The Seductress

My name is Jacob, but my friends call me Jake. I liked to consider myself to be good looking. I had brown hair, hazelnut eyes, perfectly tanned skin and a thousand dollar smile. I was also lucky-I had a big cock as well.

My name is Amelia, but my friends call me Amy. I am beautiful, with long brown hair, green eyes, carmel coloured skin, and a thousand dollar smile. I have 34B tits, which I have been told are the perfect size. I am also lucky-I have a special…talent

You might be thinking, “Oh, he used past tense. What happened?” Well, love happeend. I fell for this beautiful girl named-well, that’s not important-but she…changed me

Let’s start from the beginning. I am a senior at Los Angeles High, and on my first day of senior year, I met this new girl. She was beautiful and sexy as hell! So, being the nice guy that I am-er-was, I went over to talk to her. “Hi! I’m Jacob. I don’t recongize you, are you new here?” “Yeah, I just moved here” she said. “Well, welcome to LAHS! I can give you a quick tour of the campus if you want” I said. “Yeah, that would be great”. I think she could tell I was excited.

“So, were are you from?” I asked. “London.” she responded, almost gloomily. “No shit?! My parents are from London. So is my sister.”


Author’s Note:
This was just a draft I typed up pretty quick to make sure people like the concept and my writing style. I will release the full story on Wattpad. Link will be on my profile.
