[MF] Ryan and His Stepsister Part 25

Ryan woke up the following morning feeling a little nervous but also very excited. His Mistress had told him that she wanted him to eat a girl out at the party and film it and that was what he was going to do. His sore cock twitched at the thought of eating a random girl out. It was exciting to know that he was going to get a stranger off with his mouth.

Ryan was glad that his Mistress hadn’t told him to fuck anyone because he didn’t think he could. His cock was sore and his balls were empty of cum. There was no way that he could get his cock to be at full attention today. He needed to let his cock rest and rejuvenate.

Joanne texted him throughout the day as he got ready for the party. She told him that she had texted Maddy about setting up a threesome. Ryan’s heart started beating fast as he read that text. Joanne was wasting no time with getting them to have a threesome!

She texted him that Maddy wanted all three of them to meet up at Joanne’s house next Saturday. She had plans for all of them that Joanne was excited about. Ryan’s sore cock started to twitch as he read this. Maddy had told him last night that she wanted to play with Joanne while Ryan watched them. He desperately wanted to see them eat each other out. This was his ultimate fantasy other than fucking his stepsister.

Later that day, he got a text from John with the address to the party and to also bring condoms for all the pussy that he was going to get tonight. Ryan laughed as he read the text. He knew that his cock was not going to get hard after last night’s ball draining fun with Joanne. Plus, his Mistress did not tell him he was allowed to fuck anyone just eat a girl out.

Ryan washed up and got dressed then headed out to his car. He was still feeling nervous as he drove over to John’s cousin’s house. He could hear loud music playing from inside as he parked his car. He rang the bell and John’s cousin Patrick opened the door. He was drunk and grinned at Ryan.

“Ryan! Welcome, bro! Come on in,” Patrick shouted. He patted Ryan on the shoulder as he entered then closed the door. There were so many people in the living room who were dancing and talking. Loud hip-hop music played from the speakers in the corners of the room. Ryan saw John and Corey chatting with two girls. Corey looked shy and was nodding along to whatever the girls were saying.

“Grab yourself a beer and have fun, bro!” Patrick shouted then stumbled away to a girl that was smiling at him. Ryan watched the girl kiss Patrick and grab his ass. Ryan moved through the room towards his friends. He bumped into a girl that was heading to the opposite side of the room.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Ryan said.

“What? I can’t hear you over this loud music!” the girl shouted. She was very pretty with short blonde hair, brown eyes, and eyeglasses on her face. She was short and chubby and was wearing jeans and a dark blue t-shirt.

“I said that I’m sorry for bumping into you!” Ryan shouted over the music.

“It’s ok. I was barely looking where I was going,” She said with a laugh. “Are you friends with Patrick?”

“Yeah, but more so with his cousin John,” Ryan said as he pointed at his friend. “I’m Ryan.”

“Leslie. Nice to meet you,” Leslie said. “I’m going to join my friends over there. I’ll see you around Ryan.”

Ryan smiled at her. She turned around and Ryan couldn’t help but look at her ass. It was nice and plump like he liked it. His sore cock twitched in his pants. He turned and walked over to his friends.

“Ryan! You made it, buddy!” John shouted. Ryan could tell that he was drunk already. Was he the only sober person at this party? It had to be like 5:30pm and everybody was already smashed.

“What up, John? Hey, Corey,” Ryan said.

“This is Hilary and Eve,” John said as he introduced the two girls to him. They were both pretty with petite bodies. Ryan knew how much John liked petite girls and was not surprised that he had gravitated to them. Ryan said hi to the girls.

“You want a beer?” John asked Ryan. “Let’s grab some. I need a refill anyway. We’ll be back ladies.”

John put his arm around Ryan and led him to the kitchen. There were people kissing and making out in the kitchen near the refrigerator. There was a couple who were really going at it and Ryan wondered if they were going to fuck in front of them.

“Hilary is such a bad bitch,” John said with a grin. He barely noticed the couple who were feeling each other up near the refrigerator. He opened it and grabbed two beers.

“Patrick told me that she loved to suck cock and was the best at it. I’m definitely going to get her to suck my cock,” John said. “If you want, we could have her blow us both.”

Ryan laughed. “Nah, I’m ok. I’m going to drink and just enjoy the party.”

John rolled his eyes. “Please, get some pussy tonight. Don’t just sit in the corner by yourself. There are so many bad bitches here! Even ugly ones too that you can fuck or at least get your cock sucked.”

Ryan laughed again. His friend was ridiculous. “Alright, man. I’ll see what happens.”

John smiled at him. “Good. I’m going to check in on you in a few hours and if you are not balls deep in some bitch’s mouth or pussy, I’m going to find you one to fuck. I don’t want to hear no excuses, man. You are getting your dick wet tonight.”

Ryan grinned. “Ok, ok. Relax, man. Let’s see what happens.”

John handed Ryan a beer then clinked the glasses together. “To some new pussy.”

Ryan laughed. “To some new pussy.”

They drank the beer and headed back to Corey and the girls. They could see Corey looking all awkward and shy as he talked to the girls. Ryan smiled at his friend. Corey had always been shy around girls and had a hard time getting laid. John had always been the one to hook him up with girls. However, Eve really seemed to be into him as they talked.

“Hey, girls,” John said with a grin. “You want to smoke? I got a blunt.”

“Sure,” Hilary said as she smiled at John. Eve and Corey both nodded.

“Let’s head upstairs,” John said. “You coming too, Ryan?”

“Nah, I’m going to chill down here for a little bit,” he said. He didn’t want to be a fifth wheel. He knew that John was going to try and make a move on Hilary upstairs.

John put his arm around Hilary. He winked at Ryan who shook his head in amusement. They all headed up the stairs together.

Ryan looked around the room and his eyes connected with Leslie. She was looking at him from the opposite side of the room. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

She was so pretty and Ryan wondered if she was going to be the girl he ate out tonight. He hoped so because she was hot and had a nice ass. He could imagine his hands on that ass as he ate her out. His cock twitched in excitement. He saw Leslie head over in his direction and he walked towards her.

“We meet again,” Leslie said with a smile. “Where did your friends go?”

“They’re going to smoke,” Ryan said. “ Would you like another beer?”

“No, it’s ok. I think I’ve had enough,” Leslie said. “I’ve been drinking since 4.”


Leslie laughed. “I’m not like an alcoholic or something. Patrick gave a drink to all the girls as soon as we got here at 4pm.”

“I see,” Ryan said with a smile. “I’m still working on my first one.”

“Lightweight,” Leslie said with a smile.

Ryan laughed. Leslie stepped in close to him and Ryan looked at her in surprise. He could feel himself getting semi-hard.

“Would you like to go somewhere quieter? I can’t hear myself think,” Leslie asked him.

“Yeah, sure.”

Ryan followed Leslie out to the backyard. It was a huge ass backyard that was more like acres of land than anything else. The woods were close to the boundaries of the backyard. Ryan could hear a few moans in the woods. Leslie must have heard it too because she let out a laugh.

“Well, someone is having a really good time,” Leslie said.

Ryan laughed. “Yeah, sounds like it.”

He turned to Leslie and she stepped towards him and kissed him. He was surprised by this as he kissed her back. He had not expected to move this fast with her! Was he about to do what his Mistress wanted? Was he going to eat Leslie out and film it?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/skdmyo/mf_ryan_and_his_stepsister_part_25


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