A Father’s Struggle 09 – Lie (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I drove around our fair city trying to figure *what* enhancement I could do to the house that sounded believable **and** would explain why I needed the girl’s out of the house.

I kind of went through all the *enhancements* in my head that I had done to the house that seemed plausible that needed an upgrade.

The water heater?

Na I had that upgraded three years ago and even installed a big ass water tank with a filtration system because the water system in our state is so hard that when you shower in it it’ll knock you out….I know it’s a joke but it is that hard. So when it rains, or like now, the weather is changing and will be snowing shortly my house will keep warm to where it will change from snow to water and trickle down into my big ass quad 150,000 gallon tank system that’s underground so it doesn’t freeze.

Yeah that took four months to dig and install before the weather changed and we only had a three month window after the ground thawed to actually dig up the soil just so the tanks could be added.

But you know what, my water is so clean and filtered. Plus you never know how hard your water is until you experience water that isn’t hard.

I could upgrade my air conditioning system though I think I had that done six or so years ago. Maybe enough had changed to where an upgrade would be needed after all. Definitely might be cheaper than $135,000.

Besides I’ll go to my tax guy at the end of the year and see if he can’t write off a $135,000 fucking video system.

Still can’t believe I forked over $135,000 just so I can catch someone spying on me. But come on if you saw what I saw in George’s phone you’d want that system too. The only thing the video system was missing was an actual defensive system like a gun system…or an adult system to blow me.

I could go green somehow but in my location a lot of ‘green’ ideas were completely stupid.

Like solar panels…..do you know how many days of the year we get sun? If we’re lucky **maybe** three months out of the year we have sun. The rest it’s cloudy, raining, and snowing. Throw in multiple fog days and you get our city. So yeah Solar is really really stupid to install. Maybe if we had more sunny days then solar might be viable but we don’t so it was pointless to go that route.

Wind turbines? Sure we get a lot of ‘wind’ but by the time we have wind I guarantee you the gears in the turbine will be frozen due to fluctuating temperatures.

I’ve already done the low flow water toilets and bidets to reduce paper usage. Trust me it was hard going from toilet paper to having water sprayed up your rectum but after a while you get used to it. And I will admit never having to buy toilet paper has been a huge money saver but there are times where I miss toilet paper.

I’ve installed just about every single low energy appliance I could find. Hell most of my TV’s are low energy TV’s….granted they are big ass high def TV’s.

No, I think heating and cooling would be my best bet to operate a good lie.

So off I went to ‘CAR Dynamics’ our city’s well established Central Air Conditioning and see if Dave, the owner, can help me brainstorm ideas that sounded legit….who knows maybe they have an upgrade to my current system that would kill two birds with one stone.

Last time Dave and his company worked on my house, which was about six or so years ago, he ran lines into the ground which I still find odd. So Dave’s AC system, that is in the ground, is on the most northern part of the property that is roughly 18 feet deep that zig zagged in the ground and feeds into my basement where that system’s heating and cooling lines run throughout the house to more or less heat or cool my house.

And the west side of my house is where my water filtration system is and is also 18 feet deep but only buried it six feet.

Anyways Dave and his team did my original system. Maybe he had a new one.

I walked into CAR Dynamics and asked the receptionist if I could speak to Dave.

Dave quickly brought me to his office and I talked to him about my system and see if there wasn’t a new system or something. Dave looked at me quizzically but still did his sales pitch.

Sure enough he had a newer system that could replace my current unit and would still use all the lines that are in the ground and throughout my house without having to much modifications.

The biggest benefit of this NEWER system instead of a general temperature in the house I could, with simple additions, zone out rooms to their own temperature control. Meaning I could have one room at 68 degrees while the adjacent room could be set to 80. Each room would be controlled by these newer smaller units which would be installed in the vent of the room.

Definitely newer than mine.

I asked him if people needed to be out of the house during the installation. He smiled and told me no he would be replacing the unit in the basement and adding the simple units that could be installed in the vents in each room but it would be nice if no one was home so he could do quality tests.

SOLD…..for $25,000…..**SHIT!!!** Then $2,500 for each ‘*simple unit*’ for each room. ***GOD DAMN IT!!!***

My lie was going to cost me an extra $50,000 **BEFORE** labor.



Off I went to the bank to solidify my lie and get *another* loan from the bank for yet another enhancement. And I had JUST paid off my last loan from my last enhancement too.

After I filled out the paperwork for the loan and that Dave’s company would be performing the work it was quickly approved.

At least I had a viable lie now. And a lie that would improve the house….again.

So it wasn’t **entirely** horrible.

I would have gotten a loan for the video surveillance system but I’ll let my tax guy at the end of the year to see what he can do to have it written off and I get reimbursed for the amount. And my tax guy was good so more than likely this system will cost me nothing in the long run.

Plus with this new ‘enhancement’ and the video system done to the house it’ll only help improve it’s resale value so there’s that.

Still my dumb ass HAD to have a new system just to catch someone from spying on me. And right now the likely culprits were one or two of my girl’s….but which ones?

Dave called me after he was notified by the bank that he could start doing the upgrades to my current system and wanted to know when he could start doing that.

I smiled as I told him next Monday but he’ll be working with another crew that is also upgrading something else on the house. I heard Dave kind of question the statement but could also tell he didn’t care as he was being paid. I asked how long and he told me about three days for the unit and another two for the simple units.

So a week.

Well shit that only gives George and his team extra days though I wasn’t going to tell him that as I had paid for the expedited time frame.

Dave told me he and his team would be at my house at 0730 sharp next Monday morning and hung up on me. I smiled and immediately called George.

After some ‘how are you’ conversations….mainly how did my day with Lola go as he wanted to hear the details. After I didn’t provide much he simply sighed as I told him his ‘team’ could work on the house next Monday starting at 0730. He sighed and said **him** and his team would be there with bells on.

I smiled and now felt like everything was coming into place….the only thing left to do was tell my daughter’s that next Monday their asses better be out of the house at 0730 until…..I guess 7pm every single day….for a week. Which for most of them probably won’t be too much of a problem. Nicole would more than likely just hit the gym hard during that time frame. Heather worked during that time frame so that wasn’t a big deal. And my college girl’s they were gone during that time frame anyway so they weren’t the problem. The only problems were Savanna and Mackenzie as they were the aloof ones.

This should be interesting.

Lola naturally called me a little after 5pm well after I got home profusely apologizing how her daughter acted and how much she did enjoy her time with me last night. I smiled hearing that and told her I completely understood Maxine’s reservations. I even told her that I invited both Maxine **and** Lola to our game night this Friday night.

Lola told me she would have to check her schedule and get back to me but more than likely she would be with one of her ‘*home clients*’ that would be requiring her services and immediately asked me if I was ok with her seeing clients or not. Which I hadn’t really considered.

I thought about it and told her I would have to think about it and get back to her about that particular part of her life and how much, if any, would bother me or not.

But I told her she could still take on client’s. Don’t really see the point of ruining her income if I wasn’t ready to commit.

She sounded bummed but understood and told me if she couldn’t make it that night she was going to make Maxine go so she could at least get to know me and maybe Maxine would be comfortable with her relationship with me.

I smiled and said sure.

After the phone conversation I really had to think about my relationship with Lola and her ‘*special clients*’. I mean could I be with someone who slept around with other lonely men?

Initially I thought nope I couldn’t because I was raised to be a one woman guy but after Stacey I had kind of slept around myself never really settling with anyone but I was careful not really knowing about P Balls cause I was afraid to get an STD….and you know impregnating someone.

Now knowing of those balls and what they did meant I could theoretically sleep around without having to worry about STD’s and with my new knowledge of Lola’s O Plug technically I could fill her up without having to worry about getting more kid’s.

So maybe, just maybe, I could actually have Lola as a regular person to fuck….as long as we never settle down that is.

Hmmm I’ll have to think on that more before I tell Lola of my intentions.

I was stuck in thinking mode mainly about my new found relationship with Lola wondering if I could see us as anything more than fuck buddies when the eventual decision came.

I sat in the house trying to ignore the kitchen mess when around 5pm, when I was conversing with Lola, when Savanna and Mackenzie slumped out of their room to begin doing their chores of cleaning the kitchen….and listened to them bitch of how messy the kitchen was.

And they weren’t exactly quiet about it.

I think they were thinking the same thing I was earlier…..we needed a maid.

But I refused to get a maid because that was *their* chore for living with me….well that and doing their own laundry….and keeping their rooms clean.

Each girl had their own list chores beyond their own laundry and keeping their room clean.

Heather and Nicole were the cooks and food shoppers so they kept the pantry and fridges stocked and organized.

Savanna did MY laundry beyond cleaning the kitchen.

Mackenzie cleaned my room and bathroom.

Haley cleaned the living room and dining room.

And Abby cleaned my man cave and office.

I wasn’t going to rob them of **their** chores.

I saw it as character building.

Though if I let them off the hook of all their chores this nice house would be a fucking pigsty. And the biggest slobs, if I allowed it, was Mackenzie. Closely followed by Savanna and then Nicole. Heather wasn’t overly messy as she was somewhat organized but there would be messes here and there. Haley the only thing that would be a disaster zone would be her bathroom with her makeup and what not. And Abby would have her room semi destroyed and semi organized…wanna bet what would be organized….if you said her books you’d be right.

But Savanna and Mackenzie eventually cleaned up the morning mess which brought me great joy to watch their hard work get undone by the time Heather and Nicole came home to start cooking dinner, which they would once again clean after Heather and Nicole were done cleaning and everyone was done eating.

So Heather and Nicole cooked while the girl’s had waited around the dining table waiting for my *news* after Nicole had put out the bulletin that I wanted to tell them something ‘*important*’.

I waited for dinner to be done before I spoke, “So I know you all are probably wondering why I asked you to be here tonight?”

First to speak was Savanna, “Was it whoever you were fucking last night?”

I smiled and shook my head, “No,” as I thought she might be one of my audience but remembered Nicole telling me that Lola wasn’t exactly quiet last night in her pleasure, “but if you want we can talk about Lola….after I tell you what I needed to tell you, then we can.”

Nicole had just set out the food as she spoke much more calmly than she did this morning, “So what’s up?”

I looked at her but didn’t see any purple in her eyes so I spoke, “I think it’s time to do another ‘enhancement’ on the house.”

Heather sighed, “What is it this time?”

I smiled as I started to cut into the steak that Nicole prepared, “A/c. The old unit isn’t exactly as powerful as it once was so I went looking into something a little bit more powerful and less energy consuming.”

Heather spoke, “And you found one?”

I nodded.

Nicole spoke, “And what will this *new unit* do for us that the other one can’t?”

I looked at her, “Aside from being more energy efficient?”

She nodded.

I smiled, “How does individually heating or cooling your own room apart from other rooms sound?”

That got her eyebrow to raise….as well as everyone’s. Then I spoke, “I mean if that’s something you want otherwise I’ll tell Dave and his team to not show up.”

I ate my first bite of the steak letting that information hang in the air as I knew it would get each of their attention while I enjoyed my first bite.

Hmmmm not bad. The steak was perfectly cooked. Not too over done to where there wasn’t any natural juices left and pulled at the right time to where it was no longer moo-ing.

I cut another piece letting them digest the information.

Mackenzie was the first to speak, “And I imagine **if** we want our rooms individually temperature controlled **we’ll** have to pay the difference?”

I smiled, “That’s one of the reasons yes. Initially I was going to have my man cave and a couple of MY rooms individually controlled but if you all want better temperature control of your own rooms then I could tell Dave to add a couple of units to the order.”

Abby spoke, “How much?”

I chewed through a bite, “Just $2,500 for your own control of your room.”

If I was going to update the A/C and have every room individually controlled, why not have the girl’s pay for their own control of their room. It sounded fair in my mind as I called it a substitute for not paying rent.

The girl’s looked at one another as they were obviously thinking of having control of their own room.

Heather spoke, “Anything else?”

I nodded, “Yeah Dave and his team would prefer no one is home during the installations so they can do controlled tests to make sure everything is working properly.”

Haley spoke, “For how long?”

I shrugged, “Just from 0730-1900 for a few days….five tops.”

Nicole spoke through her own mouthful of steak, “Starting when?”

I looked at her with a smile, “Starting Monday.”

That got their attention.

Mackenzie sighed, “Well I was going to go on tour starting this Sunday for some high rollers coming into Atlantic City and was going to be back Wednesday. I guess I could extend my stay for another two days and be back Friday morning.”

She looked at me, “How quickly do you need the $2,500?”

I smiled, “Before you leave is fine with me.”

She nodded and went back to eating her dinner.

I looked at Heather, “Well?”

Heather shrugged, “Sure I can stay a few hours every day at work but you all are on your own until after it’s done. I’m not cooking at 8pm when that’s normally my bedtime. And because of how early they want to be here I’m not doing breakfast either.”

I nodded, “And do you want your room controlled?”

She sighed, “I’ll get you your money.”

I smiled and moved onto Nicole, “Well? What say you?”

Nicole grumbled, “Fine I’ll stay away until 7pm. And I’ll get your money.”

I looked at her, “And I need you out of the house at 7am every day.”

She looked at me, “Fine I’ll go to the calisthenics program in the morning. They usually start at 6am.” She pointed her fork at me, “But I’m in the same boat as Heather. Everyone is fending for themselves for the week. Capisce?”

I nodded as I laughed, “Fine with me.”

I smiled as I moved on to Savanna, “And how about you my dear? Room yes or no?”

Savanna looked around at the rest before she looked at me and nodded, “Of course daddy. I’ll get you your money tomorrow.”

I raised my eyebrow, “And I need you away meaning no staying up until 2am.”

Savanna shrugged, “I’ll just go to a hotel if that’s ok with you. So I can keep my schedule.”

I blinked and didn’t think of that.

I nodded, “Sure sure. Just make sure you’re gone by 7am Monday.”

She chewed her bite, “I’ll book my room tonight and be out Sunday night and be back by….” she looked at me for help when she should be back by.

I smiled and spoke, “Friday is fine. If they get done sooner I’ll let you know.”

I looked around the room, “As I’ll let you all know when they will be done.”

They all nodded at that news.

I looked at my last two….Haley and Abby.

Abby didn’t look up from her book as she ate, “Sure I’ll get you $2,500. And I’ll be gone by 6am myself and home by 9pm like always.”

I nodded and looked at Haley as she fumbled her hands, “Ummmm I can’t come up with $2,500 daddy at this moment. Can I do some type of installments?”

I smiled and nodded, “Sure, how about $500 over the next couple of months?”

She nodded, “I can do that. And like Abby I’ll just head out at 6am and be back at 9pm.”

I smiled and thought to myself *this went better than I thought*.

With that I began to really dig into my meal that Heather and Nicole cooked.

That is until Savanna spoke, “Ummm daddy?”

I looked up at Savanna as she continued, “Who is *Lola*?”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sk2ayw/a_fathers_struggle_09_lie_fiction_family_bond_mf

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