An evening of temptation: While she sleeps. [F/M] PT3

After all the fun of the evening, it was no good I just could not sleep so I got up to pop to the loo leaving Steph fast asleep.

The hallway was dark for a slither of light coming from a room further down the hallway. Handy I thought as it lit my way to the toilet. I quietly walked towards the toilet knowing that Steph’s parents room is at the end and I had no intention of waking them!

As I approached the door that was slightly ajar I could hear Steph’s sister Vicky. I wondered what on earth she was doing up this late, so I softly tapped on the door, it opened a little; no reply. I tapped again, still no reply as the door opened slightly more.

So I popped my head around the door to see Vicky sitting in this very cool gaming chair, headphones on and soft LED pink lights around her gaming rig.

She was wearing a short pleated skirt in soft pink tones, a white short-sleeved top and white stockings. I could not take my eyes off of her legs, Vicky had wonderfully long legs and I have a huge thing for white stockings.

I can honestly say that I had no idea Vicky was a gamer, at 22 I thought she would be more into going out with her mates and getting drunk let alone likes wearing this sort of clothing; I only ever see Vicky in more casual wear.

Now, it took me a moment to notice her monitor as my eyes had been transfixed on her stocking covered legs! She appeared to be watching anime, but not the sort you would want anyone else to see. There were 2 characters onscreen, half-naked with a girl stroking this guys glistening, dripping cock!!!

Damn! I thought, however any negative connotation’s were brushed away when I noticed Vicky’s hand reaching down to her inner thigh and slowly start to stroke up and down her stockings. Vicky leaned back after a few minutes and let her legs open a little, her hand slipping under her pleated skirt. I just caught a glimpse of peach coloured panties.

My cock was reacting to this, swelling in my boxers and my heart starting to race a little at what I was seeing. I found it difficult to not stroke my cock in time with Vicky’s hand movements. At one point she licked 2 fingers before they disappeared under her skirt once more. She opened her legs a little wider, I could now see those beautiful peach lace panties and how she had slipped them to one side..

This was wrong, my girlfriend is in the next room and I am crouched here stroking myself to her sisters rhythm! I wanted to stop, I can’t though; I’m too weak!!

Vicky was clearly getting aroused as one hand was under her skirt and the other had started to rub her breast, caressing her nipple until I could clearly see it poking through her tight top. Her hand came out from her panties; wet and hand slipped into my boxers, clasping at my cock stroking like mad.. I lost my balance! Falling through the door flat on my face!

Vicky jumped in shock, went bright red while quickly straightening herself up before throwing her headphones down and asking me “What the hell I was doing in her room?” I didn’t need to answer that; my hand was still stuck in my boxers with a semi in hand!!

“Fuck!” I thought..



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