A Father’s Struggle 10 – Replay (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

After the whole ‘*who is Lola*’ conversation after my successful lie to where all my girl’s would disappear Monday morning and allow for both my video surveillance system and new a/c unit lie went off without a hitch.

Still I’m surprised I got away with that lie without too many questions…though I guess my daughter’s were too blinded by the fact they could control their own temperatures in their rooms. A complaint I’ve heard more than once.

So during dinner I had to explain who Lola was saying that essentially she was the triplet’s nanny which Heather of course remembered…all be it vaguely.

And I wasn’t entirely aware of it but when Lola was wearing her skimpy outfits around me to entice me to take her on multiple occasions her style must have rubbed off on Savanna and Mackenzie as they mimicked Lola now.

I didn’t make the connection as both Savanna and Mackenzie were WAY too young to where Lola’s clothing style rubbed off on them. But I guess it makes sense as they had grown up around Lola more than they did their own mother so I guess in some weird way they idolized Lola.

At least it explains why Savanna’s and Mackenzie’s fascination with wearing risqué clothing. I’m just happy their fascination with wearing revealing clothing was after they were 18….or at least that’s when I knew they were wearing alluring clothing as I’m sure they were wearing it before then they were just kind enough to hide it from me.

Granted I saw mixed emotions as I told them about Lola…well most had mixed emotions. The only one who didn’t give any indication of an emotion was my bookworm.

Nicole for her part had given up on her earlier jealousy and had remained neutral when Lola was brought up.

Heather didn’t have any preference on Lola.

Mackenzie and Savana seemed to hang on every word of my story.

Haley seemed interested but at the same time I could tell she was more focused on her phone.

And Abby….well Abby was Abby.

They all listened to my story of how I had ran into her while I was catching up with a frat buddy. Then we spent lunch catching up…until our eventual coming back to my place for us to fuck.

Then I told my daughter’s I had invited Lola and her daughter Maxine for our game night so her daughter could get to know me and they could get to know Lola which they reminded me they all had invited their friend’s after the ‘flashing debacle’.

I blinked and forgot I told them to bring their friend’s.

Looks like we’ll be having another card night.

Like the last card game wasn’t bad as it was more or less a confessional.

And now we had all their friends and because of the *hunt the spy down* fiasco all their friend’s knew someone spied on me while I was masturbating but now, possibly Lola, and definitely Maxine will be there.


Yeah I don’t see how that’s not going to be embarrassing.

And I still hadn’t found my ‘*spies*’.

Man I can’t wait for my new video sur……hmmmmm.

I wonder if my current video surveillance system actually picked up anything when I was fucking Lola.

That thought hit me Thursday night after dinner with the girl’s after Savanna had told me that night she had booked her hotel room and Mackenzie told me she was extending her stay. And the girl’s promised me they would be gone during that time frame as they all, well except Haley, handed me $2,500 for their own control of their room.


I’ve been busy. Especially with Lola blowing up my phone asking when the next time we can see each other….and all the nude photos she’s been sending me telling me she and her pussy misses me.

Between the photo’s of her standing completely nude, a close up of her chest and a close up of her pussy, which by the way still amazes me that for a woman who is extremely active with multiple partners that her pussy hasn’t turned into a roast beef sandwich and somehow still looks completely tight and hardly used is astounding to me.

Plus I question whether a few of those photos she took by herself because I few where her standing in the middle of, what I imagine is, her room without holding the camera but couldn’t tell if someone took them for her or she used a timer.

I think I made a mistake bedding Lola. Granted at the time I was in a long dry spell and she was freely throwing herself at me.

But now Lola was slowly turning into a stalker….or at the least very very needy.

She hadn’t crossed the line yet by slashing my tires or anything crazy….yet.

So either I continue to ignore her and her turning into a crazy stalker that will become more than likely **OR** I lay down some ground rules.

And if I don’t do it soon I’ll regret it.

One thing at a time.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll go to the club see if she’s working and have her massage me while I tell her how I feel and where she sits in my life.

Yeah don’t see that going my way but who knows maybe she’ll understand and abide by my rules.

So I did the only thing I could think of…I texted Lola first before checking on my video surveillance system to see if she had any openings at the club tomorrow.

I pulled out my phone while I sat on my bed and texted Lola.

Naturally she texted back with the quickness. Guess she didn’t have a *special massage* with one of her *private clients* tonight.

I asked if she had any openings at the club tomorrow for a massage and so we can talk.

That must have scared Lola as she asked if she did something wrong as her text looked frantic in my mind.

I assured her it was all good. Just thought it would be nice to talk in a calm setting and basically go over what I thought of *us*. Plus it would be nice to test out her massage skills who knows I might need a *private massage* every once in a while.

That seemed to calm her and reassure her as she boasted that by the time she’s done with me I’ll be butter in her hands begging for nightly *private massages*.

I smiled as I read the messages to make sure I wasn’t reading each text the wrong way but after a few passes over the texts it seems that Lola went from scared as I mentioned her role in my life to confident that I won’t regret doing the massage as she told me she will make sure I’m her first booking of the day at 10am.

Looks like I was able to address her before she changed though I highly doubted she *would* turn into a stalker if she hadn’t in almost 20 years.  Granted she had always been on the outside looking in, now she had confirmed her suspicions of what I was capable of and that could be enough to quickly change so it’s probably a good thing I addressed it sooner rather than later.

With her pretty much taken care of I moved onto the next item that I was really really curious about….the video surveillance.

Though I was in my room and I could potentially see all the videos on my phone.  There was one elemental flaw with my phone….it wasn’t my laptop with a much bigger screen in comparison.  So on my phone I might miss a detail whereas on my laptop I probably won’t.

So I went into my man cave to retrieve my laptop and went back into my room.  I logged into my video surveillance and clicked on the day Lola and I were doing our thing.

I fast forwarded until Lola and I had entered the house and we quickly moved to my room.  From the options where I had camera’s I noticed that Savanna, Mackenzie, and Nicole were home.  Though it looked like Nicole was taking a nap.  And both Mackenzie and Savanna were awake, both of whom were in their rooms and both looked like they were doing the exact same thing….watching television.

I guess when we got into the house it was enough to disturb both Savanna and Mackenzie to where they moved from their rooms to the hall and eventually the living room.

I watched as Mackenzie tilted her head up noticing the usual mess in the kitchen while Savanna talked about something to Mackenzie in which Mackenzie shrugged before saying something to Savanna.  Then both moved to the kitchen and started cleaning the usual mess.

Then I watched Savanna and Mackenzie stop cleaning as they both looked at each other for a few moments before they both put down their cleaning and watched as they sneaked from the kitchen to upstairs and into my hall.

I watched both of them slowly sneak up to my door as they slowly cracked my door open and started to view me stripping Lola as we helped each other remove our clothes.  It was obvious that either they found the scene funny or had triggered something as they were both slapping each other in the arms as they both were watching me begin to slowly fuck Lola.

They watched for a few moments before Mackenzie started to pull Savanna away and they returned to the kitchen and went back to cleaning as they obviously were having a time as they couldn’t stop laughing and were each making lewd gestures at each other pretending to hump air making the other laugh.

Looks like they weren’t my culprits.

Then shortly after while Savanna and Mackenzie were still cleaning they were probably making enough racket….or we were as Nicole had moved from her bed and was slowly approaching my room.  She took one look into the crack and quickly moved to the side of the door frame.

I watched her slowly use her hand to touch the door and slowly open the door more as she peered into the show I was providing.

At first I thought she would move off after confirming but then a peculiar thing happened…..she started to feel herself up.  At first it was slow as her hands were gliding along her body on the outside of her clothes until finally she hiked up her sports bra releasing her breasts to start fondling them as she quickly covered her mouth.

Looks like I found my moaner though if I’m honest I would have never expected Nicole.  At least now it explains why she seemed so jealous the next day.  But I had to question was she my *original* **spy**?

As I watched in fascination when her hand eventually slipped under her yoga pants and could easily see she was playing with herself while simultaneously trying to remain upright **and** keeping her mouth covered.

She occasionally looked back into the crack watching me as her tempo obviously went up until finally she bent forward and I watched her visibly shake until she got herself under control.

She stood panting visibly and something must have caught her attention as something made her look scared….she was looking forward into the hall.

I tried to look but whoever it was they were taking advantage of a blind spot I had in the hall.

But whoever it was made Nicole slump as she fixed her top and moved away from the door and back into the hall to go down to the kitchen.

Was this the person that was my spy?

It had to be.

There was no movement but whatever the person was doing they were obviously not moving.

I tried to rewind and see who came up the hall and eventually found it….it was Heather.

Heather had came home and instantly heard the racket Lola was making.  She moved to the kitchen and obviously asked Savanna and Mackenzie what was going on.  Savanna and Mackenzie said something causing Heather to look up in the direction of my room and she moved.

She made her way upstairs and into the hall and that’s where I lost her.

It was obvious Heather stuck to the walls and avoided angles to where she would remain hidden and caught Nicole masturbating while Nicole was watching us.

Then while I was looking at the hall hoping there would be more before the video feed suddenly stopped.

I clicked and clicked nearly yelling *WTF!*.

So I rewinded and caught where Nicole ran off and followed her down to the kitchen as she quickly spoke to Savanna.  Whatever it was, it was obvious they were up to something.  Savanna looked at Nicole for a second and heard what Nicole was saying before she nodded and ran to my man cave.

I moved to the camera in my man cave and watched Savanna grabbing **MY** laptop and obviously had logged into my video system using **MY** saved credentials before the feeds for everything went dark, she looked up at the camera, smiled and waved…..then everything went dark.

Well *Shit*.  Looks like my dumbass had my logon credentials saved on the same laptop I was holding.  But for whatever reason Savanna didn’t delete the video feed entirely or she didn’t know **how** to work the system but knew enough to **stop** the system which is what she did.

I looked at the laptop and thought *Well it looks like I need to make some changes* as I smiled and thought *But don’t worry I will address that soon….very soon*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/slag5r/a_fathers_struggle_10_replay_fiction_family_bond