[MF] Average Guy finally lands his dream crush

This is the story of how an average got with a girl way out of his league.

So, a little back story to this story is required, so bear with me, I promise it gets good. Please offer any feedback, this is my first time writing this and I hope it inspires someone like me to shoot their shot!

So, a little bit about me, I am as average as average can be. I am average height, I guess maybe slightly above average build, average looks, never been the star or leader of a friend group. I say all of this proudly and not from a place of jealousy but it will come into play later.

So, my story begins in college, my senior year, I had been dating the same girl for a while and just recently got engaged. A few nights after we got engaged, my fiancé left to go back home for a few days but I had to stay for an event I could not miss on campus to keep my scholarship, I would be joining her in two days. So, anyways my friends talked me into having a party at our house Friday before I left and I reluctantly agreed. I never liked drinking without my fiancé and I was still riding that newly engaged high but I figured it would be fun to have a relaxing night celebrating with my friends.

Like I said average guy… so anyways the night starts off normal, just a small group of friends and our one friend let’s call her Ashley calls and asks if she can bring a few friends from high school and we agreed. Once the drinking started, I had honestly forgotten all about Ashley and her friends coming. In walks Ashley with more beer and more snacks so we all cheer and behind her in walks the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen…I mean like ever…the best comparison I can think of is Shawn Johnson, the gymnast? She was about 5’4, shoulder-length hair, perfect hourglass figure, and her ass was so round and you could tell she kept in shape but not like a bodybuilder kind and glasses, perfect tits…I was blown away.

Anyways, I am sure that I stared way too long as she walked in but I was very happy with my fiancé at the time, so I did my best to actively avoid her during the party. Fast forward a few hours, someone suggests we start playing beer pong and everyone starts partnering up and before I know it, there is only one person without a partner…Ashley’s insanely gorgeous friend…shit.

Ashely says “well congrats Sara (not her real name) you get the newly engaged man!” everyone cheers and laughs. I try and collect myself and reach out my hand to introduce myself and as I go to shake, she goes to fist bump and we end doing the most awkward handshake/fist bump ever…I was so embarrassed. I finally blurt out, “it’s nice to meet you, Sara, I’m Jackson.” She offers a forced congratulations and then very sternly tells me that I better not suck at pong…great… she already hates me.

I take another shot of jack and we get called for the next game. So, Sara and I meet at the table and before we start I offer a fist bump and say “let’s do this” and she sarcastically says “oh now you know how to fist bump” and gives me a smirk and my god she is gorgeous when she smiles…

We go on to win our first game of beer pong and in our house, its winner stays on the table and the next team comes up. We also had a beer pong money pot and whoever beats the record for most wins in a row gets all the money… the current record was 7 with a pot of almost $200 in it. Sara and I high five after she sinks the last shot and I say sarcastically “maybe we should stick to high fives” Sara laughs and agrees and we start the next game… still saying not much to each other but in the second game we crushed the other team and our sarcasm banter gets only more and more aggressive. I mean, every joke I made, smart comment I made, she laughed… and not like a forced laugh but a genuine laugh. As the winning kept on going, our sarcasm turned into flirting but I kept telling myself there is no way a girl like her would ever be into me and I am engaged, so I tried to put it out of my mind… We go on winning again and again and again… next thing I know we tie the record and my buddy and his girlfriend step up and tells us there is no way he is going to let us beat the record…

With that Sara then asks what they are talking about and I say “oh if we win this game, we beat the record and we win $200” she said, “Oh hell ya, I want that money.” As the game goes along Sara becomes even more flirty and even more touchy with me, I kept finding myself staring at her and she starts to notice that I am. With us down 2-1, she sinks the first cup bringing the score to 1-1 and she starts jumping with excitement my god I was speechless, the way her perfect tits bounced and the way her ass jiggled I could not help myself but stare and she caught me… she caught me staring and whispered in my ear so seductively “you like what you see?” I turned to beat red and did not respond, she laughed and gave me a wink. With the scored 1-1 and after my buddy missed, it was now my turn and I sunk the last cup and I turned to high five Sara and as I did, she jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me and gave me the best kiss of my life and I got lost in the kiss, her lips were so perfect… once I came back to my senses, I realized what just happened in front of my friends…Sara tried to apologize but I quickly left…I had to. I was engaged and I loved my fiancé and I could not believe what just happened.

Now now, I am going to leave all in suspense because nothing more happened that night, I apologized to my fiancé for what happened the next day and she was weirdly ok with it like did not care at all… So, long story short my fiancé and I graduated, got married and moved away. About 6 months into our marriage, I deployed with the Army and while I was gone my now ex-wife cheated on me and I found out later, she had been cheating on me for the past year even before we got married.

Even before we got divorced, I thought about that night with Sara so many different times, not only how she was the most attractive woman I had ever met but how also much fun we had together… and of course that kiss but I had no way of contacting her.

I spent the months following my deployment and divorce doing whatever the hell I wanted and one day I decided to try tinder… you know why not? What did I have to lose? After months of nothing and no one interesting, I returned home to visit my parents and just swiping through Tinder one night, my heart stopped…there she was, just as drop-dead gorgeous as the night I met her, Sara, holy shit…

Despite it being two almost three years later, she looked even better. She had slightly longer blonde hair, was still petite, fit, and looking like a model. I swiped to match with her thinking 1. There is no way she will even find me 2. She will not remember me and 3. Even if 1 and 2 are true, she is still so far out of my league it will never happen. So, I set my phone down and went to shower and when I came back, there was a tinder message…from Sara.

“You still owe me $200…” Holy Shit, she remembers me. I kept telling myself play it cool, play it cool. My awkward self, the best I could come up with was “how about I start with buying you a drink?” Sara replied “meet at insert local cocktail bar name at 1000? no time like the present!” I replied, “see you then.” Part of me honestly kept thinking it was some cruel prank like there is no way a girl like her would be into a guy like me but I went anyway. I got there a little early and I found a booth in the corner and I messaged her where I was but no answer, 9:50, no answer, 1000, no answer…I thought damn, I got played and as I thought that, in she walked and it was like every cheesy romance movie when the hot girl walks into a bar, the whole world stopped. She spotted me and I waved, I rose and greeted her with a hug and damn… she was beautiful as I remember. She was wearing tight blue jeans that hugged every curve, a maroon v-cut shirt that showed off her amazing tits and flat stomach and lastly she had on a pair of black glasses.

She looked incredible and I was speechless. I was so nervous and I needed a drink, so I quickly ordered an old fashion and joked that since I owed her $200 the first few rounds were on me. And she replied with a smirk… “you trying to get me liquored up?” We laughed and the awkwardness started to fade away, we talked about life after college and she asked about my wife and I told her the story and I will spare you all those details but she seemed genuinely interested in my life and I was in hers. From there, the night went perfectly… we drank and laughed and returned to the sarcastic flirting that made our first night so amazing. After a couple of hours and a couple of drinks, I mustered the courage and decided I am going to shoot my shot with her. So, I said, “you know, you are by far the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.”

She laughed and said, “thank you.” I do not remember which point in the night this happened, but I do remember the moment I realized what was going to happen. To all my guy readers out there and females even, when a woman has decided that she wants to fuck and she will give you that look. I mean that animalistic look of lust that you can see in someone’s eyes. Sara very seductively invited me to leave and to head back to her place. I stupidly start walking to my car (I know, I’m not proud of it either) she then tells me she lives just a few blocks away, so we decide to walk. You can feel the sexual tension growing with each step we take.

As soon as we turn down a secluded side street, I grab her hand and pull her into me and we kiss for the first time that night and her lips were just as perfect as I remembered so many times. We only stopped making out because a car drives past, so we keep walking to her place and as soon as we enter her place, she jumps into my arms, wraps her legs around me, and we start making out again. I aggressively pushed her against her wall and she let out a soft moan as her back hit the wall…As we broke from the kiss, I carried her over to the couch and laid down and I paused looking at her laying there on the couch with the most incredible fuck me blue eyes I have ever seen. She sat up and started to undo my belt buckle and I slipped out of my boots and hurriedly took my shirt off as she slid my pants off, leaving me in my boxers.

She started rubbing my cock and for the first time and she so seductively said “can I suck it?” I do not know why but her submissive tone drove me wild and I became rock hard and as she slid my boxers down, my cock sprang out. Like I said before, I am average all the way around and that applies to my dick as well, I am 6” maybe 6.5” on a good day but she took my cock in her warm mouth and started giving me the most absolute knee crumbling blowjob. She was so eager, something I had never experienced before. I maybe only last two-three minutes before I could feel myself getting close to blowing my load, so I reluctantly told her to stop and she led me to her room by my cock which was again… weird but sooo sexy.

She was still clothed at this point and I desperately wanted, no I needed to see her naked, so motioned for me to sit on the bed, and she begin to strip for me…my god… this woman was incredible. She revealed a matching set of a black laced bra with a black laced thong. Her body was so perfect and I pulled her and unhooked her bra and buried my face into her tits, they were so firm… I continued running my hands over her soft skin and squeezed her perfect ass…my god was it firm. I started tracing her nipples with my tongue and she let out a soft moan. I slid her panties to the floor. I stood up and picked her up and tossed her onto the bed and I watched as her perfect tits bounced as she hit the bed and again I paused… taking in the fact that I am about to have sex with her after all these years… she motions for me to come to her with her pointer finger and I softly kiss her on the lips, then to her neck, then to each of her nipples, down her toned abs, I kiss each hip bone, and then kiss each inner thigh. Her moans grow each time, she says “pleaseee,” I am began to eat her out and oh my, she is so wet and she tastes so good, now I am no expert but I have never received any complaints but I somehow quickly bring her to orgasm but I continue eating her out and she cums again, this time even harder than the first, grabbing my hair as she does so, she pulls my head up to her and kisses me and uses her tongue to taste her juices in my mouth.

As we break from our kiss she begs “please fuck me, please fuck me Jackson.” My god… what I have done to deserve this… I position the head of my cock at her pussy and slowly slide in… she is still so wet and by far the tightest pussy I ever felt, I begin to slowly slide in and out as she moans in my ear, I for whatever reason, stopped because I realized I never put a condom on and I asked her if she wanted me to stop to put one on and she begged me to not stop.

So I continued, faster and harder now. I then flipped her over onto her stomach and started fucking her behind. I do not know what it is, but back dimples turn me on and hers were so pronounced it was amazing. I then grabbed a fistful of her and pushed her head into the pillow and began fucking her hard and fast and she was moaning louder and louder… she then let out “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum” her body began to shake as she climaxed and her pussy began to become so tight it pushed my cock out… she regained her breath and apologized and asked how I wanted to cum… and I said as confidently as I could “on your face”…

I had always wanted to cum on a girls face and I thought there was no better time than with the most insanely gorgeous woman I had ever been with. She laughed and smiled and climbed off the bed and dropped to her knees and had me sit on the edge of the bed as she begin stroking me and then took my cock in her mouth. She was sucking the head of my cock while using her hand to stroke me, I maybe lasted 2 minutes again before I could feel myself getting close and she must have known, because she began stroking me and looked into my eyes…no my soul, lol and said “cum on my face, please, please cum on my face” in the most submissive and sexy voice that right there I shot a rope right onto her glasses and then another and then another on her lips. She then took her finger and scooped it all in her mouth and then swallowed it with a huge smile and a wink… I collapsed onto the bed and she climbed up with me.

We fell asleep cuddling together and woke the next morning completely naked still smelling like sex. It honestly felt like a dream and waking the next morning, I felt like a million dollars… I had never had a true one night stand before, and I could not have had a more amazing experience. Sadly, I had to fly home that afternoon we did not have sex again. Even more sadly, I deployed again shortly after that and we lost contact.

So, Sara, if you are out there somewhere, thank you for the best sex of my life and for helping me restore my confidence, I thought about you every lonely night of the deployment!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smws12/mf_average_guy_finally_lands_his_dream_crush


  1. This “xx people are here” feature gets real awkward on your porn account feed

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