My best friend did me the favor of fucking the guy I liked [FM]

The best friend in this story is still my best friend. My husband is the love of my life but she’s my soulmate. We lived together for years and if you know me in real life there is a zero percent chance you don’t know her.

We’re also very open with each other about sex. We lived in a tight space and are both hella sexual. We used to make out, but she is tragically 100% straight.

So I worked with a dude who I had sexual tension with. He looked like a damn Greek god. He was beautiful and always flirting with me.

The problem? He had a girlfriend.

I had been the other woman before and had no interest in being someone’s gateway to cheating. However, it was kind of hard to deny our tension. We were very similar and started hanging as friends.

One night he was driving me home and he pulled over the car.

“Viola, I have to talk to you.”


“I think I’m in love with you.”

*Oh no…*

“I think you have a girlfriend.”

“I’m going to break up with her. If I can feel this way about someone else it’s not fair to stay. I just want to know if you have feelings… or if you ever could.”

I sighed. “Yes, I have feelings. I don’t know about love, but I’ve thought about us.”

He reached over and kissed me. Months of sexual tension exploded and it was so fucking hot. He ran a hand down my body and let it fall in between my legs.

Fuck, I was wet.

I pulled him into me and rode his hand for a while. I wanted it so fucking bad… but I stopped it.

“I can’t do this again. I’ve been the other woman before and it’s horrible.”

“I get it,” he said, “but I AM breaking up with her.”

“I need to process this.”

*Cut to: I am on the floor with my best friend and a bottle of wine.*

“He’s a cheater!” She screams. “He just wants to fuck.”

“No! I think he really might be in love with me.”

“I think he really might be a snake. Men who cheat will always cheat and will cheat with anyone available.”

“I think you’re wrong.”

“I think I’m going to prove it to you.”

*Cut to: we all go out that weekend. This wasn’t abnormal, we had been hanging a bunch.*

So Best Friend keeps rolling her eyes at every damn word he says. “He’s an asshole,” she mouths at one point.

I thought she was being dramatic.

I called it a night early. I was exhausted and had to wake up early. He walked me out and kissed me before I left. “I’m breaking up with her soon,” he said.

I nodded and said goodbye.

I was woken up by an interesting noise. My Best Friend was DEFINITELY having sex. Our apartment was very small and we shared a wall. This was pretty common for us.

We both fucked a lot back then.

TBH, it was kind of hot. I’m fairly certain she’s great at sex and pretty fun to listen to. She’s hot and apparently creative…

I threw up a hand to silently cheer her on and rolled over to get my headphones.

And that’s when I heard it.

She banged her head against the wall and screamed his name over and over again.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

*Please tell me she met someone with a similar name?*

But then I heard him try to shush her… He didn’t want me to fucking hear.

She sure did though. She banged the damn wall and said his name over and over again.

Petty fucking bitch.

He did not stay the night. I don’t think anyone has every made that swift of a sexit.

The next morning she was at our table looking a little too pleased.

I stared at her. “Friend… Did you just fuck my coworker to prove a point?”

“You’re welcome!”



  1. Wow. Remember when I said true friends are kind, not necessarily nice? This uhh… Kinda puts that into a whole new perspective.

  2. “I don’t think anyone has ever made that quick if a sexit” has me dying. Like *ouch*.

    Honestly though, idk how well you were at seeing red flags, but “I’m breaking up with her soon” the second time y’all kissed is enough of a red flag that the screaming was probably not necessary

  3. She’s like the reverse “wingman,” the rare “kamikaze.” Also yeap “cheaters gonna cheat, and potatoes gonna potate….”

    *Alexa play That’s What Friends Are For*

  4. I can get why you’re great friends. That’s a dynamic that only true friends can get away with.

  5. OK. So, hang on! She realizes early on that he’s an asshole and falls on the sword to prove it to you? That’s above and beyond!

  6. “I’m definitely going to break up with her” is the other side of the coin from “her and I are just friends… nothing more”.

    This story definitely cracks the top five funniest you’ve posted.

  7. Like, what a bro (or whatever the girl equivalent is)

    Fucking took the bullet so you didn’t have to

  8. PLEASE tell us how he reacted to all this after the shame… If he felt any that is.

  9. What a friend. Taking one for the team.

    I had to read the intro a few times though as I took it that your husband is the man in this story.

    Glad for you that you dodged this bullet.

  10. If a guy does it though they’re gay bruh. Your friend’s definitely bisexual, otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

  11. Yeah. If he’s so in love with you he wouldn’t bang your best friend in the same apartment, at least I wouldn’t.

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