And this is why you hydrate [FM]

I don’t know how else to write this, y’all. I’m about to lose 80% of you through length alone, but I promise this did not work if I broke it up into parts. It took me a really long time to write this and even longer to decide if I should post it. It’s one of my more more vulnerable and degrading moments.

Here goes…

This is going to be one of those stories where I ask you don’t judge anyone in it. We had established safewords and boundaries of consent. I also would probably not engage in this without a very trusted partner.

*All the TWs? This one gets odd.*

I had a partner who used to make me beg for orgasms. Weird things come out of my mouth when that is happening.

*I usually only write things I think are hot, but I’ve said some crazy things in bed that make absolutely no sense.*

So one thing I often said was, “I’ll let you do whatever you want.”

He once took me up on that.

One night when I was begging I made that particular declaration and he said, “For 24 hours.”


“I get to do what I want to you for 24 hours.”

“Fine, yes.” I would have agreed to much more in the moment. I didn’t fully think it through.

After sex he used to do this thing where he would lightly touch and poke various places on my body to see how I would react.

*I’m hella responsive. I shudder a lot post orgasm. My body tingles so it’s very easy to make me squirm.*

While he was running a hand down me he said, “This is going to be fun.”


“24 hours. I’m going full dom mode for 24 hours.”

*Oh, we’re really doing that? We usually snapped out of our sex personalities pretty quickly post-orgasm. We had also done light “free use” but 24 hours was daunting.”

“Um yeah, what did you have in mind with that?”

“Idk but I’m going to get creative. For now go to sleep.”

I put on my clothes and fell asleep quickly. I woke up to his hands on me.

“I don’t think I want you in clothes, actually,” he said as he ran a hand down me. He pulled off my shirt and ripped my pants off.

“Why the fuck are we awake right now?” I groaned. It was like 4:00am.

“Because I can be,” he smiled. “For 24 hours. Put your hands above your head and lay back with your legs spread.”

Alright, this was hot. Now that I was awake I was back into taking orders. I did so, thinking he would fuck me, but he did not. He put two fingers inside me for a while and held them there.

“Why?” I complained. Every time I tried to move he held me down.

“Because I can,” he grinned. “This is going to be a fun day.”

He fucking licked me, like long strokes up and down my body. When he ran his tongue over my nipple I whimpered and begged him to fuck me.

“I don’t think either of us is getting off right now actually.”


He shrugged. “Because this is about to be a very frustrating 24 hours for you.”

He put a hand to my throat (*squeeze the sides so you don’t crush the windpipe when choking btw*) and ran a hand up and down me.

“Fuck me,” I whispered.

“I can and will make a no talking rule if you ask again.”

I groaned as he kissed down my body and licked a single time between my legs.

*It had been 6 hours. This was going to be hell.*

“Oh man. You have no idea how much I’m going to fuck with you. Alright, fall back asleep.”

“I can’t. I’m too turned on.”

“Then lay there. I don’t care.”

I groaned and actually did fall asleep. I also had a sex dream about him and I orgasmed in my sleep, but dreams are just not as satisfying.

*Yall this story is about to get weird.*

I woke up to him jerking off above me.

“You can just fuck me, you know?” I groaned. I’m usually a morning person but SOMEONE had kept me up for half the night in sexual frustration.

“I want my cum on you.”


“Yes. You’re going to have it on you all day.”

“I think you’re too into this.”

“If I were you, I’d get into it too or you’re going to have a rough day.”

I rolled my eyes. “Where do you want to come?” I asked.

He just smiled and motioned for me to get off the bed. I didn’t have to ask. I got on my knees and looked up at him as he stood over me. He came on my face.

*Mother fucker.*

“Don’t wash it off-“

“-All day. Yeah, I get it.”

“You have an attitude this morning but that’s going to change. You know why?”

“You have something sick planned?”

“Yep, you’re going to cook for us.”

*Can’t you just ass fuck me? I can’t cook.*

“Alright. Can I put on clothes for that?”

“Yep, you can put on one thing.”


“Chess underwear?”

“Chess underwear.”

We had a very strong toy with a remote he used to make me wear when we played chess.

*TBF, I was much better than him and making me orgasm halfway was the only way he stood a chance. I often liked to remind him of this and he often liked to then withhold pleasure.*

He got them out of our sex drawer and threw them at me. I pulled them on and got up but he shook his head. “I think you should probably crawl.”

*Ehhh, this was pretty hardcore degradation before coffee.*

I crawled to the mother fucking kitchen on my hands and knees as he walked behind me.

“Can I get up now?”

“Yep,” he said as he turned on the vibrations. It had different levels so the first one wasn’t as intense, but it still came as a shock.

I started making food as he watched.

*This was vulnerable AF btw.*

“I don’t know how I feel about the heteronormative roles behind this degradation,” I said.

*I’m pretty sure I was just making toast. I really cannot emphasize enough how bad I am at cooking.*

“I don’t know if this will make you feel better or worse but I once made a dude do this.”

It made me feel… Something.

*Yes, I knew he had fucked dudes. It’s just occasionally odd to get a visual.*

“You’ve struck a 24 hour bargain before?”

“No, that part is new. I think I’m a genius.”

He turned up the volume on my underwear and laughed when I made a face and bent over. “Am I allowed to come?” I groaned.

“Fight it,” he said.

I threw his plate down and stared at him. I grabbed the counter and my knuckles started turning white. He smiled as I tapped the counter and gave his a pleading look.

“Say please,” he laughed.

“Damn it, please!”

“Fine, but only because I’ve seen you when you don’t come. It’s not pretty.” He turned the the remote all the way up and watched me bend over and hit the counter with my fists as I climaxed.

“Happy?” He asked when I was done. He clicked the remote off and let me stay like that for a moment.

“How many more hours are left?”


*Dear god.*

“This is twisted and you’re fucked up.”

“This is fun and you’re cute. Now, I want you to sit on the floor while I’m at the table and let me feed you,” he said casually.

*I’m cute?*

I just stared at him.

“Why are you doing this?”

“I like to play with my food before I eat it,” he raised his eyebrows and laughed.

I got quiet.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“I’m having emotions.”

“Too degrading?”

“I mean, it’s a lot. Also… I’m not used to you being a dom without your sex face and voice.”

“My sex face and voice?”

“Yes! You have a sex face and voice. It’s weird being a sub for you and not *him*.”

“Do an impression of me during sex.”

I darkened my face as much as I could, narrowed my eyes, and depend my voice. “Don’t you dare enjoy this, you little slut. You’re going to do whatever I want.”

He burst out laughing. “Now I’m just surprised anyone has ever wanted to have sex with me.”

“This is what I’m talking about! I don’t know how to sub for this happy, playful version of you.”

He shrugged. “Safeword me.”

“Over THIS?”

“Yeah, if you’re uncomfortable. Why not?”

We stared at each other for a while as I weighed this. Idk why it was freaking me out so much.

“Fine,” I finally huffed. I fucking sat on the floor and let him fucking feed me. It was kind of hot. VERY degrading and a little weird, but still hot. It’s not really my thing.

*I swear it would have been better if he was angry and dark. His light-hearted grin while he did it was making it too real.*

The worst part? We kind of had normal conversation while we did it. We started talking about the book I had just finished and he agreed to read it next. Then he gave me another bite of food.

“This is twisted,” I spat.

“I’m having a fun time.” He grabbed my hair. “Get up here though.”

He pushed me back onto the table and ran a hand down my body. “You want me to fuck you?” He asked.


“Turn over.”

I flipped so I was bent over the table. He pulled my underwear down and fingered me for a while like that.

“Please don’t do that unless you’re going to fuck me.”

He laughed. “Ehhhh, I have another eleven hours or so to do anything I want so I don’t think you’re in a position to give orders. Literally.”

“There’s something wrong with you.”

“Yep.” He slapped my ass. “Alright go shower and then we’ll watch a movie.”

I snapped my head around. “What?”

“Go shower and then we’ll watch a movie. Or play chess. Whatever.”

“Who are you right now?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t take orders from you when you’re acting like my friend. We’re just going to watch a movie?”

He looked amused. “You need my sex voice?”

“Kind of. SHE can take orders from HIM. I can’t take orders from you.”

“Did you really think I could dom for 24 hours straight like that? Even I’m not that good.”

“I don’t know how to switch back and forth.”

“Are you saying you need me to be angry for you to fuck me?”

“It sounds bad if you say it that way.”

He pushed me back onto the table and put his thumb in my mouth. “I’m happy to get angry, but I also like you like this. It’s easy to be out of control for a couple hours. This is a fun test. I want you to take orders from me like this.”

*Well when he put it that way it was hot again.*

I sucked on his thumb for a bit and finally met his eyes and smiled.

He leaned into my ear and whispered, “Honey, we’re not actually just watching a movie either.”


“What are we doing?”

“Whatever I want. And what I want is to not tell you right now. I love how much you’re struggling.”

My head shot back. “Wait. Why am I showering?”

He smiled. “You know why.”

*Cool, we’re doing butt stuff.*

“Arighty,” I said as I got up. “Can I put clothes on?”

“Not if you want to get off again today.”


“Don’t fucking touch yourself in the shower. I’ll know if you do.”

*He would and he always did.*

*Side note: Why TF is this story so hard to write? I’ve written about degrading sex sessions galore. I think it’s because I’m more “me” here and a little less Viola. Viola figuratively only exists during intimate windows of sex with trusted partners and on the internet with thousands of Reddit users. The writer behind this is a different person.*

I get back from my shower and stand in front of him. “What do you want me to do?” I ask.

He smiled. “I want you on your knees.”


“Yep, I have to get off.”

“Open,” he said as he undid his pants. He put himself in my mouth and very slowly slid down my throat. “I already miss my cum on your face.” I broke eye contact and he gently slapped my cheek. “Nope, eyes up here.”

*I realize the description above doesn’t exactly sound tender, but usually he’d be slamming into me and calling me a whore, threatening to spank me raw if I dared look away.*

“You’re so good at this,” he sighed.

*You’re COMPLIMENTING me now?*

He didn’t last long. He came after a few hard thrusts and pulled out on my face. “Don’t clean it,” he says when he finishes.

“This might be the most fucked up thing you’ve ever done to me.”’

“You’ve had my cum on your face many times.”

*Not the point sir.*

“I meant dominating me without being angry.”

“Safeword me.”

I shook my head.

He stood over me and his eyes changed. “What the fuck do you want, V? Do you want me to tie you to a bed all day and use you? Do you want me to handcuff you to a chair and make you watch porn without touching yourself? I could spank your ass now with a whip until you scream?”

He knelt behind me and let his chest rest against my back before pushing my head to the ground. “I could just call you a whore and fuck you like this. You want me to get angry?”

*TBH, a little?*

He held me like that for a couple of seconds and then let me go. “I know that’s what you want. I don’t care. I’m doing what I want until I feel like switching. Movie or chess?”

“Is this a normal movie or chess?”

He smiled. It was not.

I chose movie. And well, HE watched a movie. I spent the entire time bent over his lap. He would fondle my ass and occasionally finger me. If I moaned or asked for more he’d spank me.

*Do y’all know how hard it is to get through a damn movie like that?*

I begged him to fuck me at one point and he growled, “If you ask one more time I swear to god I’m going to gag you.”

*I’m going to pause here again. This might sound hot reading it back. It was hot for most of it, but it’s also physically and emotionally frustrating. Don’t do this with someone you don’t trust and do do this to anyone before talking first. Please keep in mind we had talked about free use many, many times before this. I also don’t often write about this, but I’ve stopped sexual activities with safewords more times than I can count.*

By the time it ended I was crying. It was two hours of fucking torture.

“Do you know how many times you’ve literally cried for my dick?” He laughed as he flipped me over on my back and crawled on top of me.

This was too much. I was pretty fucking close to a safeword. He knew it too. He could feel me shaking as he started playing with my body.

“I like how much you need it,” he whispered as he rubbed his hips against mine. Sadly he was still fully clothed.

He watched me whimper and smiled. Not a cute smile either… He changed.

“Two second head start,” he said in THAT voice.


He backed off of me so I wasn’t pinned. “Go.”

*Mother fucker*

I tore myself from the couch and made a run for it. I did not get far.

I felt a hand on grab my hair and pull me back.

Oh shit.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

He pulled me into my bedroom like that and bent me over my bed.

“This is what you wanted, right? Fucking whore.”

*Well, at least he was definitely using his sex voice.*

I closed my eyes but I heard him go over to our sex drawer and open it, take out a few items, and slam it shut.

“Hands behind your back,” he said.

Oh cool, I was being handcuffed.

*We had a lot of bondage but this actually was not really his thing. He was far more into telling me what to do and making me obey. I liked being tied up. He was doing this for me.*

“Spread your legs,” he said.

Oh cool. He’s putting in a butt plug. We’re having one of those kinds of sessions.

“I’m going to fuck you now. If you enjoy it, I’m going to hurt you. And I’m going to fuck you hard.”

*Yep. Sex voice definitely was back.*

So perhaps keep in mind I hadn’t gotten off since that morning and he had been toying with me for hours. HOURS.

It didn’t matter how much he tried to spank me or pull my hair to take me out of it. It didn’t matter that I tried to hold my breath, think of law school, or focus on the pain. I got off in less than a minute.

“God damn it, you fucking slut.”

He kept railing me and I just groaned beneath him.

*Interesting moment here: I kind of felt like my orgasm was still going. It’s one of the few times I experienced this and now I understand what was really happening. I actually just came so hard my breathing was thrown off and I was literally spinning due to lack of oxygen and hydration. With him slamming into me, I couldn’t catch my breath.*

*Don’t try that at home, kids. It’s a dangerous game.*

He tore my butt plug out and I cried, but it didn’t hurt at all. I heard him pouring lube on me. I braced myself but he stopped.

“I need to know this is ok,” he said.

*Oh hey, his sex voice is gone.*

“Yes,” I breathed. “Just go slow at first, ok?”

We had done this a couple of times so this wasn’t crazy but, as I’ve written many times, anal is vulnerable and emotional.

He did go slow, but it actually felt really nice. It was one of the few times doing this that I really begged for more.

It did not hurt AT ALL. In that moment it was blissful but I should have known something was off.

I didn’t come again, but I was on such a high that it was almost just as good. It felt like I was on drugs as every place he touched was amazing.

By the time he pulled out and came on my back I was seeing spots but it was also really, really pleasurable so I thought I was just in a euphoric state.

*Well, technically that’s true.*

“Say you’re a whore who liked that… Oh fuck!” he yelled. He took my handcuffs off quickly and turned me over. “Viola! V, look at me!” He slapped my face.

I think I smiled. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“You we’re about to pass out.”

“I was not.” I sat up and immediately had to fall back.

*What do you know? I was about to pass out. This is when having an experienced partner comes in handy.*

“Shit! Hold on. Do not sit up until I get you water.”

*Oh snap! I had barely drank water and hadn’t eaten since he fed me that morning. We had been… distracted. Sex can be unsafe in more ways than one.*

“Come here,” I heard his voice. He held me and made me drink slowly. “I’m so sorry.”

“It felt really good.”

He laughed. “Yeah I’m sure it did, but I think we learned a valuable lesson about physical limits today.”

*He sincerely was a very careful partner btw. Things just happen when you’re experimenting. He usually didn’t have to worry about my water intake on a normal day. Our sexual relationship didn’t bleed into our lives that way.*

“You still have like four hours left,” I finally said when my vision normalized.

“Yeah, we’re done with that.”

“I was so close though!”

“Alright then we’re going to shower, order food, and play the least sexual game of chess in your life. That’s what I want.”

And that is what we did.

*I feel like this was an odd “free use” story. Sometimes I feel like a lot of my stories on here look different, but I’m ok with that. I tried to write this without my insecurities or the part about me fainting, but I felt weird leaving it out because there are certain realities at play I feel are irresponsible to ignore.*

You’re probably dehydrated right now, btw. Go drink water.




  1. You’d have made an excellent psychologist. Or an erotic Terry Pratchett. Or both.

  2. I’m not gonna deny the feelings I have for this story…. I just don’t know what those feelings are. I also have a lot of questions that I don’t think I want answers to lmao

    But HOLY SHIT! I can’t even out into words just how “lsuubrbddjiqownfjrbs” this story is. BRAVO MS. V BRAVO! You really outdone yourself with this one, simply spectacular!

    >He put a hand to my throat (squeeze the sides so you don’t crush the windpipe when choking btw)

    Also wanna point out how important this is, a lot of people new the genre miss this one. The world could really benefit with a “bdsm for beginners” book from you!

    I’m proud to be part of the 20%, now please excuse me while I go get something to drink *whew*

  3. I feel like I know what you mean. There is only one version of me that takes orders, ever, and she only appears under certain circumstances, for certain people. Of course, he made it feel like a challenge/dare, because he fully understood your competitive drive. Ngl, that’s probably the one thing that work on me too. 😅

  4. It’s funny; the “angry dom” persona always felt alien to me, but it’s *wild* to see how unsettling a “casual dom” can be received. Is that a universal thing, or is it just because it was so unlike him?

  5. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Great writing, as always. As a newish dom, I appreciate you sharing this story. If my sub and I ever get into a situation like this, I now have a better idea of what to be on the lookout for to keep her safe.

  6. Why apologize fir the length if this little thing? It’s merely a chapter. And a good one at that.

    On a more serious note, you just triggered some kind of half-epiphany in my brain with this. It’s totally not about your topic of the day, yet … it totally kinda is.

    I have to really think this through. Thanks, mind behind V. I may have needed just this very specific hint …

  7. *Do y’all know how hard it is to get through a movie like that?*

    Yes, actually XD I’m actually in the middle of writing about it O.O (as well as fixing up an overstim story that wasn’t as well written as I wanted it to be)

    Also being soft dommed is fun. We’re not as overt as you two were here but my spouse and I play games like this frequently. It’s fun.

    *but yeah hydration before, after, and even during sex is needed. I’d easily black out in every session (topical for the overstim story) if I didn’t hydrate*

    PS: RUDE; I’ll have you know I’ve been drinking water all day

  8. hoooottttTTTTTTttttt

    especially the part where he looked out for your safety and well being :))))

    i would love to be dominated soon ugh (it’s been a while)

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