Justification for allowing Non-consent but banning under 18 characters?

Several erotic fiction hosts explicitly ban having characters under 18, but will straight up have a non-consent CATEGORY. This seems pretty crazy to me. Anyone have any insight? The phenomenon goes beyond sex fiction in a way, for example, search engines will often ask you to report suspected under 18 porn, but never mention reporting suspected adult-aged rape/coercion.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sj5fi5/justification_for_allowing_nonconsent_but_banning


  1. They’re both in a grey zone. But I’d say r*pe-kink is more common and accepted than underage kink. That said it’s all fiction (I hope) for both of these section and personally I think that fiction between two characters of 16-17 yrs old shouldn’t be a big deal, but a lot of people seem to think it’s a slippery slope to cp…

  2. People can justify and legalize Cnc/Forced roleplay (A kink that seems to have been gaining popularity). If they do it right!!! They do so with proper rules, regulations, and even signing contracts.
    You cant and absolutely not allow anything of the sort for underage individuals.

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