ALWAYS check your [T]oys before using them

*To preface; this post is more funny than sexy; but it was certainly a round of sex education (I’ll see myself out)*

I’ve talked about it before but for those who don’t know; I am INTENSELY multi orgasmic *(just read my post about my orgasm record then you’ll get an idea of how sensitive I am)* and very much a “try anything once” type of person so long as it’s ethical.

About 2 weeks ago, off the command of a friend turned domme, I began getting into long term plugging. I’m trying to get up to 24/7 use but for now the most I managed was about 8-10 hours.

To kick things off though, I (in my infinite wisdom) shoved a dead vibrating plug in. Both my spouse and I struggle with object permanence so this thing had no business being in our arsenal of toys, but I just assumed the battery was dead.

*I was not prepared for the damn thing to turn on*

Anyway my spouse and I had just gotten back from their birthday celebration, and the two of us were kicking back and relaxing. I was still steaming because I had this thing in the entire time we were out and about (about noonish to 6 or 7) and felt like a total slut. *both spouse and a few of my friends who knew what I was up to were egging me on the entire time. It was great*

Sitting there was wonderful but eventually I laid down, and tried to get some rest. Being a slut is exhausting, y’all.

Spouse got up after a while and said they were gonna take a shower, at which point my memory gets a bit fuzzy because I **believe** she smacked my ass, but he may have just gone straight to the bathroom *curse you, shitty memory*

In any case that’s when shit went south. I suddenly felt the vibe turn on and my body was rocked with sensation. It could only vibrate but it felt like a jackhammer driving straight to my brain. *Aw shit. I guess it had a little juice left in it*

I did the reach around to turn it off, but the longer I held the button the worse it got. *hold on. This should be turning it off*. Nothing worked as I writhed and struggled with the vibe, getting constantly more worked up as time passed.

*turnitoff turnitoff turnitoff*

I’d begun to sweat at this point so I started moving towards the bathroom so I could get the damn thing out. Spouse was done showering so I practically dove into the tub.

“Love what’s going on? You ok?”

“The th- the v-v th-th… THE DAMN PLUG WON’T TURN OFF”

*it was at this point, my spouse completely lost his composure and started laughing*

Everything was a blur. I took the plug out and threw it in the tub, did all my cleaning of both me and the plug, then tried to turn it off again *no dice*

“I think the plug is broken. It turned on while I was laying down and **I couldn’t turn it off**” tears were actually forming by this point

“Oh that. I didn’t realize that’s the one you put in. Yeah the button doesn’t work”

“**I thought it was dead**”

Defeated, I put the still vibrating plug in the lower portion of our shower caddy to dry, then went to bed.

Once dried off, my spouse came to comfort me and make sure the toy error hadn’t actually broken my spirits with everything I was trying. When I was calm they explained that their humor about the whole thing was because once she knew I was ok the hilarity of what had transpired finally hit him (it had for me too and I was chuckling alongside them)

*just as a side note, they’re amazing when it comes to giving aftercare. Seriously, make sure your partner is good at it. It does WONDERS, and I’m constantly looking to improve my own aftercare, even though they’d probably praise mine, just because of how good they are at it.*

Seriously though, make sure your toys are in proper working order before sticking them inside you =_=


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