Sex on the beach sand on the cheeks

I was visiting my grandparents, they lived far away in a small remote highland, costal village and I didn’t see them often. So when I did go to see them it was always a weeks stay. They had a small 2 bedroom property and as children, to save space we’d camp out in a tent in the garden.
This was the first time I was going to stay at there’s whilst in and adult relationship and my children and partner were joining me. The week set of to a good start and without my grandparents input, I wanted to respect their house and avoid being intimate with my partner.
I wasn’t prepared for the difficulties that would bring, as sex has always been such a stress reliever and being away from home comforts has its natural stressors.
It was day 3 of our stay and we’d had a good day, I’d had a few cocktails with my lunch, the kids had played by the beach, whilst my partner and I had flirtatiously groped and toyed with each other. We headed home and settled the kids but the sexual tension between us wouldn’t shift. I was finding it really difficult because I love to positively reinforce my partners and he had done so well helping with the kids and my grandparents.
I whispered in his here, “I want to taste u.” Giving his earlobe a nibble as I pulled back. I looked him straight in the eye with a smirk, then headed to tell my grandparents we were nipping out for some fresh air and a short walk.
He got his jacket on, with a slight look of confusing on his face, not quiet knowing what was in store for him yet . I grabbed his hand and with a skip in my step headed towards the beach.
We got to the beach. I did a quick look to the left and right, insuring no one was about then dropped to my knees, beginning to unbuckle his belt.
I told him “I know uve been stressed baby ! Now it’s my turn, I want u to make me gag.”
His face lit up as he helped pull his package out and placed it into my mouth. It was already rock solid. I was wearing a mini skirt, the moon light was shining, the sand was cold below my knees and I could feel the breeze between my legs. He placed his hand on the back of my head and coaxed me into taking more of him as he pushed my head towards his abdomen. His dick became coated in saliva and a tear streamed from my face as I fought the gag. He stopped and pushed me back making me fall into the sand.
“Will I show u how stressed I’ve been, will u let me fuck u hard?” He asked,
I nodded with a grin, replying, “yes, fuck me hard, make me scream.”
With excitement he pushed my skirt up to my belly button and pulled my thong to the side. He looked at my pussy as if it was a prize peace, licked his finger and circulated round my clit, before inserting his dick with a hard thrust. I gasped, the sand going all over my cheeks as he thrusted me hard but slow. He flipped me over revealing my sand covered ass. He leaned hard on the top of my back, my face pressed against the sand. It was everywhere in my mouth and hair but in that moment i didn’t care. He grabbed my hips pulling me back and forward with each thrust. I made sure to keep my ass in the air, head in the sand and back arched.
“Harder,”I shouted. I wanted to feel the full Ralph of his pent up stress.
He pounded harder. I slumped further into the sand then he smacked my ass, replying, “ I don’t want to hurt u!”
I turned my neck back smiled and said,”I want u to!”
He quickly flipped me round to my back pushed my legs in the air, grabbed me by the throat and said “do you now?”
His grip on my neck getting tighter the closer he got to cuming. I started to get light headed but didn’t brake my gaze with his eyes, his pupils dilated, I released all my body tension and let myself melt into the sand until he filled my pussy up. He finished and rose to his feet, my legs were shaking and numb. He stretched out his arm and pulled me to my feet. I began brushing the sand of my legs but the cum in my pants was a sand magnet. Then we hurried back to my grandparents house trying to act unsuspicious.
