I [M] went from a virgin one week, to a dom being bitten, scratched, and begged for sex the next week [F] Part 1, Very Long

This was getting so long, I had to break it into parts. No dirty stuff yet, but my hope is that it won’t be disappointing. Up front, my writing style tends to be based on build up and development, but while this story has a slow burn at first, it keeps escalating up a cliff until it dives off the edge head first. Mostly in a good way. No judgement if this story is not your style.


My former fiancé and I broke up years ago, and although I’m much happier now that we’re split I think constantly about our sex life. In that respect, we were basically a perfect match. r/gonewildstories has been on my regular reading list for a long time, and I can’t really help but want to contribute to some of the great content, both educational and stimulating.


In short, I went from a virgin one week, to a dom getting bitten, scratched, and begged for sex the next.


I want to start by saying the important fact that plenty of people get into kink and bdsm just in the normal course of their lives. My experience absolutely is not typical and should not be taken as reinforcement of the stereotype that kink origins are exclusively linked to trauma.


The shortest version of this back story is: I’m naturally very curious and extroverted, but I experienced a lot of childhood and adolescent trauma that turned into drug addiction, which set me back developmentally a fair bit, thus I missed a lot of coming of age milestones you’d consider typical.


The shyness and awkwardness that manifested as a result of my experiences made normal friendships hard, not to mention romantic connections. Until I was 25 I’d never had a relationship. I went to therapy, got sober, went back to college, and it all helped, but I was still angry and hurt and had extremely low self esteem. I over-compensated with some questionable coping mechanisms. Young me was not a role model.


I grew a beard, blew a shit load of money on tattoos and guitars, went to enough hardcore concerts to make Ozzy say “yeah s’alright”, and started putting my life in insane amounts of danger in what could politely be called “wilderness adventures.” I was never and still am not cool, but as my brother once said, “I can see how someone who doesn’t know you might think that you’re cool.” Asshole XD


That’s enough exposition.


I moved into a dorm, made some friends, started playing DnD, and life was okay enough. I was the forever DM naturally (Yes, a “Dungeon Master”, haha). As word spread people kept showing up, uninvited. This was right when DnD was re-entering the zeitgeist in a big way, so I was having upwards of 8 people just showing up in my dorm suite on game night. I started getting pissed, then one day I said “If one more person brings some rando in here I’m going to lose it.”


2 minutes later Max (a somewhat lovable moron I called a friend) popped his head in, “Hey I brought someone new!”


I was seconds away from going off on Max when she walked in. Crystalline blue eyes, long platinum blonde hair, dove pale skin, and a strange smile that in hindsight held an odd mix of wariness and mischief.


So, I’ve been attracted to people immediately before this. But I’d never felt such a visceral, kinetic energy type of attraction before. I felt like static electricity was running down my spine and into my toes and fingertips. The first thing I noticed was her eyes, face, and smile, but directly following that was the thought, “I’ve never wanted to spank someone so badly before.” And that’s 100% not a thought I usually have right when I meet someone, meaning never.


“Okay she can stay.” I said.


We’ll call “her” Cat.


Imagine a younger Sarah Chalke, but a little curvier, brighter/lighter hair, slightly paler creamy skin, and blue, blue, glass blue eyes. The impression of her personality was even similar to Elliott Reid from Scrubs, maybe a tad more aloof and reserved. She could be sweet and cute, but with an air of arrogance essentially ever-present.

I ignored the feelings, but was struck by how stark they were. She played dnd with us, and fit right in.


I’ve thought long and hard about how to explain what happened next. I’ve settled on just describing the facts and relevant introspective observations about the sequence of events that followed.


I couldn’t get this girl out of my head. I’ve no idea why. I’d been lonely and horny plenty of times in my life before then. I’d been hit on by a lot of attractive girls, including a lot of cougars funnily enough, notably one film genre professor that reminded me of Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley, but an obnoxious personality does a lot to dissuade me, and I was too self-righteous or too insecure to do anything about it before I met Cat.


So my preoccupation with Cat made me angry. I was so attracted to her it was annoying. I responded by treating her, not with contempt, but my normal abrasive “I’m the DM trying to kill your character and mock you in the process” performance mode turned up to 11. I was bad at communicating and expressing my feelings people.


But she kept coming around. She loved it. Or she loved playing the game that is, and cracking jokes, and the dirtier the better. She met me tit for tat, I didn’t intimidate her, and there was nothing I wouldn’t say to shock/tease/troll her. After less than a week, we were meming the shit out of each other. 90% of our early communication was just sending the dumbest memes you can think of to each other, like, a dozen in a row each. I was bad at communicating and expressing my feelings people.


If you were to ask me why she was drawn to me, I couldn’t tell you exactly. I asked her about it many times later. Boiled down, I was confusing to her. I’d say whatever I wanted no matter how goofy or nerdy or self-indulgently bizarre, but people listened to me and laughed and connected with me, and I brazenly refused to be embarrassed or apologize for proudly being a weirdo. Cat would tell me more than once while we knew each other, “I don’t get how you just talk to whoever you want and say whatever you want, and no one thinks you’re a loser. You make everyone like you even if you’re lame.”


Fuckin’ bitch.


In her view, it was like I had a superpower. I think in retrospect, she was as annoyed by her attraction to me as I was annoyed by my attraction to her. The thing is, she was a high achieving, hyper competent, efficient, career driven person. She was used to being the smartest person in the room, the hottest person in the room, and she knew that she’d make a shit load of money in her career when she graduated. Very, very type A personality, very black and white in her thinking, and honestly pretty judgmental. And here I was, this mischievous little chaos agent that she couldn’t wrap her head around, and I was refusing to acknowledge my attraction to her and kept treating her like just another dumbass dnd player.


Our group would all hang out outside of DnD, go eat, watch movies, what have you. Cat started sitting next to me a lot. Or did I sit next to her? Both? Fuck it. But she always put her knee or thigh near me, brushing pointedly against me. Like, it was a pattern. Later she’d admit she was doing it on purpose, and she kept getting more and more flustered that I wasn’t reacting or trying to touch her back. I wasn’t blind, this had happened before with other girls. I’d get a lot of feet in, on, and pressed against my lap, which I took to essentially be code for, “give touching my ankle a shot and we’ll see what happens.” See above self-righteousness and insecurity.


Finally, one day Cat was with our group as we ate lunch, and she showed me ZeFrank’s Sea Pig video. I remember thinking “This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen, but I like that she likes it.” Of course in her gym shorts her bare thigh was pressed pretty close to me. It was almost finals week. “Y’all should come to my study session if you want.” She said with a bright smile. Did I give a fuck about a study session? Absolutely not. Was I begrudgingly interested in any excuse for spending time with/near this girl? Absolutely. Last time I’ll say it, I was bad at communicating and expressing my feelings people.


By this point we’d become enough of casual friends and liked hanging out together that when no one else was interested in studying that night she and I made plans to meet up just the two of us. I have to be honest, I’d no indication anything was actually going to happen. Cat was in the actual middle of separating from her ex, in that weird space where they both acknowledged that they had broken/are breaking up but were still talking it out. And me, I wasn’t sure what the hell what I was doing. Was I going to hit on this girl once we were alone? I didn’t have a fuckin clue. I just knew the synapses in my brain wouldn’t stop firing since I met her.


So I met her in her room. We were having a fun amicable chat. I confess I wore by best sleeveless shirt to show off my tattoos and my best-fitting jeans. Tattoos are a conversation piece, as are guitars, and I’m not above exploiting tools that are catnip to certain girls. Cat was one of those girls.


Things went from good to great when Cat’s roommate and her boyfriend started fucking very loudly in the next room. We had a long stare at each other and laughed, and kept cracking jokes about it while she complained about how often her roommate did that.

“How discourteous of them.”
“You never take me anywhere nice.”
And so on. Were we flirting? I mean, fucking obviously. But I didn’t know that at the time. I was operating on cruise control at this point, I’d just… let go of the wheel, and was just DOING SHIT at that point, all by feeling. I’m not sure how else to explain it.


There was palpable tension, like actual energy. I felt it in my stomach, for real. Like the feeling you get as the roller coaster rises, and rises, and rises, and then your stomach makes that initial first drop on the sudden downward acceleration. I FELT this rising tension, I had goosebumps, and I didn’t know if she felt it too (at the time. Spoiler, she did).


So, she started poking me playfully in the stomach, then tickling me. I couldn’t believe it, and I patently refused to believe it meant what it would logically usually mean to anyone with eyes in their fucking skulls. She’d stop, we’d go back to chatting and joking, and then she’d KEEP tickling me. At that point, I remember having the word for word thought, “This can’t really be what’s happening? This isn’t actually going to happen.”


What do you know, the third time she started tickling me she, quite literally, threw herself on top of me, and embraced me very, very closely. I fell back on her bed and she stayed on top of me, holding me gently, nuzzling her head into my neck.


I’ll admit it. I had a stupid, satisfied grin plastered on my face. I was in some disbelief, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t smug as fuck pleased as well. (I’m going to keep throwing in the retelling’s of Cat’s perception during these moments we had in many, many follow up conversations revisiting our first moments together). Cat was as confused as me. To her, she hadn’t even consciously had the thought, “I like this guy.” She was, in her own words, just trying to relieve the tension, and was pretty frustrated that she didn’t understand why she was feeling the way she was feeling.


Pretty surreal how we both felt so similar.


To be continued in part 2.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/slmt65/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being


  1. I’m fairly new to Reddit, but I’ve been seeing you multiple times in this sub. I assume this is your first go at story telling? Good start man! Though pretty long, the rawness of your style shines through, give it that authentic feel. Glad you’re doing better, can’t wait for part 2 or 3 or 4 lol, cheers man!

  2. I’ve never seen a story written like this, it’s as if I’m in a room talking to you about it I FUCKING LOVE IT I’m excited to read more. Keep up the good work.

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