A Father’s Struggle 11 – Massage (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

Still can’t believe Nicole masturbated to me fucking Lola and she was one of my *spies*.

And I couldn’t believe that my daughter’s out smarted me from seeing who was spying on me.

Granted I had let the cat out of the bag when they interrogated me so they were fully aware of the security cameras and that I was using them when I first found my **first** *spy*.

Though I had no idea I had more than one.

And my dumb ass not only told them about my security camera’s but I taught them if shit hit the fan to use the camera’s.

Though at the time I meant if we had a break in or something. Not to keep me from finding shit out like them spying on me.

When I taught them about the security system I had promised them as they grew I would respect their privacy of course but that was before **I** was being spied on.

But right now I had a different problem to deal with….Lola. **AND** our relationship.

I had shown up to the country club at roughly 9:30am for my massage with Lola at 10am.

I had walked into the club in my most comfortable clothing and still kept with the club’s dress code.

I looked over at the dining room where most business deal’s in this city are made beyond the board room, sometimes in conjunction of the board room.

When **I** made my deal with George I had worn my best dress slacks with dress shoes. And I had a nice striped shirt with a thin tie.

I wasn’t overly dressed then and I was certainly wasn’t over dressed now.

Mainly I wore my comfy loafers, a decent collared shirt and my least starched dress slacks.

I checked in at the front dress to confirm my massage and was happy Lola had put me down in the books this morning.

I waited around for my time to come up before I was lead over to the massage area and that receptionist led me to my room as I stood in the room like a moron.

Lola quickly dipped into the room and instantly smiled upon seeing me before quickly moving in kissing me on the lips.

As she broke she huskily spoke, “I’ve been wanting to do that since the last time I saw you.”

Yeah this is going to be hard.

I spoke shakily, “So what do I do here?”

Lola blinked, “Oh right.” She stepped back and spoke, “If you will strip down and lay on the table I will start.”

I looked at her waiting for her to leave or turn around.

She smiled, “What?”

I spoke, “Aren’t you supposed to leave or turn around or something?”

She raised her eyebrow, “Why? We’ve already seen each other naked.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I started to undress stopping at my brief’s.

Lola bit her lip and moaned faintly, “Yes baby take it off.”

I looked at her, “Really?”

She smiled, “Unless you want oil on your briefs then yes.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled down my briefs before standing up naked, “Happy?”

She looked me up and down slowly and she had a shit eating grin, “Very.”

I groaned, “So now what?”

Lola walked up to the table and lifted the sheet, “Now you get under the sheet and I promise to not put too many bite marks on your body.”

I rolled my eyes but followed her instruction’s as I climbed up on the table and got under the sheet laying face down.

Lola put the sheet down and whispered near my ear, “I’m going to put on some calming noises and light some incense. Then I’m going to go grab my gear. I’ll be right back.”

With that she reached under the sheet and pinched my ass making me flinch causing Lola to laugh.

While she was gone I was really beginning to rethink my strategy.

I laid there listening to the calming music and smelling the incense as it was actually calming this rather unique and tense situation I seemed to be in.

I felt my tension begin to slowly leave my body but I heard Lola come back into the room as I heard her chipper tone, “How’s my favorite guy doing?”

I grunted, “Just wondering when you’re going to turn me into butter.”

Lola chuckled but she moved to the table I was laying on the only thing I could see through my small opening in the weird pillow my face was laying against was her feet.

She moved the sheet down of my back folding it down as it laid across my ass.

And within moment’s I felt her oily hands on my back and shoulders as she rubbed the oil all over my back.

Lola started to work her hands into my muscles after rubbing the oil all over my back causing me to groan as she quickly found a couple of my tension spots.

I may have groaned something resembling *Oh yeah right there* causing Lola to laugh at me.

Then Lola spoke, “So you said we’d talk about ‘*us*’?”

I groaned as Lola hit another tension spot…that she was currently causing, “Yeah about that….listen about how….”

Lola stopped me by speaking, “Uh oh Mr. Frons I don’t like where this is going if I were you I’d tread lightly as I have plenty of items that could potentially slip into a location that is typically an exit.”

At the mention of that my asshole puckered.

I turned my head to look at her to make sure she wasn’t bluffing about shoving anything up my ass and saw she was smiling at me.

I smiled, “No seriously we pretty much jumped into bed after we had lunch. We really haven’t gotten to really know each other.”

She looked at me, “I thought we did when I told you my story.”

I looked at her, “Yeah but that was a broad brush stroke Lola. What I know about you is *that* broad brush stroke and after we had one night together and you’re all ready to jump in feet first. Because what we fucked one time?”

I could tell she was changing from lovey dovey to pissed real fast so I acted fast, “Would you rather me **look** at you as a *mistake* or as a *friend*?”

She looked at me and spoke flatly, “Friend.”

I looked at her, “That **you’d** like to blossom into more?”

Her eyes watered, “God yes.”

I smiled, “Then how about we go back to friend’s and navigate through that together as we both *get to know each other*.”

That seemed to do the trick but her mood slumped and her chipper attitude slid.

I added, “Though I’ll admit you were fantastic.”

That made her smile.

I continued, “And the photos have been much appreciated.”

That turned her smile brighter and was looking more like herself….finally.

Lola finally just looked at me, “Well do you want to continue your massage?”

I looked at her, “So we good?”

Lola looked at me before she sighed, “I guess.” She blushed but at least she had her smile back, “I honestly thought I came off too strong and I thought you were here to dump me.”

I thought *Duh!* but I looked at her, “But I didn’t. More like let’s pump the brakes. There’s a twenty year gap that **both** of us need to overcome.”

She nodded, “I know.”

I turned and sat up, “I know it doesn’t mean much but look at it this way….at least we got reconnected.”

She smiled and nodded, then she got an shit eating grin as she looked down as she spoke, “And it looks like **I** left a memorable impression on you as well.”

I looked at her confused until I looked down and right there in my lap was a tent.

This time it was my turn to look embarrassed as I immediately turned and resumed laying back down before I coughed and spoke, “So I’m still waiting for you to turn me into butter.”

And the massage resumed while we both lightly conversed.

I reminded her about game night in which she said she actually had a ‘*private massage*’ call and actually asked me if it was ok if she could take it.

I shrugged saying yeah it’s fine as I knew it helped pay the bills especially with seven businesses. I moved on to ask about if her daughter, Maxine, was coming to tonight’s game.

Lola laughed and said she’ll make sure Maxine is free and goes as she admitted it’ll be nice to have Maxine get her mind off stuff and actually have fun. As I reassured her that Maxine will more than likely have fun as my girl’s usually break out some type of lewd game and sometimes alcohol is involved.

That caused Lola to stop as she said, “Make sure my little Maxie doesn’t drink.”

I didn’t have the strength to get up and look at Lola as she had officially turned my body into butter though I wasn’t going to tell her that.

I grunted, “Oh?”

Lola spoke, “She can be a *bit* of a handful if my little Maxie gets drunk.”

I grunted again as Lola leaned into her deep tissue massage causing a few of my bones to crack, sending waves of relief through my body. After my eyes uncrossed at the sensation I tried to sound normal as I spoke, “Handful how?”

Lola mused for a moment before answering, “Where you will need a chastity belt….and *a lot* of duct tape.”

I turned my head to look at her, “Are you telling me that….”

She smiled, “That my little girl turns into a whore when she’s drunk?”

She chuckled, “Yes. And she’ll go after the first man she sees. And if you’re the only one then she **will** go after you.”

I turned my head to face down, “Then I’ll make sure to lock my door.”

She laughed, “You might want to lock **her** up.”

She leaned forward making a few more of my bones crack causing me to groan in pleasure.

After having more bones crack I spoke, “Well rest assured I’ll make sure she will be fine.”

She laughed, “Good.”

She lowered her hands and pulled my blanket off my butt as she slowly growled before grabbing a handful causing me to flinch.

At first I thought she was going to fulfill her promise of shoving something up my butt but was relieved when her hands continued down and making my sheet fall off me as she started to massage the back of my thighs.

With the news about Maxine, I decided I should lightly probe, “Anything else I should know about Maxine?”

Lola mused for a moment before answering, “At the moment….no.”

I mused, “That sounded ominous like there **is** something.”

Lola started to massage my calves before she answered, “Nothing that can’t wait as **you** get to know me….and my daughter.”

I shrugged, “Fine, have it your way.”

Lola reached in between my legs and firmly grasped my exposed twins causing my body to tense up, “*If* **I** had it **my** way I’d be doing more than rubbing my hands along your body but we’re not….*friend*.”

I tried to not move as she firmly grasped something that I still held in high value though I should have done something to them after having six girl’s but I didn’t.

Really beginning to regret my decision to slow this down….but come on Lola was beginning to look like a stalker or at the very least moving way way too fast.

I couldn’t help myself, “Well we can **still** do that if you want.”

Lola lightly chuckled, “Really? You really want to say that while I firmly hold your nuts in my hand.”

With that her ‘*grip*’ on my boys became slightly tighter instantly shooting pain into my brain and I winced out loud closely resembling a high pitched me as I exclaimed “I get it! Wrong thing to say.”

Lola chuckled, “I’ll give you credit you do have guts Max.”

I groaned, “But apparently not balls of steel which would be really handy at the moment.”

That made Lola laugh as she released my twins and I instantly rolled to one side holding onto my tender walnuts and refrained from using any crude words but still groaned as I thought about each word in my head that described Lola right now.

I looked at her like I wanted to do *harm* after that little move but she was still laughing at me as she spoke, “I forgot how much of a smartass you are.”

I groaned, “Yeah that’s me,” as I thought *bitch* but kept walking my line on this weird crazy tightrope, “but seriously if you want to do ‘*that*’ I wouldn’t mind.”

She looked at me with her eyebrow raised, “So you want to still fuck but remain friends?”


I looked at her, “Come on Lola. You **know** my marriage ended a while ago.”

She nodded, “Yeah so that was what at least a decade ago.”

I nodded, “Uh huh. **AND** I’ve remained single this **entire** time.”

She looked at me, “So what’s your point?”

I spoke, “My point, Lola, after over a decade I’ve gone from married to single. My **only** experience with relationships is the ‘occasional’ *fuck* or one night stand. That’s it. I haven’t **dated** a single person in over a decade so I don’t know **what** to do. All I’m asking is for us to be friends and travel down the friendship avenue first so **we** can get to know each other until it **changes** into a relationship. **IF** we continue to have sex I’m ok with that. **If** we don’t I’m ok with that too.”

She looked at me as she folded her arms, “But you’ll look elsewhere for pussy if we don’t?”

I shrugged as I tilted my head before looking at her, “Why not? You have your ‘clients’ getting you plenty of action and last time I checked I still have ‘needs’.”

She squinted at me, “But I do it to inflate my account and make ends meet. I don’t care about them,” she walked up to me as she put her hands on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “besides your cock is much **bigger** than any of my ‘clients’.”

This time I laughed, causing Lola to look at me, “What?”

I looked at her after my little fit, “Please I’m not *that* big. I’m more average at best.”

She looked at me and chuckled, “No really you are.”

I scoffed, “Ok if you say so.”

I hopped up and started to put on my clothes as I spoke, “Anyways I think our time is up.”

I jumped as I put on my pants that kept sticking to my oiled legs as I lightly cursed. So I jumped more pulling them up until they were finally on.

I rolled my shirt on as I walked up to Lola.

I placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in, inches away from her face, as I calmly spoke, “Think about it *friend*. **If** you decide that,” I lightly grazed my finger in between her thighs along her pussy causing her eyes to flutter as I looked into her eyes as she fought to not moan, “this is on the table as well just know I’ll **want** it… a… lot.”

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips while I held onto her cheek and wrapped my other arm around her body where it was **my** turn to feel her turn into jelly.

I broke from the kiss and simply said with a smile, “Think on it.” And walked out the door without telling her anything else.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/slftlt/a_fathers_struggle_11_massage_fiction_family_bond