24[M4F] Taking over my employee’s household [BBC, dub-con, cuckold, cheating] [M/F]

*Casual Erotica writer, not a professional one. Spare the few grammatical errors here and there as English isn’t my primary language! All characters are 18+.*



1. *Sarah Anderson – 42yo*
2. *Smith Anderson – 45yo*
3. *Caroline Anderson – 18yo*
4. *Jerome Taylor – 32yo*
5. *Charlotte Willington – 33yo*


Sarah’s ass wiggles as she moves her hips according the song playing in her mobile. The yellow floral printed sundress keeping her braless voluptuous 36DD breasts intact while the green apron is protecting her goddess body with godly curves from the water as she’s doing the dishes. She throws her hands in the air with the slight sweat drops dripping down her sleeveless armpits as she’s just living the housewife moment by doing the dishes and enjoying the song through her earphones. She wouldn’t usually be this happy or excited but then it’s her anniversary day tomorrow, so she’s quite more excited than the usual.

She knows that her marriage with Smith isn’t a 10/10 perfect one, but she loved him ever since they were high-school sweethearts and they ended up marrying each other after they graduated. She knows that Smith isn’t well endowed down there at his crotch, nor that good at oral, but he’s a nice guy and she loved him for that. Sure they took their time getting to know each other better in bedroom in the initial phases of relationship, had to consult a therapist to deal with Smith’s low levels of sexual confidence, but finally she gave birth to Caroline! Sure she had to stop working and become a full-time stay-at-home mom in order to look after Caroline, but then Smith was earning well enough for the small family to run decently and Sarah takes pride in being that trad-christian housewife anyway.

She finishes doing the chores by 6PM and waits for her husband as she crashes on the couch in living room tired and turns on the TV. She starts to think of their 20 years marital life, the ups and downs, the beautiful moments, she almost remembers every gift they gave each other for the past 19 anniversaries and she smiles at herself thinking of the gift she ordered for tomorrow. As she’s slightly lost in memories, the door opens and Smith walks in to the living room with his suitcase in hands, his blue full hands formal shirt slightly sweaty.

Sarah quickly gets up and walks towards him for a hug despite his sweaty body, she loves comforting him after a long day at work but she freezes watching his face. Sure he looks tired, but then she instantly feels that something is wrong, either at work or outside work.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” She asks wrapping her soft hands around his neck. She doesn’t even need to look up at Smith as they’re almost similar height, Sarah is 5’7 while Smith is 5’8.

“Nothing, just… Just let me freshen up.” He says softly declining her physical advances of comforting him as he walks away from her towards their room and closes the door behind him, leaving Sarah confused and concerned. Sarah’s mind brings in millions of thoughts instantly, forcing itself to filter out the most reasonable ones to search for a reason for her husband’s bad mood.

She brings the food to the dining table as she sits on the chair crossing her legs and exposing her soft milky thighs as the sundress doesn’t even reach her knees fully. Smith comes out at around 7 and simply sits in his chair at dining table, he’s wearing a t-shirt and track pants.

“Honey, come on… Can you please tell me what’s wrong? Bad day at work?” She asks getting up and stands beside him as she rubs his head with her soft fingers like a mother. After being with him for the past 20 years, she knows that Smith isn’t that strong emotionally, he often ends up taking things too hard and ends up worrying too much.

“I don’t…” He stutters with his voice breaking, Sarah realizes exactly where this is heading. She reminds herself of all the moments where his breakdown ended up with him crying. She pulls his head towards her belly as she bends down and places her chin on his head to console him, “Whatever it is, I am with you honey! Just share it with me and we can discuss about it together ok?” She says with her soft motherly voice.

He starts to sob softly, wetting her sundress and tries to regain himself to speak. “I am afraid I will be fired tomorrow Sarah. The new manager and I had a small conflict and he said that he’d see me out of the company.” He says rubbing his nose to stop crying.

“Wait what? Who would do such a thing? That’s bullshit…” Sarah furrows her brows hearing that and holds him closer to her breasts. “Well can’t you talk to your higher authorities? Like he’s just a manger honey, I am sure the upper management won’t condone this type of behaviour…” She says trying to give him some hope.

“I tried, but they’re so keen on his decision making that they are totally fine with whatever he does.” He responds.

“Well that is total bullshit. But fuck it, can’t you resign and go for a different job? I am sure you’d be hired elsewhere…” She responds.

“I don’t think so. Firstly I am 45 and I think all the companies in my line of work are tied up with our company. It’s even harder if my manager doesn’t give a good conduct when I leave the company for another one.” He says trailing away from her warmth. He stops crying as he wipes his face and holds his head with his elbows resting against the dining table.

“God these managers… Is there any way you can talk to him and solve? Like I am sure there would be some way honey. Maybe invite him for lunch or dinner to gain his friendship and then persuade him not to fire you?” She asks curiously as it’s a norm in most of the workplaces. Buttering up your manager to get good reviews or to get things done.

He looks up at her with widened eyes, “Wait… Will it work? I can call him for dinner tomorrow…” He says.

“Hmm well yes, but did you forget? Tomorrow is our anniversary babe…” She says with a shrug.

“Well no it’s not if I get fired the day after tomorrow.” Smith says sternly. “I think it’s actually a good idea, maybe throw a party tomorrow at our house, inviting all my colleagues and maybe after the party, I can persuade him?” He asks with hopeful eyes.

“Hmm sounds like an idea to me! Well let’s go with it. I’ll make sure to prepare food and drinks to all of them!” She says with a smile.

The next day Sarah wakes up a bit early as she finishes her morning chores and goes out to buy wine and meat to cook for 15-20 members. She starts to do everything on her own instead of ordering food from outside, she’s just good at what she does and hopeful that all this effort is worth it at the end of the day. She makes chicken for the starters and prepares the soup and everything else that’s needed for the dinner. She finishes all the necessary preparations by 6 in the evening as she throws herself in the bathroom and puts on a dark green sleeveless one-piece after bath. She leaves her black hair flow freely as they reach her motherly curves at her waist, enhancing her over all MILF looks.

Smith manages to invite around 15 of his colleagues as they reach the house after a few minutes, Sarah welcomes everyone with her beautiful smiles and makes sure that none of them have any complaints about the arrangements. She notices that some of the colleagues are checking her out, she just shrugs it off. Sometimes she likes it secretly, getting that attention in the early 40s, but manages not to show that outside. At last, I arrive at Smith’s place in my car as I take a look at his house, it is decent sized. I didn’t even want to come, but then Smith invited all the colleagues, so I should be there at all costs because as a manager, I should promote social meetings inside my team. Smith approaches Sarah and points at me gently to inform that I am his boss. She takes a keen look at me, a man in his early 30s, 185cm tall and well-built body for a black man.

I greet him formally even though I hate him and going to fire him tomorrow. We gather in his backyard by the pool where they arranged the dinner as the dining table inside the house isn’t big enough for 15 guests. Just as I am getting bored down to hell and want to leave this place as soon as possible, my eyes land on Smith’s wife walking towards us with plates of food in her hand. God isn’t she a beautiful woman…

I never knew Smith’s family, nor cared in the first place, but now that I look at Sarah, I wonder how Smith ended up getting such a damn fine wife. Sure she’s in her early 40s, but her body is still perfectly maintained for a woman her age, especially the green one-piece enhancing her curves by sticking to her body. The dinner ends after an hour or so and I am sure that most of us were checking out on Smith’s wife all along, after all she’s the only woman in a party with 15 men.

I walk towards the exit as all the colleagues are about to leave, “Well happy anniversary Smith! I guess this is the first and last party we attend together!” I say shaking my hands with his while Sarah stands beside him. The remaining colleagues left in their own vehicles already as we talk.

“Well about that, I need to talk to you for a few minutes Jerome…” Smith says softly looking up at me.

“We did and the decision was made I guess?” I say raising my brows.

“Well yes, but we need you to understand our situation…” Sarah interferes in middle with a soft smile. “Smith needs this job so badly, now I am not sure what happened in between you two, but cannot we sit and discuss and settle that?” She asks with her soft tone.

I feel slightly weird for Smith as he has to bring his wife into picture to deal with this instead of dealing it like a man, but then seeing her makes me feel like it might be worth talking to her at least. I sigh and sit back in their couch with my legs crossed. I am wearing a black suit with white shirt and black pants.

“So uhm like I mentioned earlier, we need this, like Smith needs this job! Is there any way you can change the decision and let him continue his work?” Sarah sits across me in the couch while Smith sits in front of me in a different one.

I lean forward towards her, “The decision was made and your husband is supposed to be fired by tomorrow Sarah. I should have done it today, but I thought I should at least let him have his anniversary day…” I say with a shrug. My eyes slowly shifts towards her cleavage as she bends down slightly to talk to me.

“Yes but there must be some way you can help us! Please, this is important for us…” She holds my hands with her soft palms as she persuades even more. Smith lets out a sigh as he can’t see his wife pleading for him while he sits like a loser letting his wife do the work.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask at Sarah with a sigh and then look at Smith, “Smith you can’t even deal with these things by yourself like a man and you expect me to let you continue in my team?” I ask a bit sternly.

“No I mean…” He pauses, speechless.

“Well I feel like we should let you know that it is important for both of us and not just for Smith Jerome…” Sarah quickly responds, trying to save her husband from embarrassment.

I lean back taking my hands away from hers, lets out a sigh as I feel slightly irritated with this situation. After thinking about it for a moment, I lean forward and look at Sarah, “And you’d do anything to let your husband keep his job?” I ask raising my brow.

Sarah furrows her brow sensing something is wrong with the way I ask and even before she can respond, “Yes she will!” Smith responds confidently, “Well I mean we will do anything Jerome!” He says without having the least bit of idea about the deal I am gonna propose.

“Very well then, I’ll put you on notice period for 2 months and I will have your wife until then! If you both comply, then I will let you continue your job after 2 months…” I say with a shrug leaning back and looking at their faces. Sarah widens her eyes, dumbfounded by my proposal while Smith furrows his brows.

“What do you mean by having my wife? Where will you have her?” He asks slightly confused.

I smirk gently, “Well I get to do whatever I want with your wife for the next two months and you get to keep your job. Don’t worry, I won’t take her anywhere. She will be here in this house, but not with you. I will move in and I get to have her.” I say with a shrug.

“What are you even talking about? That is so absurd on different levels. Did you think that I would just let some black guy have my wife in front of me?” He yells out instantly while Sarah is still digesting the deal.

“Well it’s either that, or your retirement. You can decide.” I respond.

“This is crazy and you are full of shit Jerome.” He says angrily.

I get up with a sigh as I am about to leave, “Honey wait. I think we need to do this! Or I need to do this.” Sarah says with her head down and a deep voice coming out of her.

I stop and take a look at her, slightly shocked, but Smith seems to be even more shocked than I am, “What? What do you mean you need to do this? Honey are you crazy?” Smith asks confused.

“Well what else can we do? Let him fire you? We don’t even have any other source of income and I don’t want to be homeless.” She says raising her voice. For a moment, I thought she was doing because she liked me, but now I feel like she’s doing it for her husband, which makes it even better for me.

“I must say Smith, your wife knows world better than you do!” I say with a shrug as I remove my suit and throw it on the couch, stretching my muscles as I feel like I am gonna be staying here tonight seeing how things are going at the moment. “And I want you both in this together! Not just your wife…” I say with a shrug as I hold Sarah’s hand in front of Smith and pulls her behind me towards their bedroom. Smith stands dumbfounded, he’s helpless and follows his wife silently into their bedroom.

I make her stand by the bed as I come closer to her, running my big black hands slowly by her curves as she looks down to the floor with shame and guilt. Smith stands at the door feeling powerless as he stares at his wife’s body being slowly taken by a black man. I lift her chin up as I look down at her and press my lips against her rose lips, smooching them for a solid minute and break the kiss as we can hear Smith sobbing while standing at the door.

“Your husband is such a cry-baby isn’t he?” I say with a chuckle as I slowly pull down her straps from her shoulders as the one-piece falls down until her waist, revealing her black bra holding her breasts intact beneath the green dress.

“Honey, you don’t need to see this. Can you please stay outside?” Sarah asks with a breaking voice looking at her husband. Tears form up in her eyes as well, but she’s not as weak as her husband to cry. “Can you please not make him watch this? You just want me right? Let him stay outside the room.” She asks looking up at me.

“Well no, it is his job that’s on the line and he can’t expect his wife to do all the work and expect the reward for him!” I say with a shrug as I slide my hands by her waist and pull down her dress until her knees while she closes her eyes in shame and unhooks her bra, making it land on her dress while releasing her soft milky breasts free. She looks aside, down to the floor as she stands like a mannequin meant to be fucked.

I bend my head down slightly as I am in awe with how soft and squishy they are as I assumed they would be more of a bimbo type plastic boobs, but they are literally buttery and natural! I latch my black lips around her pink coin sized areolas as I suck her breasts eagerly while she takes a deep breath and holds her moan. Smith closes his eyes as he cries helplessly.

I get up and push her head down to make her knees in front of me as I gesture to take off my pants while I start to remove my shirt and throws it on Smith at the door. She unbuckles my belt and pulls my pants down while raising her head to take a look at my bulge inside my boxers. She can’t help but to widen her eyes as she notices how well-endowed I am down there. I pull my boxers down, whipping out my 12 inch long, thick black cock as it stands proudly right above her face.

“I… I don’t know if I can take that…” She says after a cock-shock. Her husband takes my shirt off of his face and looks at his wife on her knees, about to serve a black cock which is 3 times his cock size.

I smirk looking down at her as I hold her head from behind and slowly pull her face closer to my throbbing cock, making her take a deep sniff at my hairy musky sweaty balls for a few seconds. Her hands reach my cock involuntarily as she starts to stroke it while her face is buried at my balls. Her mind is cloudy and hazy, she doesn’t want to like this, she wants to hate this, but her hands are acting on their own. Without even me asking her or prompting her to suck on my cock, she opens her pink lips as she slowly pushes her bulgy cock-head between her lips, trying to take it in.

“Damn your wife is a natural Smithy! She knows how to serve a real cock when she sees one.” I say chuckling at Smith.

“Stop doing this… Please, my wife isn’t that kind of woman.” He says sobbing at the corner.

“Well maybe not with you, but not when she sees a real cock like this!” I say looking down at her. Her eyes are looking at Smith with tears forming as she’s sorry to him, but her hands and mouth are doing their work as if they were waiting for this day for so long.

Her silky hair falls on her cheeks as she’s bobbing her head around my veiny cock. “Yo Smith, you can come here and hold her hair back instead of crying at the corner! Maybe I’d consider that as work and would let you keep your job!” I say with a shrug. Sarah trails away from my cock, “No please… I’d feel so wrong doing this if my husband is beside me!” She says gasping for air as the saliva drools all over her face, ruining her make-up.

I shrug, “Either that, or you’d be homeless!” I say. She closes her eyes with a sigh as she puts my cock back in her mouth and let go of her shame fully. Smith walks towards her as he gets up on the bed and holds her hair together behind her back as he looks down at his wife sucking a bigger cock than his. Her drooling saliva and his tears falling on her make her face even messier than it already is.

I step back from her, lifting her up and turn her around as I push her gently on to the bed, with her thighs bent at the bed and her breasts pressing against the soft bed. I bend slightly to take her dress fully off of her body as I take a good look at her ass from behind. I spank on her plump pale ass cheeks and they form ripples quickly. She lets out a squeak but quickly closes her mouth as she notices her husband sitting right in front of her, she feels shameful to moan while being spanked by someone else. I rest my right foot on the bed as I bend down slightly to guide my cock between her thighs. She grabs the sheet with her fists as I push my thick cock-head down her wet pink pussy. It’s as if her holes are closed after being with her husband for 20 years, continuously taking his small dick, so as soon as my cock hits her outer labia lips, they open wide, allowing my cock to slide with ease using the wetness as lube.

She raises her head in pleasure, still holding her moan as I slowly push my cock deeper and start to increase the pace. Tears flow down her eyes on to her messy cheeks as she looks right into her husband’s teary helpless eyes staring back at her. Her eyes are clearly trying to say sorry to her husband. I hold her hair and pull them back, making her head raise even more and thus forcing her to look at her husband while she’s getting fucked. Her pussy walls grip against my cock as I am half way down her hole.

“Smithy boy, take off your pants and kneel in front of your wife showing her your cock.” I command Smith as my hips start to move with increased pace.

“I can’t… Just leave me…” He sobs with pleading eyes.

“Either that, or you would watch me ruining her other hole on your anniversary night!” I say sternly. He sobs and unbuckles his belt and takes off his pants and underwear, revealing his 4 inches white cock with the foreskin covering it and making it look even smaller than it already is. “Damn man, I knew that you would have small penis, but not this small… I can hardly tell if it’s flaccid or hard! Maybe Sarah can verify?” I ask looking down at her.

She still have her eyes closed, doesn’t even look at his cock but opens her mouth and says “It is hard.” I chuckle at her confidence about her husband’s cock size, “That must have been a bland sex life then! How long since you both married?” I ask as I pull my cock out and pull her up, making her stand in front of me, facing me.

“20 years.” She responds without any expression on her face, looking calm. I grab her ass cheeks and lift her up suddenly making her thick legs wrap around my back as her ass rests in my hand and my cock throbs beneath her pussy while her hands wrap around my neck for support. Her breasts jiggle and press against my black firm chest, our sweaty bodies rubbing against each other. I adjust her body slightly in my hands so that she sits right on my erect cock, slowly pushing it into the deeper areas of her unexplored pussy.

I press my lips against hers as I carry her around the room while her pussy lips clamp around my veiny cock, not letting it go as if they won’t get a chance again to feel suck big cock touching them. Meanwhile Smith is still sobbing as he looks at his wife’s pale skin getting squished and ruined by a black skin. I walk slowly towards the bed while carrying her and slowly place her on her back as I bend down and continue thrusting deeper, this time going all the way in. She holds her mouth tighter this time, trying to hold back her moans. But with every deep thrust I make inside her wet pussy, her body jerks back with the jolt of sexual energy flowing inside her. She just lets it go after a few thrusts, throwing her hands on the bed as she lets out a loud squeal, “Oh god, yesssss” she moans out loudly.

“Right there….” Her eyes roll as she stares at the ceiling. “Don’t…” She moans as her body jerks, “Stop…” she totally forgets about her husband at the moment.

“Can you please end this?” Smith asks as he sits near her wife’s arms, can’t take the sight of her wife getting fucked in their marital bed on their anniversary day.

“Nah too soon. Maybe meanwhile you can lick her sweaty armpits… You know, just so that you can keep yourself busy and moreover that’s the only thing you can do to her from today anyway.” I say with a grin. “Now keep crying and do it.” I command once again as I press my finger on her pink sensitive clit while my balls make a splash sound every time they hit her plump ass cheeks. Smith sobs as he bends down and closes his eyes and starts to lick his wife’s shaved damp sweaty armpits, adding his tears to her sweat up there.

“I…” Sarah holds the bedsheet with her right fist as her left arm is being licked by her husband, “I am gonna cum…” She moans out while her body is feeling different levels of pleasure after a long time. After a few thrusts, she squeezes her legs together, imprisoning me between her legs as her body quivers with spasms of orgasm flowing throughout her body making her lose control. She lies on her marital bed, almost unconscious as she experiences orgasm after a long time and her pussy is oozing out her creamy juices, mixed with my pre-cum. Her breaths become much controlled and calm now as she regains her senses and loosens her thighs.

“When was the last time you achieved your orgasm?” I ask Sarah as I pull her thighs closer to me and starts to fuck her again.

“Never…” She says calmly, her tone filled with brutal honesty, genuine shame and pity for her husband. “At least not by a cock!” She adds quickly so that she won’t upset her husband even more. I keep thrusting until I finally loosen my control and let my cock explode inside her wet cunt as she lets out a sigh of relief, feeling my warm potent sperm filling her insides. I thrust one last time, deep inside so that I push all the cum back into her pussy but some of it starts to leak down her thighs as she just let go of her body and stares at the ceiling.

I pull out and stretch my arms as I yawn, “Well that was one hell of an anniversary night! Consider that as my gift for you Sarah.” I say looking at her serene body, looking calm and relaxed now. Multiple thoughts flow in her head at the moment, postnut clarity hitting her body and mind stronger than ever.

“Please leave…” Smith pleads with his sobbing voice as he slowly reaches out to his passed out wife and holds her hand, “Honey, are you fine? I am so sorry that we have to go through this honey…” He talks to her.

“I don’t think she’s sorry about it Smithy… Look at her. That’s the face of a woman satisfied by her man.” I say with a shrug grabbing my underwear.

“Stop. You’re not her man just because you have her for once. Can you just leave us alone? You got what you wanted…” He says angrily, but deep down worried about how his wife is feeling at the moment.

“I hope you didn’t forget the deal!” I say with a smirk, “I get to have her for the next two months. Which means I get to sleep with her. Now be a good cucky boy and sleep on the couch Smithy…” I say with a grin.

He looks confused and then looks at his wife, she’s still calm as if she just doesn’t know what to say or do anymore. “I cannot leave her with you. Leave our house right now.” He says angrily. I sigh and walk towards the bed as I pull him away from the bed and pushes him forcefully out of the room as I lock the door from inside. He falls on the floor near the couch, half naked with his cock hanging out.

I jump on to bed beside her as I cuddle her from behind, holding her soft hand with mine. She looks at the wedding ring on her finger which is wrapped around mine, a tear drop escapes her eyes as she slowly takes it off and places it on the table and snuggle her thighs deeper into my embrace, ready to be filled yet again tonight.

The next day, I wake up and leave for office as I freshen up. Smith meanwhile comes running into the bedroom, only to find his wife lying on bed, fully naked and her pussy oozing out gooey thick white potent cum. He realizes that the cum wasn’t of yesterday night’s as it would have been dry by now. He crashes on to floor, sobbing.

At evening around 6PM, Sarah finishes her work and sits on the couch watching TV in her night robe. Charlotte walks into the house in her blue crop top and a pair of black shorts, “Hey Sarah… I am so sorrryyy! We really wanted to come over and greet you for your anniversary yesterday, but we thought that you had guests over the house and didn’t want to disturb you!” Charlotte says approaching Sarah and sitting beside her on the couch. She’s the neighbour of Sarah, 10 years younger than Sarah and a housewife as well.

“Oh that’s fine! And Thank You Charlotte!” Sarah says with a weak smile.

“Well…” Charlotte says with a grin, “Well we heard sounds from your bedroom yesterday! How was it? In fact I find it pretty darn amusing that you and Smith are still maintaining your sex life!” Charlotte says holding Sarah’s hand with a grin.

Sarah stares at her with shame, “It…” She pauses, “It was good!” She lies.

Charlotte chuckles and takes out the box she was holding, “Here, I baked a cake for you!” She opens the box and offers it to Sarah. “Wait what happened to your wedding ring?” Charlotte asks raising her brows noticing that it’s missing from Sarah’s hand.

“It was uh…” Sarah stutters and at the same time, I arrive from the door looking at Sarah and Charlotte as I plant a kiss on Sarah’s lips. She closes her eyes and gives in without saying a word. Charlotte stares at us shocked, “Who is he?” She asks Sarah as I leave towards the bedroom.

Just as Sarah is about to answer, Smith arrives from the door looking sad as if he lost the will to live anymore. Sarah looks at him sadly but still is on the couch, “I will tell you later Charlotte… Thanks for the cake.” Sarah says getting up from the couch and makes Charlotte leave suddenly.

After a few minutes, we gather for dinner, I sit opposite to Smith as Sarah starts to serve for us and sits across us serving the food for herself. Smith doesn’t even look like he’s in the mood to eat. I smirk and grab Sarah’s arm and pull her gently towards my lap, making her breasts jiggle and her ass fits perfectly into my lap as she looks down with shame and doesn’t move away or even struggle. It’s as if she’s liking it but doesn’t want to show it to her husband.

We finish eating as Sarah opens the box and places the cake as a dessert on the table. “Well that was your anniversary gift, so I will let Smithy have it. I have other things for dessert!” I say lifting up Sarah’s nightgown and grab her thighs and place her on the dining table. She holds my hands for support as I slide her panties aside and starts to taste her wet pink pussy while she bites her lips and start to pinch her nipples right in front of her husband.

“Have a bite and give some for Sarah as well Smith!” I say taking a breath and burying my black between Sarah’s pale thighs again. Just as Smith starts to cry, the door opens with a bang, “Mom! Guess who is home?” A young voice comes from the door and all three of us stare at the door suddenly.

Caroline stands dumbfounded, in her black overcoat and a tight black jeans and shoes. She decided to come home for summer and thought she could surprise them by showing at the doorstep uninformed, only to end up watching her mom spread her legs on the dining table in front of her dad, for another black man.

“Mom what the actual fuck is going on?” Caroline asks shocked and disgusted! I look at her raising my brows, she looks similar to Sarah, only on the petite side but much paler and much more beautiful!

“How old is she?” I ask looking at Sarah.

Sarah’s face is filled with even more shame and disgusted in herself, “She’s 18.” Smith answers. I grin hearing that, “Oh I love your family for real.” I say looking down at Sarah as she looks up at me both in shock and confusion what I meant by that statement.


*To be continued (Feel free to suggest the directions you want this to go in…)*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/smh842/24m4f_taking_over_my_employees_household_bbc

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