Small town misadventure [Part 1/4] [MF] [Mild non-con]

Being new in a small town is hard, no matter how self-sufficient you think your partnership might be. Faye had been making every effort she could manage to inject both herself and her partner Alex into the local community, attending events and social gatherings wherever possible. She was pushing herself slightly outside her comfort zone to establish their position in the community, bubbling and flirting her way into conversations with many of the prominent members. As much as he would have liked to keep up to her intensity and drive in this endeavour, Alex found this kind of work exhausting. Observing the two of them as a fly on the wall, you could see the extroverted Faye power up as an evening of socialize wore on, while Alex waned until he collapsed in a corner with a drink, sulking. Faye hardly noticed when Alex left the conversation this time, she was unabashedly flirting with Cody, the head of police, for the third event in a row. She was frankly fairly fucked-off with his moody antics, as she was working her ass off for their social position and didn’t need him being a repeated downer on her progress.

By the time the party was winding down, anyone paying close enough attention to the couple could tell they were both reasonably drunk, and both annoyed with one another. Cody observed them interacting, Alex’s languid but irritated demeanour and her overbearing energy were quite the contrast. He knew from his conversation with Faye that they lived on the outskirts of town and had likely driven to the event. Being as they were now far too drunk to drive, he was keeping an eye on them to see what they would choose to do. Pretty well as expected, he saw Alex take car keys out of his pocket as Faye marched him out of the event.

Cody followed for couple kilometres before he pulled them over. He didn’t feel the need to make a scene for them in front of the people they had just been socializing with. The conversation with Alex was short, as Cody informed him that he would be taking him in for a breathalyzer and to dry out for the night. Faye glared at Alex as the exchange happened, searing the back of his head with her gaze. As Cody took Alex into custody and put him in the back of the patrol car, Faye got out of the car and hopped in the back with him. She berated him under her breath the entire way to the station. Cody only caught parts of it but knew she was being brutal and pulling out every demeaning insult in the book.

As they went through the arrest process at the station, the couple dissolved the social nicety facade and lashed out at each other repeatedly. Cody knew suspected that they were going to get into a fist fight if he didn’t play this right, but he only had one holding cell. He took the couple each by an elbow over to the cell, through the door, and cuffed Alex to the bars at one end before taking Faye over to sit down on the cot at the far corner. As he unlatched one half of the cuffs to secure her in the corner, Cody felt Faye’s loose hand grasp his crotch.

“He’s useless in bed you know. He’s such a useless piece of shit, he can’t manage to please me right at all. He needs a big man to show him how his wife deserves to be fucked. A big, hard man, he needs to see how he constantly fails at pleasing me.” Faye swayed a little from her seated position, looking up at Cody with her head level with his cock. She could feel the bulge growing in her hands and could feel she had suspected right about his size.

Alex observed from the corner, cursing Faye in his head. “She is such a slut”, he thought to himself. “Why doesn’t she throw herself at me like that anymore? Why does she always need a new dick in her to be satisfied?” He recalled the last few times she had put him in this position, how pathetic and weak he felt from it. He considered how much more extreme this version was than the previous bedroom romps with male friends she had coerced into her snatch. The thought process combined with her slightly slurring voice incensed him, she knew exactly how to piss him off and he hated it. “She won’t shut up until you ram your cock down her throat,” he said aloud to Cody. “You’ll have to be rough about it, otherwise we’ll both have to listen to her bullshit.” Cody, for his part, was doing is very best to figure out what in the fuck was going on. He was pretty sure the two of them were trying to pull something over on him, but he couldn’t figure out what. He knew that he had some time to figure it out, as the next shift didn’t come on till the morning at 6. He also knew that he very much wanted to take Alex’s advice and throat fuck Faye into silent obedience, but he was doing is best to subdue that particular and highly animalistic urge.
