the side of her boob causing it to smack sideways against the other one.

I blinked in surprise the first time she begged me to smack her tits so my first smack wasn’t to her approval and demanded that I do it harder. Which I did but she still said ‘*No Harder!*. By the fifth smack I found the right blend.

When I found that right blend between smacking her tits enough to where they were red now and me pounding her body was enough to make her groan shake and lock her body as I felt her pussy slam tight around my dick.

That was enough for me to cum myself as my body pretty much mimicked her and I saw her eyes literal roll as she felt my hot orgasm flood in her pussy.

That was the first session.

We had multiple others to where I was sure I was going to have a heart attack trying to satisfy her obviously bigger lust.

I wouldn’t be surprised on my last go with her my orgasm didn’t shoot just air….or dust.

Then we finally went to sleep.

Well I went to sleep. Maxine was panting as that last one left her in a sprawled state after being fucked in the doggy position for the second time.

The last thing I remember about Maxine’s state as she was sprawled out was that there was a noticeable hand print on both her ass cheeks like they were almost tattooed on….my hand print to be exact as she also, apparently, LOVED having her ass spanked just as hard as much as she loved having her tits manhandled.

Looks like Maxine was a little bit of a masochist as she apparently loved pain.

In the light and her still being sprawled out with minimal covering on her you could still see **my** hand print firmly tattooed on her ass cheek but it looks like the swelling was beginning to go down. And I’m sure more than likely my hand print will be gone later today if not by tomorrow at the latest.

I looked over at Lola and spoke, “Hey Lola,” before I moved as I sat up in bed.

I watched to make sure she didn’t do any threatening motions so I could try to protect myself.

Her smile didn’t falter as she lightly scoffed at me, “Hey yourself.”

I smiled at her, “Did you have a fun night?”

She pointed at her daughter as she finally grumbled grabbed my blanket and twisted into a ball, “Probably not as fun as you two.”

I looked back at her daughter before I looked back at Lola and smiled, “Yeah.”

I stood out of bed making Lola step aside so I could get up. I looked at her, “So I take it you received ‘OUR’ text’s?”

Lola nodded and this time her smile just seemed empty, “Yeah I did.”

I nodded as I spoke, “So you’re sharer’s huh?”

She looked at me like I slapped her in the face making her look down, “It’s not what you think.”

I mused out loud, “Hmmm then help me understand,” as I walked around her and moved to my bathroom and turned on the light so I can brush my teeth.

The moment I turned on the light I noticed Maxine’s ‘mess’ as my eyebrow rose when I saw Maxine’s *panties* as it explained why there was no string or fabric in the back to ‘connect’ to the front as it simply wrapped around her waist. The ‘undies’ had an attachment to help keep the barely there fabric in place….attached to the front fabric was an odd angled buttplug.

Huh. That’s odd.

I shook my head trying to not dwell on ‘why’ there was a buttplug attached to the panties as it was obvious that it was outside my knowledge of advances in underwear that would be considered fashionable.

Instead I moved over to my sink and turned on the water so I can brush my teeth and get rid on my morning breath….and possibly my after pussy breath from our ‘foreplay’ before the first session started last night.

I looked in the mirror to see Lola had moved into the bathroom with me but had remained silent as she was trying to find the right way to ‘explain’ that she shared her daughter.

I didn’t rushed her as I watched her bite her lip as I realized she was looking down a little bit too much. I stopped brushing my teeth and looked down to see my hanging member had stopped swinging.

I rolled my eyes realizing that Lola wasn’t trying to find the right way to tell me how she and her daughter became sharer’s. She had followed me into the bathroom remaining quiet because she was admiring my ass. And remained quiet while I was brushing my teeth because she was admiring watching my dick swing.

I snapped my finger’s in front of Lola snapping her out of attraction as I spoke through a mouth full of toothpaste foam, “You were going to tell me ‘how’ you became sharer’s so I can understand.”

She blinked before speaking, “Oh right.”

She sigh before she started talking as she recalled her life.

Apparently it started when Maxine was about 15 when a few of her ‘private client’s’ had started to show an interest in Maxine but they were lightly probing for information and most of it seemed harmless as she talked about her daughter before the session moved from massage to ‘happy ending’.

Not one of those ‘client’s’ that probed about Maxine hinted at anything as they also talked about their kids whether or not if their kids were of the same age.

One particular ‘client’ kept his intentions hidden but subtly tried convincing Lola to bring Maxine around for their ‘private sessions’ by offering a dinner night as they brought their own kids around for dinner before him and her retired upstairs to start their ‘session’ but she always declined. But he still kept trying for two years

Then about a year or so ago he finally revealed his intentions as he wanted an opportunity to fuck Maxine.

Of course Lola blatantly told him no. She wasn’t going to subject her daughter to her lifestyle.

But that didn’t stop him. He offered double her fee.

Answer was still no.

Triple? No.

Four? No.

Five times? Lola said she faltered for a moment but she still said no.

Her ‘client’ had caught onto her hesitation so he asked a simple question.

How much? How much would it take for Lola to ‘consider’ letting him have a night with Maxine?

A 100? 2? 3? $400,000?

As her ‘client’ increased his offer for her daughter Lola’s resolve for wanting to keep Maxine away from her life began to falter more and more as the ‘price’ for her private services was being multiplied by a factor that made her eyes go wider and wider.

And her ‘client’ didn’t let up as he saw her reaction to each increase as he tested her morals. He smiled once he was finding the almost impossible number that Lola couldn’t say no to. As he noticed that Lola’s ‘no’ took longer and longer before she said it.

He was getting close.

The other reason why she kept saying no, though she was faltering longer and longer, was that, aside from keeping her daughter from her lifestyle, this ‘client’ had some obvious things working against him that she was sure she couldn’t convince Maxine to open her legs for.

Like that he was overweight, though not too over weight but his stomach was bigger than his dick. His dick was small to where she had a hard time achieving an orgasm so she usually faked it making this client believe he was fantastic so she doubted her daughter could do the same level of acting plus she wondered how this small dicked fool was able to have kids let alone a family because he was a huge prick….a rich prick but a prick the same.

And lastly there was something about him that put her off so when he offered a weekend package she usually declined.

The only reason she went to him for private sessions was because he stupidly paid twice more than what she normally charges her other normal clients. And he usually has her come over for private sessions at least twice a week while the rest was once a week or once a month.

He smiled as he finally offered $500,000. This time Lola couldn’t find the words to say ‘no’. She was too dumbfounded that this rich fat fuck was willing to spend that much for one night with her daughter.

Then she fantasized what she could do with that money.

She could finally pay off her house. Pay off her debts and still have money left over.

But Maxine wouldn’t agree to this whatsoever.

She did the only thing she could think of to essentially say the same thing as ‘no’. She had to talk to her daughter.

He laughed and said of course he understood.

The next morning after her night with the fat fuck she told Maxine what had happened which Maxine laughed at another client wanting to fuck her but this was the first to actually put a number down.

When Maxine heard how much she was ‘worth’ to this fat fuck. She *almost* agreed but asked Lola how much she was willing to give her if she went through with it.

Lola explained to her daughter because of her debts she needed the majority of the money but was willing to give her daughter $100,000 leaving Lola $400,000 which would still pay off her debts and still have enough money left over.

Maxine thought about it and a few days later Maxine agreed.

Lola prepared Maxine what to expect and how to handle this ‘client’. Mainly her acting skills.

Lola worked with Maxine for two days to essentially ‘act’ so the fat Fuck would be satisfied.

Then came the call to tell her ‘client’ that Maxine was willing to do it which he laughed and told Lola there was a caveat to spending so much money.

The caveat….Lola had to be present to watch.

Another thing Lola had never done but it was $500,000. Initially she wanted to say no because she really didn’t want to watch but after some thinking she could make sure Maxine wouldn’t fuck it up.

So she reluctantly agreed.

They scheduled the special night a few day’s later on the weekend.

The night came and Lola drove to the location that her client said he wanted her to be at which was their usual location.

They showed up and the ‘client’ instantly smiled upon seeing Lola **AND** Maxine.

And his smile didn’t settle well with Lola.

He invited them in as they came in and Lola instantly demanded the money.

He told her until he tested the merchandise he couldn’t rightfully give her the agreed amount right then and there.

She sighed and originally intended to simply sit and await while the ‘client’ took Maxine to the bedroom to do his thing.

Instead he took both Lola **AND** Maxine back to the room.

Then he requested Lola strip to only her underwear which she was going to refuse but he reminded her that this is part of his caveat.

She sighed and stripped to her underwear.

Then he forced her to sit. Then used some type of tape to force her down in the chair.

Then he did something she wasn’t expecting. He taped a vibrator over her panties and turned it on.

Then he took Maxine to bed going to straight foreplay forcing Maxine to swallow his small manhood while Lola watched with a vibrator attached to the outside of her panties.

At first she looked away but slowly she couldn’t help herself to start watching as the vibrator did its job of making her horny.

She watched as Maxine took little time before the client’s low stamina made him cum.

But his dick remained hard after his first shot was gone.

He obviously planned for this.

Then he took Maxine in their first position but his gut kept him from enjoying himself so he was forced to lay down while Maxine rode him.

Maxine sat down on his small dick and rode him. And rode him as she pretended to enjoy herself.

Looks like Lola’s prep for Maxine was perfect as she made the client believe his dick was amazing and pretended to orgasm more than once while Lola was kept on the cusp of orgasm watching everything while the vibrator did its job.

Lola lost track of time as she watched everything.

By the end the client finally was left gasping though he didn’t a damn thing other than lay there while Maxine did all the work.

Maxine helped release Lola after the client confirmed they were done as copious amounts of cum were dripping out of her little girl and Lola was left in *the* horniest state she had ever been in and couldn’t think clearly.

The client pointed to the briefcase with nothing but cash as he panted and said he’d tell his ‘friend’s’.

They did their split after leaving the fat fuck.

And that night Lola masturbated multiple times after having a vibrator keep her at the edge for so long while she watched her daughter ride the fat fuck.

She said she was so fucking horny that when her *normal* client called she practically threw herself at him for free as she fucked him so hard that he gladly paid three times his normal rate.

Then came the next client a few days later as he wanted both Lola and Maxine for five times Lola’s normal rate which they agreed.

Then came the next.

And the next.

Soon they were sharing client’s as Lola’s clients were paying both Maxine and Lola for their dual services at a much higher rate.

Then came Maxine’s first boyfriend they tried to share but he ran for the hills.

Then came Lola’s first beau as they successfully shared him before he had to leave to a different state when he got promoted. Though he tried to convince them to go with him they eventually declined.

When she was done with her story she didn’t look at me too afraid that I would look down at her.

I looked at her while her head was bowed, “So would **you** have told me that you were a sharer?”

She didn’t look up but she spoke, “We would have tested you first but yeah.”

I looked at her, “Why?”

She sighed, “Because I like you.”

I chuckled, “What does ‘liking’ me have to do with sharing?”

She looked up for the first time at me, “Because I wanted Maxine to get to know you.”

I sighed as I looked beyond her towards the bed where the now burritoed Maxine was, “And if she liked me?”

She smiled, “Then we would have teased you and tempted you to test you to see if you’re cool with it.”

She looked back at her daughter, “But it looks like she fucked that up.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, “So we’re friends?”

She looked at me up and down as she sly smiled, “I’d say we’re more than friends.”

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, “What makes **you** think that?”

She smiled a shit eating grin, “Because you still haven’t covered yourself up.”

She walked in a couple of steps, “And he,” she lightly touched my dick, “seems excited.”

She finished off her statement by grabbing the back of my head and pulled me down to her and before she kissed me, “And so am I.”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/snpba5/a_fathers_struggle_16_sharing_pt_2_fiction_family


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