I got to be fucked by my professor [MF]

(Obviously names have been changed for privacy purposes)

It was my first semester of college when I walked into my English lecture class, completely awe struck by the size of the hall. There were so many rows of desks, I had no idea where to sit. The professor was no where to be seen, but you could see his podium at the front of the room already set up with a few notes books and such.

After shyly walking around to find a desk I could sit at for the remainder of the fall, I settled on one a few rows back from the front towards the middle. I was always interested in English class in high school, so I figured it would be even better in college. I placed my notebooks down on the desk before taking a seat, straightening out my skirt as I did. The clock on the wall ticked closer to the start of class and the hall started to settle down.

I started to write down todays date when the professor walked in. “Good morning everyone, I’m Professor Campbell” he said, taking my attention away from my notebook. I looked up to see every college girls dream of a professor. He was tall with slightly graying dark hair, a strong jaw, and though he was older, maybe 50 or so, you could still tell from the way his blazer fit he clearly worked out. Without a doubt, I wasn’t the only one who dropped their jaw at that moment.

Being the horny freshman I was, I could barely pay attention during class with my mind running wild of all the things I’d love for this man to do to me. I could feel my cheeks blushing and my panties getting wet as he went on with going through the syllabus and expectations for the class. His voice was so powerful yet kind and comforting. He was clearly passionate about the subjects he taught. We had just gone over his office hours before it was time to leave class.

“Now I know none of you really email much anymore, so I’ve included my cell number just incase you need me” he finished with, happening to make direct eye contact with me. I had my pencil in my mouth, zoned out a bit and this made me snap back into reality and sit back up straight in my chair.

Class was dismissed and I was so flustered leaving that I nearly tripped down the lecture hall stairs. I immediately took out my phone, looking up my professor on the university’s website and sent it to my friends who were just as infatuated with him as instantly as I was.

Throughout the semester, I got so caught up with the social aspect of college that I noticed my midterms were not as great as I expected them to be. In high school, I rarely even got a B as a grade and I had just checked my grades online to see that I received a C on an English assignment. I wrote Professor Campbell an email to see if he had time during his next office hours to go over this since I didn’t think I had done that badly.

After a day went by with no email back, I remember that he had included his cell phone number as part of his means of contact. I looked up the syllabus online, but it was nowhere to be seen so I whipped out my note book and let out a sign of relief when I saw that I remembered to write it down.

I texted him essentially what I had wrote in the email and was surprised when he responded almost instantly. “I’m available today at 2 if you want to stop by my office to discuss” he replied and I confirmed that time worked well for me. It was already around noon so I grabbed lunch with my friends at the dining hall before heading to his office.

I brought a copy of my assignment with me tucked in my notebook I held close to my chest as I knocked on his door, a little nervous since I had never really spent time with this man outside of our crowded lecture hall.

“Come in” he said and I opened the door to find him in his large leather office chair grading some papers, wearing his black “Clark Kent”, as he jokingly called them, reading glasses. His desk was cluttered with books, papers, and a few family photos. He stood up to great me with a smile. “Claire, take a seat” he said as he pulled out the guest chair across from his desk. I sat down gently, placing my notebook on his desk as he pushed the chair in slightly under me. Even the simplest gesture caused me to blush already.

“I um, had wanted to look over my last essay” I said nervously as I took the copy from my notebook. “I didn’t think it was that bad” I explained and looked up to him. He stood beside me as he leaned over his desk, his face the closest to mine it had ever been, causing my heart to flutter.

“I was actually hoping for you to want to go over this” he said and looked over to me, again making eye contact with those deep blue eyes that seemed to see straight through me. “You’re clearly talented, but your latest assignments have me wondering if you’ve been distracted lately” he explained and I smiled a bit to myself.

“How could I not be” I muttered with a slight laugh. There was no way he didn’t know his affect on everyone, especially horny college students. I looked to his reaction and he let out a laugh too, taking his glasses off and placing them on his desk.

“Am I that much of a distraction to you?” He asked, and I was taken back by his directness. To be fair, I’m sure it was very obvious how rosy my checks had gotten as I shifted in my chair, feeling that familiar wetness I always seemed to have around him. I bit my lip as I nodded my head and he let out another laugh.

“Well maybe we need to get those thoughts out of your head” he said gently as he leaned closer to me. I sat up taller in my seat as I closed my eyes, my lips finally meeting his. My mind was racing and I absolutely couldn’t believe that I was living in every college girls fantasy. My friends were going to die when they hear this.

We kissed again deeper before he placed his hand on my cheek. I stood up to meet him closer, having to stand up on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck. Our breathing got heavier as we made out and he grabbed me by my waist, spinning me around to lift me onto his desk covered in papers, knocking over a picture frame in the process.

I pulled him down by his neck as I laid my back on my desk, his hands moving down to squeeze my ass under my skirt. “This is the skirt you wore the first day of class” he smirked with his husky voice. I smiled as he moved to my neck, biting it slightly as his hands moved to undo his belt.

I looked down to see him lowering his tented boxers, causing his cock to release. I bit my lip seeing how thick it was, thicker than any one that I had had before.

He took a condom out of his pocket and fitted it over his cock before moving my panties to the side with his thumb. I could feel his head against my soaking wet pussy as he leaned in to kiss me again. The kiss deepened as he inserted himself into me. I couldn’t help but let out a moan feeling myself having to stretch for him.

“Shhhh” he whispered and paused for a moment to let me adjust before starting to thrust. I let out another moan and he pulled back from our kiss, covering my mouth with his hand and thrusting harder.

I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep myself from making too much noise, losing count of how many times I had came already. I had never been so immensely turned on before and I just couldn’t help myself. He continued to go deeper, letting out a few moans himself before burying his head into my neck as he finished.

I laid back on his desk, breathing heavily as he moved his hand from my mouth. I looked up to him, my hair slightly tangled and my mascara was surely running. I couldn’t help but to smile and giggle as he pulled out of me. “Does this make me a slut now?” I asked as I sat back up, adjusting my panties and skirt.

He smiled as he looked over to me, already causing me to go weak in the knees yet again. “For this semester, you’re definitely my slut”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sla4vd/i_got_to_be_fucked_by_my_professor_mf

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